[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If you're having trouble with the controls in The Conduit, then you're doing it wrong. I controlled it fine when I played it at PAX.
If you want to complain about controls, you should direct your complaint towards to illegitimacy of the dual stick scheme for shooters. Controls are very, very important. Red Steel and Far Cry: Vengeance, as bad as they were, control better than the best that dual stick has ever produced.
As far as graphics, they dont matter once you get to a mid-cycle PS2 level for 3D, and the SNES for 2D.[/quote]
I totally agree with I mostly play PC games and that doesn't stop me from enjoying games of any gen just because the graphics aren't as good. If some one is such a graphics whore, that a game if it came out just 3 years ago people would have gushed over how it looked that's fine.
But to complain about FPS controls on a wii the one place where the wii really shines in gaming. That's like saying nobody would want to date a porn star because they all have small boobs and are so chaste.