When talking about used games, did cheapy say that the game developers get a piece of the sale? I thought I heard that, and that is incorrect. The reason why game developers/publishers have no problem in going into a DLC model, is 2 fold. First it will lower cost. No cases, instructions, box art, and discs to pay for. 2nd of all, they don't make a

ing penny on used game sales. If gamestop is selling 1/4 of the games in the market, how many of them are used games that the developers don't get jack shit for. The biggest issue that DLC as the primary means for buying games is going to have, is when a new system launches who is going to sell it. Retailers don't make shit on moving a system, it is made on accessories and selling a ton of games.
As for the E3 giving money back to the developers, I am 100% behind the avg wombat

. The reason E3 was made smaller is because the companies didn't think they were getting the bang for their buck. For instance, lets say sony spent 1mill on creating a set in there booth space, and EA spent 750k. But the media would spend = time covering the stuff in EA's booth as it would sony's. It was the developers/publishers fault for spending that type of money. At the time it was rumored the big 3 console makers were the ones not happy with the current E3. Now the ones bitching about it being too small or other companies and some have pulled out. As far as I know the tokoyo game show and Leipzeig shows don't give money back to the game companies. How the

would you break that down anyways. Does every company get an equal share? Well then you piss of the big companies. If you break it down based on size/amount of games shown, then a company who had less games but was very popular would get pissed.
The way the game companies can afford to go back to the old E3 and not lose as much money is for them to sell schwag. Tshirts, hats, faceplates, games, statues of game characters etc...They could even release games at E3 several weeks ahead of time at the show, and not have to lose a cut to retailers. I am not talking about a ton of games, but a couple in total. You could charge for autographs/pictures of game designers. There are a ton of ways they could recoup the cost.
I do agree it makes more sense for the game companies to host private events for the press. They will have the full attention of the media.