CAGcast #231: Winning

Well, finally got my hands on the 3DS at GDC. But first, a little about GDC...

For gamers, it's not really that interesting. There are a very few things on display, from 3D tech we're going to see in Crysis 2 and PCs running Halo and Fable III, to the full complement on 3DS launch titles, and some Kinect and Move titles (Killzone 3). Fun stuff, just not much of it. That's because GDC is a recruiting event. I'm sure Cheapy, Ship and Wombat know this - so I'd echo Cheapy's statements on the show about GDC, and unless you're interested in actually working on games or using the middleware tech or payment systems surrounding games (in-app purchases, Paypal, etc.), there's very little here.

Now, onto the 3DS. A mixed bag from what I experienced. I only had time to play with two games, Steel Diver and Kid Icarus - and the implementation of 3D in both games couldn't be more different. (Pilotwings, Street Fighter, Zelda and a couple others were there, but I was tight on time.)

In Steel Diver, 3D is a very subtle effect and, because it was the first game I touched, I lost a lot of interest in the 3DS almost immediately (the non-wow factor of the 3D AND the game itself (see below)). Then I had some time to play Kid Icarus, which really implements the 3D well, adding quite a bit of fun to the gameplay and keeping me in pre-order land. So, just because a game has 3D doesn't mean it's done well - just like movies, we have the winners (movies natively shot in 3D) and the stinkers (movies shot in 2D and converted to 3D in post).

Onto gameplay, again, I only had hands on time with these two.

I'd say Steel Diver is a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. It uses the sensors to determine the direction you're looking in the game, you have a 360 view and can look up and down to some degree, all of which is neat, but this ensures you need to constantly be moving and spinning around to find the subs you need to destroy. You cannot play this seated without getting pasted, which means no couch potato, no playing in bed, no playing on a bus or train or airplane, etc. You're controls are limited to using the stylus on the touchscreen for zooming in/out on targets, shooting a left or right torpedo, and using the stylus to plug leaks to your submarine when damaged (which is just like that Plug the Leaks game on Kinect Adventures). And...that's it.

I love the idea of a kick-ass submarine game. I'm sorry to say Steel Diver isn't it.

Kid Icarus, by contrast, was a fun game, great use of 3D, and it controls pretty well, but you're going to experience play-fatigue after a short period of time. Between using the stylus to select targets and move around on the ground (right hand), holding the system (left hand), while using the analog stick to move around during flight and on the ground (left thumb), and the left trigger to shoot (left index finger), you absolutely must stabilize the 3DS on a surface - a table or your leg - because you can't possibly keep holding the system for long periods of time. Five minutes, fine, but after 15 minutes you want to put the system down. Even when you have the system supported, the holding the system/analog/trigger trifecta puts an enormous amount of stress on your left hand. I did enjoy the game, but I'd say long play sessions or playing while standing are out. If you're lefty, I don't know how you could play it at all.

All-in-all, good to have a little hands-on with the system. It's definitely capable of excellent 3D, as Kid Icarus made evident, but we'll see - it could certainly have benefited from a second analog control. Also, because you truly cannot take video of games, hands-on is critical. I look forward to testing out a few more things at PAX East next week. Legend of Zelda should be there, in addition to Pilotwings and all the other titles I missed at GDC. Personally, I hope Shin Megami Tensei will be on display.
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Wooow. There are a lot of butthurt PS3/Nintendo fans out for this one. Do you people actually think that three grown, married men are really 360 fanboys??? All they do is play games they want to play on the console they prefer to play it on. It has nothing to do with Microsoft or Sony, it's just their preference. Why should they play games they aren't interested in to stop the whining of you people? If they don't mention a game (which is rare) it isn't because it's a PS3 or DS game. It's because it's a PS3 or DS game that doesn't peak their interest. Have they gone on record saying they prefer 360 over PS3? Sure. BUT THEY ALSO LAID OUT SEVERAL REASONS WHY. They aren't fanboys, they just have preferences.

Get over yourselves and grow up.
[quote name='yobak3r']wooow. There are a lot of butthurt ps3/nintendo fans out for this one. Do you people actually think that three grown, married men are really 360 fanboys??? All they do is play games they want to play on the console they prefer to play it on. It has nothing to do with microsoft or sony, it's just their preference. Why should they play games they aren't interested in to stop the whining of you people? If they don't mention a game (which is rare) it isn't because it's a ps3 or ds game. It's because it's a ps3 or ds game that doesn't peak their interest. Have they gone on record saying they prefer 360 over ps3? Sure. But they also laid out several reasons why. They aren't fanboys, they just have preferences.

Get over yourselves and grow up.[/quote]

[quote name='Indiana']Cheapy you sound like you are inside a box. Did u get a new mic or a smaller room? Everyone else sounds normal to me.[/QUOTE]

this is not cheapy , its a special episode of the cagcast with zordon from power rangers in it , rangers rangers rangers rangers rangers ,rangers rangers rangers rangers rangers........
great show as always , but why is wombats complains are so frustrating , im a new listener , but wow he complains about the most simple things like the playstation move having too much buttons , thats like complaining about why a candybar has too much calories in it , great show.
[quote name='yobak3r']Wooow. There are a lot of butthurt PS3/Nintendo fans out for this one. Do you people actually think that three grown, married men are really 360 fanboys??? All they do is play games they want to play on the console they prefer to play it on. It has nothing to do with Microsoft or Sony, it's just their preference. Why should they play games they aren't interested in to stop the whining of you people? If they don't mention a game (which is rare) it isn't because it's a PS3 or DS game. It's because it's a PS3 or DS game that doesn't peak their interest. Have they gone on record saying they prefer 360 over PS3? Sure. BUT THEY ALSO LAID OUT SEVERAL REASONS WHY. They aren't fanboys, they just have preferences.

Get over yourselves and grow up.[/QUOTE]

Critiquing something is not "whining." I don't care what they're preferences are, but I think the show needs freshened up with a reformatting. The CAGcast tries to be an all encompassing gaming podcast covering all the systems out there with an open mind towards everything, but they clearly fail at this because they don't play anything outside the 360/PS3. The PS3 talk is iffy as it is, and sometimes downright completely stupid (see the entire PS3 needs saving episode, their knowledge of PSN, them overlooking PS3 exclusives, etc). When they only play one or two systems at max, the other news stuff/discussions just takes up a lot of unnecessary time and you can tell they just don't really give a shit. Instead of pretending to care, they should just totally cut it from the show.

They can try to put the effort in to play these systems and games and incorporate them into the show since they run a gaming podcast that talks about all the systems, as well as getting the perks (lots of free games, events, etc), or they can not put the effort in, keep it on cruise control, and just cut the current fat out from the show. Either way works. Keep the 360/PS3 games and news. Cut the Wii/DS/PSP talk. Keep the Apple talk since that's the only thing Cheapy gets excited about. Take out the new releases segment because it's a waste of time. Maybe incorporate some sort of special handheld segment for Wombat since he commutes long hours and plays games during that time. Also maybe have some segment where they play an old cheap game (since this is Cheap Ass Gamer) and recommend it to people. I don't know.
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[quote name='Blackout']Critiquing something is not "whining." I don't care what they're preferences are, but I think the show needs freshened up with a reformatting. The CAGcast tries to be an all encompassing gaming podcast covering all the systems out there with an open mind towards everything, but they clearly fail at this because they don't play anything outside the 360/PS3. The PS3 talk is iffy as it is, and sometimes downright completely stupid (see the entire PS3 needs saving episode, their knowledge of PSN, them overlooking PS3 exclusives, etc). When they only play one or two systems at max, the other news stuff/discussions just takes up a lot of unnecessary time and you can tell they just don't really give a shit.

They can try to put the effort in to play these systems and games and incorporate them into the show since they run a gaming podcast that talks about all the systems, as well as getting the perks (lots of free games, events, etc), or they can not put the effort in, keep it on cruise control, and just cut the current fat out from the show. Either way works. Keep the 360/PS3 games and news. Keep the Apple talk since that's the only thing Cheapy gets excited about. Take out the new releases segment because it's a waste of time. Maybe incorporate some sort of special handheld segment for Wombat since he commutes long hours and plays games during that time. Also maybe have some segment where they play an old cheap game (since this is Cheap Ass Gamer) and recommend it to people. I don't know.[/QUOTE]

What kind of show are expecting? For me the show is about the three of us, and what think and what we play. No more, no less. I don’t consider it a review show or a game news show. I would love it if people stopped thinking of as a game themed show altogether. It is an entertainment show. Hopefully when you listen, you enjoy it. That's all we aim for.
[quote name='Wombat']What kind of show are expecting? For me the show is about the three of us, and what think and what we play. No more, no less. I don’t consider it a review show or a game news show. I would love it if people stopped thinking of as a game themed show altogether. It is an entertainment show. Hopefully when you listen, you enjoy it. That's all we aim for.[/QUOTE]

I've never once said I haven't been entertained by the show. You guys got that locked down with your jokes and stories. Sometimes I have to stop listening to the podcast when I'm on way way to school on the bus or train, otherwise I'd burst out laughing like a moron. All three of you are great personalities.

The points I were making is that the CAGcast for a long time has been a gaming podcast centered on news, reviews, etc focused on all the systems. That's what it's been for 231 episodes. I would think most people would agree you guys are a video game podcast. Now if you guys are under that umbrella, then the criticisms people are pointing out have some validity. I'm not saying you guys become all serious like Giant Bomb,1 UP, or Joystiq, because all those guys suck.

I've been listening for a long time, and I can tell the energy level and excitement is fading off, and sometimes not even there. I missed the episode where guys talked about wanting more listeners and stuff, but I think a reformatting in either direction I mentioned previously would spice things up for you guys as well as the listeners.

Either way I'm still going to listen because you guys are hilarious.
[quote name='Wombat']What kind of show are expecting? For me the show is about the three of us, and what think and what we play. No more, no less. I don’t consider it a review show or a game news show. I would love it if people stopped thinking of as a game themed show altogether. It is an entertainment show. Hopefully when you listen, you enjoy it. That's all we aim for.[/QUOTE]
Why? Do you guys want to be able to talk about "serious" gaming topics without being able to be criticized because it's not a gaming podcast? About 90% of each show is all about games with a good portion containing serious topics ranging from the NPDs to rants about why the PS3/Sony is terrible to what bad decisions publisher X is making.
[quote name='Blackout']Critiquing something is not "whining." I don't care what they're preferences are, but I think the show needs freshened up with a reformatting. The CAGcast tries to be an all encompassing gaming podcast covering all the systems out there with an open mind towards everything, but they clearly fail at this because they don't play anything outside the 360/PS3. The PS3 talk is iffy as it is, and sometimes downright completely stupid (see the entire PS3 needs saving episode, their knowledge of PSN, them overlooking PS3 exclusives, etc). When they only play one or two systems at max, the other news stuff/discussions just takes up a lot of unnecessary time and you can tell they just don't really give a shit. Instead of pretending to care, they should just totally cut it from the show.

They can try to put the effort in to play these systems and games and incorporate them into the show since they run a gaming podcast that talks about all the systems, as well as getting the perks (lots of free games, events, etc), or they can not put the effort in, keep it on cruise control, and just cut the current fat out from the show. Either way works. Keep the 360/PS3 games and news. Cut the Wii/DS/PSP talk. Keep the Apple talk since that's the only thing Cheapy gets excited about. Take out the new releases segment because it's a waste of time. Maybe incorporate some sort of special handheld segment for Wombat since he commutes long hours and plays games during that time. Also maybe have some segment where they play an old cheap game (since this is Cheap Ass Gamer) and recommend it to people. I don't know.[/QUOTE]

Stop commenting on what the CagCast is trying to be. Do you live inside Wombat's Wombat shaped head? All it is is just three funny guys discussing their hobby. The PS3 talk is only iffy to you because you disagree with their views (the ps3 needs saving episode was absolutely reasonable, and the only time i can think of bad psn knowledge was wombat, who is good for about a couple errors a show about any given subject. As for exclusives, name some theyve missed that are actually relevant.) As i said before, why should three grown men, doing a free podcast they get pretty much no monetary value for, be forced to discuss a game they have no interest in? Then you say they should just cut out all talk of all but ps3/360? You act like Shipwreck doesnt play his DS or Wii.

Im not saying there wasnt a lull in the CagCast fire for a bit there, but the guys have really picked it up the last couple shows. Your drastic adjustments make it sound like the show was going to the dogs. Critiquing the show is one thing. Calling for a massive overhaul is another.
[quote name='yobak3r']Stop commenting on what the CagCast is trying to be. Do you live inside Wombat's Wombat shaped head? All it is is just three funny guys discussing their hobby. The PS3 talk is only iffy to you because you disagree with their views (the ps3 needs saving episode was absolutely reasonable, and the only time i can think of bad psn knowledge was wombat, who is good for about a couple errors a show about any given subject. As for exclusives, name some theyve missed that are actually relevant.) As i said before, why should three grown men, doing a free podcast they get pretty much no monetary value for, be forced to discuss a game they have no interest in? Then you say they should just cut out all talk of all but ps3/360? You act like Shipwreck doesnt play his DS or Wii.

Im not saying there wasnt a lull in the CagCast fire for a bit there, but the guys have really picked it up the last couple shows. Your drastic adjustments make it sound like the show was going to the dogs. Critiquing the show is one thing. Calling for a massive overhaul is another.[/QUOTE]

As Frisky mentioned, the CAGcast does get serious at many points in the gaming discussions, but yet we can't criticism them when they goof up, say something dumb, dismiss something, or clearly don't know what they're talking about because they're "just three funny guys discussing their hobbies doing a free podcast"? They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they want to be a purely entertainment show that's fine, but as of right now the CAGcast is a gaming podcast that tries to have lots of serious discussions and can and should be criticized for something they do or don't do. They get the perks of the gig (lots of free review copies, able to go to gaming events, etc) so they need to be able to take criticisms once and a while.

The PS3 episode was completely stupid because this isn't 2007 where the system is in dire need of "saving" and it's the worst system of all time, etc, etc that we heard time and time again between 06-07. Again, why didn't they do the same kind of 2011 round up for the 360 and Wii? Was there any point to that PS3 episode besides pointing out "facts" as to why they don't play their PS3?

It's not really a drastic overall when they don't even care about those things and spend most of the time on the show with 360/PS3 anyway. They weren't batshit insane suggestions. Besides, they're not going to follow them anyway.
[quote name='Blackout']As Frisky mentioned, the CAGcast does get serious at many points in the gaming discussions, but yet we can't criticism them when they goof up, say something dumb, dismiss something, or clearly don't know what they're talking about because they're "just three funny guys discussing their hobbies doing a free podcast"? They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they want to be a purely entertainment show that's fine, but as of right now the CAGcast is a gaming podcast that tries to have lots of serious discussions and can and should be criticized for something they do or don't do. They get the perks of the gig (lots of free review copies, able to go to gaming events, etc) so they need to be able to take criticisms once and a while.

The PS3 episode was completely stupid because this isn't 2007 where the system is in dire need of "saving" and it's the worst system of all time, etc, etc that we heard time and time again between 06-07. Again, why didn't they do the same kind of 2011 round up for the 360 and Wii? Was there any point to that PS3 episode besides pointing out "facts" as to why they don't play their PS3?

It's not really a drastic overall when they don't even care about those things and spend most of the time on the show with 360/PS3 anyway. They weren't batshit insane suggestions. Besides, they're not going to follow them anyway.[/QUOTE]

I totally get where you're coming from. But the point remains that they shouldn't be obligated to discuss stuff they don't care about, i.e certain titles or boring news stories. Why can't they be a serious gaming podcast that doesn't mention a few irrelevant titles once in blue moon? And it's fine to point out when they're wrong. I never said it wasn't. But you took one error and branded them ignorant of the entire subject. That's not right.

Why did they do the PS3 show? Because of people (like you... but you're one of the more respectful ones) who take a few legitimate comments they make criticizing the PS3 and all of a sudden say they hate the console, or are totally inept when it comes to knowledge of it. They felt their backs were against the wall for no reason, and they wanted to tell those people exactly why they were making those comments. Of course, those people then ride the show off as a 360 fanboy fest instead of actually listening and realizing the trio might actually have a point.

With the comments you're making, it sounds like you think they hate the PS3 for no reason. Need I remind you Cheapy was a PS2 enthusiast and XBOX skeptic last gen? I must stress the fact that the notion of them being at all fanboys is May they be misinformed at times? Sure, they have lives and can't study game articles day and night (well Cheapy could, but, again, why should he have to?) Criticism= perfectly acceptable. Criticism based on fierce exaggeration and misinformation= :shame:
I must say, I'd love to hear more about Nintendo related subjects, but I enjoy the show regardless.

Good show, the part about the H Jobs application made me laugh.
bread's done