CAGcast #74: Wombat's 30th Birthday Pachtacular

[quote name='Temporaryscars']What judgements am I making that are overbearing as a result of not listening?

And what's wrong with Cheapy's interviewing skills? You make accusations without backing them up.[/QUOTE]
First of all my apologies, I came off as an asshole (well, I am an asshole, but that's a topic for another discussion), didn't mean to.

Cheapy leaves awkward pauses and doesn't push along the interviewee when necessary. Once he gets into it he's fantastic, though.

You are making the judgment that the interview isn't worth listening to.
Great show! Didn't care for the interview too much, but I loved the PS3 gift. I'm really jealous. Also, great unboxing video.
Really dug the video.I always pictured Wombat as a scrawnier guy.Remember,its better to be over the hill then buried under it.
What a nice gift for Wombat.

For me the Cagcast seems to be getting better and better. keep it coming!
Jeez--its so weird to put a face to a voice after listening for so long. It kinda ruins it a bit--like when I first saw pics of Click and Clack. Great show though, and happy bday Wombat.
I've gotta go to bat for Wombat here... I like the guy fine and all, but my game-hating wife LOVES him. Every week I would force her to listen to the CAGCast and she was on the fence at first, but Wombat really won her over. Now a week doesn't go by where he'll say something funny and she'll giggle and squeal 'I LOVE WOMBAT!'. It's really ruining my sex life, so I'd love to see you ditch the guy... but he is pretty funny and you need two guys on the show. For discussion, witty banter, arguments, news, etc. two hosts works much better. I'm a big fan of Cheapy D, but it wouldn't be the CAGCast without Wombat. I listen to a lot of podcasts and the CAGCast is by far my favorite. It even inspired jonnyflash and I to start our own podcast (non-game related, 6 episodes so far...) and has taught us how to align an entertaining and informative show. Viva Wombat!

ALSO! I'd love to see you guys put together a listener survey. I'm 26 and my wife is just about 24 years old. I'm wondering if the Wombat detractors are a bit 'younger'. Maybe his imput is geared towards a different audience (ie. older, married, etc). I'd love to know who is listening.

Boy, does Michael Pachter love himself or what. Example quotes: "I think that I attract media attention because I'm so good at predicting the share price movements of the stock in the industry I cover" and "I work harder than most [analysts]." He should stick to providing written quotes instead of oral ones because I thought he came off as very smug. It also didn't seem like you guys were as comfortable in talking with him as you have been with past guests (possibly because of this smugness), and the interview suffered as a result.
Wow, big CAGCast this week guys, like a great summer movie I laughed, I cried (figuratively), a good time all the way through.

Like several fans who have chimed in I too am a bit dismayed at the Wombat haterade that has been going around the community. For someone who's not getting paid to cohost a podcast Wombat is getting way too much flak for whatever faults he may have.

The unsatisfied CAG's have been heard and now it's time to let Wombat take it in and move on. Perhaps with a shiny new PS3 and a Gamefly account Wombat will use this opportunity to reinvent himself and win back those unhappy fans.

Both CheapyD and Wombat have their good weeks and bad, and part of the appeal of the show is CheapyD having someone to bounce his ideas off every week and not just empty space. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would line up to be Cheapy's cohost but the fact is Wombat was the first one who thought of it and thus deserves his place until he either quits or is given a pink slip by Cheapy. Best of luck to you Wombat.
This is the first time I have ever seen what WOmbat has actually looked like... he looks just like my uncle! Okay, my uncle is like 15 years older, but you really look like my uncle. Heh, good CAGcast, can't wait till next week's episode.
I really liked the interview and thought that it was great to hear wombat as a part of the interview. Both Cheapy and wombat obviously know a few things about the business side of video gaming. That along with Cheapy’s unique perspective from Japan makes the Cagcast at the top of my pod cast pile every week.
Wombat, if you want Stratego with online Multiplayer, just pick up Clubhouse games for the DS. Sure, friend codes suck, but you can play anonymously with anyone world wide. Add me as a friend and my spy will kill your general in no time.
that gift was very generous, Cheapy! now Wombat can tell us how much he's annoyed with the interface XD
Michael Pachter is smug.

OF COURSE Michael Pachter is smug! He's PAID to be smug!

Analysts make stuff up. They have to convince their employer that, somehow, their guesses are better than other people's guesses. So they have to act like know-it-alls.

Truthfully most analysts are phonies. Even in stocks... picking stocks at random gets you a similar return to having an analyst pick stocks... except you don't lose mony paying an analyst. (More on that here:

So anyway, save money, randomly pick stuff yourself.
I can throw darts at the newspaper and pick stocks as well as anyone.
i really don't see why this pachter character is so confident that blu-ray is going to win. they were lagging behind for a while, then they took the lead for a few months entirely due to an almost completely empty first quarter for hd-dvd. but since then, the hd-dvd releases have picked up again and things are almost dead even in software sales. and if that rumor comes true about the cheap hd-dvd player for walmart this fall along with the clearly superior upcoming release schedule, i really fail to see how anyone could be so confident in blu-ray's success at this point.

most people don't want the ps3 and a lot of us that do have one don't even care to use it. and when the multiplatform games start to come out more frequently, i don't care if the ps3 version has slightly better graphics, i'll still be buying the 360 versions due to the superior online experience.
I really liked this cagcast, especially the interview. I found it to be really interesting and informative. I am looking forward to hearing Wombat's thoughts on his new PS3. My brother has one and it has impressed me quite a bit. I think the hardware is rock solid, much more efficient and reliable than the 360's imo. The menu interface and online setup is a ways behind XBL but Home may change that this fall. What a sweet present to get. Nice job Cheapy!!!
Ouch. For the interview, I had to turn up the sound to hear Pachter, then when Cheapy or Wombat spoke, my ears exploded and blood ran down the side of my head.

*Gets another towel*

But overall, great show, amazing gift.
Birthday, Wombat. Hopefully now Wombat doesn't need to wonder if every game that comes out on the PS3 is worth the $600 price tag and can just play them as games. At least now you don't have an excuse as to why you can't get Ratchet and Clank Future when that comes out this year. ;) I guess Wombat has to step it up for Cheapy's birthday now, or not.

As for Cheapy's claim that previews are bullshit because they don't criticize a game during its development and that if they're not going to do that, "why bother?" I'm not sure what exactly you expect of previews, but they're generally done to provide information on a game, such as how it works, what features it has, and various other things like that. What's the point of criticizing games before their done to point out flaws that could be fixed before they're released? There's no reason to do that on early builds unless you're trying to be an ass. The only point that it would be plausible to criticize is for the previews that are done a week or so before the game's release. Would you rather not know anything about a game until it's released? As for the lack of Spider-Man 3 info before it came out, there was an embargo on previews and such until just before the movie came out to prevent spoilers and other such things. One of my co-workers at AmpedNews had to wait to post his preview for the game because of their embargo.

Great show. Keep up the good work.
I've been out of town and just got to listen the cagcast #74 today....
I think it was freakin awesome of Cheapy to buy Wombat a PS3, Thats pretty cool of you Cheapy
And as far as the Wombat hate that was talked about, I personally think you both put on a great show together and I really enjoy Wombats humor and everything he brings to the show. I wouldnt listen to the cagcast if Wombat wasnt on it
bread's done