CAGcast #356: Insert Three Amigos Quote Here

Good show this week, sucks about Wombat's bsod. But at least the show wasn't lost. 

A lot of the sentiment towards Xbox One echoes my own feelings. Think Wombat said it best, what's frustrating is you can see the potential. Microsoft pushes all these small games for tablets/win8, I don't see why these couldn't be cross buy/save. I played the Windows 8 Minesweeper and thought it was super cool. But it would be cooler if I could snap that on X1 while doing something else. 

Sony is really killing it right now with their indie releases. Not to mention being able to cross buy and play on Vita. I really hope Microsoft figures it out soon.

Super League Football! Please put me down, thanks!

Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck, as early adopters of the Xbox One, do you feel that Microsoft gave us the finger with this Titanfall Bundle. I bought my Xbox one, day one for Dead Rising, Forza and Titanfall. I did not need to have it on day one, as multiplatform games are better on the PS4. If someone said, wait 3 months and get Titanfall for free, hell yes I would have waited to buy the system. Microsoft is screwing over the early adopters of this system, and without the early adopters, they would not have an install base. Sony gave us free games, and $10 to spend in the Sony store. What did Microsift give us?

I disagree with the logic that a price drop was expected. When is the last time there was a price drop less than 4 months after a console launched. I also disagree with the logic that we got what we paid for. What exactly did we get in our box for $500 that the people buying the bundle arent getting. A day one controller, a sticker and some stupid achievement. Microsoft needs to show some good faith and give something to anyone with a day one acheivement.
Or you could learn a lesson in not buying into MS's bs anymore, I stopped buying MS products a long time ago with replacements that work just as well if not better in the long run.

MS is good when they are not in first as they have a tendency to screw their customers when they are, this is why I bought a windows phone although I actually got it because its a Nokia (pre-MS purchase). They try in this area as opposed to Windows and Xbox where they try to squeeze every penny they can, and people have the nerve to complain about airlines doing this.

I wasn't going to get an Xbox one since I don't believe it's worth $500 and my PS4 will be getting Uncharted which I'll take over Halo anyday of the week. Now with this said the Titanfall bundle does make it appealing but still does not offset the total cost of the forced Kinect, thankfully MS gave me a free code for Live which when added with Titanfall gives me the $100 in value I would pay for($65+$35). This coming Tuesday I will pick up a Titanfall bundle now that I am not being forced to pay for Kinect as much as it now being a "freebie" for me.

MS doesn't owe you anything, all one has to do is look at the history of how companies treat their customers to have an idea of how you will be treated in the future. For me the Xbox One will be solely for exclusives since I love Halo, Gears, and Fable (I actually like Fable 3 overall), but Sony gives the consumer MUCH more bang for their buck and who really needs cable anymore with Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime Instant Video, etc, etc, to cover those "brief" periods while not gaming.

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You guys touched on almost everything that I thought when I bought the PS4 over the ONE. It seemed obvious that the 360's vision was slowing down towards the end of it's life and was carrying over into next gen. Sony seemed laser focused on bringing games to the platform and I think those efforts are starting to show now with positive sales numbers. Plus has also been a great service especially if you own a Vita and PS3 as well as a PS4.

In for Zen Pinball table :)

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