CAGcast #81: Fascist Cars and Loose Morals

Throwing vegetables at shy-guys, catching Birdo's eggs.(over and over) just wasn't my cup'o tang. Mario 3 which Cheapy confused with SM2(only for a second!!) was my favorite Mario title untill Mario Sunshine. I loved Mario 3. Bought it at Service Merchandise(now defunct retail store in OH), still remember it rolling down the rollers to my grubby hands. Sweetness. Raccoon hats make you fly? Ok. I'll go along with the frog in water, but raccoons flying? What ever Miyamoto's smoking....I'll take some.
[quote name='CheapyD']It will be extremely difficult for me to do a show with Wombat next week due to my tight schedule and the 3 hour time difference.
I'll probably have to go solo and do something a bit different (and not call it a CAGcast).[/quote]
That's alright, just call it the "CAG E3 Report" or something, and then after that it can be a "Special E3 CAGcast" with Wombat as usual.

I'm sure Wombat will like the additional time off anyway.
Man i have no clue why the fuck people are hatin on Transformers...Im a 30 year old man, and a Transformers fans for most of my life. While the movie was not was a blast. People who say it was bad are the same people who just dont know how to have fun. Its like they go to a movie with the "im going to hate it" attitude then of fraking COURSE they are going to hate it. Its like the same thing with people who cant enjoy simply fun Blood Rayne and Bullet Witch. Both those games were mindless fun yet got dogged cuz they were not "deep". Just learn to just live and have fun.:bomb:
[quote name='CheapyD']In the late 80s, I was much more into PC gaming.
My time was occupied by Sierra "Quest Games", Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Superstar Ice Hockey, and many others. I never owned any of the Super Mario sequels. Of course I played the shit out of the original.[/quote]

Wow, you must have REALLY been into PC gaming back in the day to miss out on the SMB sequels. This intrigues me because you never talk about PC games during the CAGCast. Do you play any PC games at all now or are you completely jilted? My policy is to play games on the PC only when they're really good and not available for consoles (e.g., Company of Heroes, WoW).
Here is a question regarding the "Nazi" cars: Why do some games allow you to play as Nazis(ie. Call of Duty) but not others(ie. Forza)? If you can play as the Third Reich in multiplayer shooters, why not play as a Nazi race-car? Couldn't you think of it as the "bad guy" car?

The only arguement against this is that WW2 shooters are, in theory, representing history and there are no Nazi racecars in "history." But I think that it is still a double standard. What if it was a classic 1940s era car race game, with vintage cars? Would it then be ok to have Nazi cars?
Hey, Wombat, you're the first New Yorker I've ever heard give any props at all to Chicago's pizza. I'm from Chicago but I'm not snobby enough to say New York doesn't have good pizza, too, though Chicago's is better.
[quote name='CheapyD']In the late 80s, I was much more into PC gaming.
My time was occupied by Sierra "Quest Games", Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Superstar Ice Hockey, and many others. I never owned any of the Super Mario sequels. Of course I played the shit out of the original.[/quote]

you my man, have earned my respect
i would rather pay 10 bucks at the movie theatre to see the original transformers movie rereleased than watch that disaster of a movie again.
at least that was about the transformers because nobody cares about spike or sam or whatever his name was. the folks who created the transformers cartoon may have set out to make a 20 minute commercial but as you can see they ended up creating something that was far more impactful. the old transformers cartoons may not hold up as well but to any one that doesnt get there impact i guess you had to be there.
[quote name='Yipwoop']Wow, you must have REALLY been into PC gaming back in the day to miss out on the SMB sequels. This intrigues me because you never talk about PC games during the CAGCast. Do you play any PC games at all now or are you completely jilted? My policy is to play games on the PC only when they're really good and not available for consoles (e.g., Company of Heroes, WoW).[/quote]

Yeah, I was really into PC games then. They offered up new experiences, things that that NES couldn't duplicate.

I don't really play any PC games anymore, but I may get back into it later this year.
[quote name='CheapyD']Yeah, I was really into PC games then. They offered up new experiences, things that that NES couldn't duplicate.

I don't really play any PC games anymore, but I may get back into it later this year.[/quote]
Yeah, same here. PC games used to be awesome back in the day, back when point-and-click adventure games ruled. Nowadays it's mostly MMORPGs (which are not terrible, but are just not my thing) and the occasional good RTS.

I'm sure you've seen the other thread, but discussing some of the more interesting exclusive PC titles on the CAGcast would be nice, Starcraft II comes to mind.
Great show as always you two. Going to be interesting to see what's discussed this week with all of the news from/before E3.

I have to 1000% disagree with Shipwreck's opinion on Transformers. As someone who cried over some type of media for the first time at that movie, bought it twice on DVD (regular version and 20th anniversary edition,) and grew up with a collection of the vast majority of Transformers (made sure my Dad knew how much they go for now that he made me sell them when I was in 5th grade) I enjoyed the movie greatly and thought it was the best movie I've seen this summer.

I did not have that much of a problem with the product placement except for maybe the 360 at the end because if any alien race is going to learn about human culture from in space, the WWW would be the first place they would/should probably go. I thought there was good action and the story flowed well. I was in a theatre on July 4 morning that was full with only about 10-20% of it being kids under 16, and it got a standing ovation at the end.

Also about playing certain 360 games on certain nights with CAG members, if you look on the 360 forum, that discussion was already going in a sticky thread when you produced your last show. The schedule has been set now, just check that section for details.
[quote name='yukine']Yeah, same here. PC games used to be awesome back in the day, back when point-and-click adventure games ruled. Nowadays it's mostly MMORPGs (which are not terrible, but are just not my thing) and the occasional good RTS.

I'm sure you've seen the other thread, but discussing some of the more interesting exclusive PC titles on the CAGcast would be nice, Starcraft II comes to mind.[/quote]

The old 80's and early 90's adventure games were great fun. I only played Sierra games though. My faves were LSL, SQ, and KQ. Only recently I discovered LucasArts and played some Sam & Max, Monkey Island, and Maniac Mansion games. The best one I played was Day of the Tentacle - if you're looking for old-school adventure game fun, this is the game to play.

But the best PC game I somehow missed out on back in the day is now free for download - Star Control 2. This game is absolutely amazing and can be downloaded here (not illegal - the game is now open source):

They call it The Ur-Quan Masters, but it's really Star Control 2. If you can overlook the graphical limitations, you're going to be in for an excellent PC gaming experience.
Shipwrek, that was the worst review ever. Transformers was AWESOME. You are dead to me.

J/K but I really enjoyed Transformers and of course it has some cheesy scenes but what were you expecting out of a summer action film? Best action film I've seen in a few years.

For the record I hated the cartoons growing up so my expectations were kinda low.
Great show, as usual, fellas.

I'm gonna jump on the anti-Shipwreck wagon and disagree with the Transformers review, as well. While I cannot in good conscience say it was a good movie, it was certainly better than I expected it to be. Yes, it was full of corny dialogue and cheesy humor, it felt appropriate since, like someone mentioned earlier, it's a movie based on an 80's cartoon... based on action figures. I guess the product placement doesn't really bother me since I'm more or less desensitized (for lack of a better word) to advertising. I do agree with the sometimes blurry action, but it was pretty good overall, especially the fight between Prime and Bonecrusher.

I'm also gonna jump on the football wagon. I'm probably one of the least athletic persons on earth, but I enjoy watching football. I probably won't know 90% of the All-Pro Football cast, but I certainly don't mind a little pigskin talk in the CAGCast.

I LOLed at the concept of a Holocaust Denial-mobile. :D
[quote name='Yipwoop']The old 80's and early 90's adventure games were great fun. I only played Sierra games though. My faves were LSL, SQ, and KQ. Only recently I discovered LucasArts and played some Sam & Max, Monkey Island, and Maniac Mansion games. The best one I played was Day of the Tentacle - if you're looking for old-school adventure game fun, this is the game to play.

But the best PC game I somehow missed out on back in the day is now free for download - Star Control 2. This game is absolutely amazing and can be downloaded here (not illegal - the game is now open source):

They call it The Ur-Quan Masters, but it's really Star Control 2. If you can overlook the graphical limitations, you're going to be in for an excellent PC gaming experience.[/quote]

I'm the opposite, I've always played LucasArts adventure games, and never played the Sierra games. DOTT is still a great game, it holds up amazingly well to this day.

Thanks for the link, I've never played Star Control... so I'll give it a try later (after all this crazy E3 stuff.)

Sorry for taking this thread off-topic, if you'd like to discuss adventure games here is a thread for it:
Great show, as usual..... but Shipwreck's "Transformers Review" was the worst Transformers review i've heard so far. It got so bad i had to skip it. The guy sounded incredibly harsh! He also sounded like the biggest fanboy ever! That's the part that angered me the most! He made it sound like if the Transformers movie was the worst film ever made in history. Sure the films story was not academy award winning [SIZE=-1]material[/SIZE], but the film was sure f*ing entertaining! Excellent eye popping CGI work, creatively-staged action sequences, and the best eye candy money can buy. I was truly shocked this movie was made under $147 million . Anyways.... personally, the Matrix Trilogy is one of the finest pieces of film made. This film got me more entertained then the Matrix films. It kept me entertained from beginning to end. Everyone should watch this movie. It's worth your money.
While the loss of exclusive titles is bad news for Sony, it's good news for Microsoft. Why wouldn't Major Nelson, a Microsoft employee, point it out? There's nothing "douchey" about it at all.

I am not a Transformers fan, I've never seen the show or the old movie, but I enjoyed the new movie. Shipwreck's review was far more negative than the movie deserves. If you aren't a Transformers fanboy, give it a try, you may like it. I did.

I'm a football fan.
Cheapy - I generally agree with your industry assessments, however you are DEAD WRONG about football fans not listening to the Cagcast. Nothing thrilled me more than hearing Dave Meggett would be making a comeback appearance in a current gen game. I've lost track of how many times I used Meggett to run for a TD during the days of Tecmo Bowl. I realize that not everyone played sports games growing up but unfortunately, you and people like you are in the minority. The sales numbers are proof of that.
bread's done