[quote name='Davestation']I think Sony just said
the fall season, they have been releasing many exclusives in the first three months of the year. Killzone 2 came out in February, God of War III came out in March, and Infamous came out in March (not all the same year). The only titles that I can recall them releasing in the Fall would be Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet and Little Big Planet. In fact the next game on my radar is actually Dead Space 2 that is releasing in January. I just think that Third-Party Publishers push way to many games out in the last four months of the year where it gets saturated. If EA released Brutal Legend in March do you think that it may have had better sales? I think that releasing all games at once is bad and I know that getting Dead Space 2 in January and Killzone 2 a month later is not going to kill me as a game consumer. The only thing that is annoying as a consumer is the constant delays such as what Gran Turismo has been doing. One push back is okay, several is telling me that a game is in trouble. I mean honestly, does anyone really think that Duke Nukem Forever is actually going to be any good?[/QUOTE]
Killzone was Feb. 09, GoW III was March 2010, and Infamous was May 09.
Pushing a game back is understandable, but you have to plan your releases properly. If you're a shooter like Homefront and you go against Killzone 3, Bulletstorm, or even Duke Nukem, then you might as well kiss your sales goodbye. This year is was literally 1 AAA after another from the end of Feb. through mid-March, a bit of a slowdown in April with Splinter Cell and SSFIV, then some disappointing sales for A LOT of titles in a slammed May that got dominated by Red Dead Redemption. Those that didn't get Red Dead got Mario. Capcom is a MASTER at getting the most sales in the springtime (outside of Lost Planet 2) while EA is becoming a fast learner. Sony has done good business the last two spring seasons, then seem to drop the ball for Christmas.
If Sony thinks only PS Move and no other exclusive titles are going to be able to compete for Christmas sales against Halo, Fable, and Kinect, with the 360 already being the leader in third-party titles like Fallout and Call of Duty, then they have another think coming. I'm beginning to wonder if 2011 is going to be like 2010 for Sony, a BUNCH of games in the first few months then almost nothing for the rest of the year.
Between Feb. and March, I bought 5 PS3 titles new at retail. Since then, it's only been a Move bundle and a used copy of MAG.