CAGcast #153: British Cosby

I have to agree about KZ2. The MP features or lack there of (ie party system, friend invites, and etc) kills the game. I still dont understand why after so many good examples in other games devs still cant get this right.

For Wombats comment about the password lock for lobbys on xbox. Its not there because its not necessary on xbox per se. Since you can have private slots open only to your friends. This requires people to be on your friend list though which is a whole different problem though since xbl has the friends limit.

did you and whomever was holding the camera make any more videos in that love hotel that would be banned from youtube?

Gimme the Halo III code!
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Oh wow Cheapy. "There's another British bargains site that has a podcast - I've a feeling Jon would want to crush them."

Given that we haven't recorded a show since October I think that might well be the case... :D
[quote name='Willeth']Oh wow Cheapy. "There's another British bargains site that has a podcast - I've a feeling Jon would want to crush them."

Given that we haven't recorded a show since October I think that might well be the case... :D[/quote]

I don't want to get into a whole thing about it, but it's not you.
There are others? :p Good to know we're not going to get crushed.

Although with CAG 2.0 coming soon I need to get Lewie to pull his finger out and get something going that's more than Blogger. >.
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I liked this podcast. Big ups to you guys. Recently each show keeps getting better and better. This is one of the only podcast that entertains me and informs all in one. Also just to throw this out there, the CagCast should have shipwreck come on more often.
In response to the discussion about backwards compatibility...

I feel that it depends on the console. The PS2 had a lot of great games worth going back to so the PS3 having BC was defnitely called for. The Xbox not so much. The only game that got played with 360 backwards compatibility was Halo 2 and when Halo 3 came out Halo 2 was essential done.

The way the current generation is going backwards compatibility in a sense will be very important. Not so much with software on disc but with digital content. When Rock Band hits the next generation of consoles what will I do with my current batch of songs that has become a massive investment? Same goes with XBLA games. I don't want this stuff to be totally null and void when the next batch of consoles hit.
Awesome show, i dont get to listen to too many podcasts now because i dont have a job, but i had to get out and about today, so i drove around austin looking for a best buy and listened to the show. I have to agree with cheapy about the new Wrestling legends game. I downloaded the demo with low expectations from the show and i have to agree with everything he said. The camera is way to close, the controls being simple are just too hard to grasp for me. i would have much rather had an old port of the wrestlefest arcade game. This is such a dissipointment because i was thinking about picking this game up, but not so much now.
As for the xbox vista slowing down, i did get that problem before i moved, i didnt have many friends on live but it still took 1-2 mins to boot those avatars up, since i have moved to austin, the list has shown within a noticeable difference. i am not sure exactly what is happenin there.

i also dont even think about backwards compatiablity, its really a non issue for me now. i thought when i first got my 360 i would be playing tons of my origianl xbox games, i havent put any of them in the system since i didnt need to play halo2 on it. better games have just been coming out, and while i am happy its there, if it wasnt, i wouldnt notice

keep up the good shows guys :)
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Another incredibly enjoyable show guys. I find fake accents far more amusing then any reasonable individual should...real accents aren't bad either. Anyway Wombat unfortunately was right on about the RE 5 dlc...though whether it's already on the disc or not it's totally obvious that this content has been completed for quite some time. Regardless of the fact it's only going to cost five dollars it's still completely shameless on Capcom's part and I have no plans to purchase it at any price.

Oh and one thing that I can always be certain of on the internet is people always wondering if my username killthemall stands for kill the mall or kill them all. I was very amused to see that minor discussion take place when you read my comment in the cagcast.

Just to clarify when I came up with that handle 5-6 odd years ago I did in fact intend it to stand for kill them all. Not because of love for any Metallica album. Simply because it has and continues to be a phrase I hear exclaimed by the villain in just about any action/war flick and definitely a ton of games I've played.

I liked the phrase so I decided to use it as something of a permanent username across the internet. Funny thing is just about everyone I encounter thinks it stands for Kill the Mall. So I grew attached to that and these days my friends on LIVE mainly refer to me as Mall or KTM.
Thanks for giving props to HotD: Overkill! That game is 20 types of awesome and anyone looking for a "mature" game on the Wii should try it. I just wish I had gotten the comic for preordering at GameStop, but apparently they "ran out" when my gf went to pick it up. I'll just assume that the employees took them all because I doubt they had that many preorders for the game and because they are Worst Retailer of the Year.
Re: CheapyD didn't buy RE5 "because it wasn't made by Apple"
CheapyD is towards the end there (around the 1:36 mark). Funny stuff.

Just messing with ya.

I thought the show was pretty good--not quite as good as the last one, but still entertaining. Props on keeping Jewbeard alive.
One suggestion though: how about trying to do a game segment like you did with "DS game or porno" each episode. (or every couple episodes or something). It changes things up a little bit and keeps things fresh.
[quote name='CheapyD']I don't want to get into a whole thing about it, but it's not you.[/quote]

come on! fake internet drama, what's more fun than that?
Awesome show, I will definitely have to checkout House of the Dead: Overkill, my wii could use a dusting off. Also the fact that anyone would try to tax violence in games is ridiculous. Politicians should be focused on going after all the people who issued bad loans, sold insurance of those bad loans, and passed it all off as AAA investments, not to mention all the other real problems in the world. Maybe if they used the tax to feed starving children, I would feel a little better about it.
Glad you finally watched the latest Indy movie Cheapy. I guess going into it with such low expectations it was easier for you to shrug it off. I had very high hopes when I went to see it (midnight showing) and nearly left the theater. There was a dude dressed as Indy watching the movie, and after it was over he took his hat off and tried to be super inconspicuous as he walked to his car. Dude must have felt like the biggest tool with his whip...

I do have to agree with you 100% on the end, I COMPLETELY thought that Mutt was going to pick up the hat at which point I was going to go ballistic. The only saving grace of that movie was that it didn't go down like that, and Indy picked up his hat at the end.

Still, giant steaming pile of shaq-fu.
Well, I had a comment about the Riddick demo. This is a prime example of the "bad demo" situation (just like Dead Space.) Throwing someone right into combat, especially stealth combat without any clue what to do really makes the demo poor. The dead space demo did the same thing, they threw you into heavy combat without and idea how to defeat the monsters.

I found that after I "remembered" how to fight in Butcher Bay, I went back and had much more fun with the new Riddick demo the second time.
Does CheapyD have some sort of awful voice filter going on in this thing? (This is probably the 2nd or 3rd I've listened to.) His voice is god awful deep and annoying. Not sure if I am missing something. Can't even listen to this cast.
Hey what is going on with this rumor that i here that there is a new call of duty modern warfare 2 coming out this year? also i have found myself playing more PS3 then XBOX 360 and it got me searching online and there has been a lot a chatter that Microsoft is wanting to come out with a xbox 720 because they have reached their limits with the tech of the XBOX any news on this? and if so r they going to do the same thing to the 360 that the did to the first xbox and just stop makin games for it cuz i have recently put a lot of money into my XBOX and i dont want to put anymore money into it if this is the end of it.
Just wrapped up listening to the podcast, and I have to agree with a few things. Like the listening to podcasts, and not even being able to function without my full attention. After listening to where you guys were talking about the Resident evil mulitplayer, and it being announced with a price tag for maybe an unlock key? Or is this a dlc for the coming weeks? Cheapy you need to stand up with your open letter to capcom to stop this ridiculousness.

Other than that I just enjoyed it, and have been since you guys were talking about MGS4 back in June when I started listening. Also need to play with you sometime again cheapy on killzone, and also it was great having the game night wombat. Just have to ensure that cheapy gets in the room first I suppose before all the CAGs fill it up first.
Well Wombat called it, $5 for the versus mode on RE5, which is probably already on the disc. I think that it is despicable to charge for content that should be part of the game. What next, start charging to unlock the ability to use weapons in a FPS? I don't care if the versus gameplay is as good as Yahtzee's infamous triple-cunted hooker (Zero Punctuation, look it up if you don't know) they aren't getting my money.
Wombat stop eating gassy food before the podcast. It if want to continue to please mic up you butt so we can hear the toots and cags can make funny videos using the sound.
Cheapy thanks for the jello ad at the end now I want pudding.
Awesome podcast guys, The CAGcast seems like my new Saturday Morning Cartoons lol.
Also I was wondering whatever happened to CheapAssGamer Mobile?
I wanted to see look up updated Kmart Clearance prices AT Kmart, but my PSP has a hard time getting on the actual site, so after some browsing on google, I saw there was a CheapAssGamer Mobile, but to my dismay it look liked it was abandoned after 2006.
What happened to this neat concept?
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']In response to the discussion about backwards compatibility...

I feel that it depends on the console. The PS2 had a lot of great games worth going back to so the PS3 having BC was defnitely called for. The Xbox not so much. The only game that got played with 360 backwards compatibility was Halo 2 and when Halo 3 came out Halo 2 was essential done.

The way the current generation is going backwards compatibility in a sense will be very important. Not so much with software on disc but with digital content. When Rock Band hits the next generation of consoles what will I do with my current batch of songs that has become a massive investment? Same goes with XBLA games. I don't want this stuff to be totally null and void when the next batch of consoles hit.[/quote]
I absolutely appreciate backwards compatibility. I bought a 360 after not owning an Xbox, and played through Halo 1 and 2 on it, as well as Psychonauts - games I wouldn't have played if the functionality wasn't there because I had a PS2 the previous generation.

Now that I have a PS3, it really fucking irks me that if I want to play Shadow of the Colossus again or, even worse, play through the MGS series in preparation for MGS4, I have to hook up a whole other system. It always astounds me that they aren't including the feature as standard in either machine - it's super cheap technology.
Of all the gaming podcasts that I listen to I feel like Cheapy and Wombat are the true voice of the gaming masses. You guys tell it like it is, and that's what keeps me coming back to the CAGcast; that and toilet humor. ; )
[quote name='Willeth']I absolutely appreciate backwards compatibility. I bought a 360 after not owning an Xbox, and played through Halo 1 and 2 on it, as well as Psychonauts - games I wouldn't have played if the functionality wasn't there because I had a PS2 the previous generation.

Now that I have a PS3, it really fucking irks me that if I want to play Shadow of the Colossus again or, even worse, play through the MGS series in preparation for MGS4, I have to hook up a whole other system. It always astounds me that they aren't including the feature as standard in either machine - it's super cheap technology.[/quote]

I think it's always nice to have backwards compatibility, but that is not a sellpoint for the majority of people IMO. While I did enjoy playing some Gamecube games on my Wii, I bought it for playing Wii games. The same goes to my Xbox 360: I bought for the new games coming out, even though I could play old Xbox games on it, I don't really have the time with the huge amount of games to play.

So, just like Cheapy said, from a business point of view, there's really no reason to put it there, unless it costs nothing to implement. It's almost like buying a Blu-Ray player that has a VHS tape reader with it... sure, some people would appreciate that, but most people wouldn't care. Anyway, just my two cents.
Man Wombat, can really get all upitty sometimes can't he? "Braid is not Worth $15. Braid is not worth $10." "I don't want to use my brain." "I hate fun." Blah, blah, blah...

What a crotchity young man! By the time Wombat is 40 he will be the Unibomber.
Hey Cheapy & Wombat,

I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I have to agree with Wombat when it comes to games that I'm looking for on my PSP. It's real simple, when I'm traveling I turn to my PSP for home-console-esque experiences on the go, when I'm taking a crap I use my DS for 'stop and plop' gaming. I would most certainly prefer a Resistance type game than Puzzle Quest 12 as Wombat put it.

It's obvious from your conversation though that neither of you have fired up your PSPs in some time. Someone at Sony is paying attention to Apple's success with the iPod and iTunes and slowly trying to follow the example they've set. The PSN store on the PC is now intertwined with Sony's Media Manager software which they do offer a free version of. It's no iTunes yet, but Sony certainly is trying.

There is also the PSP store which you can access directly from the PSP's menu. This is huge for someone like me who travels a lot and doesn't necessarily always have a computer handy. If a new game hits the PSN store I can grab it from any WiFi hotspot. Slowly we are starting to see more and more retail PSP games hitting the PSN store for download as well - Patapon 2 just came out in the UK as both a retail and downloadable version. And running games directly from the memory stick does improve the load times somewhat.

Cheapy, unlike the 360's HDD the memory sticks are now relatively inexpensive, and at least you have a couple of options (Sony Brand, Sandisk).

I want to also call Wombat out on his comment that you can't play games properly because there is only one analog stick. Which games are you referring to? I'd like to hear you name some.

There are plenty of extremely creative developers that have crafted competent controls within the limitations of the PSP. While I do hope Sony includes a second analog nubbin on a PSP2, there are plenty of games for the current PSP that control just fine.
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Wombat,as per the complaint about the person who was on your team shooting you,well he could have been ranked high enough to have the saboteur class.The only way to tell is that the target will be red instead of green when on the player.I play as the saboteur sometimes but I am more of the engineer/sniper type.
[quote name='Willeth']Now that I have a PS3, it really fucking irks me that if I want to play Shadow of the Colossus again or, even worse, play through the MGS series in preparation for MGS4, I have to hook up a whole other system. It always astounds me that they aren't including the feature as standard in either machine - it's super cheap technology.[/quote]

Not only SotC but what about all the people who wait until games are super inexpensive to buy them, this is Cheapassgamer after all. Those people buy some games a generation late and they still might have a current generation console, are they suppose to have 5+ concoles sitting under or around their TVs?
Also what about people with giant backlogs. The Playstation 1 and 2 had a large amount of games that people wanted to play, so many so that it created a super backlog for alot of people. What are the people who are still working through some Playstation 2 games suppose to do?
Great show guys! On the ball with this one. That youtube thing is kinda deedeedee, they need to get rid of some of the other shit on there before yours. Oh, and the intro was tizzight.

[quote name='ajm1240']Man Wombat, can really get all upitty sometimes can't he? "Braid is not Worth $15. Braid is not worth $10." "I don't want to use my brain." "I hate fun." Blah, blah, blah...

What a crotchity young man! By the time Wombat is 40 he will be the Unibomber.[/quote]
That's all in opinion, I completely agree with Wombat...
I have only had once instance when I wished I had BC on my PS3.I bought Persona 4 and it id not work on my PS2,bought another copy and same thing happened.Apparently,for whatever reason,certain PS2 games do not play on the PS2...bunch of shit.

also,a bonus to K2 being on PS3 is that there are not nearly as many kids shouting and complaining.The thing is that parents are more apt to buy their children a $199 machine as oppose to a $399 machine,let alone they would actually know to buy a bluetooth headset for it.Whereas the XBox comes with the headset.That is one plus.
Good malt liquor can run you as much as 20 dollars for a 12 oz bottle.The reason is that Euro imports,as European beer has higher alcohol content,are generally over the alloted 11 percent alcohol allowed in the US for it to still be called beer.If you want some good beer though,try some Chimay,La Fin Du Mond,Delerium Tremens.Broaden your horizons people.Oh and if you live in the STL..Schlaflys is THE true St.Louis beer you are allowed to drink now.I recommend 15,heffeweisen,pale ale. :)
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Does CheapyD have some sort of awful voice filter going on in this thing? (This is probably the 2nd or 3rd I've listened to.) His voice is god awful deep and annoying. Not sure if I am missing something. Can't even listen to this cast.[/quote]
lol.... asshole.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,
I think a live podcast at E3 would be a great idea. Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht from the Diggnation podcast have done live shows for a while now and they seem to be a lot of fun for all. And Cheapy, this could even be the venue for you to launch your mini video segments that you have talked about for a while now. As always I loved the show this week!
[quote name='Z_meista']wombat, have you seen watchmen yet? if so, did you like it? why or why not?[/quote]
See it? He was in it. Great scenes with Morgan Webb there Wombat, great onscreen chemistry. What's that? (checks cast, facepalm) Wombat I think you have a famous twin brother. :D
great show!

CheapyD sorry to hear that ur day got off to a bad start
next time that happens i recommend u(or anyone) goto this site
n' read how fuck'ed other peoples lives are, i'll make u laugh :lol: n' hopefully u'll feel better about ur day :D
[quote name='TimDJ84']Good malt liquor can run you as much as 20 dollars for a 12 oz bottle.The reason is that Euro imports,as European beer has higher alcohol content,are generally over the alloted 11 percent alcohol allowed in the US for it to still be called beer.If you want some good beer though,try some Chimay,La Fin Du Mond,Delerium Tremens.Broaden your horizons people.Oh and if you live in the STL..Schlaflys is THE true St.Louis beer you are allowed to drink now.I recommend 15,heffeweisen,pale ale. :)[/quote]

Yeah, but you know that's not the type of "malt liquor" that the e-mail question was referring to.

The only way to drink malt liquor is from a 4-0 in a brown paper bag. That's the $1.59 shit that everyone is most familiar with. I prefer OE. :D

Also, props to anyone who does listen to music or podcasts while gaming. I personally cannot do anything else while I'm trying to get through a game. It would just be background noise to me.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Re: CheapyD didn't buy RE5 "because it wasn't made by Apple"
CheapyD is towards the end there (around the 1:36 mark). Funny stuff.

Just messing with ya.

I thought the show was pretty good--not quite as good as the last one, but still entertaining. Props on keeping Jewbeard alive.
One suggestion though: how about trying to do a game segment like you did with "DS game or porno" each episode. (or every couple episodes or something). It changes things up a little bit and keeps things fresh.[/quote]
LOL that video is amazing, I love ONN.
[quote name='shieryda']Jewbeard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Britsh Wombat/Cosby[/quote]
Agreed. Vote for Jewbeard!
I dunno, I think Wombat's British voice/impression is hilarious. Especially the way he read Suttner's review of Braid last show... that was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.
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Good show. Wombats undertones of 'I could be fucked' with a painful yet sad reminder of the world in which we find ourselves. Best of luck on keeping the gay job.

Personally, I really liked Indiana Jones 4. I find it funny (and reflective of our religious bias) that people will accept the premise of Raiders and Indy 3 as perfectly okay but somehow “Aliens” are out of line. C’mon.

A thousand year old Knight guarding the cup of Christ- “That’s Cool”
An alien skull –“That’s bullshit”
(for the record there is about the same amount of historical record for both)

also Patcher McDonald’s analogy was dumb and I am surprise you both agreed so much. McDonald’s is as much about convenience and price as comfort. None of that applies to the Wii
really loved that tugboat remix you put at the beginning of the show cheapy. play more remixes, i usually come and check the show notes cause of it.
I signed up for this site a while back, but have continued to lurk. This is the first CAGcast I have listened to, and now I'm probably going to have a difficult time listening to others. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard listening to a podcast. Keep up the great work guys!
Nicely done and for the record Cheapy if Wombat can't go to E3 I'll volunteer myself to carry your bags and be your assistant
good show guys, but Wombat needs to limit his impressions/accents to maybe 1 or 2 a show, he can't even do a good jew accent for Swartz's sake. Hey Cheaps, I didn't know that Gamer Razor was CAG front page news worthy but next time I find a potato chip that looks like pacman, I'll make sure you know about it ;)
bread's done