Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck, as early adopters of the Xbox One, do you feel that Microsoft gave us the finger with this Titanfall Bundle. I bought my Xbox one, day one for Dead Rising, Forza and Titanfall. I did not need to have it on day one, as multiplatform games are better on the PS4. If someone said, wait 3 months and get Titanfall for free, hell yes I would have waited to buy the system. Microsoft is screwing over the early adopters of this system, and without the early adopters, they would not have an install base. Sony gave us free games, and $10 to spend in the Sony store. What did Microsift give us?
I disagree with the logic that a price drop was expected. When is the last time there was a price drop less than 4 months after a console launched. I also disagree with the logic that we got what we paid for. What exactly did we get in our box for $500 that the people buying the bundle arent getting. A day one controller, a sticker and some stupid achievement. Microsoft needs to show some good faith and give something to anyone with a day one acheivement.