CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

We want to hear the origin story of how you guys all met and ended up working together on the site. If you've told it before, tell it again - it's issue #300! Congrats.
A funny moment from the past was when Wombat was a featured gamer on Xbox Live. I felt bad that he got all the negative messages, but made for great podcast material.
One of the best moments for me was the whole Wombat/RAM debacle which resulted in Wombat saying "you know what else has RAM? My cock" and Cheapy replying with "when you skullfuck me". Didn't expect that and I lost it.

Notable mentions include Wombat and Shipwreck singing Lana Del Rey's Video Games, Cheapy D's impressions (especially Javik from Mass Effect) and when one of Sabrina's toys told the other that they didn't want to get married yet because they still had things they wanted to do in their life.

Quick CAGcast memory: This sounds cheesy, but -having kids yourselves, Wombat and Cheapy- you can probably appreciate it.

I discovered the podcast right around the time my second kiddo was born. As you probably remember, one does a LOT of late night walking one's kiddo to sleep. Well, many were the times I had to stifle a laugh as I was listening to my 3rd or 4th hour of your back catalog while pacing the room with my sleeping baby girl. It helped whittle the hours away, and I really appreciate it.
As for a question: If you had to pick only one (pretend that you guys were actually still cheap), which would it be this November: Halo or Call of Duty?
Question for CheapyD:

I'm a long time member (remember the cloudspekk incident?) have been pretty committed to visiting almost daily, but I feel the moderators have killed the forums and discussions that go on at times. Do you enforce this level of moderation? If not, do the moderators have rules you give them to follow on what to allow and what not? It's frustrating to see posts just disappear sometimes. The interesting discussions that can go on and come up help make some posts and the site overall more interesting and lively.

Thank you for the effort you have put towards the podcast, it's one of the very few I continually still listen to weekly.

- Chris
While the system certainly needs to be optimized. The main reason downloads on PS3 take so long to download and then install is more a limitation of the OS the system uses. While the Xbox using windows as a base can download and install simultaneously. The PS3 is linux based. Linux makes sure the entire packet has been downloaded with out errors, al la lost connection, before the installation takes place.This is why the system downloads then makes you wait while it installs the program afterwards. Owners of Android phones have this happen to them also. Download a game from the Play store and it downloads then installs the game after. Google's OS is Linux based also. I agree it is a pain and a serious upgrade is needed. Though may always be slower to Microsoft's download and install at the same time process.
Just wondering did Wombat or Cheapy D check out the new show called Arrow about the DC character The Green Arrow?

Do car dealers ever get suspicious because you look at, sit in and photograph these high end cars but never buy any. You think they see you and groan know that you're just going to waste their time?
Hey guys. I was playing Borderlands 2 last night when my almost 2 year old turned off my ps3. This usually wouldn't be a big deal, but I had just used my golden key in Santcuary and collected the gear. When I turned the game back on, my golden key was gone along with the loot. I lost my e-tek gear and the key...woe is me. Either of you have any stories about lost progress and your kids? Would Gearbox listen to a sob story like mine and give me another key? Thanks guys and keep up the good work.
I assume Wombat supports Obama, based on comments he's made about gay marriage, which I applaud. My bigger concern is who does Shipwreck support? He is in probably the most important battleground state in the country, and I know he is a very religious dude (nobody's perfect). Wombat, could you use your powers of persuasion to make him see the light if he's leaning Romney. I'm pretty sure 1% Romney would make fun of a guy like Shipwreck and his (our) nerd hobbies.
Hey Cheapy it seems that since you got your PC you are playing a lot more games than before,but every game you play is on PC what would get you back to console gaming? Also you made such a big deal about wireless hdmi to play on your tv but it seems like you only play on your monitor, why is that?
Hey CAGeteers,
We all know about Shipwrecks adventure at a sporting event not ending well for him (Reds) but what was the last sporting event Wombat or CheapyD have ever gone too or plan to go to?

Keep up the good work you guys, especially Wombat.
Also on a tangent go Giants!
Cheapy got Foosball for vita/ps3 and Shipwreck got NBA Baller Beats. What would Wombat's game that nobody else in the world seemed to have played be if he could have one?
What are your thoughts on Star Citizen? I'd love to hear you guys discuss the project and let us know your feelings. Are you guys donating to this? (Apologies if you've already discussed this, I'm behind a week or two on your podcasts)
First off, hope everything goes well for the Wombat Clan and Cheapy's parents. Glad to see the storm wasn't as harmful for them as it could be and has been for many other Americans.

My question this week, which looks like it's been asked already: what are your thoughts and feelings about Disney-owned LucasFilms and George Lucas stepping down, along with the announcement that Star Wars Episode VII, having officially been announced, will only see Lucas as a creative consultant? Hopefully optimistic for the movies, after seeing the treatment Avengers and the scenes we've seen of Iron Man 3 have gotten with Disney as a financial backer? A certain sense of dread?
Hope everything is ok with Wombat and his family, the CAGcast would not be the same without you.

For this week's CAGcast, I was wondering what your thought were for the Vita.

Recently there was a thread created on CAG titled "Is a PS Vita worth it?".

This thread stirred quite the debate and I was curious of your thoughts (Cheapy, Wombat, Shipwreck) on the Vita and it's outlook into 2013 and beyond.

Personally, I had a Vita but ended up selling it because of the lack of games that interested me on the handheld. The games that I did find appealing were much more enjoyable on my PS3 with an actual controller (Uncharted, MGS, UMVC3).

I will probably pick one up again in the future, but looking at the game lineup, I'm not sure that won't be in another 2-3 years.

Hey guys, love the show. I've been listening for a few years now, but I go through weird video game / Blu-Ray phases, so most of the time I'm just playing catch-up with all the CAGCasts. I usually get back into gaming full-on around this time each year, specifically because you guys keep us all posted on the excellent Black Friday Deals (which I scored big-time on game purchases in the past three years). Basically, because of your site, I've learned that it's better to wait to pick up a lot of recently released games in the Fall until Black Friday. Odds are, they'll be 50% off come Black Friday, so I've found the past few years I've been doing this. My first question is, what games do you expect to be Black Friday contenders this year? I'm thinking Resident Evil 6, Dishonored, Medal Of Honor : Warfighter, Need For Speed : Most Wanted, and Black Ops II.

My second question is for Cheapy (even though since we're both fans of the original, I'm sure we have the same opinion on this) : What do you think of the Robocop reboot? I thought it could have been promising until I saw the suit and the vehicle. The suit from Christopher Nolan's Batman series on a streetbike? I'll take the silvery blue suit with a matte black 80's Ford Taurus any day over that!

Anyway, keep up the great work everybody, and I can't wait for the Black Friday fun to begin! :)
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Dear Shipwreck,
Have you every considered hosting a CAG rally somewhere in the Cincinnati area? I am a university student in the area and would love to socialize and network with fellow CAGs.
Do you guys have a preferred device for Netflix streaming, now that there are so many options? I just got an Apple TV and was shocked out how pretty the Netflix UI was, compared to everything else out there. It will probably replace the PS3 as my preferred Netflix device, unless there are some performance issues I'm not aware of.

P.S. I was starved for entertainment during hurricane Sandy, when I discovered two CAGcasts saved locally on my iPhone. A pleasant surprise since I normally listen via the website, and had forgotten about my iTunes podcast settings. Thanks for rescuing me from my first-world white people problems!
Should I get a Vita or 3DS? Two great Black Friday deals/bundles are coming up and I need help making a decision. If you could only own one of the two which would you pick after owning and playing both?
Hey guys, do you think that all Nintendo exclusives will be Wii U (no more Mario on Wii) & what about 3rd party games exclusive & non exclusives?

I've been listening to the podcast for a few months now. It's the highlight of my weekly commute to the office. I've got a CAG Bag / Watch This Bitches question for you.

I recently stumbled upon Real Steel on cable, and was inexplicably entertained by this movie... Am I alone? Should I see a doctor or something?

Anyway... Great Show, keep it up!
Do any of you guys plan to play the new Skyrim DLC Dragonborn? Did you ever play Dawngaurd? How is the CAG crew feeling about Skyrim a year later?
Wombat has to be careful about his electricity, especially since LIPA has a very delicate system.

CheapyD, at least you stopped using your Kinect because Microsoft filed a patent earlier this month that can let the company watch you through a camera to make sure that you bough a license to watch a movie. How do the guys feel about this? Is this a great deterrent to piracy, especially to stop those from loading downloaded movies on the 360 or 720, or will it hurt launch sales due to the specter of violated privacy?
I'm sure you will cover both my questions in the show this week, but I figured I'd ask anyway, just in case.

1. With BioWare starting production on Mass Effect 4, and Casey Hudson taking suggestions from fans, would you rather see the next game (presumably trilogy) as a prequel or sequel? No, "I'd rather not see it" is not an answer.

2. Did any of you play the DmC demo this week? If so, what were your thoughts on it?
Can we do Games for the Troops again instead of Child's Play this year? I think I could get a active duty solider with an addy if need be.
Wombat, as the official Lego game player on Cagcast, in your expert, (I actually played a game for once opinion), which one is easiest to play with a 3 year old girl. I too don't get to play many games between work and family, and want to get her addicted young to selfishly feed my own habit. Thanks for making my job bearable for an hour or so each week.
:DHey guys just wondering what games did you buy this Brown Thursday and Black Friday. I bought several shooters such as Battlefield 3 Premium, Spec Ops: The Line and the first Blops as well as Saints Row: The Third.
Cheapy, how many CAGs bought the Assassin's Creed Vita bundle? The thread was one of the most active BF threads. We're all dying to know!
Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck.

Do you guys think it'd be a good idea if Sony copied Nintendo on the tablet, except used the Vita as the standard controller for the PS4, but also allowed Dualshocks 3s to still be usable on the system?

With how poorly the Vita is selling, if every single PS4 included a Vita in order to compete with Nintendo, it'd make every PS4 owner be a Vita owner. Maybe it'd get more third party developers to develop on the Vita? Maybe Sony could try harder to push third parties to join doing cross buy by offering a higher percentage of profit, which could possibly steal sales from the other two console manufacturers with multiconsole games, etc. Sure Sony would have to take a loss on the bundle, but the Vita should be a lot cheaper to produce by next year, and Sony would be gaining profit from Vita game sales and PS4 game sales.

Even if the tablet gimmick isn't something that doesn't interests you, what is your opinion on it.
With the WiiU now out, with some disappointing thoughts all around, will Nintendo feel pressured to release another console before the xbox 4 and ps5 generation comes in an effort to get more on track w them while still competing w the ps4 and xbox 720?

Hard way to phrase that question. i guess will nintendo ever "catch up" to have consoles on par w the competition so their console isnt made irrelevant almost immediately to gamers like the wii/wiiu?
Hey Shipwreck, I'm going to be in Cincinnati (around Reading) for a few weeks this December visiting my in-laws. Any suggestions of activities and sights to see for an out-of-towner?
In regards to this multi-episode karaoke debate I'd thought I might as well set the record straight finally.

The word itself is made up of two Japanese words, Karrapo meaning "empty" and Okusutura meaning "Orchestra" (borrowed word). The word Kara-oke broken down means literally, empty orchestra, as in, no vocals.
Pronunciation: Care-A-Okay

It started in the 70's in a bar in Japan when the bar's scheduled musician didn't show up. The manager decided to hook up some mics and a stereo and had the customers sing along, and it proved insanely popular.

The manager, got rich off of this and all the bars in Kobe, which is the official birthplace of Karaoke had karaoke nights.

Soon after a visiting engineer from Pioneer Electronics saw this and created a machine that played the music AND rolled the lyrics creating the karaoke we know today.

There are currently over 100,000 karaoke bars and businesses dedicated solely to hosting karaoke.

The more you know :D
bread's done