[quote name='itachiitachi']First off how many FPS's have even come out for the Wii? Not that many.
Next what is more important then graphics in most FPS's(besides controls)? Online play, everyone knows the Wii sucks for multiplayer.
Also didn't Cod 3 sell more one the wii than the PS3.
Last What console has the best graphics and controls? The PC yet it usually lags behind in sales for most games(And don't say PC gaming is so expensive you can get a good PC for less than the price of a PS3 and spend less on upgrades than you do buying a new console every 6 years)[/quote]
Why be so out dated with sales figures? Why use a game that is a few years old to compare with current trends? Lets use the current Call of Duty Game. World at War has sold 1.41 million units on the 360, 600,000 on the PS3 and less than 200,000 on the Wii, DS, PS2 combined (
So this tells us that FPS may not be considered a casual type of game. Majority of Wii owners are un-educated consumers that do not know what to buy for there $249.99 casual platform.
Also, you need to be an educated consumer to go the PC route, and many people are not willing to upgrade so often to play the newest and badest games on the market. Consumers are lazy and just want a disc to put in a drive and have it run automatically. Your comment about controls for best system is an opinion and not fact.
[quote name='itachiitachi']My point was not that you should buy a FPS for the Wii , it was simply that saying that people won't want to play an FPS on the Wii become of the controls is illogical(especially if controls are matter of preference). Maybe you don't like them yourself and that is fine, but everyone I've seen give a game like RE4 or MP3 a shoot say it's the best FPS controls on any console. Of course as long as Nintendo continues there asinine friend codes, the multiplayer is going to suck, and then the also have worse graphics less power and haven’t bothered to establish or court many new fps franchises. So if you’re a control whores that don’t care about online gaming then wii is for you, if not the wouldn’t expect you to want to buy a game for it.
My point there was just that because a game has alot going for it doesn’t mean it will sell well, Just look at ratchet and clank nuts and bolts it's not going to sell as well as a madden game but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t more creative, didn't have a better level design and game play or that it wasn't a better game. It just means that more people bought madden.
These people you give the controls to are they casual gamers or hardcore? I bet you that they are casual. The wii controller lacks buttons that help bring out the game. Now I will admit I have never played a FPS game on the wii, but I need buttons for the following:
- Jumping
- Crouching
- Dashing
- Scoping (aiming)
- Melee
- Alternate Fire
- Grendae Throwing
- Weapon/Item Select
Now after all this, the Wii only has four buttons plus the D-pad for all these actions. This means that some stuff of a traditional FPS will have to be left out. So if people are telling you that they are the best FPS controlls around than they have never played on a console or PC. Also, a big hint that they are casual gamers is that they think Resident Evil 4 is a FPS.
Also, to knock on you a bit there is no game known as Ratchet and Clank: Nuts and Bolts, how dare you sir get that mixed up. Mr. Price and Insomniac did a damn fine job on that franchise only to have you butcher it by comparing it to a hashed over franchise from a godless company.