CAG StarCraft League

hey guys,

sorry i left in the middle of the match last night. if you guys need some db help, i can give it a shot. i've worked w/ postgresql before (although its been a while) and i'm sure i could figure out the other ones. the only problem is i don't have a ton of time, but i'll help out if i can.

I'll be on tonight; finally starting to get over this cold!

jarvis: Thanks for the offer! I can usually set up scripts and databases all right, but I know next to fuck-all about SQL commands. Once I get the LDK and start setting things up, I'll let you know if I could use some help :)
Pancake Rabbit, I just finished watching the replay of that 4 player free-for-all we had. It looks like we both attacked red from opposite directions at the same time purely by coincidence. Now I kinda feel bad for him. I was wondering at the time why he didn't put up more resistance. The funny thing is I didn't even realize you were there until red was almost dead.
[quote name='cletus']Pancake Rabbit, I just finished watching the replay of that 4 player free-for-all we had. It looks like we both attacked red from opposite directions at the same time purely by coincidence. Now I kinda feel bad for him. I was wondering at the time why he didn't put up more resistance. The funny thing is I didn't even realize you were there until red was almost dead.[/QUOTE]

Haha yeah I watched the replay too. I like how after I took out his left side and you took out his right we met in the middle of his base and had that little showdown. I also think that your defiler played a big part in the game. I'm guessing that cloud spell makes all units under it invulnerable? I just kept on attacking the units under it while they took down my entire air fleet.
damn I'm such a noob.
If I had backed off and let the cloud disappear, then moved that entire fleet in on your base things could have turned in my favor. Still a really good game though.

I think my new favorite unit is the science vessel now that I've figured out how to use it.
I just got my copy from eb for ten bucks (since SC2 is coming out, I guess I should be practicing)

I'm guessing the offical server of choice will be west (nick: phoom)? Heck, I'm in but its been a while and I'll probably get owned ... hard
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Haha yeah I watched the replay too. I like how after I took out his left side and you took out his right we met in the middle of his base and had that little showdown. I also think that your defiler played a big part in the game. I'm guessing that cloud spell makes all units under it invulnerable? I just kept on attacking the units under it while they took down my entire air fleet.
damn I'm such a noob.
If I had backed off and let the cloud disappear, then moved that entire fleet in on your base things could have turned in my favor. Still a really good game though.

I think my new favorite unit is the science vessel now that I've figured out how to use it.[/QUOTE]
Dark Swarm makes all ranged attacks miss. So, use melee units or spread damage units (siege tanks in siege mode, reavers, firebats, archons, etc)
Dark swarm absorbs any projectiles entering it. That's how I like to think of it anyways.

If you watch closely I had actually put up that cloud to try to save my spore colony. It came up just as you destroyed it. :) What I didn't notice at the time was I had a single hydralisk there too. I probably could have killed one or two battlecrusiers with just the hydralisk and the swarm cloud. I kept expecting you to yamato it but then I realized you didn't know what swarm does. Lucky me this time.

The defilers saved me against your massive fleet of battlecrusiers and wraiths. If it wasn't for those two well placed plagues you would have overran me. When I saw your fleet in red's base I immediately started teching up to defilers. I'm not that good with scourges and I don't like using devourers. If you had kept attacking me you probably would have won.
Hi, i was looking for some starcraft leagues to play on because me and about four other guys started playing again with the news of the release of sc2. I was wondering if we could come join in. We like to play 1v1 a ton and 1v1 each other but want to sort of try our skill at different people. Hope to see you guys in game our bnet names are:
(NBD is No Big Deal)
hope to play some of you and join the league when it's up and running!
[quote name='t00Lb0x']Hi, i was looking for some starcraft leagues to play on because me and about four other guys started playing again with the news of the release of sc2. I was wondering if we could come join in. We like to play 1v1 a ton and 1v1 each other but want to sort of try our skill at different people. Hope to see you guys in game our bnet names are:
(NBD is No Big Deal)
hope to play some of you and join the elague when it's up and running![/QUOTE]

A CAG vs. NBD match would be pretty cool.
t00Lb0x: More people are always welcome. Come join us in channel CAG on server west any time your on. I should warn you that alot of us are rusty as hell so go easy on us.
[quote name='endlessPRO']i played pancake in a 1v1 -_- don't wanna even talk about it :)

i have replay if u want to watch it[/QUOTE]

:cry: :cry:

at least you warned me that you were korean before-hand.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']:cry: :cry:

at least you warned me that you were korean before-hand.[/QUOTE]

Ok. Now I'm just fuckin' scared.
Alright guys I am gonna watch Munich here in a second and after that I will be online until about midnight if anyone wants to play.
Bah! My Battle Chest finally arrived today, but one of the player's guides was totally raped during the shipping process. I didn't realize those things are made of tissue paper. I'm seeing if there's a way to exchange it for a new one.
[quote name='Oktoberfest']eh you don't need those strategy guides. Those things are crap.[/quote]

I know. But it's the principle of the matter, dammit! :D
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']:cry: :cry:

at least you warned me that you were korean before-hand.[/quote]

And that kills the CAG league.
I've been on a Starcraft fix ever since I started playing with you guys. I decided to look at some of the videos on youtube with those crazy korean pros. Anyways, check out the commentary on this match. The guy is hilarious.

[quote name='cletus']I've been on a Starcraft fix ever since I started playing with you guys. I decided to look at some of the videos on youtube with those crazy korean pros. Anyways, check out the commentary on this match. The guy is hilarious.[/quote]
The Crotch we missed you tonight.

I think I may actually be getting better. I guess I just needed to practice and try to remember how to play. I used to play a lot but that was about 2 years ago.
bread's done