CAGcast #60: All Aboard!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Discover CheapyD's new favorite PS3 game and his impressions of the Crackdown (360) demo. We also discuss the the Super Columbine RPG controversy, Viva Pinata addiction, the latest industry news & new releases, answer your questions from the CAGbag and so much more!

Listen for details on a new contest!

A big thanks to Destructoid for this congratulatory post!

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Show Linkage/Notes
Intro music: Commando (NES)

Japanese Big Shoe Store

New Releases

Japanese Stores Slashing 20GB Prices
PS3 To Be Costly For A Good While
Railfan video
Japan's PS3 Update Brings USB E-Money Reader

Nintendo lays out Q1 Wii slate
Nyko Wii Charge Station

Smack Talk (360) $10 at CircuitCity (OOS online)
WoW: Burning Crusade CE $69.99 @ Amazon - No tax, free shipping (xeex)

Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten

Super Columbine RPG Video Walkthrough
Fallout 3 Back On The Menu
GDC to host Miyamoto keynote

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CampingKev - send friend request
[/FONT]Outro: Sega Master System

Bonus pictures:


Yup, that's a great idea by your mom...I'm actually against the whole number format, rather just date...but it's worked this whatever.

*continues to listen*
ummm another great show wtg CheapD. I will get Hotel Dusk for my girl for sure for Valentine.

I want Resistence Fall Of Man. ^ __^;
I thought you guys were going to be auctioning off each copy this week amongst those who wanted that specific game. :whistle2:(

Good show. I guess I'll enter again for Killzone Liberation. Finally got around to trying out the demo disc I had and I loved it, so I'd love to have the full version.
I've got 2 copies of Resistance (well, 1 left now), 1 copy of killzone, and 1 socom 2 to give away. I just figured we'd give away 1 game a week until they are gone.
Whats there to talk about?The podcast is great.:applause:I would like KillZone Liberation,please.

Currently playing Resident Evil 3 on my PSP.
hey how are u playing re3 on psp and anyway great show like the person said if dont like the cagcast dont listen to it o and cheapy do u kno how much the VF 5 high grade arcade stick is going to cost in japan? resistance fall of man
Nice show. Your train game makes me think of the old TRAINS! game on the Commodore 64.

I hope the graphics are better. :)
[quote name='Jewelz23']Yup, that's a great idea by your mom...I'm actually against the whole number format, rather just date...but it's worked this whatever.

*continues to listen*[/QUOTE]
I like numbers.

(I want Resistance: Fall of Man)
I think I heard Wombat yawning and falling asleep.

Xbox LIve improvements? How about using real dollars instead of points.

I encounter no Resistance when listening to the CAgcast.

OH PS2 bc fixed on PS3.

I think WiiSports is selling the Wii.

Would it be possible to get some pictures or even videos of railfan??
Im looking into buying this game but could only find the same 3 pictures of the game online .


cool just saw the railfan video link
[quote name='trip1eX']I think I heard Wombat yawning and falling asleep.

Xbox LIve improvements? How about using real dollars instead of points.

I encounter no Resistance when listening to the CAgcast.[/quote]

Working a real job 8 hours a day makes you sleepy too lol.

Things Id like to see on XBL

Real dollars would be nice, but I think they should atleast use a better conversion point thing like the VC for the Wii. 100ms points = $1USD. In other countries, 100ms points = 100yen or something. I cant see why they have to use a slightly tilted number system (80 = 1 dollah currently)

XBL clans/guilds/whathaveyou. Kinda like clans in games, but on a more global scale. You are also not restricted to only one clan either. This would be nice for multiplayer matchs where now you can join as a clan vs another clan instead of hoping that devs halfmush it into a game. Also some clan tools like maybe a simple calendar for events/bdays/etc.

Conference chat rooms. If we can talk in a game just fine with 16 people, I cant see why we cant have regular private rooms just as well.

Better downloading options. We already have this auto download built in but you cant set it to download only at midnight or so on.

I liked that whole standby option. The 360 is loud, and its in my room. It makes it hard to sleep when its WHIRRRING.


Also good job of (resistance)ing making pooty/burpy noices cheapy. I never cared much for the burping.

I do have one small teeny sugesstion for the CaG. I was wondering if it was possible to add bookmarks within the podcast so we can go between sections on an iPod and such easier. (like bookmarking major sections like cagbag and cagnews)

And because these smileys are silly, I shall use one. :booty: :booty: :booty: :booty:
As always, I enjoyed this week's show thoroughly. Thanks for the insight and entertainment!

I am also posting for the Resistance contest.

I can't come up with a sarcastic/smarmy, Resistance-related comment to appease Wombat's requests. I apologize.
Oh! I forgot to mention and rather too lazy to edit my original post... but...
Cheapy, i know you arent much a of a pc gamer, but if you liked the trains simulation game for the PS3, give Microsofts Train Simulator a try. It is a realistic simulation to having to deal with things like not jarring the poor customers at 830 in the morning. The version I played even had like the longest bullet train route or something in Japan.
great show guys. keep up the good work, it makes my wednesdays not listening to my professors that much more enjoyable

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr RESISTANCE
I LOVE Viva Pinata. It is the only game other than the sports games that I have bothered to get all of the achievements. I'm sitting at 49/50, but all I have to do is get the 50 hours achievement and that will happen soon. Love, love, love it.

And I don't want any of your free games. I'd just end up selling them off since I don't have a PS3, and then I'd feel like a jerk.
I love this episode for one reason, and one reason only; ALL the Sega CD talk. WE NEED MORE SEGA CD TALK!

The rest was great too though. I was hoping you would talk about the Battlestations Midway demo...maybe next episode?


My dad suggested the date thing for the grandkids' photos, so I guess, maybe unsurprisingly, that dates are something the older crowd is more cognizant of.

As for the contest, if I win a copy of Resistance, I will buy a PS3! In maybe two or three years! Or if it drops under $300! Whichever comes first!

Cheapy's Crackdown impressions have made me do a 180 on this game. Now I want to download the game and now I want this game. Damn you Cheapy.

What was the name of the kanji dictionary and where did Mrs. Cheapy get it?
Wednesday has now become my favorite day of the week. I was so excited when I woke up knowing that I would have at least an hour of awesomeness. Thanks guys.

Oh and Socom 2.
Great cagcast, but I was shocked at the lack of Wombats maths skills. $1=100 wii points. :D

Id like to throw my name into the mix for Killzone again please.
Got my birthday coming up and my wife has hinted at a Playstation 3 so yea.....VIVA LA RESISTANCE!

Speaking of Viva...and my wife....she's addicted to Viva Pinata, as a joke we looked to see what rank her highest garden is and she's in the top ten in the world and she's a level 75. I'm so proud! Now I've got to get her involved in shooters.
I'll second gunm's request for the name of the Kanji software for the DS that Mrs. Cheapy bought.
A quick search of DS releases with the word 'kanji' in them
gave me this:

Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki
Kanji no Wataridori
Minna no DS Seminar: Kanpeki Kanji Ryoku
Zaidan Houjin Nippon Kanji Nouryoku Kent
Shikakui Atama wo Maruku Suru: DS Kanji
200 man nin no KanKen: Tokoton Kanji Nou
Simple DS Series Vol 10 The Doko Demo Kanji Quiz
Nazotte Oboeru Otona no Kanji Renshuu

So which is it?
Another great CAGcast, and my first appearance in the CAGbag:)

Glad my poop story made you laugh Cheapy!

EVERYBODY'S got a poop story.

On another message board, I shared an unfortunate story about a commute to work, and I got like 4-5 more poop stories from other posters.

As for the discussion on appreciating current gen game deals, I certainly need them. I have a 360, but I STILL have tons of current gen stuff I want to play.
Few things about Crackdown:

1. In the demo, you can change your character . . . I didn't realize it at first either, but you can.

2. The black character doesn't have corn rows, he has short buzzed hair and looks a lot like Blade, :\.
This was another entertaining show in many ways. I never thought id hear Railfan being liked more than Resistance and Viva Piñata called shiny paper mache animal sex simulator 2007. The jokes about brown lines and poop were great

Ill 3rd the request for the kanji dictionary. Which one did Mrs. cheapy get you?
Out of curiosity what kind of new balances did you pick up?

I cant recall what your guys thoughts were on cooking mama for ds, but any thoughts of getting the wii version since its going to be released in Japan soon? Seems like a game your wives could play as well.

I thinking the adding friends for a small fee option sounds good for Xbox live. I cant wait for nintendo to do the same and have the old guy from zelda saying “I bet you’d like to have more friends” and takes some wii points from you

Put me in for resistance fall of man
This episode was an instant classic...from Wombat's description of "Viva Pinata" to Cheapy D orgasming on air over Fallout using the Oblivion engine.

Put me down for Killzone. mans.
Interesting...what exactly is the DS Kanji Dictionary called? Does it translate in Hiragana/Katagana or English?

Also, is this something available on Play-Asia?

And, for the record, I hated Viva Pinata.
Its pretty sad that the best game for PS3 is yet-another Train simulator. I'm not too down with longer shows. While I agree that I don't listen to the CAGCast for news, I find myself going crazy if I have to listen for longer than around an hour.

I'd like Killzone for PSP.
I'd like Killzone please. And here's my comment as mandated by Wombat:

My favorite podcast so far. Don't care much for Wombat, though. Maybe you can bring Shipwreck on.
Profound statement. I'll take a shot at Resistance this week.

Besides, last week Cheapy said "wow, lots of comments about my Zelda statement and I'm not reading any of them!"

Asshat :(
Wombat - I wasn't COMPLAINING, I just knew that it was what you would say. (and it was really what you did say, lol)

Great show!

r, to the e, to the s i s t a n c e
[quote name='ZenGyro']Oh! I forgot to mention and rather too lazy to edit my original post... but...
Cheapy, i know you arent much a of a pc gamer, but if you liked the trains simulation game for the PS3, give Microsofts Train Simulator a try.[/quote]

I read on gamespot that microsoft is making a new version, using the flight sim X engine. Here is the link:

PS. I would want the Socom 2 game if chosen.
CAGcast #60.... great as always! After listening to this week's episode I think I'm going to pick up Viva Pinata since you two think so highly of it. Once again, if I should be so lucky, I'll take Resistence.
[quote name='gunm']Cheapy's Crackdown impressions have made me do a 180 on this game. Now I want to download the game and now I want this game. Damn you Cheapy.

What was the name of the kanji dictionary and where did Mrs. Cheapy get it?[/quote]At the very least, download the demo!

The kanji dictionary is this one:
Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten

It was purchsaed at Amazon Japan, but it's sold everywhere (Play-Asia link above).

Here are the sneakers I just bought. I actually already had a pair of these but they wore out. They are discountinued in the USA, I think.

These might be my next purchase...
Ooo a date with Wombat. If you're ever in Ohio, I treat you to some Bob Evans. As for me talking about the lack of Wii titles, my point was that I didn't see why you excepted a bunch of Wii titles to be released this point in time. The PS3 is having the same problem but I don't see you guys talking about that.

Thanks for letting me know your life is very boring Wombat. :)

Resistence, socom, killzone
I actually have grown to really liking the show. At first there was some Resistance, but I came to realize that listening to it wouldn't cause "The Fall of Man" or anything of the sort. Now its the First podcast I listen to and that saying alot.

A little bit of critique....

What the heck were you crumpling in the background at the opening of the show Cheapy?

Good umm... bowel control. Keep it up. you so totally vlurped.

Yeah... I kinka have to agree with a previous CAGer, Wombat... relax, relight, release.... you seem less animated then usual.

all in all a good cagcast. As a sega fanboy I loved the closing :D

P.S. Resistance: Fall of Man
Really liked this episode. Mainly because this had Wombat being... dare I say it, funny. He's been a little annoying at times in a few of the recent episodes, but this time he was genuinely entertaining and it really helped make this one of the better shows overall.

Cheapy didn't quite manage to sell me on a train sim though... I import more games than most people, but... c'mon, they're fucking trains.
[quote name='dadeisvenm']What the heck were you crumpling in the background at the opening of the show Cheapy?
[/quote]I have no idea what you are talking about...

[quote name='Chacrana']
Cheapy didn't quite manage to sell me on a train sim though... I import more games than most people, but... c'mon, they're fucking trains.[/quote] I really wish I had a way to capture video and put together a little video demonstration...
bread's done