I thought the press release Sunday stated that the PSN Store wouldn't be available until the end of May and online services were coming back by the end of the week.
Yup the CAG Clan is up and running. Looks like we will have to send out bunch of invites when it comes back online.

And yeah Breach is my favorite mode as well. Feels good to get a win as Seals. Sadly Dunham asked if people want Breach or Demo back and most voted demo :(
[quote name='smiggity']Yup the CAG Clan is up and running. Looks like we will have to send out bunch of invites when it comes back online.[/QUOTE]How many clans can you be in? I assume only one... but hope not.

Not sure if anyone wants to hear the opinion of some knew to the series but here goes.

I start playing the campaign last night... Sadly, it just seems rather generic from its story, mission structure, and characters. I'm through 5 missions, so I think if it was to pick up it would have done so already, but I'm holding out hope that it will become more than go here, kill bad guys, plant charge, run away from blast... rinse and repeat. (Toss in an air strike every once in awhile.)

I'm also shocked at how many scripted events have been in the game... I'm not saying scripted is bad but I just view scripted as being rather CoDish and not only has it been scripted its been rather unbelievable at times too... I basically talking about the fourth mission here.

I always thought the SOCOM series aimed at some form of realism, it is a video game after all, but maybe I have this wrong...?

Mechanically speaking I think the game is generally solid... but does need some work. The camera has issues when close to a wall, which is very noticeable in the stealth missions, and the cover system, well, it seems to hamper aiming quite a bit... So much so I usually just stay close to it and corner shoot when possible. (Maybe I'm just too use to Uncharted 2 MP but being able to pop out of cover in just a few select locations amongst it seems a bit lacking.)

MP, I obviously cannot judge, I've not own it while PSN was up... but as we've talked about the fact that its going to be tedious to play with friends for another month (or so) is, well, disappointing doesn't qualify it... but its just unbelievable how the game could ship without that feature.

Anyhow, I guess I would consider the game a 7 out of 10.

I almost wonder if Sony pushed the game out the door now so it wouldn't compete with its other 3rd person cover shooter that's coming out this year... Uncharted 3.

I do have a question...

Does the Co-Op MP allow you to play with whomever you want too or do you have to fight to get into a room with friends?
Socom was suppose to come out early 2011, but was delayed to april for dat 3d.

The only reason why everyone is disappointed is that Zipper learned nothing from Confrontation and released a game that is *GASP* not that much better.

SP? whats that? I kid, I've barely played it. Not worth it to me.
[quote name='j-cart']Socom was suppose to come out early 2011, but was delayed to april for dat 3d.[/quote]

A feature (along with the move) that is much more important than a party system...? Ugh. What is Sony thinking?

[quote name='j-cart']The only reason why everyone is disappointed is that Zipper learned nothing from Confrontation and released a game that is *GASP* not that much better.[/quote]

So would you say that SOCOM 4 as is is better than what SOCOM Confrontation became? Basically, which is the better game today? (If PSN was up, obviously.)

[quote name='j-cart']SP? whats that? I kid, I've barely played it. Not worth it to me.[/QUOTE]Honestly, you're probably not missing much... as I said its rather generic. I'm mostly playing it so I can get the controls down in anticipation of playing with family this upcoming weekend.
J-cart, I will take that bet. I say Thursday. You're on.
Although, I hope your bet is wrong as well, but that it gets back on this afternoon around the time the PSN store usually would be up (not that the Playstation store would be up because they're phasing things back in).
One clan, and it's CAG for me. Socom Confrontation had sooo much potential. The fact that that game kicked my ass was one thing, but if they fixed so many of the bugs, I would've loved it. I actually loathed getting on most nights because I only had a few nights where I'd actually get a kill, and even more scarce nights where I was anywhere on top/win rounds.
I'll do classic with the clan, but in my spare time, the respawn matches are fun only because I love raking in crazy k/d (upwards of 50-70 kills) every round. Sort of a cheap way to get those mods for your guns/leveling up.

Socom 4 will probably be my choice for better game purely for the fact that most of us will be playing that over Confrontation for now. I'm not sure for how long, but I will anyway.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']
So would you say that SOCOM 4 as is is better than what SOCOM Confrontation became? Basically, which is the better game today? (If PSN was up, obviously.)

Honestly, you're probably not missing much... as I said its rather generic. I'm mostly playing it so I can get the controls down in anticipation of playing with family this upcoming weekend.[/QUOTE]

Socom 4 is slightly better, but that is not saying much. Socom 4 should have been AMAZING, but the lack of classic support and removal of d-pad lean was an odd decision.

I still want my frogman preset. As a developer, Zipper is okay this generation. MAG was an ambitious project, I applaud them for that. But to suck at making their own genre game? How did that happen? Honestly to me right now MW2 3rd person mode plays better, but Socom 4 at least has better game modes and maps.

I still will play however, its Socom (kind of) :D
FYI, a live House Committee hearing on Data Theft and they have been using Sony PSN breach as an example case. The latest I heard was about some several thousand credit cards breached but only some that were active bringing in to question the amount of time they have been keeping user records.

EDIT: Security experts report that 2-3 months ago they found Sony using outdated and unpatched Apache servers on PSN and Sony reportedly never updated them upon warning.
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[quote name='nfs3freak']One clan, and it's CAG for me.[/quote]

That sucks... but its what I expected. (and it will be the "Family" clan for me.)

[quote name='j-cart']Socom 4 is slightly better, but that is not saying much. Socom 4 should have been AMAZING, but the lack of classic support and removal of d-pad lean was an odd decision. [/quote]Yeah, its not saying much but at the same time it still shows there is hope for the future with patches. (They have a number of them lined up and hopefully they'll push them on time, if not sooner, since whatever does game patches is still up.)

[quote name='j-cart']MAG was an ambitious project, I applaud them for that. But to suck at making their own genre game? How did that happen? Honestly to me right now MW2 3rd person mode plays better, but Socom 4 at least has better game modes and maps.[/QUOTE]I agree with MAG, way ambitious, and on their own genre game, but disagree with the MW2 3rd person.

I personally think SOCOM 4 plays better than that... Then again, I didn't play the 3rd person CoD all that much so I might be misremembering* it.

* Used in honor of Sony's testimony 'before' congress today/yesterday.
I might pick this up for 35. Need something to play beside black ops. Yet I'm torn, doesn't sound like what I'm looking for and id rather sell my ps3 and get a 360 game. Still, 35 is a hard price to pass up.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I might pick this up for 35. Need something to play beside black ops. Yet I'm torn, doesn't sound like what I'm looking for and id rather sell my ps3 and get a 360 game. Still, 35 is a hard price to pass up.[/QUOTE]

wheres its at $35? "might"
Gametz. It's used, but the codes are unused.

fuck it, I think I'll get it. I wasn't all that impressed with the beta, but I guess it will be if anything a nice change of pace from COD. Also won't hurt to have another game to play online with CAGs

Does the SP unlock anything for the multi? Worth playing during the PSN blackout?
[quote name='AXV1']I can't find my receipt with the GameStop pre-order code.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, you have about a month to look for it since the PSN Store isn't scheduled to be online until the end of May ;)

Seriously though, it'd be nice to play SOCOM 4 online again :cry: I wonder when Sony considers it the "end of the week" for PSN online play to be on.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Gametz. It's used, but the codes are unused.

fuck it, I think I'll get it. I wasn't all that impressed with the beta, but I guess it will be if anything a nice change of pace from COD. Also won't hurt to have another game to play online with CAGs

Does the SP unlock anything for the multi? Worth playing during the PSN blackout?[/QUOTE]

A few MP skins is all
[quote name='smiggity']It's probably worth 35. It's not Socom and I'm not happy with it but 35 is a decent price.[/QUOTE]35 might be a bit high but its still a fair price if you find it soon. (I got mine for $25 but that was because it was my get one at half price when Toy'R'Us had a B1G1 1/2 off sale a few weeks ago.)

And yeah make sure you buy it with a redeemable code... I have a feeling Sony/Zipper knew the fallout would be bad for this game and most of its loyal fan base would buy it used. (aka at some point that SOCOM Pro will offer/add something that the hardcore won’t be able to do without.)

That said I can only imagine PSN sucking right now is hurting this game more than it will be able to bare... Big price drop, and soon.

[quote name='woodcan']This pisses me off about Sony more than the hackers now because they are apparently just now doing all of this security and testing that should have been implemented from the get-go.[/QUOTE]No doubt... (and I was always more pissed at Sony than the hackers. Hackers hack and Sony should have known better. (Skipping on firewalls? Really?)

Anyhow, back to game talk. I finished the campaign and I guess it picked up some but it was never really great. It felt generic to me even though it tried to be more than that... but some of that might be my fault as I've not played Combined Assault or Fireteam Bravo 2 and apparently the story carries over from them... Granted, that doesn't excuse the story completely as I watched every cut scene, listened to every line, and came away knowing one person's name in squad. (Campaign took me about 9 hours on normal difficulty with getting EVERY collectable trophy done in the process.)

I also played the custom campaign (Solo for an trophy) and felt it was pretty well done considering its pretty bare bones, but with no respawns its far more challenging that the campaign. (Also the enemies don't spawn in the same locations or with the same armament so only the lay of the land, aka the map, gets predictable.)
im sitting at 98%. need that damn single online trophy to get platnium. of course, that means i need psn to work.
[quote name='smiggity']No story carry over from old Socoms. Zipper are just horrible storytellers[/QUOTE]

Oh, I guess I read the Wikipedia entry wrong...

So the main character (OpCOM) is new for this game? If so, wow, that is just horrible storytelling.
Yup all new Characters...This was Zippers first "story" mode, they hyped it up all along & neglected Classic MP so we can have a half assed fake hollywood movie with horrible acting, no humor and no attachment to characters. It is the worst SP game Ive ever played on PS3 (Admittedly Ive only played like 10 SP games but still)
We'll stick with Socom 4 MP. It flows and has some pretty awesome maps. They will fix the issues, we just have to wait even longer that is all.
My copy sits unopened ill probably return it next week if psn isnt up. Ill happily purchase it for cheaper when I can play mp.
no sense in paying the release window premium price when I cant play it.
[quote name='j-cart']I'm over the price I paid. Shit I think I logged 12 hours before the PSN went down :D[/QUOTE]

psn went down before I could play, so its literally been useless to me. I have no desire to play the sp, I bought it for mp, like the vast majority of people did.
Sony's broken their timeline over and over. It could be down until the end of the month with how things are going since they keep "realizing the extent of the security breach". In so many ways I wish I invested my time and money for gaming on an Xbox 360 just because I play my console games for multiplayer.

I've just beat Red Dead Redemption and nearly plat'd it and I've been playin' the hell out of Valve/Source games.

Once the PSN's up...well...we'll see. I'm glad I put in the amount of time I did before it went down on Socom 4.
[quote name='paz9x']My copy sits unopened ill probably return it next week if psn isnt up. Ill happily purchase it for cheaper when I can play mp.
no sense in paying the release window premium price when I cant play it.[/QUOTE]

exactly. I feel the same way. Mine is unwrapped, but I purchased on Amazon. I gotta pay shipping for return. Blah. :?:
I would love to go back to Confrontation over S4. I'm gonna hold off on getting a new Ps3 until the 21st though, since it appears a price cut is gonna happen around E3. At this point I will be surprised if the PSN is back up by then. No reason to get one without a network to play on. I searched for my PS2 Network Adapter and couldn't find it, really wanted to play some S2 or CA which are both still up w/o PSN
I've got an old copy of Socom2 that I picked up at gamestop for $3 and a ps2 slim. I may resort to that this week if there isn't any movement from Sony
[quote name='smiggity']Yup all new Characters...This was Zippers first "story" mode, they hyped it up all along & neglected Classic MP so we can have a half assed fake hollywood movie with horrible acting, no humor and no attachment to characters.[/quote]

You got all that right... Oh, was it just me or did anyone spend a bulk of their time trying to figure Oracle's accent? To me it didn't sound close to the British accent it was suppose to be. (and the acting in general was very hit in miss... Within the same performances. Sometimes the OpsCom sounded great, others like he was sleep walking. Same for 45.)

[quote name='smiggity']It is the worst SP game Ive ever played on PS3 (Admittedly Ive only played like 10 SP games but still)[/QUOTE]Well, I only play exclusives on the PS3 so mine are limited also.. but I actually thought this SP was better than Killzone 2. (Which I just gave up on.)
I gave up on the single player...

But I usually give up on all games, so it's okay.

Better than Killzone 2 SP o_O
I actually finished that, even though it gave me motion sickness.
Anybody ready for a....May 31st date for the PSN to be back up? Oh yeah, 40 days ain't that long of a wait. Thanks Sony.

At least that's when the PSN is supposed to be "fully operational". Right.
[quote name='AXV1']I actually finished that, even though it gave me motion sickness.[/QUOTE]
My uncle gets sick from FPS. Lucky, I don't anymore. The ones released around the time of the first graphic accelerators on PC use to bug me a bit I outgrew it.

That said nothing worse than getting sick from a poor camera angle. Enslaved made me wish it came with a barf bag.

[quote name='nfs3freak']At least that's when the PSN is supposed to be "fully operational". Right.[/QUOTE]That going to be for the store. No way online MP is going to take that long.
[quote name='Josh5890']I'm afraid that this PSN outage will hurt game sales and ultimately kill alot of the fan base that would stay with the game.[/QUOTE]

you can count on that.
[quote name='paz9x']you can count on that.[/QUOTE]

There's that Capcom article floating around about how pissed they are about the PSN shortage. It's hurting multiple companies. Worst of all, I wonder what the short/long term consequences will be of the PSN being down for Sony...maybe it'll affect the next generation of'll definitely sting us PS3 owners past what is already happening.

Sony isn't going to be specific on a date of when it's up. They said within a week a few weeks ago, a few days, and they'll honestly just take as long as they need/want. I doubt they'll chance it all that much by doing it so soon.
I believe I have Combined Assault (never played it but got it for a Christmas present years ago) and I know I still have my original Socom USB headset.

When I went to trade in a couple of games at my favorite GS last weekend I asked if they've had any uptick in PS3 system trade-ins and they said not at all. I personally primarily use my PS3 for Bluray watching and single-player games other than for SOCOM and Portal 2 mutli-player here recently.
I'm just glad my ps3 disk drive is broken, otherwise I would be pissed. Now I selfishly hope that PSN is down through next week so it will take me up to the expected price drop..
Just Abandoned from Socom1. Its awesome in HD and the best map in S4

Confrontation has Crossroads, Frostfire, Desert Glory, and I cant remember the winter maps. There are 2 more
bread's done