CAGcast #362: Everyone is Ashamed and Fired


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
These idiots can't stop talking about Infamous: Second Son, Broforce, FTL: Advanced Edition, Tomodachi Life and more!
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Intro:  New Horizon -  Outro: Worst Nirvana Cover

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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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The Micheal Jackson Family sued Pop Cap over a Thriller looking Zombie (was replaced by Disco zombie), and Justin Bieber sued the makers of a IOS game called Joustin' Beaver so I think CheapyD is right about Brocop.

Also did Wombat say Animal Planet with Disney characters?

BTW I hope Wombat feels better soon.

Thanks for the show fellows.  So, is Nick Swisher the final boss in Broforce?  He did recently appoint the Governor of BroOhio so I reckon this plus the fact that The Ohio State University's baseball field is already named after him  makes him the King of all Bros.  


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every time i hear wombat mention a birthday or something where he expects gifts, i halfway hear him telling his fans to PM him and send him stuff. That's why he kept the ps4. Sounds like the kind of guy who tramples kids for free t-shirts. Love you Wombat!

Wombat, do yourself a favor and pick up Assassins Creed 4 on the PS4. I have never been that much of a fan of the series and thought 3 was a huge disappointment. However, I think this game was the best game I have played on any "next gen" system
I found it amusing that the one cast member that predicted Titanfall not having lasting popularity is the only one who has played it recently. Seems like it might be some kind of indicator...

I walked to school for all grades, K-12. The longest walk was to my middle school, which was 20 minutes each way, just like Tai's is now. It builds character... or something.

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Wombat, in regards to the Titanfall matchmaking discussion, the matchmaking changes are based on a hidden ELO rating that each player has. We don't see this and is based on your skill playing the game, as opposed to the visible experience level which is basically based on the time spent playing (since you get XP for every match played). Someone that has a higher experience level may still be on your skill level and that is why you are seeing higher experience level players in your games.

CAG #362

1:45 Dad stuff
7:00 Show Feedback
7:00 - Metacritic/Amazon
8:30 Watch This: Captain America Winter Soldier
11:15 - 20ft From Stardom
13:15 New Releases
13:15 - The Hobbit
16:30 - Strike Suit Zero Director's Cut
18:15 - Titanfall 360
20:30 - RBI Baseball
23:00 - Broforce
29:00 Titanfall patch
32:45 Phil Spencer new head of Xbox
35:00 Molyneux & Kinect
37:30 Infamous Second Son
46:45 Any good PS4 games on the horizon
49:45 Disney Magical World
52:15 Tomodachi life
54:30 Most wanted character for Super Smash?
56:30 FTL (ipad)
60:00 Fire TV
67:30 Amazon bought Comixology
70:00 Borderlands Pre-sequel
74:30 Cagbag
74:30 - Phone gaming time
75:15 - Ultimate Warrior
77:45 - Remastered games
80:15 - Cheating in Japan
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Haven't seen pictures of Broforce it probably depends how closely they resemble their character counterparts whether they fall under the fair use of parody. Criterion got away with knock-off versions of famous movie cars in their Burnout Paradise DLC.

Wanted to correct a couple of things Wombat said about the Titanfall matchmaking.
1. Somebody's rank has nothing to do with their skill level. Somebody could suck but grind their way to level 50. High ranks get matched with low ranks based on Xbox Live's matchmaking data. This is the way it's been done in Call of Duty, Halo, and on and on. They usually try to balance teams so if someone really sucks, he gets put on a team with some ace players.
2. Major Nelson's Top 20 games is based on UU (unique users), not length of play. Says so right at the top. That month somebody might've played 5 minutes, somebody else 40 hours. They each count as one.
Wombat's comments about the Apple controller were hilarious. Maybe they'll find a use for those unsold Apple Pippen controllers. Who else remembers Apple's video game console.

I would also like to see Comixology guided view on TV. Up close it would look Maggie but from the couch it could be a relaxing way to read comics.

For Watch This Bitches I'm surprised you guys didn't talk about the G.I. Joe episode of Community.
Baseball Stars was fantastic. Hundreds - maybe even thousands - of hours of my childhood were spent playing that game. The gameplay was simple and fun, the progression system wasn't immediate but also wasn't a grind, and the league options were outstanding for a game of its time.

So, Cheapy and Wombat: when Major Nelson hires Shipwreck away to be his Private, are you going back to a two-man booth, or do you have someone elae in the wings?

I mean, Jesus. I mean, I don't mean Jesus, but...
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Wow! Another great show. I can imagine if Wombat was a VP at Microsoft's game division, he would burst out the Trump and say "You should be embarrassed and you're fired! Now go and fix up your resume," after an employee dared to question his authority. Of course, Wombat has better hair than Trump.

One more thing, Nintendo should consider making 2014 the year of the Wombat. This year Wombat has a new fancy Vizio TV, all his teeth, an Xbox One, a Play Station 4, took a trip LA with free breakfast every morning, a trip to Jamaica with a the fruit smoothies he wanted, and a new Amazon TV Fire. Is anyone living larger than the Wombat? I think not. Nominate Wombat, Nintendo.
Thought I heard Cheapie interested in something from Nintendo.  I tried to rewind, but my iPHone started smoking and sparking.   Shaken by this incident, I promptly sold my Wii U, 3DS  and Nintendo stock  and am currently  contemplating a move to the hills.  

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The talk about Molyneux was hilarious. The truth comes out when the paychecks stop. Who made that Fable Kinect game? Wonder what he thinks of that. Thought he left right after it released.

Wombat with the embarrassed & ashamed rants...keep it up!

I think it's hilarious that 3 guys who play virtually ZERO multiplayer games on any regular basis thought they were going to dive in to the next big competitive online game.  

Better still is when the same 3 guys think said multiplayer game is not a runaway success because they still don't like or play the game themselves... I saw this conclusion coming from the day you guys committed to getting this game.  Much as I too would love to find a multiplayer game that is actually interesting to me, I have accepted the fact that competitive multiplayer games are simply not for me any more.

I remember the AC:Brotherhood multiplayer not paying much attention to levels, either.  I didn't play it a ton (though it was fairly fun), but as a level 3 with pretty much no loadout perks, I was constantly getting matched up with people in the 30s and 40s.   Seems like Titanfall just does the same thing, though I don't remember you guys complaining about it in AC.  I agree, though - matchmaking should definitely be based on levels if possible.

I cannot believe you let Wombat get away with accepting that PS4 from that listener cheapy. He should have brought it to your and shipwrecks attention and then it should have been given away in a contest. This is horrible. Wombat is getting really bad with this begging for free stuff. He even made a comment during the show about begging for something else.

The show itself has gotten uncomfortable to listen to. It seems that you and shipwreck are pretty much fed up with what wombat says. I feel the passive aggressive way that shipwreck and you talk to him. Also it is obvious cheapy that you have little regard for wombat's intelligence. You hold shipwreck on a pedestal. Rightly so he is an engineer. Wombat is pretty much a nothing.

How to fix the show. Erase wombat. Play more games. Get a babysitter for Tai when he is home and you are doing the podcast. I live in Manhattan and have a daughter. Every now and then I need to do something. I have a baby sitter who can come when we need her and she is not that expensive. You can get the same. Also bring back the black friday show (without Tai, hire a babysitter). Also bring in other people. You and shipwreck are fine. That esteban guy was good, any of those 8-4 guys would be good on your home turf. You could beat them into submission about how much nintendo sucks :) Thanks!

Well the guys are sick so no recording hopefully they'll still be one up this week.  I believe Cheapy and Wombat maybe sick but Shipwreck is probably crying since MS is getting trounced even with giving their biggest jewel away for free.  :D/

P.S. I bought a Titanfall bundle day one thinking they would sell out but seeing so many of them still out there and still NO PS4's (Chicago, unlike bizzaro Target that Shipwreck goes to), gave me a pretty good idea things didn't go as well as MS and Shipwreck thought. :cold:

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I honestly have no horse in the race. I own both. TitanFall isn't Microsoft's biggest jewel. That's Halo. TitanFall was Microsoft's "Oh crap, we have nothing for the spring and everyone seems jazzed about this game, so let's make a deal with EA so we have an "exclusive" game in the spring". Seemed to move some systems in a time that Xbox One wouldn't have much else.
I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago. 

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I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago.
I bought Assassin's Creed IV and NBA 2K on PS4 because they are better. I bought LEGO Marvel and LEGO Movie on XB1 because my wife prefers that controller and Achievements. I bought Call of Duty for XB1 because it was clearanced at Target. I think just about everything else I have are console exclusives.
I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago.
I bought Assassin's Creed IV and NBA 2K on PS4 because they are better. I bought LEGO Marvel and LEGO Movie on XB1 because my wife prefers that controller and Achievements. I bought Call of Duty for XB1 because it was clearanced at Target. I think just about everything else I have are console exclusives.
I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago.
I bought Assassin's Creed IV and NBA 2K on PS4 because they are better. I bought LEGO Marvel and LEGO Movie on XB1 because my wife prefers that controller and Achievements. I bought Call of Duty for XB1 because it was clearanced at Target. I think just about everything else I have are console exclusives.
I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago.
I bought Assassin's Creed IV and NBA 2K on PS4 because they are better. I bought LEGO Marvel and LEGO Movie on XB1 because my wife prefers that controller and Achievements. I bought Call of Duty for XB1 because it was clearanced at Target. I think just about everything else I have are console exclusives.
I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago.
I bought Assassin's Creed IV and NBA 2K on PS4 because they are better. I bought LEGO Marvel and LEGO Movie on XB1 because my wife prefers that controller and Achievements. I bought Call of Duty for XB1 because it was clearanced at Target. I think just about everything else I have are console exclusives.
I put the icons to show I was just messing around, but you did make a hole in your wall for Kinect and considering things perform better on the PS4 and you always talk about getting it on the Xbox one maybe subconsciously you are rooting for MS.

Also rumors abound that this deal with EA was done while Riccitello was CEO, and that was over a year ago.
I bought Assassin's Creed IV and NBA 2K on PS4 because they are better. I bought LEGO Marvel and LEGO Movie on XB1 because my wife prefers that controller and Achievements. I bought Call of Duty for XB1 because it was clearanced at Target. I think just about everything else I have are console exclusives.
Not to kick a man when he's down, but PS4 just got Chess and Backgammon this week and they're not on the bone.

While Shipwreck is holding up the fort, I hope you two sickos feel better.

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Ship, do you think Halo will be a big deal for Xbox One with Destiny coming out?  I guess it probably will at this point just because of the name recognition, but it seems like Destiny is basically Halo+ and on both consoles...

Destiny is coming out pretty early (September 9th), giving it a nice buffer before the other big fall releases.

A Halo is supposed to be coming this year, but which one? Halo 2 Anniversary if that title exists, or Halo 5 which doesn't seem likely but what a killer title for the X1 to have so soon.

You guys should be more hardcore about your podcast schedule and make Shipwreck do a one man cagcast like Garnett Lee. Would be fun to hear.

I honestly have no horse in the race. I own both. TitanFall isn't Microsoft's biggest jewel. That's Halo. TitanFall was Microsoft's "Oh crap, we have nothing for the spring and everyone seems jazzed about this game, so let's make a deal with EA so we have an "exclusive" game in the spring". Seemed to move some systems in a time that Xbox One wouldn't have much else.
Did you see Geoff Keighley's Last Days of Titanfall? MS saved the game by giving Respawn the money needed to finish it; they had run out of cash.

I cannot believe you let Wombat get away with accepting that PS4 from that listener cheapy. He should have brought it to your and shipwrecks attention and then it should have been given away in a contest. This is horrible. Wombat is getting really bad with this begging for free stuff. He even made a comment during the show about begging for something else.

The show itself has gotten uncomfortable to listen to. It seems that you and shipwreck are pretty much fed up with what wombat says. I feel the passive aggressive way that shipwreck and you talk to him. Also it is obvious cheapy that you have little regard for wombat's intelligence. You hold shipwreck on a pedestal. Rightly so he is an engineer. Wombat is pretty much a nothing.

How to fix the show. Erase wombat. Play more games. Get a babysitter for Tai when he is home and you are doing the podcast. I live in Manhattan and have a daughter. Every now and then I need to do something. I have a baby sitter who can come when we need her and she is not that expensive. You can get the same. Also bring back the black friday show (without Tai, hire a babysitter). Also bring in other people. You and shipwreck are fine. That esteban guy was good, any of those 8-4 guys would be good on your home turf. You could beat them into submission about how much nintendo sucks :) Thanks!
Really? I completely disagree.

I have been listening to the CAGCast from about episode fifty until now, and I still say it is one of the best podcasts about guys who play video games out there. I don't listen to the CAGCast because I want to hear the latest video game news. I listen to the podcast because I love sharing in Wombat, CheapyD, and Shipwreck's lives. I am more interested in what's going on in Japan, Wombat's Gay Job, and in the Shipwreck Mansion than I am about their opinion of what games are fun. In fact, normally games Wombat hates I love. (HOW CAN YOU NOT BE STOKED FOR WATCH_DOGS?!?!?!)

As for Tai, Sabrina, Elliot, and Emeline...they're awesome. They give this show character. Here we are with these three dads who work hard, support their families, dearly love their children, and also are gamers and into nerd culture. A CAGCast with Sabrina screaming and Tai talking to Cheapy is a BETTER CAGCast. It's real. It's down to earth, and it's entertaining. I can't wait for the twenty-year reunion show when these four children (maybe more if the Shipwrecks have another) talk about their great dads and what it was like to be a child of the CAGCast.

For every poop story, shopping trip, and vacation I get to hear about I am entertained. From the Boatscrash Comics and Uninformed Opinions to CheapyD posting videos to YouTube and streaming on Twitch I enjoy peaking into the hosts lives. The games? That's just a plus. The CAGCast has been apart of my life for years. I love listening to the insider baseball on advertising, and their take on the gaming industry. I love hearing stories about their children, their ups, their downs.

CheapyD, Wombat, Shipwreck, keep up the amazing work. Your entertaining stories, Tweets, and anecdotes are what make the CAGCast outshine many other podcasts out there. Your personalities and the way they clash and then many times go together keep it fresh. The awkwardness? It's great. Keep up the great work. I appreciate it. You all are the best. Thank you for sharing your lives with an unforgiving Internet culture.

CheapyD, Wombat, Shipwreck, keep up the amazing work. Your entertaining stories, Tweets, and anecdotes are what make the CAGCast outshine many other podcasts out there. Your personalities and the way they clash and then many times go together keep it fresh. The awkwardness? It's great. Keep up the great work. I appreciate it. You all are the best. Thank you for sharing your lives with an unforgiving Internet culture.
Great comment, especially the last sentence.
If the show was just about videos games start to finish each week, it would be pretty boring and like many other podcasts. Its everything else that sets it apart and makes it my personal favourite podcast.

I cannot believe you let Wombat get away with accepting that PS4 from that listener cheapy. He should have brought it to your and shipwrecks attention and then it should have been given away in a contest. This is horrible. Wombat is getting really bad with this begging for free stuff. He even made a comment during the show about begging for something else.

The show itself has gotten uncomfortable to listen to. It seems that you and shipwreck are pretty much fed up with what wombat says. I feel the passive aggressive way that shipwreck and you talk to him. Also it is obvious cheapy that you have little regard for wombat's intelligence. You hold shipwreck on a pedestal. Rightly so he is an engineer. Wombat is pretty much a nothing.
There's nothing wrong with a listener giving one of the hosts something in appreciation for their work on the podcast. Nothing. And Cheapy is not Wombat's boss.

Wombat contributes as much intelligence to the podcast as Shipwreck or Cheapy as is as much a part of the show as them. If you you can't stand him so much you really need to stop listening.

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Really? I completely disagree.

I have been listening to the CAGCast from about episode fifty until now, and I still say it is one of the best podcasts about guys who play video games out there. I don't listen to the CAGCast because I want to hear the latest video game news. I listen to the podcast because I love sharing in Wombat, CheapyD, and Shipwreck's lives. I am more interested in what's going on in Japan, Wombat's Gay Job, and in the Shipwreck Mansion than I am about their opinion of what games are fun. In fact, normally games Wombat hates I love. (HOW CAN YOU NOT BE STOKED FOR WATCH_DOGS?!?!?!)

As for Tai, Sabrina, Elliot, and Emeline...they're awesome. They give this show character. Here we are with these three dads who work hard, support their families, dearly love their children, and also are gamers and into nerd culture. A CAGCast with Sabrina screaming and Tai talking to Cheapy is a BETTER CAGCast. It's real. It's down to earth, and it's entertaining. I can't wait for the twenty-year reunion show when these four children (maybe more if the Shipwrecks have another) talk about their great dads and what it was like to be a child of the CAGCast.

For every poop story, shopping trip, and vacation I get to hear about I am entertained. From the Boatscrash Comics and Uninformed Opinions to CheapyD posting videos to YouTube and streaming on Twitch I enjoy peaking into the hosts lives. The games? That's just a plus. The CAGCast has been apart of my life for years. I love listening to the insider baseball on advertising, and their take on the gaming industry. I love hearing stories about their children, their ups, their downs.

CheapyD, Wombat, Shipwreck, keep up the amazing work. Your entertaining stories, Tweets, and anecdotes are what make the CAGCast outshine many other podcasts out there. Your personalities and the way they clash and then many times go together keep it fresh. The awkwardness? It's great. Keep up the great work. I appreciate it. You all are the best. Thank you for sharing your lives with an unforgiving Internet culture.

As I recall Wombat did not ask for this. It was a gift from a fan and that was that. He never begged or asked to be sent the PS4. Don't over reacted. Jealously is a bad thing. 

Wow, Wombat still getting unnecessary hate. He didn't ask for the PS4. In fact, I don't recall Wombat ever asking for anything, from the listeners or otherwise, on the show. Seemed like he wasn't planning on getting the PS4 until someone sent it to him. If a listener wanted to gift the PS4 to him, let him. Wombat, Cheapy, and Ship aren't doing this show for a paycheck, its free. If Cheapy paid them to do the show, then maybe Wombat shouldn't have kept the PS4. If we had to subscribe and pay for the podcast, maybe he shouldn't have kept it. Far as I can tell, neither of these are true.

It seems like the guys are getting a little worn on gaming right now, but who isn't? Games have progressively gotten staler (more stale?) in recent years, so it's understandable that they might sound exhausted talking about the games. I still don't get the "Microsoft shill" comments towards them. If anything, Cheapy and Shipwreck are more and more pro-PC (PC PC), which in the current console market, is more than understandable.

Keep doing what you guys are doing, loving the show, and would love to hear more segments like Watch This Bitches/Read This Bitches.

bread's done