CAGcast #104: Fair & Balanced


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
CheapyD gets fired up from Burnout Paradise, Fox News' Mass Effect coverage, and 3 Cafe Lattes. We also discuss fanboyism, the latest gaming and shopping news, your CAGbag questions, and so much more!

Win 1 of 4 copies of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)

Download - 124 minutes, 57MB
Past CAGcasts

Show Linkage/Notes (click the button below to expand):

Bonus video - Wombat at Nintendo World Store

Photos from the event (thanks del far!)

CAGccast 95 was 1 minute longer.
Damn, forgot to talk about the classic pack for GH3, which ROCKS!
Oh week.
Hehe - I haven't even listened yet but kudos on the episode title as it ties the goings on in the last CAGcast thread with the Fox News shenanigans quite nicely ;). I'm off to play Mass Effect and then I'll listen later at night when I'm trying to work.
I know posting this will get me labeled as "ridiculous" and whatever but No one is without bias. A bias may not always lie with a certain console, it can also lie with a point of view (i.e. Hardcore gamer)

Otherwise, I thought Cheapy laid out his position quite well and no further explanations are needed.
Nice vid of Wombat! It was just as cold in Toronto that day trust me! Did u sign any copies of Advance wars?

Will listen to cast on my way to work as usual!
[quote name='nesfan8222']200 minutes of entertainment at work tomorrow. thanks cheapy, thanks wombat[/quote]
More like 124 minutes. The post on the front page says 204 minutes, though.
The Super Stardust HD demo was more than a demo, it was an update for those of us that already have the game. It adds some graphical touches and a custom soundtrack feature.

There's a PixelJunk Monsters demo in the Japanese PS Store, too.
You should've ended the podcast with the phone call. It would've really reeled in those listeners to find out what happened.

Cheapy, I don't think No More Heroes is a game for you. Despite being something you're interested in (killing people with over the top mayhem), it may be hard for you to play it by yourself, which you should, given its' content.

And, if you're saying Nintendo needs to be at the forefront on hardcore games, look no further than March 9th in the US when Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out. A game that quite possibly has the most features of any console game to date, even more than Halo 3.

As for Wombat, when it comes down to MOTS, franchises can only change so much before fans become alienated with them. That is why you see so many franchises "Stay the course". An example of a franchise changing too much is Sonic the Hedgehog. It went from fast side-scrolling platforming with a premsie to a ranging speed action-adventure with a story Final Fantasy would've been jealous of 10 years ago. MOTS is nothing to be scoffed at, unless it screws up.

I liked this week's show. Cheapy should've called out the person in question, but to each his own I guess.
Cool Cheapy D a Stern fan. I hate how Howard and the gang look down at adult gamers.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but is there any way I/we could play with Cheapy on Burnout paradise?
Hey Cheapy, my son (just turned 2 months old) has had some pretty bad cradle cap. Of course, we call it "cradle crap". So I expect you to call it such from now on ;).

Eh - and don't worry about taking care of your son as he gets mobile. Yes, there will be challenges but don't dread it. While the mobility can cause problems (better get those valuables off your desk if not because of your wife then because of your son ;)), they are also more self-sufficient as they get older. So the challenges change but the overall difficulty will remain the same throughout. And just to make you feel better, I have 3 sons under 8 (nearly 8, 5, and 2 months) and I work from home. Of course, my wife is ALSO home. I tend to do most of my gaming and work late at night as a result.
Cheapy - with these new haters and backlash clouding the show, I'd just like to say thank you, great job and keep up with the good work. :applause:
Cagcasts has helped me w/ a lot of purchases and kept me awake at work -- I look forward to them every week.

I think some people cannot come to terms with the labels you used on the show -- "real gamer" and "hardcore gamer." Some people/fanboys think that if they're not a "real gamer," they're automatically labeled as a "fake gamer" (how that makes sense logically is beyond me), and that they simply can't accept being called "casual" with the amount of time they spent in their respected system. I agree with you, that a gamer with only the Wii console maybe considered as a "hardcore Nintendo gamer," they can't really a "hardcore (overall) gamer" because of the games they're missing out on.

And I don't think there is anything wrong with the amount of coverage you're doing right now (for example, supposedly "emphasis"/preference on the 360, if any). This is your show, and people are tuning in to listen to your (and uh, Wombat's) straightforward, no BS opinion. The 360, hardware woes aside, simply has a bigger library and better success in the past year. As an owner of the 3 systems, I find myself mostly going back to the 360, whether for multiplayer purposes or for downloadables/demoes. Cagcast is a show about video games, and it'd make sense if Microsoft took up more of the show (since theres more releases/demoes, if that is even the case, to whomever that's counting the minutes/seconds)

Anyways, enough of me talking about this, I just want to show my appreciation for the show, great job Cheapy. \\:D/

(and Wombat.)


Can't wait to give this a listen later today. I'm just hoping this thread doesn't degenerate like the last one.
Nintendo absolutely doesnt need to be (and will not be) on the forefront of what you consider hardcore games. Nintendo's focus, genre wise, has always been pretty narrow. They use their games to drive the marketshare and leave it up to 3rd parties to compete in other areas. Thats the DS strategy at work. Brain Age can be credited DIRECTLY for drawing in Dragon Quest 9.

Its easy to be a Wii only owner provided you dont like shooting things.

Its clearly not a system for CheapyD.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']

Its easy to be a Wii only owner provided you dont like shooting things.

Its clearly not a system for CheapyD.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. Though one of my favorite games on the Wii (Metroid Prime 3) is pretty much only about shooting things. Cheapy said that he doesn't like the Wii controller for FPS-type games and thus doesn't want to play Metroid as a result. Fair enough, though I had no problems with my arms getting tired and such, and I've got a few years on you Cheapy ;). The only problem with that is that for you (Cheapy that is, not DMK), then, the Wii has no chance for success - if Nintendo were to pump out more hardcore games (as you said they should on the CAGcast) they would have to use such a control scheme. There's really no way around that. You (and presumably many others) prefer the 360 controller for these types of games, so the Wii would never be viable in those genres.

Anyway, glad to see you going back to Mario Galaxy at least. And possibly Zack & Wiki (I have yet to play that myself). Hopefully Tai will end up like my middle son (the one who just turned 5). He loves watching me play the "tougher" games and as a result I have been able to get quite a bit of gaming done in the late evening. He's in afternoon preschool and stays up with me after everyone else goes to bed. I've gotten through games like Metroid Prime 3, Tomb Raider Legend, The Simpsons Game, and yes, MASS EFFECT while he watches me play. (I have yet to get to the full frontal nudity interactive porno sim part and I'll make sure he doesn't see that ;) - but the rest of the game is 'T' material as far as I'm concerned).

So you may, in fact, find that your gaming time actually increases as Tai gets older - and you should be able to move beyond the "quiet" games when he hits 3 or 4. Oh - and my 5 year old's favorite 360 game is a game I know you like, Cheapy: Bomberman. He's been playing it pretty solidly since it came out (when he was 4 1/2 or so). So get Tai started on that one as soon as he can hold a controller!
[quote name='io']Absolutely. Though one of my favorite games on the Wii (Metroid Prime 3) is pretty much only about shooting things. Cheapy said that he doesn't like the Wii controller for FPS-type games and thus doesn't want to play Metroid as a result. Fair enough, though I had no problems with my arms getting tired and such, and I've got a few years on you Cheapy ;). The only problem with that is that for you (Cheapy that is, not DMK), then, the Wii has no chance for success - if Nintendo were to pump out more hardcore games (as you said they should on the CAGcast) they would have to use such a control scheme. There's really no way around that. You (and presumably many others) prefer the 360 controller for these types of games, so the Wii would never be viable in those genres.

Anyway, glad to see you going back to Mario Galaxy at least. And possibly Zack & Wiki (I have yet to play that myself). Hopefully Tai will end up like my middle son (the one who just turned 5). He loves watching me play the "tougher" games and as a result I have been able to get quite a bit of gaming done in the late evening. He's in afternoon preschool and stays up with me after everyone else goes to bed. I've gotten through games like Metroid Prime 3, Tomb Raider Legend, The Simpsons Game, and yes, MASS EFFECT while he watches me play. (I have yet to get to the full frontal nudity interactive porno sim part and I'll make sure he doesn't see that ;) - but the rest of the game is 'T' material as far as I'm concerned).

So you may, in fact, find that your gaming time actually increases as Tai gets older - and you should be able to move beyond the "quiet" games when he hits 3 or 4. Oh - and my 5 year old's favorite 360 game is a game I know you like, Cheapy: Bomberman. He's been playing it pretty solidly since it came out (when he was 4 1/2 or so). So get Tai started on that one as soon as he can hold a controller![/QUOTE]

I honestly don't know what it is about the Wii, but oftentimes it feels just like too much effort to play it. I agree that using the Wiimote isn't particurally tiring, but generally I'm so tired when I get a chance to play (after work/classes/etc), that I don't want to expend any extra effort, and my Wii ends up getting rarely used because of it (and when I do use it, it's generally the VC or GC stuff).
You should have posted the song entries, or at least the winners. I'd liked to have heard them in their entirety and without talking over them.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']You should have posted the song entries, or at least the winners. I'd liked to have heard them in their entirety and without talking over them.[/quote] I will do that next week.
If I didnt know any better, I'd say marketshare is inversely related to the overall average of game review scores. Thats because marketshare attracts the budget developers, and their games tend not to be that great. Its probably much worse this generation because budget developers and HD budgets dont mix well.

Everytime I hear the word Metacritic though, I see the following chart in my mind:

I just heard the Xbox live stuff. If they gave everyone a free month of Gold, it probably would crash the system again. lol

Plus it would set a precident that they don't want to set. If they give Gold away for free, it may make people not want to pay for it.

Be happy with the free game. Most companies wouldn't give anything for some $2 loss.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If I didnt know any better, I'd say marketshare is inversely related to the overall average of game review scores. Thats because marketshare attracts the budget developers, and their games tend not to be that great. Its probably much worse this generation because budget developers and HD budgets dont mix well.

Everytime I hear the word Metacritic though, I see the following chart in my mind:[/QUOTE]

Congrats Dr Mario Kart, you've surpassed Strell as my number 1 Nintendo/CAG lover
If the whole Fox News BS/controversy did not exist, I think the episode should have been titled "Philipino Julie Andrews".
Cheapy, don't feel too bad about your shitty japanese. I have a friend who studied it 3 years in high school, 4 years in college, and has been living and working for a japanese company there for 6 years now and he still says his japanese is horrible.

edit: also, where are those flickr pictures of the nintendo event?
[quote name='thorbahn3']Congrats Dr Mario Kart, you've surpassed Strell as my number 1 Nintendo/CAG lover[/quote]

DMK is that old guy that sits on the porch, and refuses to accept the ways of the future.

Thats why he loves the wii.
This ought to be good, just on account of you guys discussing "fanboyism", because I hate it so much (and, by extension, most of the people guilty of it in its prolonged form) and because it seems like it's really on the rise here on CAG, a place I previously considered a 'haven' of sorts from it. This is not just my paranoid imagination this time.

The worst thing about fanboys? They're loud, they're proud, and barring moderation intervention, they ain't goin' anywhere. And even then, they just rise from the ashes with another name a couple weeks later.
[quote name='jollydwarf']This ought to be good, just on account of you guys discussing "fanboyism", because I hate it so much (and, by extension, most of the people guilty of it in its prolonged form) and because it seems like it's really on the rise here on CAG, a place I previously considered a 'haven' of sorts from it. This is not just my paranoid imagination this time.

The worst thing about fanboys? They're loud, they're proud, and barring moderation intervention, they ain't goin' anywhere. And even then, they just rise from the ashes with another name a couple weeks later.[/quote]

You know what the worst part about fanboys?
They dont know when they are wrong, and just like to argue.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']I just heard the Xbox live stuff. If they gave everyone a free month of Gold, it probably would crash the system again. lol

Plus it would set a precident that they don't want to set. If they give Gold away for free, it may make people not want to pay for it.

Be happy with the free game. Most companies wouldn't give anything for some $2 loss.[/quote]
Actually, when my cable or internet goes down for a day, a week, or a month, the company credits me for the loss of service. That's the appropriate form of remuneration.

Wombat: there are lots of great PSP games designed with the PSP in mind (you hit the nail on the head with that comment, by the way--I feel exactly the same way). Make sure you look into:

Killzone: Liberation
Jeanne D'arc
Outrun 2006
Field Commander
Castlevania: Dracula X
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Puzzle Quest

Also, I got a chance to play a friend's import version of Patapon--that one is definitely worth the $20. Very creative and fun.
how about having a biggest fanboy CAG award - its not too late Cheapy since we're still in the nominating phase.

The winning entry at the end of the CAGCast is a remake of a Rick Ross song ("Hustlin"), not a 50 Cent song.

Great episode, btw!
[quote name='Thomas96']how about having a biggest fanboy CAG award - its not too late Cheapy since we're still in the nominating phase.[/quote]

seconded. This fanboy shit is really bugging me.
Way to speak out about "fanboyism", Cheapy--the whole scenario that resulted from last week's show makes me wish that both the NPD's and sites like and would just disappear.

Oh, and here's a message to the PS3 fanboys from someone (aka. myself) who's been a huge advocate of the PlayStation brand for over a decade: the PS3 has the most potential of all the current consoles, but you're just plain ignorant if you claim that, at this point, SONY hasn't completely failed at taking advantage of this potential. As someone who really enjoys my PS3, it's truly a bummer to watch SONY continue to fumble around and under-deliver functionality that should have been present at day one (Hello, universal in-game messaging for Friends List, anyone?).

Maybe if my fellow PS3 owners would spend less time playing "Sony Defense Force" on the forums and more time buying & playing PS3 games, maybe people would have a better outlook on the console; but, as of now, the PS3's software sales and software attachment rates are so low that it's discouraging to 3rd-party developers. POINT: quit trolling forums and go play R&C, Uncharted, Warhawk, UT3, Burnout, etc.

Anyway, keep up the great work CheapyD and Wombat--you're still the best podcast on the Internet!
Interesting PSP discussion.

I think Patapon looks awesome. Here's some other "Designed for PSP" Games you should check out:

- Crush
- Killzone Liberation
- Jeanne D'arc
- Megaman Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X
- Tekken Dark Resurrection
- Burnout Legends
- Daxter
- Field Commander
- Exit
- Brave Story
- Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror & Logan's Shadow

To Cheapy: the RSS reader is for audio and video content. In fact, this is how I download the CAGCast every week. Its really great to download the 'cast directly without connecting to a PC. You said remote play didn't work for you from the bathroom. Could you explain this? Does your Wifi signal not reach the toilet?

And the PSP-Specific Playstation Store is already out. They are selling some original titles on there (Beats is a good buy for $5), as well as PSone and older PSP games.

I agree the concept of downloads makes a lot of sense for a handheld. But at the time (2004), flash memory was simply too small and expensive to do everything via downloads. Now that 16GB cards are available, the store is looking very feasible. Also, having all that power in the PSP means they can keep the system alive for a long time without breaking compatibility for developers. I wouldn't want to give up PS2-quality graphics in exchange for downloads. I think God of War Chains of Olympus will probably convince you.
[quote name='StinkyCheese']seconded. This fanboy shit is really bugging me.[/quote]

Then you should not listen to anything Thomas96 or Sideshow.
bread's done