CAG Star Trek Online Fleet/game discussion thread

[quote name='Salamando3000']If it's this bad with only Head Start people, it'll only get worse whenever it's open to the public.[/QUOTE]
Very, very true. I'm pretty sure they'll stabilize the servers in a reasonable amount of time; at least, one would hope.
Let's hope so. I'm getting sick of being booted in the middle of a space mission, then having to start it all over.

I am very much enjoying the game though. Almost back up to the level I was at the end of Beta.
hey guys, just signed up myself. Broke down and got the steam DDE. Friend me. @manlai

I think that's how the friend name thing goes... if not, let me know. Would love to play with some fellow CAGers. My initial interactions with random people in the game have been... weird to say the least.
I would much rather deal with this downtime than the trials of the Prune Juice Barrel. Blood Stool is not cool, definitely no Blood Wine.
Hey everybody. Two bits of fleet news:

-Ceti Alpha Garrison was mentioned on IGN! I tried to promote us a little bit in an interview.

-We have designed a survey to help us keep track of who our members are. This is a stop-gap measure until the CAG Fleet website is fully operational, and it is required.

Please complete this form and PM it back to me:

Real name: (optional)
Birthdate: (optional)
Location (city and state): (optional)
Time zone: (required)
Email: (required)
CAG username: (required)
Steam username: (required)
Star Trek Online account/user name: (required)
Please list the name and species of all characters you have that you plan to keep (for custom species just say ‘alien’): (required)
Your Star Trek Online subscription plan: (required, monthly, 3 months, 6 months, year, lifetime)
Favorite Star Trek series: (list up to two, required)
Favorite Star Trek movie(s): (list up to two, required)
Least favorite Star Trek series: (list up to two, required)
Least favorite Star Trek movies: (list up to two, required)
Officer who invited you to the fleet: (required)
Other MMOs you have played:
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PM sent. Since I've missed out on creating my 2nd character for the CAG fleet because of the Steam debacle, downtime, real life, letting my son get some time in, etc. I'm thinking of just waiting until starting that character after I get my launch bonuses. I'm not going to do more than 2 fed characters, so that makes sense. What is everybody else doing? Are some of you resetting your character at that point any way?
I'm not sure about my feelings doing too much with fleets anyway. Part of the fun is taking time through missions and enjoying the story. Seems like you don't get that with a fleet, especially if your mates are doing repeat missions with you. Any thoughts?
[quote name='turls']What is everybody else doing? Are some of you resetting your character at that point any way?
I'm not sure about my feelings doing too much with fleets anyway. Part of the fun is taking time through missions and enjoying the story. Seems like you don't get that with a fleet, especially if your mates are doing repeat missions with you. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
I've got 2 characters planned. One I've started now and the other I'm starting after launch. I plan on putting both in the fleet then using 1 slot for a possible Klingon later on and 1 for roommates/girlfriends to mess around on (hey, I got a whole lifetime of playing to be ready for)

I'm thinking that fleets in STO will have a much different feel than traditional guilds in other MMOs. A big part of that is because for ground missions you've got your own built in "party". I hope to do some occasional repeat missions and War Zone runs with a fleet group but expect that for the most part I'l do the missions at my own pace and maybe just hop into an open instance group randomly... which is always hit/miss in terms of fun level.
Just picked up the DDE Steam version. The extra 10% off was the clincher for me. I'd love to join the fleet. My tag is @slofton

(Also sending in the survey)
Anybody else having account issues?

I tried to put in my code for the admiral's uniform and it won't let me. I then went to check my account and all of my pre-order keys and the like are GONE.

Yet it still lets me into headstart and play with my liberated borg. I am confused.

Anyone else having these issues? Thanks much.

UPDATE: Got my account info back, thankfully. And got the admiral's code to work. Yay!
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Didn't realize the thread for this was hiding out in the deals section. I'll send my info later.

Planning to start a joined Trill once it's available on Tuesday. Still trying to decide what type of officer to be. I was a science officer in the beta but don't feel like I got an idea of the advantages/disadvantages. Any suggestions?
[quote name='metaly']Didn't realize the thread for this was hiding out in the deals section. I'll send my info later.

Planning to start a joined Trill once it's available on Tuesday. Still trying to decide what type of officer to be. I was a science officer in the beta but don't feel like I got an idea of the advantages/disadvantages. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Maybe this thread should be moved to the PC discussion forum? Or move it after the deadline for discounted lifetime subs?
We were thinking about creating a new one in the PC forum once the deadline for Liftime hit with a link to it before this one was closed.
Well the reason for a new one was that were going to use it as a fleet thread so eastx would need to be the OP to update it with Fleet information.
Is there a way to use steam to find contacts in-game even though I didn't buy it through steam? I read it in some thread recently but can't remember where.
[quote name='boneless']Is there a way to use steam to find contacts in-game even though I didn't buy it through steam? I read it in some thread recently but can't remember where.[/QUOTE]
Use the "Add non-Steam game" button at the bottom of your "Games" tab in Steam
[quote name='CaptainKirk']Does anyone know if the Shuttle code is universal like the Wrath of Khan uniform?[/QUOTE]

Yes, they are unique.
I just preordered the collectors edition from Amazon. Think I'll get a retail key in time to get the lifetime subscription bonus offer?
[quote name='gpthree']I just preordered the collectors edition from Amazon. Think I'll get a retail key in time to get the lifetime subscription bonus offer?[/QUOTE]
Took me 4 days and 3 emails to customer service to get my pre-order key out of them... :roll:
Sorry I've been a stranger on the thread, I've been busy getting back to where I was before the beta wipe!

I'm having a great time when the servers are actually up. I've already laughed my ass off a lot in Fleet Chat. I forgot our tagline, was it "CAG Fleet: We will show your bowels no mercy"? Hahaha. Klingon prune juice trials, hysterical.

Really enjoying playing with fellow CAGers, being in a fleet has already elevated the fun level just because there's always people to talk to. So much fun.
I think it was something like your colon will beg for mercy. The word colon was used. I know that much. Quark, more Prune Juice so I may take the Blood Stool challenge!! Your colon will burn with fire of a thousand suns, if you survive, you are truly a warrior.
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']Took me 4 days and 3 emails to customer service to get my pre-order key out of them... :roll:[/QUOTE]

Doesnt sound promising then. I might have to cancel it and get one from Steam or something...I'll just lose out on my Borg Officer. :(
They released another 120MB patch tonight and got the servers up in about an hour or so from the downtime. Beat their ETA so that's something. I was one of the first groups back on so I'm unsure if the queue system is still intact.
[quote name='turls']
I'm not sure about my feelings doing too much with fleets anyway. Part of the fun is taking time through missions and enjoying the story. Seems like you don't get that with a fleet, especially if your mates are doing repeat missions with you. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]

Ah, but that's the thing! Just because you're in the fleet doesn't meet you have to play with your fleet buddies all the time. Most of us have been dividing our time between soloing and teaming up together. The nice thing is you can have your chat set to fleet regardless of what you're doing. So even if you're playing by yourself, you can ask us questions or answer somebody else's question. We will schedule regular fleet actions, but those are events for which you're supposed to have a big team, and they work better if it's not random people. I do think it'd be polite if you answered Steam messages and stuff though, Turls.

Got my PMs cleaned out a bit, so feel free to send surveys if you weren't able to before, everyone! The survey is located in the first post of this thread, or here:

Real name: (optional)
Birthdate: (optional)
Location (city and state): (optional)
Time zone: (required)
Email: (required)
CAG username: (required)
Steam username: (required)
Star Trek Online account/user name: (required)
Please list the name and species of all characters you have that you plan to keep (for custom species just say ‘alien’): (required)
Your Star Trek Online subscription plan: (required, monthly, 3 months, 6 months, year, lifetime)
Favorite Star Trek series: (list up to two, required)
Favorite Star Trek movie(s): (list up to two, required)
Least favorite Star Trek series: (list up to two, required)
Least favorite Star Trek movies: (list up to two, required)
Officer who invited you to the fleet: (required)
Other MMOs you have played:
hey eastx, how does one procure an invite to the cheapest fleet in gaming? I mean that in the most complimentary way of course ^.^

My STO user name is @manlai
[quote name='eastx'] I do think it'd be polite if you answered Steam messages and stuff though, Turls.[/QUOTE]

I tried to but you were gone (I haven't used Steam for chat that much, I guess even though I responded to you in an open window you never got it--lame), you texted me while my son was getting his character going. My son shares my account and my Steam account too. Side note I despise the way Steam handles multi-user households. Xbox Live has them killed on that.

Speaking of that, are you guys only text chatting or using voice chat as well? How is steam for party chats if you use voice?
CaptainKirk, if you're not interested in the game, you don't need to post in here. We're all trying to enjoy it and we don't need a buzzkill.

Turls that's cool - glad to know you weren't really ignoring me. Thanks for replying to the survey too. :)
no eastx I respect the game, I just wont be picking it up
I am the biggest Trekkie you will find (hence the username)

Ask me anything Star Trek, I know the answer

I was merely bragging that I have the best username that will not be used
True, but you were talking trash about it earlier. And your complaints were just generalized MMO complaints rather than anything specific to this game. It's good to be into the Star Trek universe - just try to keep in mind the positive tone we're aiming for.
There was a patch last night? >_<

Sorry Eastx about the confusions last night. I totally crashed out to the desktop and getting back to the right instance was a bit of struggle.
[quote name='eastx']True, but you were talking trash about it earlier. And your complaints were just generalized MMO complaints rather than anything specific to this game. It's good to be into the Star Trek universe - just try to keep in mind the positive tone we're aiming for.[/QUOTE]

Yeah my bad

[quote name='CaptainKirk']I have the best STO username but wont be buying the game:

my username: WrathofKhan[/QUOTE]

Ok, I give, then why do you care enough to ask about del taco codes twice in the thread?
Quick question, I can see you guys playing in the Steam window, but how do I see you guys actually playing in game? Do I need to friend you in the game?
Does anyone know how good D2D is at distributing reg codes on the day of release? I'm just trying to plan accordingly as I preordered on D2D (first time on that service) and decided to wait on playing until then because I wanted my main to be a Joined Trill, and I knew there would be server issues during the head start, and I was right :p
Well, accepting at least my friend request would be a good idea. How else can we invite you to the fleet?

From that point, you can either add everyone else to your friends list, or just look under the Fleet tab. Remember Doc, we're just using Steam for its organization features. In the game you have to use the friends list and fleet list.
Ahh, well there you go.:) Cool beans, hope to play with you guys soon! Well, tommorrow anyway, I'm working right now. I plan to play tomorrow while watching the Star Trek marathon on Syfy.:)

[quote name='eastx']Well, accepting at least my friend request would be a good idea. How else can we invite you to the fleet?

From that point, you can either add everyone else to your friends list, or just look under the Fleet tab.[/QUOTE]
So let me get this straight, I am confused. Pre-order Bonuses came with the game itself, so Pre-order beta key?

When I put my code (beta key) in NO where does it mention I got a preorder bonus anywhere!
bread's done