CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

Weird glitch between the Texans and Jags just now. End of the 2nd quarter and I had just scored a TD to go up 28-3 an on the EP I couldn't hit the button to do the field goal. I thought it was something with my remote so I changed batteries an then remotes. Kicked the FG and at the start of the 2nd half I kicked to the jags. He kept getting delay of game penalties for some reason so I messaged seeing is he had given up or glitches an he said I kept getting delay of games. So I assumed we glitches and just backed out and reinvited tower to play. He said to just play the CPU with me being up 28-3.

Sorry tower. I wouldn't have minded playing again.

Playing CPU now.

Going for the passing TD record! Bahaha just kidding!

EDIT: I definitely don't appreciate the message I received from Darktower at the end of my first quarter in this game! I'm up 24-0 middle of the second and 2 TD from running. The CPU is throwing horrible and in picking it off. He messages me for some reason and this is after I offered to play him again he says "yep he's up up 20-0 fuck that"
Don't appreciate that dude! So I gave you a piece of my mind back!
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It was obvious we have very different skill levels. I wasn't complaining about the way you were playing just not looking to keep getting beaten around the field. I messaged Nate that I was letting you play the CPU since you were obviously going to win.

Nothing bad about how you were playing just that it was an obvious mismatch. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Bengals and Browns game will be played friday 530 central.

if the bengals win out the rest of the season they would win a wildcard spot also possibly win there division my last 4 games 3 of them being division games. i just hope if i do make the playoffs i dont face the titans last time didnt go so well for the bengals.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Not trying to call you out, but this isn't really the same thing. If I had to guess, this would be why Superstar claims he doesn't know when it's ok to throw the ball. In a 10 point game, he could have been passing on every down if he wanted to.

Unless he was winning 20-3, and then you scored in the 4th (at which point, he'd be fine to up the pressure again), this game really isn't similar to the situation we just had. I definitely appreciate the report that you felt the game was respectfully played, but we should be careful comparing two different situations so we don't end up confusing people even more.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sorry, I should have clarified. It was 20-3 for a good chunk of the 4th, I scored a TD with a little over a minute left.
i think a 21 point lead in the fourth is pretty solid lead in the 4th quarter and is time to run the ball only unless of course of a 3rd and long (3rd down 6 yards or more). if i was in the position of a 3rd and long then i would pass and only go for the first down and only the first down once i get the first down dive and then continue to run. the reason i would consider it ok to pass in that situation in my own opinion is because i want the first down to run the clock out more. but even on a 3rd and long and the right situation i might even come out and run depending on the defense's setup and my trust in making a 3rd and long.

That's how i've always played and i've had 7 seasons in the official league and i believe 5 seasons in this league and i have never had a complaint on me that i know of on my playing style or anything like that. which i hope i never do becuz i try my hardest to play good clean game of madden with every person i play.
[quote name='DVO21']i think a 21 point lead in the fourth is pretty solid lead in the 4th quarter and is time to run the ball only unless of course of a 3rd and long (3rd down 6 yards or more). if i was in the position of a 3rd and long then i would pass and only go for the first down and only the first down once i get the first down dive and then continue to run. the reason i would consider it ok to pass in that situation in my own opinion is because i want the first down to run the clock out more. but even on a 3rd and long and the right situation i might even come out and run depending on the defense's setup and my trust in making a 3rd and long.

That's how i've always played and i've had 7 seasons in the official league and i believe 5 seasons in this league and i have never had a complaint on me that i know of on my playing style or anything like that. which i hope i never do becuz i try my hardest to play good clean game of madden with every person i play.[/QUOTE]

Lets not do this...because that is not the policy. I'm not saying it would be a horrible offence in that specific instance, but the problem is people start applying it more liberally and it gets out of hand, and is near impossible to separate a "really bad offence" from a "kind of bad offence". It's easier to just say "Hey...being forced to punt with a 21 point lead and less than 5 minutes to play isn't the end of the world". When it turns into "I just wanted to keep the clock moving", it gets really, really messy...and I'm not interested in sifting through that.

Not to mention if you don't complete the've now just stopped the clock with a 21 point lead (which is dumb on your part). And if you do break a big play and then dive on the field to avoid's just making the game even more awkward. Punting the ball is not that distasteful. I'm starting to feel like I need to be a kindergarten teacher about it. "Ok, class. We're going to play a game. If you have a 3 score lead in the 4th quarter, lets see if you can finish the game without passing the ball! Ooooooooh!!! I bet you can't do it!" Just think of it as defensive practice. If your opponent scores, then guess get to throw again. It's not that complicated.
lol i loved the kindergarten comment. but i can see ur point and that my situation i used is more of a grey area u dont want to bother with and keep it black and white which makes complete sense. by running the ball u either kill the clock or they call timeouts and if u end up with the ball again then u just get the kill the clock the next time again.
[quote name='DVO21']lol i loved the kindergarten comment. but i can see ur point and that my situation i used is more of a grey area u dont want to bother with and keep it black and white which makes complete sense. by running the ball u either kill the clock or they call timeouts and if u end up with the ball again then u just get the kill the clock the next time again.[/QUOTE]

Yup. That's basically the only way I can see to keep it cut and dry. Otherwise, it's "This person did this." and "Well, he did that." and "Stop pulling your sister's hair." and all that.
hey i just wanted to make a post about my game against the redskins. I stopped the redskins on the goal line, I understand why he went with it, just wanted to let him know that you should always pause and let them know that your going for it.I knew the second that field goal didn't popup right away that he would go for it. I ran it out to the 5 yard line. Since it was under two minutes I quickly went to the no huddle (down by 4 at this point in the game) and did the quick audible to quick pass. and it did a play action pass....Has anyone else had this happen? why they would default to a PA when im sitting there in my end zone is beyond me. My plan was to try a quick pass, if it fails then go with a power/counter/iso to drain down more clock and most likely punt. Just was curious if anyone else found this ( i could have selected the wrong thing, wouldnt have been the first time) and also to warn anyone else about it! Joey definitely earned that win but that safety was super frustrating and definitely was the turning point in the game (resulted in 9 extra points before half)
[quote name='billymcdugal']hey i just wanted to make a post about my game against the redskins. I stopped the redskins on the goal line, I understand why he went with it, just wanted to let him know that you should always pause and let them know that your going for it.I knew the second that field goal didn't popup right away that he would go for it. I ran it out to the 5 yard line. Since it was under two minutes I quickly went to the no huddle (down by 4 at this point in the game) and did the quick audible to quick pass. and it did a play action pass....Has anyone else had this happen? why they would default to a PA when im sitting there in my end zone is beyond me. My plan was to try a quick pass, if it fails then go with a power/counter/iso to drain down more clock and most likely punt. Just was curious if anyone else found this ( i could have selected the wrong thing, wouldnt have been the first time) and also to warn anyone else about it! Joey definitely earned that win but that safety was super frustrating and definitely was the turning point in the game (resulted in 9 extra points before half)[/QUOTE]

The quick pass audible in a goal line formation is a PA
[quote name='billymcdugal']hey i just wanted to make a post about my game against the redskins. I stopped the redskins on the goal line, I understand why he went with it, just wanted to let him know that you should always pause and let them know that your going for it.I knew the second that field goal didn't popup right away that he would go for it. I ran it out to the 5 yard line. Since it was under two minutes I quickly went to the no huddle (down by 4 at this point in the game) and did the quick audible to quick pass. and it did a play action pass....Has anyone else had this happen? why they would default to a PA when im sitting there in my end zone is beyond me. My plan was to try a quick pass, if it fails then go with a power/counter/iso to drain down more clock and most likely punt. Just was curious if anyone else found this ( i could have selected the wrong thing, wouldnt have been the first time) and also to warn anyone else about it! Joey definitely earned that win but that safety was super frustrating and definitely was the turning point in the game (resulted in 9 extra points before half)[/QUOTE]

depending on the formation the only pass play might have been play action.
Ravens beat 49ers 31-7. I really didn't expect this at all seeing Blades defensive stats. Last I saw he had allowed a ridiculously low number of points on defense this season. I got out to a quick start with Newton throwing an interception to Ed Reed on the first drive of the game. That led to a nice scoring drive and it was mostly all Ravens the rest of the way. I played it safe this game and didn't make any stupid throws like I've made the past 2 weeks. Only had 1 turnover and it was on a fumble by my running back in the 4th quarter. I tried my best to control the clock and it payed off with a 12:14 possession time. I can't say for sure, but I would guess playing from behind threw off Blade's game a bit and never really got into a rhythm. Good game despite what the score shows.

Also wanted to say that my 4th quarter score was on a toss play to Stephens-Howling that I took 80 yards for the score. For some reason Madden decided to count it as a pass. Pretty sure I didn't attempt a single pass in the 4th quarter.
[quote name='KasterDB']The quick pass audible in a goal line formation is a PA[/QUOTE]

[quote name='staticz']depending on the formation the only pass play might have been play action.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I am pretty sure there are no goal line pass plays that don't include play action. If you want a goal line play that isn't play action, you have to hot route your running back.
[quote name='Konfusion']Ravens beat 49ers 31-7. I really didn't expect this at all seeing Blades defensive stats. Last I saw he had allowed a ridiculously low number of points on defense this season. I got out to a quick start with Newton throwing an interception to Ed Reed on the first drive of the game. That led to a nice scoring drive and it was mostly all Ravens the rest of the way. I played it safe this game and didn't make any stupid throws like I've made the past 2 weeks. Only had 1 turnover and it was on a fumble by my running back in the 4th quarter. I tried my best to control the clock and it payed off with a 12:14 possession time. I can't say for sure, but I would guess playing from behind threw off Blade's game a bit and never really got into a rhythm. Good game despite what the score shows.

Also wanted to say that my 4th quarter score was on a toss play to Stephens-Howling that I took 80 yards for the score. For some reason Madden decided to count it as a pass. Pretty sure I didn't attempt a single pass in the 4th quarter.[/QUOTE]

Great game, that pick in the red zone on my first drive really set the game. Your defense was playing really well, and I couldn't stop your passing game. I couldn't set up any form of a running game, and I feel like that made a big difference. I felt like my defense really didn't even show up, they made horrible plays. I rely a lot of my defense getting the ball back or stopping the drive, and that just didn't happen at all. I also hate when you hit Y as a defensive player to set up a pick or blocked pass, and instead they just stop dead in there tracks. That happened on the majority of the big plays you had which was really pissing me off. Also, I was making a good drive down the field and threw a pick again right before the 2nd half. Every time I attempted a deep pass INT not even a blocked pass, though I was trying not to throw them much.
[quote name='billymcdugal']hey i just wanted to make a post about my game against the redskins. I stopped the redskins on the goal line, I understand why he went with it, just wanted to let him know that you should always pause and let them know that your going for it.I knew the second that field goal didn't popup right away that he would go for it. I ran it out to the 5 yard line. Since it was under two minutes I quickly went to the no huddle (down by 4 at this point in the game) and did the quick audible to quick pass. and it did a play action pass....Has anyone else had this happen? why they would default to a PA when im sitting there in my end zone is beyond me. My plan was to try a quick pass, if it fails then go with a power/counter/iso to drain down more clock and most likely punt. Just was curious if anyone else found this ( i could have selected the wrong thing, wouldnt have been the first time) and also to warn anyone else about it! Joey definitely earned that win but that safety was super frustrating and definitely was the turning point in the game (resulted in 9 extra points before half)[/QUOTE]

I'm trying to decipher this, but it's not terribly easy. He went for a 4th and inches at the goalline late in the 2nd quarter and you stopped him? Why does he need to pause and tell you? If you hadn't already picked your defensive would know he was going for it. Sounds like you were just rushing a bit at the end of the half.
[quote name='Konfusion']Ravens beat 49ers 31-7. I really didn't expect this at all seeing Blades defensive stats. Last I saw he had allowed a ridiculously low number of points on defense this season. I got out to a quick start with Newton throwing an interception to Ed Reed on the first drive of the game. That led to a nice scoring drive and it was mostly all Ravens the rest of the way. I played it safe this game and didn't make any stupid throws like I've made the past 2 weeks. Only had 1 turnover and it was on a fumble by my running back in the 4th quarter. I tried my best to control the clock and it payed off with a 12:14 possession time. I can't say for sure, but I would guess playing from behind threw off Blade's game a bit and never really got into a rhythm. Good game despite what the score shows.

Also wanted to say that my 4th quarter score was on a toss play to Stephens-Howling that I took 80 yards for the score. For some reason Madden decided to count it as a pass. Pretty sure I didn't attempt a single pass in the 4th quarter.[/QUOTE]

well this scares me i thought i might have a chance when we play in the next advancement but now im not sure if its even possible
[quote name='Blade3D']Great game, that pick in the red zone on my first drive really set the game. Your defense was playing really well, and I couldn't stop your passing game. I couldn't set up any form of a running game, and I feel like that made a big difference. I felt like my defense really didn't even show up, they made horrible plays. I rely a lot of my defense getting the ball back or stopping the drive, and that just didn't happen at all. I also hate when you hit Y as a defensive player to set up a pick or blocked pass, and instead they just stop dead in there tracks. That happened on the majority of the big plays you had which was really pissing me off. Also, I was making a good drive down the field and threw a pick again right before the 2nd half. Every time I attempted a deep pass INT not even a blocked pass, though I was trying not to throw them much.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw your defensive player just stop after you took control on a short touchdown pass early in the game. That's happened to me too many times. I mostly stay away from trying to take control of a guy so he can get a big hit or maybe a pick. I get burned too often and a user player can be tricked by moves that the CPU rarely falls for. My secondary played well and actually dropped a number of picks late in the game. They were probably on a hot streak after a good performance against Cleveland last week and having to abandon your run game didn't help your chances against them.
[quote name='DVO21']well this scares me i thought i might have a chance when we play in the next advancement but now im not sure if its even possible[/QUOTE]

Should be a good game. I played you once last season and once this season and both games were close.
[quote name='Konfusion']Should be a good game. I played you once last season and once this season and both games were close.[/QUOTE]

ya i believe we are 1-1 against each other winner of that game should win the division i believe so its a big time game but after i play u i have another tough one so its not going to be an easy road for me at all
Vikes beat Hawks 27-24 in OT. Very hard fought game.

Mistakes on my part:

INT on my first drive, could have been a FG. May have cost me the game in the long run.
Final drive of the game, was 24-21, played it VERY safe, passed short, ended up letting time run out after a tying FG instead of going for the TD more aggressively.

Won OT toss and went 3 and out. No runs in that drive while the run was working very well late in the game.

Vikes had some very nice looking drives throughout the game and not many mistakes. Definitely deserved the win. With this loss, I fall back into a tie for the 6 seed with Arizona (with myself winning the tiebreaker I believe, if Madden gets it right).

GG Kaster.

Seahawks schedule is on its side as we face 3 last-place teams in our final three games--Cowboys, Rams (CPU) and Falcons. Certainly no gimme games in there though, save the CPU. Wildcard looks to come down to the wire.

Thats not fair to say to the mostest elitest qb evar
[quote name='FrankySox']Still waiting for word about a time with the Falcons owner[/QUOTE]

I'm going to put them on auto. I tried playing earlier, but hydrocodone kinda makes me a worse player than normal. I'll put them on auto in about an hour. Yay surgeries!
[quote name='slofton']I'm going to put them on auto. I tried playing earlier, but hydrocodone kinda makes me a worse player than normal. I'll put them on auto in about an hour. Yay surgeries![/QUOTE]

wut kind of surgery i have two spinal surgeries coming up soon. one should be simple since its just burning the end of my nerves since they are damaged. the other one wont be as fun and cant pronounce it lol
[quote name='slofton']I'm going to put them on auto. I tried playing earlier, but hydrocodone kinda makes me a worse player than normal. I'll put them on auto in about an hour. Yay surgeries![/QUOTE]

Ok awesome, I'll either play tonight or tomorrow, so if I don't get to it tonight we could still play tomorrow if you want. Hydro should really make you a better player !
[quote name='billymcdugal']hey i just wanted to make a post about my game against the redskins. I stopped the redskins on the goal line, I understand why he went with it, just wanted to let him know that you should always pause and let them know that your going for it.I knew the second that field goal didn't popup right away that he would go for it. I ran it out to the 5 yard line. Since it was under two minutes I quickly went to the no huddle (down by 4 at this point in the game) and did the quick audible to quick pass. and it did a play action pass....Has anyone else had this happen? why they would default to a PA when im sitting there in my end zone is beyond me. My plan was to try a quick pass, if it fails then go with a power/counter/iso to drain down more clock and most likely punt. Just was curious if anyone else found this ( i could have selected the wrong thing, wouldnt have been the first time) and also to warn anyone else about it! Joey definitely earned that win but that safety was super frustrating and definitely was the turning point in the game (resulted in 9 extra points before half)[/QUOTE]

Had you came out in field goal block formation I would have given plenty of time to audible out, or call a timeout. I wasn't trying to pull any trickery. I was just trying to get some momentum going into the half and I figured worst case scenario is you get the ball on your 1 yard line. i figured the delay in play calling and it not saying Field Goal after i picked my play was as good as pausing the game and typing out a message on that slow keyboard they give you.

I agree that the safety was the game changer. Before that I only had one play that worked and that was simply because of Brandon Banks speed. My defense really stepped up in the second half. They haven't played that well in weeks.
just reminder for the people that keep up with games played and times being played
Bengals Vs. Browns is going down today at 5:30 Central
Games Left
7 games left 4 scheduled

Rams Vs. Cowboys
Panthers Vs. Colts (Auto Pilot) Midnight (Staticz said if there a chance of an early advancement to just sim the game)
Bears Vs. Lions
Packers Vs. Falcons(Auto PIlot) sometime tonight
Patriots Vs. Dolphins(CPU) This Afternoon
Browns Vs. Bengals 5 Central tonight
Titans Vs. Steelers

Any Updates
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[quote name='neworlbush25']Statiscz(sp) I'm putting myself on auto, you can play the CPu since I am real busy the next couple of days[/QUOTE]

Alright, sorry about last night I got caught up helping the wife out. I probably won't play until like midnight CST. If all the games get done before the just sim mine so we can advance.
[quote name='staticz']Alright, sorry about last night I got caught up helping the wife out. I probably won't play until like midnight CST. If all the games get done before the just sim mine so we can advance.[/QUOTE]

Deadline is tomorrow anyway. I won't be playing the Steelers until tomorrow. He's been sick with the flu and I'm out of the house all day today.
I know a couple people took me up on this thus far, but if anyone wants to scrimmage to run different plays on O or D or go over attributes that matter send me a pm on here or just add me on xbl.
Hey umx im stuck at work for another hour u cool with kicking it back an hour or playing tomorrow. The big boss is.keeping everyone here late
[quote name='slofton']

Thats not fair to say to the mostest elitest qb evar[/QUOTE]

I really, really like this. :applause::lol::applause::lol:
Bengals over the Brown 48-10

Andrew Luck was 5-7 with 96 yards 2 TDs
Darren Sproles had 22 carries for 224 yards 4 TDs
Green-Elliis had 12 carries for 87 yards
AJ Green had 3 catches for 66 yards 2 TDs

The Bengals Defense was huge in this one
3 sacks
3 INTs
total offense allowed 40 yards

GG UMX ur kick return guy is fast as fuck he blew past everyone and no one was even close to catch him once he found that whole.
I think I'm about done with the Browns. I thought I could step in and do okay with them since they had a decent record the first season, but I'm awful with them. I'll finish out the season and if nobody else wants them I suppose I can do the offseason and maybe I'll change my mind, but if somebody else wants them they can have them. A ten game losing streak is awful. If I don't stop now I don't think I'll ever play a Madden game again. :)
Bears 10, Lions 7 F/OT

Really good game, best I've played in M13 maybe. Lions scored a TD on the opening drive of the game, but were held scoreless the rest of the way. Forte caught a TD pass down the middle with 18 seconds left in the 4th to tie it and send it to OT. After making the Lions go three and out on the first drive of OT, Romo drove the Bears down into field goal range and Robbie Gould kicked a 33 yarder for the win.

GG, troy!
bread's done