CAGcast #292: An Incredible, Exceptional Podcast

[quote name='mkernan']
In addition to Amazon and iTunes, 'First Position' is also available for rent via the PlayStation Store in HD for $8 (which is how I watched it).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, OK, it's one of those. I don't like renting movies (digitally) for home viewing - never have and don't ever see myself doing it in the future.

[quote name='prence']Wombat sounds like he had a completely different Best Buy experience than anyone I know. Usually you get swarmed by a group of blue shirts bugging the hell out of you every time you walk into the store.[/QUOTE]

I usually get swarmed when in the game section where I don't need any help whatsoever, but on the rare times I need help somewhere else it is more like what Wombat related.

I went to the RZ event last year but they must not have had one near me this year (or at least I wasn't invited despite being RZ Silver). I stuck around for lots of drawings last year and didn't get squat - did buy a bunch of games I didn't need so I could get 3x RZ points, though. So I can relate to that part of Shipwreck's experience ;).

And whoo-hoo, Pax passes arrived in the mail today!
I'm shocked you people get swarmed by Best Buy employees. Normally it's someone from Clear or DirectTV or whatever trying to sell me their cable or internet...
bravo Wombat, I dont know why but I laughed until I was crying when Cheapy kept asking if you watched his video and you just said We don't watch your fuck in videos. I havent laughed that much in a long time
[quote name='apathylad']Cheapy's argument about the 3DS not being an iPhone is still annoying. As I've said before in these forums, I've had my iPhone for a couple of years now, but I still don't like playing games on it.[/QUOTE]

Completely agree. As soon as Cheapy started to say, "You know what's an exceptional product..." I knew what was coming. I'd love to hear a list of iPhone games that Cheapy considers in the same league as any handheld games.

I would also love to see comparison pictures of all the burgers you discussed. They could be part of a new segment called "Eat This, Bitches!"
"The iPhone is a fucking phone that plays shitty games".

As someone who will be buying an iPhone in the near future, I still have to give this one to Wombat. The two devices just can't be compared, as one is a game console at core and the other is a phone at core. I also agree that you shouldn't compare the cameras - on the 3DS it is more of a novelty, while the iPhone is marketed as "the only device I need". I won't even mention the prices.

Great show, I love all of you deeply.
I think I read an article on Kotaku or someplace else about people wanking off to anime arcade machines.I remember someone without pants as one of the pictures.
Holy crap Sentai (Japanese Power Rangers) talk on the CAGcast?!
There is actually a growing fanbase of American Sentai fans. These, "grown ass nerds" like me shell out crazy money to import the toys from these shows, and take it with a grain of salt, knowing that we fell for a 30min toy commercial, but there is something about those shows that resonate with us.
I didn't say an iPhone is a exceptional game machine, I said it was an exceptional device, and I feel similarly about any modern smartphone. It's amazing that we can carry a portable computer in our pockets. Those of you who thought I was comparing an iPhone (or any smartphone's) game playing ability to a dedicated gaming machine missed the point completely. There is continued discussion on my guest appearance on this week's 8-4 Play.

[quote name='4thHorseman']So...I'm looking around the site...where's the Dyad review? Clearly getting a code isn't going to force you into writing a review, which is the reason you should be getting the codes in the first place. Stop complaining about not .[/QUOTE]

I never asked for Dyad codes, they just appeared in my inbox. I'm not bitter or upset in any way and I'm happy to pay my $6, I think it was pretty odd their most vocal supporter couldn't even get his hands on the game early. Guess what? Still no codes. It has nothing to do with a sense of entitlement, just thought it was strange.
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The iphone is an exceptional device to be sure.

But your outright dismissal of wombat's point that the 3DS and the IPhone can't be directly compared because the 3DS does not set out to match what the IPhone does came off as very arrogant to me. I don't think there's anyone who is considering a 3DS/Vita purchase that buys an Iphone instead. Just like there is no one who is considering an Iphone purchase and buys a 3DS/Vita instead. They're just not in direct competition like that.

Wombat was essentially saying the same thing you were, that the 3DS is exceptional in one area vs the Iphone being exceptional in many areas.

For some reason you seemed to have a problem with a Nintendo device being called exceptional, and provided no real reason other than comparing it to a device that costs at least double what a 3DS does (factoring in contracts or off contract cost) and isn't even its direct competition.

Anyway, good show. That section just kind of irked me - I know you don't like being called a fanboy, but it got a little apple fanboyish for those few moments.

I'm pretty surprised at Gabe Newell's Windows 8 comments as well. He was only partially right when bashing the PS3 years ago, and while the guy is an exceptional genius, he seems to put a little too much of his personal opinion into comments like these. People who don't want Windows 8 will probably just stay on Windows 7 or OSX for the time being. I don't see why Windows 7 can't work for another 7 to 10 years.
busters... ready, go!

For anyone who doesn't watch Tokusatsu/Super Sentai... it's essentially the source material for American Power Rangers and has have yearly-changing themes since the 1970s... here's a video of SAMURAI SENTAI SHINKENGER from 2009 which is airing now in America as POWER RANGERS SAMURAI with redone casts (obvs.)
[quote name='CheapyD']I didn't say an iPhone is a exceptional game machine, I said it was an exceptional device, and I feel similarly about any modern smartphone. It's amazing that we can carry a portable computer in our pockets. Those of you who thought I was comparing an iPhone (or any smartphone's) game playing ability to a dedicated gaming machine missed the point completely. There is continued discussion on my guest appearance on this week's 8-4 Play.[/QUOTE]

It's amazing in one sense, but an unlocked iPhone 4S costs between $649 and $849. Of course the tech is going to better than a $200 3DS XL. But the games still aren't anywhere near as good, and that's coming from someone who has no interest in Mario or Zelda.

[quote name='jer7583']I'm pretty surprised at Gabe Newell's Windows 8 comments as well. He was only partially right when bashing the PS3 years ago, and while the guy is an exceptional genius, he seems to put a little too much of his personal opinion into comments like these. People who don't want Windows 8 will probably just stay on Windows 7 or OSX for the time being. I don't see why Windows 7 can't work for another 7 to 10 years.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I'm still using XP on my desktop PC without any problems, although my laptop, netbook and work PC are all Windows 7 machines. And I had to hack all of them to get an XP-style Show Desktop button on the taskbar.
Cheapy is right, the 3DS is not exceptional. Why?

1. Hardware. It's not a particularily powerful device compared to this generation of smartphones, pads and the Vita. It's "good enough" for what Nintendo wants to do with it but not a powerhouse. The camera and speakers suck too.

2. Design. The decisions made during the design are questionable. Everything from the placement of the stylus, the power button being where you expect the start button to be , no second analogue stick (oh yeah I di-id), blinking coloured lights in random places, dinky slider bar for 3D effect... Very poorly designed system.

3. Screen. Too small. The XL fixes this for another $200. Last gen PSP had a bigger screen. Nintendo cheaped out here and it shows.

4. Build quality. Cheap and plasticky with jagged pieces sticking out at all the connection points that just gather dust and grime, the bottom piece scratches the top screen because they touch when the system is closed (I actually stuck my rubber pads from my 360 onto my 3DS to fix this). People already reporting broken hinges which is a carry-over design flaw from the DS Lite. Doesn't feel solid.

Exceptional? Even without the iPhone comparison the answer is no. And yes, I have both a 3DS and an iPhone and like them both for different reasons, but I'm not going to go fanboy on a fun but flawed system like the 3DS.
Quick question I've wondered for awhile.

I subsribe to Cagcast from a third-party podcast app (icatcher). Do you guys "see" this subscription in your reporting for advertisers, or do only subscriptions from official Apple apps count?
Cheapy is so anti-Nintendo that it's just silly now. While I disagree that the 3DS XL is so amazing, stop putting iPhone in a category so far above it without accounting for higher price and a worse game library, you arrogant piece of shit. It's a phone. Not a dedicated game console.
Cheapy is incredibly rude when he doesn't want to talk about something like the 3DS, or anything Wombat or Shipwreck enjoy that he doesn't. And yet, when other people don't want to talk about Sleeping Dogs, he acts super upset. It seems like classic low self esteem, always talking himself up, alway bashing anything that anybody else enjoys that he doesn't.

I wonder if he's like this in real life. Or if this is some sort of character he plays.
Show Notes

8:30 Dark Knight Rises
11:00 Watch This - First Position, Detective Dee and the Phantom $Flame
18:00 Show Feedback
18:00 Dyad Demo
18:45 XBLive ads
22:30 Batman Beyond
25:00 New Releases
25:00 Wreckateer
29:45 Foosball. Cheapy sets the record for the most usage of the $word 'Balls' in one segment.
37:30 Kung Fu Strike:The Warrior Rise
42:00 Shipwreck@Best Buy
49:00 Serious Sam III
50:45 ME3 multiplayer
55:45 Blacklight Retribution
56:45 Outernauts
57:45 Gabe Newell's anti-Win8 stance
60:00 Sleeping Dogs
62:45 Little Big Planet Karting beta
65:15 Nintendo's earnings loss
65:45 Super Mario Bros 2 - digital/retail and 3DS XL
70:00 Reddit game codes stuff
71:30 KoF XIII Climax
73:15 Sony 3D
75:15 PC vs Console
76:00 3DS XL
76:45 Burgers in Tokyo

I watched Detective Dee a couple weeks ago, thought it was good but oddly uncompelling. It's on Netflix, so it's worth 2 hrs. It was advertised pretty heavily on the back cover of comics for a few months.

Newell doesn't like Win8 because the built in Win8 app store will compete with Steam. I don't understand his comments about losing OEMs, perhaps he's just exaggerating that for effect.

A CAG code distibution feature is awesome and a great way of responding to the needs of the CAG community.
I really love that wombat finally saw the light on me3 mp. I got more than my money's worth on me3 on mp alone the single player put it over the edge, game of the year for me for sure. I'd play me3 with you anytime wombat, even take you out of bronze for some REAL xp gains.
[quote name='BetaDemo']Cheapy,

Perhaps you can't view the image links of the Thurman burger due to Japan having banned importing beef and all beef products including JPEG files of tasty american hamburgers so I've posted a few google image links:

Oh... beef? Here's the celebratory meal I had after we bought our first house in May.
Can we just have Cheapy never talk about mobile gaming? We get it, he doesn't play anything mobile. He sounds like an ass though when he dismissed the entire platform for doing exactly what others want it to do. I won't use my phone for gaming outside of 5 minute sessions, because, as Wombat aptly said "it's a fucking phone." When I'm on a 5 hour flight across the country, Mario, Castlevania, Advanced Wars, etc on my DS is going to be much more entertaining than the glorified minigames I have on my phone.
[quote name='Psyae']It was interesting to hear Cheapy and Wombat have a little debate about the 3DS.

Cheapy, is there any kind of feature or game that could change your opinion on the system? What would you like to see?[/QUOTE]
Raise the price to at-least $1,000, cut it's power to the point that it can only play causal games, paint it white and put an apple logo on it.
You've reminded me what a pain in the ass shopping at Best Buy is. Last time I went in there and made a beeline for a specific memory card, three dudes stopped me on the way and asked if I needed help with anything. Meanwhile, every time I need to find a section of the store, it takes me ten minutes to flag somebody down in a different area who has to call somebody in the section I'm looking for, and then when they show up they're in a hurry to herd me there and then disappear.

Having said that, I am kinda curious about that private shopping dealy. I think I'll go next time they invite me.
"OS X ( /oʊ ˌɛs ˈtɛn/),[7] formerly Mac OS X,[8] is a series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc. OS X (officially) runs exclusively on Macintosh computers and has been pre-loaded on all Macs since 2002."

"Linux (i/ˈlɪnəks/ lin-əks[6][7] or /ˈlɪnʊks/ lin-uuks)[8][9][10] is a Unix based computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution."

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[quote name='CheapyD']I didn't say an iPhone is a exceptional game machine, I said it was an exceptional device, and I feel similarly about any modern smartphone. It's amazing that we can carry a portable computer in our pockets. Those of you who thought I was comparing an iPhone (or any smartphone's) game playing ability to a dedicated gaming machine missed the point completely. There is continued discussion on my guest appearance on this week's 8-4 Play.[/QUOTE]

I did go back and listen to that part of the podcast and yes, I could see how I missed the point of what you were trying to say. You were basically faulting Wombat for his use of the phrase "exceptional device" to describe a 3DSXL when you yourself think that the iPhone is more deserving of that monicker given its capabilities. At the same time though, just because one thing is an "exceptional device" doesn't mean that another thing can't be that as well.
[quote name='Psyae']

Cheapy, is there any kind of feature or game that could change your opinion on the system? What would you like to see?[/QUOTE]

It needs a cape.
for the record. Wombat first described the 3ds as incredible.
Cheapy was the one who interpreted Exceptional.
[quote name='Yuckmouth']Oh... beef? Here's the celebratory meal I had after we bought our first house in May.


Now, THAT, my friends is an EXCEPTIONAL burger!!
The way to fix the ad problems with the Xbox 360 dashboard so that people have fewer problems with ads is to give the users customization options. With the main home page beside the disc and quick play squares, there is a rotator of five ads with four other ads to the right of it that isn't a great home page like you'd get on most other devices where you get to decide what's on it and how that's organized. If they got rid of the rotator and replaced it with four more squares, you could give users four to six squares to put any game, app, or shortcut (Game library, any of the marketplaces, achievements, videos, music, pictures, etc.) that they'd like. The rest of the squares can be used for any ads that Microsoft pleases. The other tabs could remain the same since they're usually advertising relevant items to those sections of the dashboard.

If Cheapy already has Foosball 2012, why does he keep freaking out about not getting a code on Twitter?

I played Foosball 2012 with two Move controllers, which controls really well once I got used to rotating the rods independently. I managed to score every goal for and against me in the campaign, though I won each game anyway.

The best thing that Wombat has said in his entire run on the CAGcast is "It's a fucking phone that plays shitty games."

As an iPod Touch owner with a PC, which is an important distinction, it's one of the most frustrating pieces of premium electronics that I've ever purchased. Losing saves for all of the games I did have killed the appeal it had to me as a gaming device, so I'm sticking to used Apple devices for the future if I decide to bother getting a newer Touch. I'd rather pay about the same amount of money and get gaming devices that will be fully supported for several years than maybe two years if you're lucky.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

The best thing that Wombat has said in his entire run on the CAGcast is "It's a fucking phone that plays shitty games."


Wombat was so dead on about the iphone/3DS thing. Iphone games are the dollar menu at McDonalds. 3DS/PSP/Vita games are ACTUAL meals. Both get the job done but one provides a more rewarding experience.
Great to hear Wombat get into something online multiplayer with Mass Effect 3.

I'd love to see Shipwreck get into some multiplayer as well.

Multiplayer is such a huge part of the modern gaming experience, and can be so much fun, I'd love to see you guys dabble in (and discuss) more online multiplayer games, whether it's Borderlands 2 or Battlefield or whatever.

Oh, those were the days, when Cheapy played Battlefield.
[quote name='eataburger']Quick question I've wondered for awhile.

I subsribe to Cagcast from a third-party podcast app (icatcher). Do you guys "see" this subscription in your reporting for advertisers, or do only subscriptions from official Apple apps count?[/QUOTE]

No matter how you get the show, the file is still served by our host, therefore it shows up in our stats. It doesn't differentiate between subscribers and non-subscribers.

[quote name='Curufinwe']It's amazing in one sense, but an unlocked iPhone 4S costs between $649 and $849. Of course the tech is going to better than a $200 3DS XL. But the games still aren't anywhere near as good, and that's coming from someone who has no interest in Mario or Zelda.
Likewise, on average, 3DS game prices are 20x to 30x the price of smartphone games. :)

[quote name='KingHippp0']Cheapy is incredibly rude when he doesn't want to talk about something like the 3DS, or anything Wombat or Shipwreck enjoy that he doesn't. And yet, when other people don't want to talk about Sleeping Dogs, he acts super upset. It seems like classic low self esteem, always talking himself up, alway bashing anything that anybody else enjoys that he doesn't.

I wonder if he's like this in real life. Or if this is some sort of character he plays.[/QUOTE]If something like that really made me upset, I'd be dead by now.
I must see that picture of the guy jacking off to the arcade machine. Maybe my life is boring, but I'm incredibly interested in the odd world of Cheapy D and his stories of debauchery. Keep the stories coming and i'll continue to live my life vicariously through the cagcast. Great show!
[quote name='mcween']wombat was so dead on about the iphone/3ds thing. Iphone games are the dollar menu at mcdonalds. 3ds/psp/vita games are actual meals. Both get the job done but one provides a more rewarding experience.[/quote]


I'm an IPhone owner and even though I bought a bunch of games on sale for $1 each (board games published by EA, Angry Birds, etc.) if I want to play a GAME, I'll bust out my PSP. I view IPhone games a step or 2 above Facebook games, call me a hipster if you want.

Worst IPhone game experience? Trying Oregon Trail again recently after all the updates made the game IMPOSSIBLE to beat unless you spend real money on items. 2nd worst experience: Slogging through the original ME IPhone game (the one that introduced Jacob and Miranda) promising unlocks for ME 2, and all it did was open 1 extra dialog tree line in ME 2 when talking to Jacob.

Best experiences: the OG version of Oregon Trail from like 2009 when there weren't extra add-ons to buy, and the Ben Stein trivia game.
CheapyD, thank you for not succumbing to the Wombat Abyss™. I wanted to kill myself every time Wombat spoke during that conversation.
If you haven't resisted I wouldn't be here right now.
[quote name='bickle']
57:45 Gabe Newell's anti-Win8 stance

Newell doesn't like Win8 because the built in Win8 app store will compete with Steam. I don't understand his comments about losing OEMs, perhaps he's just exaggerating that for effect.


Specific to OEM's, I believe Gabe is talking about the "bait and switch" that Microsoft has pulled with respect to the Microsoft Surface tablet. It's been fairly widely reported (a recent article is here that vendors are not only pissed at Microsoft in regards to Surface, but they are fundamentally changing their plans and relationship with Microsoft.

My understanding is that before the announcement and launch of Microsoft Surface, Microsoft was working with their vendors to encourage them to produce Windows 8 tablets. Then, Microsoft more or less shanghaied their vendors (partners) by announcing they too were producing a tablet device. And a really good one, as well.

So now Microsoft is in direct competition with their own partners. I believe that at this point, Microsoft's Surface is going to be the only Win8 tablet since everyone else more or less dropped out of the game, losing a lot of money in the process.

This is a pretty monumental shift for Microsoft. As that ZDNet article above states, Microsoft in their own yearly 10K, admit that they more or less are moving into producing hardware products to distribute themselves.

It's a bit of a stretch to jump to "HP is going to stop making desktop/server Windows PC's because Microsoft screwed them over on tablets", but it is far from an impossibility.

All that said, Gabe probably knows more than you and I can deduce from reading publically filed IRS documents and reading press releases, so maybe the situation is even worse for vendors than we know.
I had no idea that "Cheapy" was actually a 1%er. First he claims $1,000 is not much money (not talking about relating it to a product because that's not how he phrased it) but I guarantee most of the people who use CAG do not feel the same way.Then somebody ask his advice on a burger hoping for a locals only or hidden gem & he recommends a $35 HAMBURGER!!! Not to mention that he brings is own foosballs with him because the "house" brand of balls is not up to his high standards which I guess is ok if he didn't play anyone except for his 4 YEAR OLD son.Cheapy has lost touch with his people.Cheapy you need to look into changing your name.Still love the site & show.
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Unfortunately VentrureBeat really dropped the ball in their interview with Newell by failing to followup on his comments. But, Newell is known to cry that the sky is falling before (like stating the PS3 is "total disaster on so many levels"), so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.
It seems like the 8-4 cast weren't, interested in anything you had to say. They are just Nintendo shills and their opinions should not be respected at all.

With all the shit you talk about your pc have you completed any games that you have purchased for it? Like diablo 3? Doubtful.
[quote name='mbeasley82']I had no idea that "Cheapy" was actually a 1%er. First he claims $1,000 is not much money (not talking about relating it to a product because that's not how he phrased it) but I guarantee most of the people who use CAG do not feel the same way.Then somebody ask his advice on a burger hoping for a locals only or hidden gem & he recommends a $35 HAMBURGER!!! Not to mention that he brings is own foosballs with him because the "house" brand of balls is not up to his high standards which I guess is ok if he didn't play anyone except for his 4 YEAR OLD son.Cheapy has lost touch with his people.Cheapy you need to look into changing your name.Still love the site & show.[/QUOTE]

It used to drive me nuts that on a podcast called "cheapass gamer" Cheapy would go on about buying some big expensive gadget/home theatre/vacation/furniture... but whatever, it's more of a lifestyle show with 3 good guys who interact well with each other who share a love of games than a real discussion about gaming on a tight budget and overall the podcast is excellent.

The "cheapass" gimmick is all about the ad revenues. Enjoy the show for what it is.
Just wanted to say that regarding the Foosball 2012 review code, I know for a fact that the PR people recommended that you get a code (I know the person involved with PR on that game and made sure they realized you were psyched about it coming out). Sadly, they don't get to control that part, though. That's up to marketing and/or Sony.
[quote name='CheapyD']
Likewise, on average, 3DS game prices are 20x to 30x the price of smartphone games. :)
1. The average Iphone game is crap that daydreams about being shovelware. People want to play good games(or atleast not unpopular garbage). Most good Iphone games(good based on metacritic scores) cost $3-5. Where as good 3ds games can be had for $15-32 on amazon.

2. The average 3ds game has 20-30 times the depth of the average iPhone game(and that's probably being generous to the Iphone games). While on the other hand a $600-$800 Iphone is not 6-8 times better than many of the $100 smart phones out there.

3. While many of the 3DS games are only available on that platform, many of Iphone games are available other platforms, many times in addition to being better versions, they are free on other plat forms.

Also as for the Iphone being a computer in you pocket, that is a reach. I don't think most people would want to take notes, write papers, do taxes, archive photos, documents and personal data, edit media, ect... solely on any smart phone. Also the best Iphone has about half the power of a $25 computer of similar size.

A more accurate statement would be it is access to the internet most places you go, in your pocket. Though as many devices do that, and don't think the Iphone was the first, I wouldn't call that exceptional.
bread's done