CAGcast #193: Horse & Bucket

Another great show.

I'm with Wombat on the splinter cell demo, it didn't do a good job selling the game at all. Way too short and I didn't like having it hold my hand throughout. I'm not sure now i've been interested in this game for a long time but demo didn't do it for me.

Will have to wait and see what happens upon release.
I'm pretty sure people will buy the DSi XL. Remember that what now makes up most of Nintendo sales are the casual folk who don't go to sites like Destructoid or Kotaku every single day to find gaming news, those are the people who will buy the DSI XL, Granted sales for it will take a blow as a result to the 3DS but it may not be as big.
[quote name='Just-Joe']I'm pretty sure people will buy the DSi XL. Remember that what now makes up most of Nintendo sales are the casual folk who don't go to sites like Destructoid or Kotaku every single day to find gaming news, those are the people who will buy the DSI XL, Granted sales for it will take a blow as a result to the 3DS but it may not be as big.[/QUOTE]

That's absolutely right. The average, casual game consumer won't even know what a 3DS is until the marketing and advertising begin closer to its release.
haven't listed to podcast yet but just wanted to make sure everyone knows about the god of war 3 documentary on PSN hosted by robocop available for download NOW!

your move creep!
Got to the CAGcast late this week, so during listening, i went to that game crush site to see how serious it is, the servers were down... so what crashed their servers? Lot of battleship masturbaters in the world, maybe? Pretty funny.
Always seems that i'm a week behind in listening, but think your show is great. Burst out laughing today when walking the dogs, when you dogged "boatcrash" about his not existent podcast.

Great stuff.

BTW...where do you find a smiley face smashing his face into a brink emoticon?
Wow. Responding to the criticism about hiding behind Jack Tretton's gamesharing statement, Cheapy just reads the statement again as his ironic defense and Wombat completely ignores the part of the TOS I posted that says you're not allowed to send your account login info to others. Saying the TOS doesn't matter because of what the top guy said sets a bad example based on some of the questionable things you've done or said on the show.

The biggest issue I had with Game Room was the lack of info on controls, as you have to pull up a menu just to see what each button does since every machine controls differently. While being a faithful emulation of an arcade game is good, their cabinets had the controls listed on them most of the time, which you don't have access in Game Room. It also seems like a lot of its appeal relies heavily upon having a lot of friends that regularly use it, otherwise you don't have need for the challenge or leaderboard/flag system.

I'm very interested in the USB storage device update for the Xbox 360 since I haven't been interested in paying the outrageous prices for the proprietary hard drives, so being able to use one of the extra hard drives from my old PC to essentially double my hard drive space (yeah, I rock the 20 GB GD) would be great.

The reason why light gun games on the PS3 died with Time Crisis 4 is because nobody bought it. Besides the cost, it bombed hard enough that Namco and anybody else that was interested in it gave up. The Move at least opens that back up for you, so you shouldn't shit on it and say they should go back to the old way that consumers won't support.

Enjoyed the Metro 2033 discussion since I don't have any interest in playing it myself. Good show.
[quote name='meager']Brady Bunch movies and Harvey Birdman, really? This is where you reference Gary Cole, Wombat? You just need to say "The boss in Office Space," or simply "Lumbergh." If that doesn't get an immediate "Ooooooh" then you simply stop talking to that person.[/QUOTE]

He also played Dana Delany's ex on "Desperate Housewives".
I'm bothered by the concept of GameCrush. As a single guy, I would love to meet female gamers, but this is not the answer. I'm sure some guys get turned on by being schooled at games by women, but I prefer something more substantial. I don't see GameCrush in its current form succeeding.

Now, if there was like an eHarmony for gamers, I would consider using that. GameCrush is FAIL!!
Good show, btw they have figured out how to do 3Dtv with out glasses, but you would have to replace that new plasma you just got and by a whole new set.
Really .. how many weeks do we have to listen to cheapy talk about his $$$ apartment.... and you wonder why more people are listening... SHIPWRECK. Someone that actually knows games and doesn't run his mouth about where he lives and how much money he has..

cheapy = lame
wombat = growing on me but still smells like cat litter
Another great show guys! Sooooo happy Shipwreck is a part of the show, and Wombat and Cheapy are pullin' out all the stops as usual. Great job and keep up the great work!
LOLZ!!!! This one one of the FUNNIEST episodes In a while!! Lots of energy from ship and wombat. Felt a bit short though...Cheapy take your BM before the show next time. You sounded constipated!! :3! Great show!! xD!!!
[quote name='rxeight']I looked at the pictures before listening to the podcast:hot:. I am shocked where the hell did CheapyD go?[/QUOTE]
You be shock when you find something in Japan lol, i know i was there. also there some magic in the CAGcast that keep making me listing to it every week on my Zune HD, you can feel that the CAGcast is not like any podcast out there but i can't put my fringer on it.
Great show, guys! Thank you for answering my question about Yakuza 3. I hope Sega gets back to you guys.
Keep up the good work!
Listened to the CAGCast earlier this week but just now getting to comment.

LOL at the hotel pictures. Damn the Japanese are pretty freaky. Does anything like that even exist in the US? LOL

Ship has gotten a lot more comfortable, you can really tell. He is starting to open up a lot and say some funny stuff. Cheapy and Wombat were hilarious as usual.

Guess you guys need to change the forum name to CAGCast only? Looks like Ship has set sail away from Foreplay for good.
Hey just listened to the episode on the way back from PAX! It was nice meeting you Wombat, I forgot to mention who I was on the forums, but I met you immediately after the Live Joystiq episode ended. You seemed surprised that people recognized you, how many other people came up to you at PAX? Also I was going to ask you at PAX if you could plug my friend Siobhan on American Idol, but I forgot so I'm going to ask now. You mentioned you watched it on some episode. Hope you had an awesome PAX, and great episode as always!
do you guys ever talk on the phone/skype/some other voicechat thing about games? the ME2 and Metro whatever talks seem like you don't

I think gameroom should either be bundled collections of games or a certain amount of msp a month or something for unlimited play.
Just started bathing myself in the splendor and glory that is the CAGcast. I don't know how I got by all of these years without you guys! All three of you guys are hysterical, although I am a bit weirded out by Cheapy's bondage fetish. You look out for yourself now, Mrs. Cheapy.
Great show guys! Also about the static you get with your headset, have you asked anyone in the area what they use to get rid of it? Japanese are high tech, I would of asked them first.
The show has really picked up lately guys. You have me laughing out loud. Looking forward to this weeks. And I see your offers of free games/money has increased the amount of comments for each CAGCast ha. I want some sbarro.

P.S. I hate my 360 avatar so much. The 360 is the WRONG audience for this sh*t.
Looks like your advertising of gamecrush was so good that it overwhelmed their server!!!

pic as of 30 Mar 2010:

[quote name='shipwreck']We talk to each other a lot during the week, but usually keep the game talk for the shows.[/QUOTE]

That sounds hot
I agree about the 3DS announcement right before the XL comes out. How in the world does Nintendo sell so much stuff? It baffles me.
I also think Ship is a definite positive addition. I'm very late in saying that (b/c he has been on for quite a while), I know.
Another good show, but this time complete with creepy Japanese love hotel pictures!

By the way, if you guys are still playing Bad Company 2 online, send me an invite. I'd love to play some BC2 with Cheapy, Shipwreck, and I guess that other guy too.
fun fun fun fun fun fun YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA fun fun fun fun fun fun YEA!! YE YA YAAA!! FUN FUN FUN FUN!!! xD!!!!!!! where the hell.. :3! IMSOHAPPY!
Great show, but your Metro 2033 section drove me nuts. Nuclear, nuclear, nuclear. Not Nucular. You wouldn't say that electrons surround a nuculus, would you?

I'm pretty sure this segment gave me OCD!
better late than never - just wanted to chime in on last weeks comments that Shipwreck and wombat had about how some of the sites have given their staff a voice and how this keeps readers coming back for more. personally i never read blogs until i started getting into podcasts and getting to know the people. It's good for the people and the business (until the business wants to fire one of them....). anyways, great show - it's what has me wandering to your site from time to time and following you on twitter. keep it up.
I don't quite understand why Wombat feels compelled to make fun of BoatCrash. Just because he has a harem of 12 year-olds and a wife who seems more interested in talking to Wombat doesn't mean that he deserves it. I'm sure he gets enough abuse from his fellow pedophiles about being such a geek.
bread's done