CAG Warhawk Night [TBD]

[quote name='GodlyOne']Haha, trust me, playing those matches while having a huge splitting headache is not the way to go, no more partying before CAG game sessions. I think you've said you were going to be gone but the CAGs should have a Burnout Paradise night on the week of the game's release.[/QUOTE]Not sure if I will get the game yet. If I do, there will definitely be CAG sessions.

Anyway, there will probably be a Warhawk night next week, since I go home and will be able to host 20 people.
OK after looking at the GAF stats I can see why we can dominated, and feel better about our ass whoppin. Props to Chrys, GAF and Mana for setting this all up, hopefully we get a more competitive match next time.

Oh yea Godlyone, bananas and pedialyte does wonders for hangovers.
Just picked up a PS3 and I am looking into getting Warhawk. Is it too late to partake in some of these organized games. I know I will have some growing pains but I would love to get some time in on this game and get some CAGs on my friends list.
[quote name='ivanctorres']Just picked up a PS3 and I am looking into getting Warhawk. Is it too late to partake in some of these organized games. I know I will have some growing pains but I would love to get some time in on this game and get some CAGs on my friends list.[/QUOTE]It's not too late at all to join. ;) Just show up at some of our Warhawk nights and you'll be welcome to the clan. If the day/time doesn't work out for you, let us know and we'll occasionally try other times. :)

Although unfortunately, like most here can say, my buddy list is maxed out, but others should be open.
Had a good time, to bad we got spanked. We need to practice more and maybe play another clan. Look forward to the next game.
My 2 cents...

I think we need to decide if this is going to be a serious clan or not. I enjoy our game nights a lot, and we have fun. If we decide we need to get serious, my fear is that our game nights will totally die. People that aren't as serious or able to commit time to get better will drop out, probably killing both the game night and clan.

I could tell before the match that things weren't going to go well on Fri after our practice. For fun I checked everyone's rank and playtime after practice and saw almost all of us are still below Wingman (my rank). I don't consider myself that awesome, so that worried me a bit. Once the match started, it was obvious we were dead since most of the GAF guys were ranked higher than me!

Bottom line: if we want to get serious, everyone has to play this game a lot and rank up, it's the only way to gain real experience and see how others play the game.
IMO, if we play other clans it should just be for fun. Maybe celebrate our 1337ness and start to whoop it up if each team member can get one kill. Probably make us look like jackasses to other clans, but screw them, it's all in us having fun right? :twisted:
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']My 2 cents...

I think we need to decide if this is going to be a serious clan or not. I enjoy our game nights a lot, and we have fun. If we decide we need to get serious, my fear is that our game nights will totally die. People that aren't as serious or able to commit time to get better will drop out, probably killing both the game night and clan.

I could tell before the match that things weren't going to go well on Fri after our practice. For fun I checked everyone's rank and playtime after practice and saw almost all of us are still below Wingman (my rank). I don't consider myself that awesome, so that worried me a bit. Once the match started, it was obvious we were dead since most of the GAF guys were ranked higher than me!

Bottom line: if we want to get serious, everyone has to play this game a lot and rank up, it's the only way to gain real experience and see how others play the game.
IMO, if we play other clans it should just be for fun. Maybe celebrate our 1337ness and start to whoop it up if each team member can get one kill. Probably make us look like jackasses to other clans, but screw them, it's all in us having fun right? :twisted:[/QUOTE]Let me just put it this way. Since I'm the leader (a very non-serious gamer who is only really serious at something like Calling All Cars), we will NOT be about winning and crushing every team. We will be about having fun, but at the same time, I would like to see us improve in certain ways (you know, like some of the things I mentioned). But regardless, we are not going to change, but we'll occasionally play other people, just so we can finally play together as a team (not having to face each other).

So do not worry, things are not going to change for now. ;) The only thing is we might work on what we struggled with a little and play other clans, but we won't be all about winning unless EVERYONE pressures me to do it. I encourage fun since I enjoy it when people have their guests play with us. :D
I apologize for being a no-show. I needed to take care of a sudden family emergency which fortunately, ended in a good note.

Besides... not like I would have helped that much anyway.
I wish I could've made it, as I'd like to be more active in the clan. The problem is my weekend is Sun/Mon and every other night I work late and don't get home until almost 9 (central). I've been playing a lot recently and feel like I'm much improved (just made Wing Leader!) and would like to help in the next clan battle if possible. If there's any way it could be on a Sunday, I'll most definitely make it!
I agree with Mana.

We should strive to better ourselves, but I don't think going hardcore is a good idea.

I say the next few games we should concentrate on certain strategies. Like getting a handful of us competent in a hawk. Learning to roam in packs etc.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']I say the next few games we should concentrate on certain strategies. Like getting a handful of us competent in a hawk. Learning to roam in packs etc.[/quote]

Next time I play I want to fly using the sixaxis. I can't believe some of the moves I see people pull off is done using dual analogs only!

Any helpful sixaxis tips would be great. I not crazy about using Warhawks but it's obviously a big part of the game, and I'm barely competent in one.
Personally I really dont like the sixaxis controls for warhawk, its too sensitive for me and when I game I naturally have my controller tilted up. But I think im pretty competent in handling a warhawk, it just takes alil practice learning how to use your evasive manuvers (barrell roll, loop) and knowing when brake/boost.

But I agree with StrandedBrit, in order to get better as a clan we need to get better individually as well, and that just takes practice and getting familar with map layouts, like knowing where are the tanks, mines and other specialized weapons are located at any given map.

After you get down the basics of the game the rest is really easy to pick up.
I used to use the motion controls to fly up until about 2 months ago, then once I switched to analogs I realized how much more accurate you can be when fighting ground troops. It's just too difficult to keep a steady hand, not too mention that using motion to fly and the analog to control the aiming reticule can have its advantages, but is VERY tricky (at least for me).

And to echo everyone else's opinion, we don't need to start training 5 days a week together or anything, just have fun playing.
Well, I'm glad people here seem to agree with my philosophy of just having fun mostly. :)

Anyway, I'm looking into starting Warhawk night for next week. It will either be Friday night, Saturday at around 6pm EST, or Sunday (we'll see).
Yeah, most everyone here just wants to play for fun. If there were to be a Warhawk night for next week I'd prefer it to be on a Sunday since most people are availible at that time, maybe not though just a suggestion, haha.
I just wanted to chime in and agree with what almost everyone else is saying. I know that I'm still a recruit (thanks to having a bunch of ranked games lost during the server ranking issues), but I know that I mostly just play to unwind and have a good time, and I know I'm guaranteed that during our weekly games.

With that said though I wouldn't mind a little more practice, since I pretty much suck although I was surprised to see myself in the top 5 for our team in most of rounds during Saturday's match (PSN ID: Thelonicon).

As long as we keep our goal of trying to have a good time first, and being good at the game second I think we'll be in good shape.

And I agree with GodlyOne that we should maybe switch up our game night sometimes. If need be I can host up to 16 with my connection.
Date: 1/18 (Friday)
Time: 9PM EST
Server: ManaKnight
Password: cag

That's the info so far. I might push it to 9:30pm. I thought about Sunday, but I think I'll make that Resistance night (unless I decide to swap).
[quote name='josh_animebum']And I agree with GodlyOne that we should maybe switch up our game night sometimes. If need be I can host up to 16 with my connection.[/quote]

I agree. Fridays aren't great for everyone so a switch up here and there would be good.

I'll be there Friday night, barring an act of god. And I'll be warhawking (in the air) it most of the time. At least I'll be trying to warhawk it.
Let me say though, for sure next week, I may swap it for Sunday. However, this weekend, the only other time I could do it is 6pm EST Sat. Whichever people want, I will do.
Well I'm heading out of town this weekend (courtesy of a 4 day weekend) so I won't be there on Friday. Oh well, I'll see everyone next week.

On a side note, are there any other CAGs who want to maybe schedule an Omega Dawn Warhawk night every couple weeks or so in addition to our regular games?
[quote name='StrandedBrit']I agree with Mana.

We should strive to better ourselves, but I don't think going hardcore is a good idea.

I say the next few games we should concentrate on certain strategies. Like getting a handful of us competent in a hawk. Learning to roam in packs etc.[/quote]
Yes, stay away from being hardcore guys, it totally ruins the game -_-
[quote name='josh_animebum']Well I'm heading out of town this weekend (courtesy of a 4 day weekend) so I won't be there on Friday. Oh well, I'll see everyone next week.

On a side note, are there any other CAGs who want to maybe schedule an Omega Dawn Warhawk night every couple weeks or so in addition to our regular games?[/QUOTE]I could look into advertising it for people and get the word out (or help). That sounds like a good idea, since I know some who have it.

[quote name='Inf^Shini']Yes, stay away from being hardcore guys, it totally ruins the game -_-[/QUOTE]Just be glad you did not play GAF Shini. If you think we are hard, they are 100X tougher.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Yes, stay away from being hardcore guys, it totally ruins the game -_-[/quote]

I don't think I've got it in me to be hardcore. Those guys were just insane.
So, I wanted to verify with everyone. Is Friday at 9pm fine, or would you rather have Saturday at 6pm or something (I'm talking about EST though). I'll admit it's kind of a habit to just automatically play on Friday, since that's when most know when Warhawk occurs (and I don't have to make several announcements to everyone letting them know it's on a different day). It may be the last time I host for a while (due to not going home for a while or I might just got MIA again from forum posting for a while).
Well, I'm going to change it to Saturday (I kind of prefer not being up so late anyway) at 6PM EST. If people prefer Friday, I will change it back. I know a few who wanted to play, but said we played a little too late, so I may try Saturday.

I can host up to 20 oh course, so there should be some slots open.
I just got this game via Gamefly yesterday and would like to get into it. Send me a friend request or invite if anybody is interested in playing. RudyPants is my PS3 name.
I would be interested in playing with the group again. I have not played in a while.
Do I need the new DLC map pack in order to play with everyone? Thanks
[quote name='flybrione']I would be interested in playing with the group again. I have not played in a while.
Do I need the new DLC map pack in order to play with everyone? Thanks[/QUOTE]We have not played a DLC game yet.
Another reminder to everyone that CAG Warhawk is at 6pm EST (3PM EST) today.

Server name = ManaKnight
Password = cag

I haven't decided on the maps yet, but I'm looking at:

Death Match (5-10 minutes)
TDM (no dogfight)
TDM (Dogfight)
maybe Zones or DM
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Was someone JR07SHADY? I want to make sure, so I know whether to invite that person to the clan.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly it... Just checked the 'Players Met' part of the XMB.
Good games, everyone. It seemed like everyone was working better as a team tonight. Despite there not being much radio talk, people sort of instinctively stuck together and went after the same targets. (At least that's what it looked like a few times.) I'll make sure to use my headset next game.
[quote name='metaly']Good games, everyone. It seemed like everyone was working better as a team tonight. Despite there not being much radio talk, people sort of instinctively stuck together and went after the same targets. (At least that's what it looked like a few times.) I'll make sure to use my headset next game.[/QUOTE]Don't worry about it, I was a tad quiet myself tonight (Don't ask why).

[quote name='Shady07']yup that was me[/QUOTE]I remember someone had Shady in their name here (well a few), but couldn't remember which. I'll get you added to the CAG clan when I get around to it.
[quote name='Thomas96']Warhawk's in game chat isn't very good. I could hardly understand anything anyone was saying most of the time.[/QUOTE]Was your NAT on Type 3? If it was, that's usually the problem. I adjusted my settings so I'd be NAT Type 2, and I can clearly understand others when they talk. When I'm on NAT Type 3 at my apartment or other times, I can barely understand a word anyone is saying. NAT Type can be found under your internet settings list and when you're on type 3, it limits your chat ability (and listening to chat).
So I started playing Warhawk again for the first time since Sept. and I'm getting completely owned. I used to be pretty good and could get 1st place in big servers. Now I can't be in a Warhawk for more than ten seconds without getting shot down. Seems like people have gotten ridiculously good at flying. There are some people that seem to be able to evade every single missile I fire at them (both swarm and homing) while I can't evade anything in either Pro-flight or normal flying modes. In a lot of the official servers there always seems to be a few dudes that go like 40-2 in Warhawks, and I'm pretty sure their only deaths are from accidental suicides.

Any tips? It's getting very frustrating.
[quote name='metaly']Good games, everyone. It seemed like everyone was working better as a team tonight. Despite there not being much radio talk, people sort of instinctively stuck together and went after the same targets. (At least that's what it looked like a few times.) I'll make sure to use my headset next game.[/quote]

I was trying to provide support more this time round. It did seem we worked better as teams.
Warhawk can be tough when you play against the vetrans, because they've been playing for a while. I recommend you at least search for servers which are within your rank or something (which might make it easier).

If you want to play Warhawk with some guys who may not be as rough on you (Btw, I do remember you Aleman (if it's the one I'm thinking of) from PS3 Forums and GAF), I recommend showing up at Warhawk nights with CAG members (I'm the CAG clan leader and occasionally host a Warhawk night). There's a link to the group in my signature and it's floating around the PS3 section of CAG.
Yea I'll try playing with you guys. I can still tear it up on foot but the skies are a little rough. My PSN is Aleman (and yea, it's me).

On an off-topic note, I don't post anywhere else anymore but I do want to start on GAF again. Problem is I changed the email address and password on my account to something I wouldn't remember.
Well, we play one dog fight match each time, but mostly we play on the ground. Unfortunately, I'm not sure when the next game will be (I'll be busy with college too). I will let everyone know around Tuesday/Wednesday though.
bread's done