CAGcast #153: British Cosby

[quote name='PrarieD0G']I dunno, I think Wombat's British voice/impression is hilarious. Especially the way he read Suttner's review of Braid last show... that was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.[/quote]

Yes, that was the best incident, and I laughed pretty hard, too. Any other time, though, and it gets a little stale. If Wombat brought back Game Developer Theater, or other such segment and used "the voice", then I'd be fine with that.
I'm famous! I got mention! Yay for me!

Might I mention, now that I am slightly more interesting, having been quoted on the Cagcast, that I'm happy that Cheapy never settled on a theme song. Not only do most podcast theme songs suck, but I really look forward to the new song and post-show sample every week. In fact, I'd probably buy a compilation of the songs used. Can you get an affiliate link to the songs for download somewhere?

-Frisky Tenukianoid
I find it interesting that Japan marks up games based on popularity, such as Resident Evil 5 being $75-80. Being a CAG, I know I would never purchase a game even in a series I love for $75 retail. Part of being cheap is not supporting mark ups based on principle. I do that good.
The British gaming podcast may be BGB Shout? I don't know for sure though. i know the dude on the show mentioned Cheapy before.
[quote name='ssssss']I find it interesting that Japan marks up games based on popularity, such as Resident Evil 5 being $75-80. Being a CAG, I know I would never purchase a game even in a series I love for $75 retail. Part of being cheap is not supporting mark ups based on principle. I do that good.[/QUOTE]

I actually like the idea, even though I would like if "standard" games or new IPs where around $ 30-40, and the popular games $ 60 , as it should be in the first place.
Great Episode, guys! I'm glad Cheapy finally saw Indy 4 and can now put it behind him. I remember how I felt when I saw it only a few months ago. I went in knowing little to nothing, and expecting the same (considering the writing), but I still couldn't help feeling as though this movie was more an opportunity squandered than a genuine sequel.

I'm also with Wombat on Braid. In fact, his logic tends to be how I base my decisions on what I will or will not buy from XBLA. If you check my gamertags you will see that I have purchased no XBLA games, mostly because the games I would like to play cost more than I am willing to pay. Not to mention the backlog that I too have, such as unplayed copies of Okami and God of War 2, among others. For my $10-$20, XBLA would have to offer better than what I have seen. I understand Cheapy said that the demo doesn't really show what the game has to offer, but it still feels like a bad investment for me. Money is tight, time is precious, and I'd rather be finally breaking into my copy of Bioshock than paying $15 for a game like Braid or the utterly busted (but I hear finally fixed) Castle Crashers.
XBLA games like Braid at $10 are completely worth it. So I'm sitting at home bored on a rainy Friday night. I could either spend $5 in gas going to the store to buy a game plus the cost of a game, or spend $10 dollars to instantly get a great game like Braid. Hell, its $10 to rent a game from Blockbuster.

I agree with Wombat that XBLA games don't compare to full games on clearance, but in order to get Star Wars:TFU for $15 I would have to get on gamefly, buy it, and wait 4 business days to receive the game. XBLA is for those times when you need something new to play right now.
I'm sad :cry:. I just broke my MP3 players screen today at school so now my podcasting abilities have been hindered. God bless the listen live button on the homepage. Also I disagree with the other posters. For some reason the intro pissed me off.
Love you podcast i started listening about 6 months ago after i saw your you tube videos.

Hey in a college student and I'm going to Tokyo for a semester to learn civil engineering do you have any recommendations for food places i should go to eat can you talk about your favorite places to eat on the next podcast.
[quote name='XTommyDonX']Great show, but it seems that Cheapy can't stop throwing that "internet space pimp" title all over every episode in recent weeks. It's definitely funny, but you don't want to sound too full of yourself is all. CAG definitely needs a few more members for you to properly receive that name. Keep up the good work as always.

And Wombat, I almost always prefer a nice bone in my steak much like you but that doesn't mean that boneless steaks are only for those with a weak stomach. After all, Wombat could get a good look at a T-bone by sticking his head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.[/QUOTE]
tommy boy ftw
If Wombat has actually correctly called the RE5 multiplayer content being on the disc, I will be so very, very pissed off. The saddest part is, he's probably right.
Some sources on the internet comment that capcom states it is not on the disc, and it will cost 5 bucks.
Cagcast was good, but in the end did not feel like you guys talked a lot about games. 2 hours flew by, thanks again for the work!
Cheapy, I cannot agree with you more about this whole political obsession with violent video games. I am so sick of soccer mom sally's blaming the video game industry for their craptastic parenting, and the politicians eating this garbage up like a starving fat kid with cake in front of him just to be elected again. This is a complete waste of time and resources as we are in the worst recession the U.S has ever been in, and it just seems like a giant covor up for people who have no idea how they will fix the bigger issues, so instead they hide their failure with meaningless bull.

great show as always guy, keep doing what you do.
Confirmed. Americans do cockney accents when impersonating English people. Ill take this time to be polictically correct and call all Americans to stop using the term 'British'. Britain consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. I am English, not British, because I am not Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
I just woke up to a dead 360. Looks like I'll be heading to Gamestop to pick up some B2G1 free Wii games.


Any suggestions?
Anybody know where the intro came from? If there's a website out there that covers hip hop ala video game, I'd like to know about it.

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[quote name='Chuck69']Confirmed. Americans do cockney accents when impersonating English people. Ill take this time to be polictically correct and call all Americans to stop using the term 'British'. Britain consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. I am English, not British, because I am not Scottish, Welsh or Irish.[/quote]
You're both. So am I.

Also, Great Britain doesn't include Northern Ireland. Check out this handy nerd graph!


EDIT: Also Cheapy and John, been meaning to say this for a while but it keeps slipping my mind. I don't get the CheapArseGamer website, I get the American CheapAssGamer from a British IP. I'm on Virgin Media (identified as Telewest I think) in Sheffield.
Great show last week guys, it always makes me laugh.

Im also enjoying the hilarious Wombat impersonations, they should become come a new staple of the show, even though Jewbeard and British Cosby are hard acts to follow.
I think it is a little surprising to hear wombat say he got the most value out of Fallout 3 this year. The first show after he got it all he could do was complain about how he didn't understand the game, which weapon to use, and how to use the map.

I can completely understand the confusion with the map at first, it took me a little while to understand that they were including which subways you need to go through in the directions, but I am glad to see that Wombat is willing to stick with a game and learn how to enjoy it.
I really like the idea behind Furious Gamer, and while I don't have an iPhone, I hope they make an app for Google Android, so I can utilize it on the go on my G1.

Another great episode Cheapy and Wombat!
[quote name='Willeth']EDIT: Also Cheapy and John, been meaning to say this for a while but it keeps slipping my mind. I don't get the CheapArseGamer website, I get the American CheapAssGamer from a British IP. I'm on Virgin Media (identified as Telewest I think) in Sheffield.[/quote]

I'll take a look, thanks for letting us know! - in the meantime, you can manually override region settings by going here and switching your region to UK:
[quote name='Willeth']You're both. So am I.

Also, Great Britain doesn't include Northern Ireland. Check out this handy nerd graph!


I know. But I much prefer to be called English because I was born and live in England. I think Northern Ireland is British. You have taken that diagram from Wikipedia which also says the Northern Irish are Britons. That diagram means nothing as Britons are still so if it is the British Isles or Great Britain with the exemption of the Republic of Ireland. I could get a quote but its full of dastardly links to appendices.
I thought it was a bit funny Cheapy mentioned that the government should raise taxes on cigarettes before putting a tax on mature video games, or something along those lines. And starting April 1st there is a federal tax increase of $6.20 per carton of smokes.
Guys, I love the CAGcast. I listened to about 30 shows before I started visiting the site, even though I heard of the site before I heard of the show. Long story. I visit the site 'cuz of Wombat's "contributions" to the CAGcast. I wanted to say that when guys talked about Braid not being worth $15. I agreed with both of you in a way. I bought it because of all the stellar reviews that game sites gave it. But I don't think it's worth the price of admission. On the otherhand, I haven't come close to finishing it. So maybe I'd like it much more if I had the time or patience to play it all the way through. Until then I wish I had waited to buy it on sale because I haven't played it much to this point anyway.

I think that the problems with the Xbox guide being slow may come down to whether or not your account migrated from an original Xbox or started with the Xbox 360. I have nearly 100 friends on my friends list and my account started on Xbox and I have always seen it slow. I don't know but it just a hypothesis.

Oh, and I do want to win the Halo Map pack. And Wombat is always right and a gaming intellectual genius. Please, make sure this comment doesn't get disqualified, Wombat ;-)
I have to disagree with the Indy 4 talk......the worst part of that movie is Karen Allen! Why is that woman smileing from ear to ear in every scene???
Good Episode.

Cheapy, there is one western that is supposed to be on the horizon besides Call of Juarez 2. It's Red Dead Revolver 2, and the short teaser looked good.
Great show as always. Best part hands down, cheapy laughing but also giving wombat sympathy for how much he has in his bank. Oh and please stop doing cockney accents when trying to do an english one, its just bad all over. Thanks again guys.
Hey Wombat,
I think the problem with indy IV is that we've all grown older. I personally have the same thoughts as you about the new indy compared to the old ones. Little kids today this the new indy is awesome. This is what I'm hearing from my friends kids.

Staying alive in a fridge from atomic blast is the same difference as the ark melting some evil nazis face. Its just that as kids we believed it and thought it was awesome, where as now, surviving a nuclear bomb in a fridge is just stupid. But I bet if we were kids and watched the new one, it would be super cool.

Just my theory anyway.

[quote name='maggoty']

Staying alive in a fridge from atomic blast is the same difference as the ark melting some evil nazis face. Its just that as kids we believed it and thought it was awesome, where as now, surviving a nuclear bomb in a fridge is just stupid. But I bet if we were kids and watched the new one, it would be super cool.

Just my theory anyway.


I disagree on your comparison. Sure the ark's power is not realism, but it's supposed to be magical/mystical/whatever. The fridge is not magical. It's just a fridge. "Behold the power of the almighty" holds a little more weight than "behold the power of lead".

Unquestionably though, as Cheapy said, the only good part was the very last scene
with the hat

[quote name='pelf21']I have to disagree with the Indy 4 talk......the worst part of that movie is Karen Allen! Why is that woman smileing from ear to ear in every scene???[/quote]

No, Karen Allen is awesome and was criminally underused. Though, didn't she smile all the time in Raiders? Either way, I could watch that smile all day.
Love the podcast been listening to it for a long time now, at least a year. Was inspired to sign up by the others outed in the show.

As an American living in Scotland, am very grateful for the deals found here in the U.K. And would love to hear what Super Programmer John has to say as well if he ever did his own podcast.
I have to say I am really intrigued by the rumors of this new PSP4K. I would really like to see a device that is completely flashed based memory, no more UMD. What would really make this device a killer device would be to include a touch screen and a QWERTY keyboard. This would allow the device to be a much better web machine then the iPhone. Also SONY should spend a little time with the music playing software in the PSP, really make the user experince comparable to the iPod and ZUNE. Now the down side for me is I have had a PSP since launch, and have a library of about 15 games for the PSP. So now what am I suppose to do with all my UMDs, if the device is completely flash base. My idea would be that Sony sponsors a trade in program where you mail your UMDs into SONY and they send you codes to download those games from the PSN store. This would benefit SONY and its developers in two ways. First it would generate sales from loyal long time users such as me to buy a new PSP4K. Second it would then take a bunch of UMDs out of circulation, then those UMDs are not showing up at Gamestop and being resold over and over again helping developers of the PSP platform.

By the way Cheapy, the new PSN Store on the PSP is really nice you don’t need a computer you can attach directly to the PSN store and download games, demos, and video straight to the device without the need to attach it to the computer. It looks just like the PSN store on the PS3. Although I will say the connection speed is super slow just like the PS3 store.

Wombat, I am curious, you say that you like to purchase music through legal means to help support the artists. But everyone knows that very little of the money from CD & online sales goes to the actual artists, yet you seem to have no such loyalties to game developers as you routinely purchase used games and sell used games. Kind of thinking there is a double standard here, care to share your thoughts?
[quote name='Willeth']I absolutely appreciate backwards compatibility. I bought a 360 after not owning an Xbox, and played through Halo 1 and 2 on it, as well as Psychonauts - games I wouldn't have played if the functionality wasn't there because I had a PS2 the previous generation.

Now that I have a PS3, it really fucking irks me that if I want to play Shadow of the Colossus again or, even worse, play through the MGS series in preparation for MGS4, I have to hook up a whole other system. It always astounds me that they aren't including the feature as standard in either machine - it's super cheap technology.[/quote]

Backwards compatibility is good. Obviously, you are a later adopter of the PS3 since you can not play the PS2 games. I enjoyed the full backwards compatibility for the launch of the 20 and 60 gig PS3. What I did not like was the emulated piece of garbage the 360 offered. Sure you can not tell the difference, but having to wait several months for them to update it to get more titles on is a pain. When Sony did that, it only irked me more as a consumer. Would Sony have done that if Microsoft had the built in drive to play all X-Box games? Does Microsoft even update there BC list anymore? Even on the DSi there is no more backwards compatibility. It seems as though that BC is now a dying format and it is not good for the consumer. After all, why would a company want to support a system they no longer make games for. The only company that sems to be able to profit off of BC would be used game stores since Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo no longer sell new older gen games and are primarly focusing on the current generation.
[quote name='shieryda']On having Major Nelson on another CAGcast:

You should ask him why the NXE is so freakin' slow!

While I admit that I do listen to Major Nelson most weeks, I cannot believe that Microsoft lets such a nerd be the "mouth" of Microsoft. I am almost proud of them for not having some d-bag do a hipster show or some hot chick do a "why xbox is cool" show.

Anyway, great show Cheapy and Wombat.
It's funny, I listened to the podcast while I was at work trying to put out a few fires. The only things I remember are:
Wombat mentioning his grocery shopping
Both Wombat and Cheapy saying that they can't listen to podcasts while doing other things, as they lose track of what's going on...

And yeah, I lost track of what was going on in the show. Alas.

Silly work.

I loved the talk about the last indy movie. I was laughing out loud. The fridge was terrible and aliens, seriously aliens, I almost threw the disc in the trash when i saw that. Great show.
Cheapy and Wombat,
I think one of the main reasons your show doesn't have the number of listeners that Rebel FM, etc do is because you guys dont play games! In almost every episode each of you only play one real game (not counting DLC or demos). Pick up a few games and play them an hour or so each and post your thoughts as you progress through the game. People listen to podcasts to hear YOUR thoughts on games not just get news they can read at Kotaku in 5 minutes. Also, why don't you guys bring back the "Old Game You Should Pick Up for Cheap" segment? That was an awesome piece for CAGs. You could also each pick up a game for an hour or two a week from the previous generation of consoles that you never got around to finishing. Keeping a consistant realease of podcasts without skipping weeks would also help too. Even a quick 30 minute show would be fine. I'll always be a listener of the CAGcast and keep up the great show!
bread's done