CAG PSN Gamesharing - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

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[quote name='SimpRgr8']Awesome! The PSOne GameShare group is now full![/QUOTE]

I just want to let everyone know, that even though my PSOne GameShare group is full. There were a lot of requests to join. So if you're interested in getting a PSOne GameShare group going, you should have no problem finding members.
[quote name='g-man']is the MW2 map pack definitely shareable?[/QUOTE]

It is, but nobody is hosting this massive map pack for the biggest entertainment launch (the game) in history.:roll:
[quote name='volt1up']Is section 8 shareable? I'd be interested in starting/hosting a group since it's gonna be $15 tuesday.[/QUOTE]

i'll take a spot if theirs one left
remember the ps3 can only hold 15 user accounts other then your own. Be sure to start a long term gameshare group as soon as you can to avoid the limit.
[quote name='finsfan0210']Starting a group for Agarest War. $9 each. Still need 3 more people.

1. myself
2. drbutchevil

Pm me if interested[/QUOTE]

HeY ! ^ ^ i messaged you ps3 direct aboot agarest war :D
plllleeeaase sign me up!
[quote name='finsfan0210']Starting a group for Agarest War. $9 each. Still need 3 more people.

1. myself
2. drbutchevil

Pm me if interested[/QUOTE]
Hi, Im interested in this game, sign me up, I'll pm you as well.
I'd be interested in a Gameshare group for the MW2 stimulus pack. Is there more detailed info on how to setp up Gameshare safely (more than the first post)? Thanks
[quote name='finsfan0210']Starting a group for Agarest War. $9 each. Still need 2 more people.

1. myself
2. drbutchevil
3. m_m23

Pm me if interested[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cheapfrag']I'd be interested in a Gameshare group for the MW2 stimulus pack. Is there more detailed info on how to setp up Gameshare safely (more than the first post)? Thanks[/QUOTE]

If you're looking to set one up, I would be more then willing to take up a slot.

P.S. If you want info on setting one up well, there are a ton of sites/posts/google pages that go into detail what you would need.

Basically though, you buy it on an account with your CC, take the CC off and give out the account info for a price.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']If anyone starts either a Kick-Ass, Lead & Gold, or Section 8 GameShare, count me in on them.[/QUOTE]

Im down for hosting a lead & gold gameshare so:


did I miss anybody? 2 slots open
I'm currently looking for a long term gameshare group, I'm currently running out of profile slots and phantasyx gave me the idea to join one sooner rather then later. I would be interested in most new PSN games and DLC in general.
I need someone in the US to host the stimulus package as here in Canada for some reason they have put it so gameshare is only 3 and not the regular 5.
[quote name='lurkingsalt']I'm currently looking for a long term gameshare group, I'm currently running out of profile slots and phantasyx gave me the idea to join one sooner rather then later. I would be interested in most new PSN games and DLC in general.[/QUOTE]

pm'ed u as i am interested in that.
I've got an open spot in my Agarest War and Section 8 gameshare group. 1 of the people failed to respond to me so if you want in its $12 (the extra $3 for Section 8 which is droping tuesday). Agarest War has been purchased and Section 8 will be on Tuesday.
PM me if interested.
I've got a full 5 shares of Uno/Zen Pinball available. Looking to sell to one person (you can then part out if you wish) for $12 ($8 off).
well ............
sorry guys but i gave up on the mw2 stimulous pack and got it from a friend
so....... if anyone needs people for a group pm these people
ernie WyldRyce
[quote name='chrir_17']well ............
sorry guys but i gave up on the mw2 stimulous pack and got it from a friend
so....... if anyone needs people for a group pm these people
ernie WyldRyce[/QUOTE]

Boooo, why'd you give up?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Boooo, why'd you give up?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='chrir_17']
and got it from a friend

Hahahahahaha. Oh wow. He didn't even need to read between the lines.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Burnout Paradise complete edition and Section 8, any takers?

- Millertime2523
- Open
- Open
- Open
- Open

$9 per slot[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in both these, $9 no problem

Edit: Nevermind, seems there's no takers. Gonna just grab Section 8 during the sale
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[quote name='Anjexu']Hahahahahaha. Oh wow. He didn't even need to read between the lines.[/QUOTE]


OK noobie, apparently you didn't get what I was saying. What I was saying is why did he give it up and just get it from a friend?

As in, why didn't he go through with the thing? As in, why didn't he finish the gamesharing with the other people?:roll:
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