CAGcast #81: Fascist Cars and Loose Morals


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
We atone for last week's absence with a 2 hour megashow!
Shipwreck stops by to review the Transformers movie and CheapyD gives hands-on impressions of Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3), Hajime no Ippo Revolution (Wii), and Call of Juarez (360). Hear CheapyD's E3 schedule/preview and learn how not to get an invite to Sony's exclusive Killzone 2 event. We also cover the latest game industry and shopping news, answer your questions from the CAGbag, and so much more!

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- 121 minutes, 55MB

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WTF... make up your mind on which day to record already. You're like a TV network who keeps moving a great show until nobody knows when it's on.

On the Wii selling more than the PS3 6 to 1 in Japan, you forgot to mention that it means publishers can reach a much bigger customer base.
I was not a fan of Transformers back in the day, but I liked the film. I guess Shipwreck was a big fan of Transformers back in the day.
Voted for nomination in Best Production, Best Podcast, & Gaming. Love the CAGcast and have been listing since the first one.
So far, this has been a Great episode. I am about half way through

I really enjoyed your E3 Preview, it is good to hear that you will be seeing a lot of the big Fall releases.

There have been so many great quotes in this episode such as "Shit Piece" and "Tasted like Burning"

on Wombat's Super Paper Mario situation:
you don't actually have to fight all 100 warriors to progress the storyline after you fight about 20 or so somthing happens that causes you to leave that world. after the main game is over you can go back and defeat all 100 warriors as a side quest

And to Wombat on the "O word": There is nothing wrong with talking about Oblivion. It is a game that you happen to enjoy very much and you should be able to talk about it as much you want.
Great show again Cheapy and Wombat!

Ship, that Transformers movie review was right on the money, lol !

There were 4 parts that in the film that infuriated me

1) In the beginning, that spanglish speaking latino stereotype, who was such a brickhead he had to be reminded that it was "english only".
2) The scene were Shia Lebeouf spends 20 minutes looking in his room for some freakin glasses.... "ebay item #234412-1211... blah blah blah..."
3) The part where the chick says to bumble bee "You shoot, I'll drive" followed by a weird sudden change in music from apocalyptic "the world is gonna end" style to upbeat hoo-rah heavy rock music. terrible transition / editing.
4) And of course the little sprinkle here and there of modern propaganda, "Sir, there's no way that signal could've been from Iranian hackers"

P.S., Did anyone see that trailer before the movie? Untitled JJ Abrams Project. It was like somekind of going-away party in NYC, when suddenly there was a huge explosion. There was some crazy roaring, and fireballs flying eveywhere. on the IMDB forums, some compared the sound to the smoke monster on LOST, but my first reaction was.... Emergence Day.
Great show so far guys

As for Suda 51.

His name is Goichi Suda, and as I'm sure you know Cheapy, Go-Ichi is Japanese for 5-1, so its contrived from that.
I thought it was ironic that immediately after the "which has the better online service - Sony/Microsoft debate" SuperStarDust was brought up and Cheapy had to email his high score to Wombat. haha
[quote name='evanft']
So Cheapy, when's your album coming out?[/quote]

No kidding, I'd love to hear a CheapyD-remastered version of the Grease soundtrack! Also, as a bonus track, please throw in your version of that song you played as a joke for my song. I laughed both of my balls clean off.
I respect Shipwreck's opinion, but I feel that he was wayyyy to harsh on Transformers. Granted I'm nowhere a huge fan like he is.......but it was a freaking great movie even with all of the plugs and everything. Prime saying the ebay line was a bit cheesy but they are "robots" ya know and they would prob know about the "in" websites. Other then that great show, and Cheapy can you visit the THQ booth for me and tell me about the WWE Smackdown 2008 booth? Usually they have a hot diva there to be eye candy so even if you hate wrestling games you can always go for T&A :p
great show cheapy/wombat. and congrats to ender on the contest win.

if there was a cheapy album, i'd buy it. but only if it came with a wombat b-side.i don't know what all this "wombat hater" stuff is about. did you listen to his "breakfast at tiffany's" or just hear it? he sings like an angel.
I like football.

Also I thought mtxpower had a point about sony removing parts from the PS3. Sure the cost of production has come down but that is true for all the systems (probably most for the 360 which hasn't had a price drop yet). With how the system is selling now they probably need to drop the price by $100 to try and catch up(especially if the 360 has a price drop). That would require removing parts and other cost cutting moves.
30 minutes before getting to any gaming news!? GOTDAMN! I love the CAGCast more than life itself, but hells bells guys... I need a longer commute to keep up!

Just saw Transformers... I'm not a 'fan' of them, though I did grow up with the show. From a non-fan, it was alright, but I can see how fans would feel shortchanged. Ship is right on with the product-placement complaint, and the action scenes are a blur of gears and metal, but its got some good gags and enough explosions to keep you awake... not great, but worth a look if you want a big popcorn film.
What's with you guys n the cagcast and making me burst out laughing in public all the time! lol. I just listened to the part with the "Shit Piece" transformers mention. Now I got my co-workers looking at me weird lol. I must say tho when I see iTunes downloading the Cagcast I actually am filled with great anticipation!
I think u guys tho shoudl call that blonde chick "Busty McBusterson".
[quote name='the ender']I'd love to hear a CheapyD-remastered version of the Grease soundtrack! Also, as a bonus track, please throw in your version of that song you played as a joke for my song. I laughed both of my balls clean off.[/quote]

I do a mean Greased Lightning.
I bet this guy can do a good version too:

[quote name='nonggame']I do enjoy the movie Transformer. It's fun to watch and it's better than SpiderMan 3 for sure.[/quote]
Anything is better than Spiderman 3 (barfs at the thought that I spent money to see that film)
OMG Shipwreck, that was such a horrible review for Transformers.

I hope you listeners out there don't take his word for it and seriously go see the film.

I've been a fan since the 80's, stopped with Beast Wars, watched some of the others but nothing quite lived up to G1 or Beast Wars. I saw the movie and I was in total awe the whole time. Its a great flick, its got action, comedy, and giant fucking robots. So there's product placement...big deal...Its nothing that hasn't been seen in any other movie before. Its not as blatant as Shipwreck seems to mention, you don't feel like you're watching a commercial, names are shown and thrown in there...thats it.

The move is spectacular if you watch it without nitpicking every little detail. Anyone can do this to any movie and kill the enjoyment of the film. Just go watch it and enjoy it for what it is, you won't be disappointed. It seriously puts Spider-Man and Pirates of the Caribbean to shame.

Oh and BTW Shipwreck, the little robot is called Frenzy, please for God's sake don't compare him to Jar Jar Binks. Frenzy didn't talk, he was there for comedic performance, and he pulled it off, Jar Jar Binks was just there to annoy. Ratchet was the yellow ambulance (H2 Hummer).
[quote name='LinkinPrime']OMG Shipwreck, that was such a horrible review for Transformers.

I hope you listeners out there don't take his word for it and seriously go see the film.

I've been a fan since the 80's, stopped with Beast Wars, watched some of the others but nothing quite lived up to G1 or Beast Wars. I saw the movie and I was in total awe the whole time. Its a great flick, its got action, comedy, and giant fucking robots. So there's product placement...big deal...Its nothing that hasn't been seen in any other movie before. Its not as blatant as Shipwreck seems to mention, you don't feel like you're watching a commercial, names are shown and thrown in there...thats it.

The move is spectacular if you watch it without nitpicking every little detail. Anyone can do this to any movie and kill the enjoyment of the film. Just go watch it and enjoy it for what it is, you won't be disappointed. It seriously puts Spider-Man and Pirates of the Caribbean to shame.

Oh and BTW Shipwreck, the little robot is called Frenzy, please for God's sake don't compare him to Jar Jar Binks. Frenzy didn't talk, he was there for comedic performance, and he pulled it off, Jar Jar Binks was just there to annoy. Ratchet was the yellow ambulance (H2 Hummer).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I realized that I mistakingly called Frenzy "Ratchet". But he does talk in places and his brand of comedy is very similar to Jar Jar.

I really could talk for hours about the numerous reasons I thought this movie was horrible, but that would involve talking about a lot of spoilers. The product placement is above and beyond anything that has been seen before: there's a freaking scene where it zooms in to show the GMC logo transform into place for crying out loud.

I wholeheartedly stand by my review, but I respect that others may enjoy the movie.
Am I the only one that is flumuxed that Cheapy expected a game based on an anime would be the one to show how accurate the Wii motion controls could be? Cheapy, do you live in a bizarro world where games based on anime are bastions of excellence?

In regards to No More Heroes, it does not have 1:1 motion controls for regular attacks. For normal attacks, you hold the Wiimote in either a high, low, or middle position and press A to slash out combinations. Special moves, however does require you to do some crazy slashing with the Wiimote. You can also preform wrestling moves with the nunchuck and Wiimote.

Finally, keep up the good work on the podcast, Wombat and Cheapy. I really enjoy listening to your takes on videogame new.
[quote name='shipwreck']Yeah, I realized that I mistakingly called Frenzy "Ratchet". But he does talk in places and his brand of comedy is very similar to Jar Jar.

I really could talk for hours about the numerous reasons I thought this movie was horrible, but that would involve talking about a lot of spoilers. The product placement is above and beyond anything that has been seen before: there's a freaking scene where it zooms in to show the GMC logo transform into place for crying out loud.

I wholeheartedly stand by my review, but I respect that others may enjoy the movie.[/quote]
I just had such an opposite reaction for the film and I thought by the way you talked about it, it would scare potential viewers. If you think about it the product placement thing is not that big of a deal. I understand that the intention is for the movie makers to cash in on it but at the same time, it works in trying fit everything in with what's currently going on in the real world.

Sam was selling his Great Grandfathers glasses on eBay, a GMC logo on the grill of the truck moving, the SD card. If you think about it and if instead of eBay, GMC, or Panasonic, they threw in made up brands, made up cars, it wouldn't have the same effect on the viewers. With the brands in our faces, it relates to the real world, we do see car logos all the time and we all know how popular eBay is...if you want to sell or find somethig, its on eBay. The vending machine for instance, it could have been a made up soda, so what if it had the Mt. Dew label.

Sorry for rambling, didn't mean to attack you, I apologize if it seemed like I did. I just felt as strongly about this film in a postive way, as you did in a negative way.
[quote name='shipwreck']Yeah, I realized that I mistakingly called Frenzy "Ratchet". But he does talk in places and his brand of comedy is very similar to Jar Jar.

I really could talk for hours about the numerous reasons I thought this movie was horrible, but that would involve talking about a lot of spoilers. The product placement is above and beyond anything that has been seen before: there's a freaking scene where it zooms in to show the GMC logo transform into place for crying out loud.

I wholeheartedly stand by my review, but I respect that others may enjoy the movie.[/quote]

I don't understand why you think based on product placement would be a huge factor on why you would dump all over this movie. Granted there was quite a bit of product placement, but that hardly detracted from the rest of the movie. If you don't want to use panasonic sd cards or xbox 360s, then don't buy it. I'm certainly not going to buy a GM truck after this movie.

When watching sports, do you gripe about the right field ad in a baseball stadium, or the rotating billboard infront of the scorers table in a basketball game or all the ads on the boards in an hockey game. In my opinion using real products instead of fake ones, gives the movie a sense of realism.

So what you rather they showed e-Bid instead of ebay or YBox360 instead of an Xbox360?

Transformers is about two things, kick ass robots and crap blowing up all over the place, and in that regard this movie accomplished this in spades. If you want character development, then you missed the point of the movie

Being a hardcore original 1980s transformers fan from back in the day, this movie fulfilled all my expectations. I went with 15 of my friends and we all thought it was best movie of the summer by far. And the rest of the theatre thought so too, in fact after the movie everyone gave the movie a standing ovation.
[quote name='wd4000']I don't understand why you think based on product placement would be a huge factor on why you would dump all over this movie. Granted there was quite a bit of product placement, but that hardly detracted from the rest of the movie. If you don't want to use panasonic sd cards or xbox 360s, then don't buy it. I'm certainly not going to buy a GM truck after this movie.

When watching sports, do you gripe about the right field ad in a baseball stadium, or the rotating billboard infront of the scorers table in a basketball game or all the ads on the boards in an hockey game. In my opinion using real products instead of fake ones, gives the movie a sense of realism.

So what you rather they showed e-Bid instead of ebay or YBox360 instead of an Xbox360?

Transformers is about two things, kick ass robots and crap blowing up all over the place, and in that regard this movie accomplished this in spades. If you want character development, then you missed the point of the movie

Being a hardcore original 1980s transformers fan from back in the day, this movie fulfilled all my expectations. I went with 15 of my friends and we all thought it was best movie of the summer by far. And the rest of the theatre thought so too, in fact after the movie everyone gave the movie a standing ovation.[/QUOTE]

It's not the fact that they are using real-world brands that bothers me, it's how the products are blatantly highlighted in the movie. And that certainly wasn't the main reason I disliked the movie, but it didn't help (neither did the plot, editing, dialogue, pacing, etc.).

And just about everyone that says they liked this movie are saying they liked it for the action and the special effects (2 things I said were good, although I think the fight choreography could have been a lot better in parts). Some say they like the comedy which is very subjective (I'm not big on pee jokes).

Different strokes for different folks though.
Thanks to CAG I found myself in circuitcity last week picking up The Darkness for $49. Initially I was going to wait for a price break on this game before getting it, but $10 off made it that much more tempting. While I was online I quickly used my motorla Q to narrow down which version to pick up. It was a tough choice because my ps3 is hurting for games but the 360 is the FPS console of choice. Apparently the PS3 version has more ingame video on the tvs scattered throughout the game world. The 360 has rumble, achievements, and xbox LIVE. If there was a graphical difference I would have gone with the ps3 but those being equal the 360 won out because I love the controller and a fps needs rumble. Thanks CAG. Btw that pizza dude in the most remote part of japan is totally on the lamb.
love the long shows.
On Shipwreck's Transformers review: it's his opinion, so he can't be wrong with what he thinks and was just giving a heads up to those who hate cheesy joke gimmicks and product placements. Thanks, Shipwreck.
Great show guys, as usual. For the record it is Dave Meggett, Wombat. And lots of people do care about football and Mr. Meggett, Cheapy. He was a star in Super Techmo Bowl, which is a timeless classic.
After listening to shipwreck review I have to take his podcast off my list. The movie wasnt half as bad as he made it out to be, this just goes to show me that he's taste and my taste are not on the same page.

I watched the Transformers as a child and seeing as the damn cartoon wasn't anything mind blowing what maked you think that this movie was going to be the 2nd coming? It did it's job IMO, it had enough shine for the A.D.D crowd of this generation and it didn't take a dump on our child memories.

What more can you ask for?
CheapyD and Wombat you guys read the reviews on the cagcast and were said to be an average gamer podcast crew for average gamer. Cheapy seemed to be a little offended at the thought of being an average gamer (has all the glamour gone to that bald head cheapy?!).

However! I think you took it the wrong way. Its pretty obvious the average gamer isnt invited to the new E3 but then again the average gamer doesnt know that cheapassgamer exist(think most people who shop at eb/best buy etc). I dont think even half of CAG members could qualify as the average gamer because the average gamer pays full price for games and doesnt visit message boards for deals/discussions on those games.

So the compliment was ment to be that you are very down to earth with the audience of your podcast. Someone we can relate to as a fellow gamer with similar traits yet respect as the voice of the community(aka you are our rep at E3 lol).

As for transformers, i was surprised at how much shipwreck hated it since consensus of most people i know is they liked it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course. Maybe CAGcast could have a follow up review with linkin to provide the different view of another long time Transformer fan? That is said with no disrespect to shipwreck of course, I havent even seen the movie so i cant agree with either atm. With all the content of E3, next week has the makings of another long show...come on, you know you want to make another :p

Oh and wombat hope you didnt feel ignored. Sorry you couldnt get the time off for E3 :( Also I'm looking forward to Two Worlds so dont be afraid to talk about that all the time!

edit: OH and almost forgot!

Quest for pizza...yes i know the feeling cheapy! When i was in japan last month finding pizza wasnt too easy. I did have a pizza with bacon mushrooms hot sauce and some other stuff. The other one was too weird to try but the one i had was pretty darn good.
Another great show guys!

Wombat - I applaud you for calling out Cheapy when he mixed up SMB2 and SMB3. Anyone who considers himself a gamer SHOULD be chastised for making such a mistake. Shame on you Cheapy! Go stand in the corner!
Oh, happy times. No live CAGcast, it felt like being home again. And two hours. Not many people love it but I do!

Wow, I enjoyed the Transformers movie. And I was an enormous fan of the series, also being around you guys' age, so...I encourage everyone to go see it, not cos it's wonderful, but cos you need to see for yourself if it's worthy.

I would also like to see a 3-hour show cobbled together from ALL PAST MENTIONS OF OBLIVION. It might even be longer than that...I'd give it a listen.
I have an M3 DS Simply (equivalent to the R4) for my DS. What I originally got it for was two things: primarily to be able to easily carry all my games with me and have easy and quick access to them (I take the train and bus to work) and secondarily to be able to run homebrew, especially emulators. The big catch is that there is no easy means to rip your own carts, so that means you have to download the roms off of the internet, and there's a slippery slope, of course, as it gets awfully tempting to download some games you don't actually own. I admit I did this, but all along I didn't feel good about it and finally I recently purged my MicroSD card of every rom I didn't actually own. I'm clean now (well, Nintendo and company aren't friends of emus they don't earn money from, but that's an entirely different issue, IMHO.)

Even having said that, there is one remaining issue, albeit a subtle one. It's also very tempting to buy games, but then never open them, and instead download the rom and play that. I have to admit that I have a few games in this state (Warioware Touched is one). I keep meaning to break the seals to make it official, but somehow that never seems to have happened. :)

Nintendo and the others would do well to provide a means to do these things officially, at least being able to load your handheld with games, rather than having to play from cartridge/disc (or directly downloaded). I realize that the DS doesn't have the means to do this since it has no significant internal storage nor a means to add it (actually I suppose they could do it via an add-on slot-2 card that would provide internal storage, or a MicroSD slot.) They could do it for the next gen handheld, certainly. The games would be media that you load onto your handheld via the cart/disc, but then you wouldn't need to carry the cart/disc with you and you could load multiple games onto the handheld and select from them. In other words, just like the PC world. A DS has a lot less value to me if I have to carry 20 cartridges with me. I probably would not even have bought a DS had it not been for the fact that devices such as the M3DSS existed, which allowed me to carry all my games with me in a compact fashion.
I like football! Football is american as apple pie. Fantasy Football starts up next month I cant wait. Go Detroit Lions and Michigan State Spartans!!!!
I enjoyed Wombat talking about all pro 2k8, and wished cheapy didnt cut him off. There ive said my peace.
Good show, as usual.
Cheapy, if you ever want, I have Call of Juarez and we could play co-op. I'd really love to try it out since I haven't yet.
Also, one more note.
Chicago Pizza > New York Pizza
Although both good, Chicago's deep dish is top notch.
Great Show as always. Seems that me and wombat have something in common. Both of our 360's crapped out. with non red lighting problems and they will both be returning friday. Hmmm wonder which one of those 2 will crap out first.

Also the 360 problem of them scratching discs when the console is completely stable and not moving does happen. it occurred to me on about 4 games.

Anyways keep the Great show up its on of my favorites.
The pre-recorded podcasts are so much better than the live shows, it's like a night and day difference. I'm still in disbelief that Cheapy doesn't know the difference between SMB2 and SMB3. Crazy.

Also, the Transformers was incredibly harsh. It sounds like people were expecting it be the next Citizen Kane, or something. Yes, I would have liked the movie a lot more if it stripped all the brand references out of it, but besides that it kept me entertained from beginning to end. I went in with low expectations, but left pleasantly surprised. By the way, the transforming boom box was Frenzy, he used to be one of Soundwave's cassettes, and nowhere near as annoying as Jar-Jar.
bread's done