CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

[quote name='n8rockerasu']All right, here's the situation, guys. The website is giving me a bitch of a time. Basically, the only thing it's letting me do on this connection (at least I'm assuming it will even allow this) is to advance the week. I haven't been able to offer my guys contracts or anything. Every time I try, I can't get the contract info to load for the players that are free agents. I also can't franchise tag or anything.

So, we can either wait until I get home on Friday to proceed further. OR, I can advance you guys and let somebody take over for me the rest of the way...because without free agency my team is pretty much dead. Honestly, I'm fine either way. It's not like my run to finish last season was incredibly strong anyway. So, whatever the majority wants, that's what we can do. Sorry about this. I really was hoping it wouldn't be this huge of a pain in the ass. If EA had ever released that mobile app that they bragged about back when they were trying to sell the game, it probably would have gone a lot smoother.[/QUOTE]

The voting went as followed:

Wait: 17
Advance now: 7
Impartial: 5
Did not vote: 3

At this point everyone should just prep for a later advance. We had some people mention it but we also need to address how many seasons we are going to try to get in, and look into how we go take care of ridiculous backend contracts accordingly. Hopefully this gives us time to do that.
[quote name='Yo Soy El Tiger']Can I get the password in a private message n8
I know I'm new and don't really have a say either way but with 32 teams you are NEVER going to be able to make everyone happy[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure there's no option for that in this year's game (yet another feature tat EA removed). I've never seen anywhere to view join requests, and don't even remember the game asking for a password.

I completely agree with your sentiment about making everyone happy though. For anyone who cares, my idea for the advancement shcedule was to advance us on Friday...then make sure everyone has had a chance to make their FA offers (I know some mentioned being gone this weekend...and it really wouldn't be fair to hold things up for me just to turn around and skip over them).

So...even if our next advance was late Sunday night, that would at least put us all back on track. Then, hopefully we'd be ok for a 2 day advancement from that point on...and be ready to draft by the weekend of the 29th. That would alow the Rams owner to get in on free agency, alow us to figure out how we want to limit contract offers (if at all), and have time to review pending trades. Personally, I think it's foolish to rush into a final season because of some hypothetical situation that people will lose interest. We're all playing football in March for a reason.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I'm pretty sure there's no option for that in this year's game (yet another feature tat EA removed). I've never seen anywhere to view join requests, and don't even remember the game asking for a password.

I completely agree with your sentiment about making everyone happy though. For anyone who cares, my idea for the advancement shcedule was to advance us on Friday...then make sure everyone has had a chance to make their FA offers (I know some mentioned being gone this weekend...and it really wouldn't be fair to hold things up for me just to turn around and skip over them).

So...even if our next advance was late Sunday night, that would at least put us all back on track. Then, hopefully we'd be ok for a 2 day advancement from that point on...and be ready to draft by the weekend of the 29th. That would alow the Rams owner to get in on free agency, alow us to figure out how we want to limit contract offers (if at all), and have time to review pending trades. Personally, I think it's foolish to rush into a final season because of some hypothetical situation that people will lose interest. We're all playing football in March for a reason.[/QUOTE]
What did you name the league on madden then ill search for it
Actually, I think you can search for leagues and it asks for a password. However, I don't believe it's set up for this league. He'll have to invite you.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Actually, I think you can search for leagues and it asks for a password. However, I don't believe it's set up for this league. He'll have to invite you.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if that's something they added. Because we were set up before you could do a fantasy draft too. I just know I've never seen anything that indicated join requests. And it's weird because NHL 13 was the opposite. You could only send invites when the league was created...and after that it was join request only.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I wonder if that's something they added. Because we were set up before you could do a fantasy draft too. I just know I've never seen anything that indicated join requests. And it's weird because NHL 13 was the opposite. You could only send invites when the league was created...and after that it was join request only.[/QUOTE]

I'm in a couple leagues on madden either set it to public where anyone coukd join if they found it or private where there is a password and if you didn't put a password in then it would prob be invite only. ..ill check it out by searching for the lea gue...I just got home
[quote name='perdition(troy']The voting went as followed:

Wait: 17
Advance now: 7
Impartial: 5
Did not vote: 3

At this point everyone should just prep for a later advance. We had some people mention it but we also need to address how many seasons we are going to try to get in, and look into how we go take care of ridiculous backend contracts accordingly. Hopefully this gives us time to do that.[/QUOTE]

I don't except this sham vote. I just want to express my disappointment in everyone letting n8 hold all this over their heads. Also, I don't think the message asking for the vote explained the situation well enough.
[quote name='Blade3D']I don't except this sham vote. I just want to express my disappointment in everyone letting n8 hold all this over their heads. Also, I don't think the message asking for the vote explained the situation well enough.[/QUOTE]

And I am disappointed in you. So now we're even.

How would you have explained it?
[quote name='slofton']And I am disappointed in you. So now we're even.

How would you have explained it?[/QUOTE]

I thought Troy did the vote? Where do you come into play?

Haha what does this even mean? "Now I'm disappointed in you" I gotta sit down from that one. Hahaha
[quote name='Docb9110']I thought Troy did the vote? Where do you come into play?

Haha what does this even mean? "Now I'm disappointed in you" I gotta sit down from that one. Hahaha[/QUOTE]

I didn't want anyone to feel left out in the disappointment!

Troy did do the vote. I was just wondering how he would have put it. I thought it was explained pretty decently. I'm a sucker for information.

And I generally come into play from left field as usual :D
Ahh. Haha thanks for the explanation.

I see points from both sides but I still think this situation is more on the unfair side of the league for one person.
[quote name='Docb9110']Ahh. Haha thanks for the explanation.

I see points from both sides but I still think this situation is more on the unfair side of the league for one person.[/QUOTE]

True. Im just more in favor of having the dude who runs the league and puts waaaaaaaay more time into it dealing with stuff then we do a little leeway when things get screwed up. This is also coming from someone who gets screwed over every year for the draft lol
Right but like you said you get screwed every year. Wouldn't it be nice to ask for them to hold it for you and they say ok?

That's essentially what Is happening. I think it's a weird argument over the sake of a FA week advancement as I'm sure a few others can agree. Which is why I voted to wait because I want all of us to be on the same page. One way or another we have to either not bid on N8's players or wait to advance when the league top kicks wouldn't do the same if say I asked them to wait. While I don't think they would say "tough shit" I do think they would say something along the lines of people get busy and we can't hold the league of 32 up for 1,2 or I'm willing to bet up to like 5 or 6.

That's the only point I'm trying to make and I think n8 even said himself earlier that he is the commish and has to make tough decisions but it seems decisions where his best Interest are at hand it's easy to make which to me and a few others doesn't seem fair. I don't want an apology I want him to finish admitting what he almost started to when he posted earlier and say that he does get special treatment. Am I sayin I wouldn't be guilty...absolutely not but if it came to this I'd definitely admit it and say get over it. We all know him and I have had our differences so I'm not callin him put here in simply saying "you are the commish and as such you work a lot to keep the league going but as a human being in your situation it is IMPOSSIBLE to not "treat" yourself once and again."

He did say he was going on vacation but we were all under the impression that we would advance normally and. It until a few of us asked asked a day or two when we would did this become an issue. So I think miscommunication is a problem here I think. Do I blame him for that not really because if I was on vaca I wouldn't care but I also know if I asked him and our roles were switch to where I was out for a week and he was home running the league would it matter that the website was messing up and I couldn't do anything?
i do agree with doc is saying anyone else would just be shit out of luck. and being the commish gives him some benefits and somethings he has to do would really suck big time. but it's going to be difficult when draft time comes and some people can make it and some can't and then when they want it on a different day more than likely it won't happen becuz of the fact that well for majority that day and time will work for the people that cant make well they will be shit out of luck. the fact is the a single day or time isnt going work for everyone. someones always going to have to bite the bullet on a advancement or draft date or something
[quote name='Docb9110']Right but like you said you get screwed every year. [/QUOTE]

Hey now, let's leave Troys sister out of this.

Yes kids, that's called a call back from like 4 months ago. Sorry Troy, couldnt help it :D

Doc, you debate with points and counterpoints and valid reasoning. I'm not sure how I fell about that. I'm not entirely use to it.

I agree with you. If I was on vaca, I wouldnt expect anything held up for me. But I don't mind helping the guy out who runs it. Without him doing it, we wouldnt have a league to play in or debate in.
[quote name='slofton']Hey now, let's leave Troys sister out of this.


I wasn't going to comment. I am attempting to stay out of it all. However, you sir, deserve a cookie.

hahaha thank u slofton i forgot all about troy mentioning he had a hot sister that's going to haunt him forever in here
[quote name='slofton']Hey now, let's leave Troys sister out of this.

Yes kids, that's called a call back from like 4 months ago. Sorry Troy, couldnt help it :D

Doc, you debate with points and counterpoints and valid reasoning. I'm not sure how I fell about that. I'm not entirely use to it.

I agree with you. If I was on vaca, I wouldnt expect anything held up for me. But I don't mind helping the guy out who runs it. Without him doing it, we wouldnt have a league to play in or debate in.[/QUOTE]

First, how the hell do y'all take quote pieces from whole quotes? I've been wondering!

Second I am actually educated. I can actually pose a valid argument all around if I need to.

Your last 2 sentences (really could use the partial quote thing now) strikes me curious. The guy you want to help has said he wanted to quit cause he was "getting maddened" and actually did like I said before but then when he cooled off and realized he may still make the playoffs he came back. He may come back and rebut that last sentence but its hard to see any other way as a player in his division. Then when the debate comes up the last day or so he again threatens to quit again and asks blade to step which from what I read an he has said he totally said he would? Guy doesn't get his way and threatens to quit in both occurrences. That's the dark side of the commish. Everyone has to have a selfish side or the world wouldnt turn but as I have CALMY STATED BEFORE IN THE THREAD AFTER A RANT FROM HIM LOSING A GAME IN WHICH HE GOT MADDENED he has to hold himself to a higher standard.

Like I said I know he does a lot for the league I'm not bashing I'm just trying to accurately recall facts.
[quote name='Docb9110']First, how the hell do y'all take quote pieces from whole quotes? I've been wondering![/QUOTE]

You mean like this? Just delete the part you don't want to quote.

I agree with what you are saying about other people not getting the same treatment in a situation like this. If it was anyone else, we wouldn't be having a discussion on it, let alone a vote. Also the comment about how he would quit if we advanced seems completely unfair. What if somebody else threatened to quit if they were going to miss the draft or something similar? That just seems unfair to me to guilt people like that. I didn't like when he said he was quitting for the last 5 or 6 games last season, but I kept my mouth shut because it seemed like everyone who posted was okay with that decision. As Doc said, things weren't going his way in game and I believe he was on a 3 game losing streak and decided that he had enough for the season, but would come back next year and try again. I don't think that would be okay for any of the rest of us to decide. It seems like the argument for why he should get special privileges is because he is the commish who works really hard and puts a ton of time into the league. I honestly can't come up with what is so hard about that job. It seems like whenever a problem arises, it is discussed within the thread and a decision is made based on that. There is a commitee for trade approval. It's not like he is sitting there alone deciding what is right and what is wrong. I don't see what the big deal is. Blade seemed completely fine with taking over after N8 expressed his desire to quit multiple times.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']If I want to cut players is there a certain point of the offseason I should do it by to avoid a cap hit?[/QUOTE]

I believe the only way you won't have a cap penalty is if the player doesn't have bonus money. Player's contracts should already be shown as 2014, so there shouldn't be a difference between cutting a player now or later.
[quote name='Docb9110']Well ill be damned![/QUOTE]

There are so many awesome tricks on this forum. Here's a great one I use over at the Reduced Price Strategy Guide thread.

[Customspoiler=It's a Secret]


[quote name='Docb9110']Well ill be damned![/QUOTE]

There are so many awesome tricks on this forum. Here's a great one I use over at the Reduced Price Strategy Guide thread.

[customSPOILER=My Secrets]



Custom Spoilers!
[quote name='Konfusion']You mean like this? Just delete the part you don't want to quote.

I agree with what you are saying about other people not getting the same treatment in a situation like this. If it was anyone else, we wouldn't be having a discussion on it, let alone a vote. Also the comment about how he would quit if we advanced seems completely unfair. What if somebody else threatened to quit if they were going to miss the draft or something similar? That just seems unfair to me to guilt people like that. I didn't like when he said he was quitting for the last 5 or 6 games last season, but I kept my mouth shut because it seemed like everyone who posted was okay with that decision. As Doc said, things weren't going his way in game and I believe he was on a 3 game losing streak and decided that he had enough for the season, but would come back next year and try again. I don't think that would be okay for any of the rest of us to decide. It seems like the argument for why he should get special privileges is because he is the commish who works really hard and puts a ton of time into the league. I honestly can't come up with what is so hard about that job. It seems like whenever a problem arises, it is discussed within the thread and a decision is made based on that. There is a commitee for trade approval. It's not like he is sitting there alone deciding what is right and what is wrong. I don't see what the big deal is. Blade seemed completely fine with taking over after N8 expressed his desire to quit multiple times.[/QUOTE]

I agree, though I am not saying that N8's time isn't appreciated. I do appreciate what he does, and maybe he does try his best. However, I do not appreciate when he threatens to quit or leave, I do not appreciate it when he complains about the work he puts in but refuses to accept any help.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']If I want to cut players is there a certain point of the offseason I should do it by to avoid a cap hit?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately if they have a bonus which is guaranteed money then no matter what that will affect your cap for the following year! Who ya looking to get rid of? I'm up for a trade prop to hp ya out?
[quote name='Blade3D']I agree, though I am not saying that N8's time isn't appreciated. I do appreciate what he does, and maybe he does try his best. However, I do not appreciate when he threatens to quit or leave, I do not appreciate it when he complains about the work he puts in but refuses to accept any help.[/QUOTE]

His time and effort is appreciated, I just don't think the time and effort is as great as everyone expresses. Forgive me if I am just not considering things here, but I don't see what's so difficult about it.

It's not like I don't get his frustration with the game. I'm sure a lot of us can relate. I wish we could just fast forward to Madden 25, but we have what I assume is 1 more season of Madden 13 to play. Sometimes I feel like playing this game is a drag and I feel like giving up and coming back to play in Madden 25, but I want to keep whatever veteran status I may have in the league and I definitely want to play with you guys in 25, so I don't see myself quitting.
[quote name='Konfusion']His time and effort is appreciated, I just don't think the time and effort is as great as everyone expresses. Forgive me if I am just not considering things here, but I don't see what's so difficult about it.

It's not like I don't get his frustration with the game. I'm sure a lot of us can relate. I wish we could just fast forward to Madden 25, but we have what I assume is 1 more season of Madden 13 to play. Sometimes I feel like playing this game is a drag and I feel like giving up and coming back to play in Madden 25, but I want to keep whatever veteran status I may have in the league and I definitely want to play with you guys in 25, so I don't see myself quitting.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree! My intent is not to bash him of course but to be treated, or feel like I'd be treated fairly.
[quote name='Docb9110']I completely agree! My intent is not to bash him of course but to be treated, or feel like I'd be treated fairly.[/QUOTE]

ya i feel exactly how doc does in that sense as well. although i can see how it can be viewed as bashing but in all honesty i don't see it as that. i also think konfusion and doc have made pretty good points with there last couple of post
You guys are insane. This is N8's league and you knew that when you signed up for it. If being the commissioner doesn't grant you special privileges then none of you should feel entitled to advance or oust n8.

As an example, I've probably received close to 500 emails just being on the trade committee in the official league. That doesn't even count everything else the 3 commissioners have to deal with. I'm sure n8 has to deal with similar considering the number of people in either league is nearly equal.

With that said I'm out of here. N8 made it clear to me and everyone else that it was his way or the highway, you all agreed to that. If you don't like it there is another league with open teams.
[quote name='staticz']You guys are insane. This is N8's league and you knew that when you signed up for it. If being the commissioner doesn't grant you special privileges then none of you should feel entitled to advance or oust n8.

As an example, I've probably received close to 500 emails just being on the trade committee in the official league. That doesn't even count everything else the 3 commissioners have to deal with. I'm sure n8 has to deal with similar considering the number of people in either league is nearly equal.

With that said I'm out of here. N8 made it clear to me and everyone else that it was his way or the highway, you all agreed to that. If you don't like it there is another league with open teams.[/QUOTE]

Does his way or the highway mean (I'm sure you can read, or did I assume to much because we have CLEARLY given him credit and admitted it is hard)that he can do as he pleases with the time frame, complain about losing EVERY GAME he loses as being "maddened" then at the end of the season on a 3 game slump say he quits only to realize he has a chance to make the playoffs and get back to playing? If that is what this league has come to, un fairly treating players who you may not like personally or if you lose you can go on a rant saying how you got fucked by the game LITERALLY AFTER every game you lose and the games you win post a huge summary about how he won then ill "cry wolf" with you and "leave" as well.

Your argument falls on itself! The other league has 3, AGAIN THESE ARE YOUR WORDS, 3 commissioners to run the league who like you said are more than likely overwhelmed themselves with the amount of messages from trades alone yet you are defending someone who vehemently (means strongly) took a stance on doing things all his own in this league with the same amount of players as the main league? So by your argument and stance on this you are ok by being treated this way because he said "its my way or the highway?" Maybe the better question which I have already asked is "would n8 hold the league up in this instance for DVO?" Most decidedly not as he has already passed the DVO torch to kaster I believe because he "couldnt handle ignorance." A better question since your stance is what is it "would n8 help out staticz more than DVO in ANY situation?" I'm starting to think that answer is "probably"

I will state this as many times as Needed. I AM STATING FACTS which were openly discussed in the forum. I am not bashing n8 at all! Again I partially agree with you and EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS POSTED in saying we believe he does a great job when he is doing right by his duties! It's when he "forgets" he is the commissioner that we have a problem with. Unfairly running the league it seems AT TIMES AND NOT CARRYING HIMSELF AS SOMEONE OF AUTHORITY ( especially to a bunch of guys like us) like he should in his position! So while I agree with the "his way or the highway mentality" it is not the issue. It's the hints of abuse of power we are tired of trying to get used to.
Again, if you don't like it you are free to join the other league, start your own, or leave. That is how this league got started, n8 didn't like how the official league was going.

Abusing the power...seriously that is your argument? Have you ever seen a corporate expense report? This is no different. Sure N8 could've had a second commish or something else but he doesn't, that was his choice. If you guys aren't fans of that, your options were listed in the first sentence of this post.
You are correct, as such I am done. I am tired of this, I may start another league next year. I put my copy of Madden on eBay about 4 hours ago, hopefully I can get $25-30 back. Enjoy the league...
[quote name='staticz']Again, if you don't like it you are free to join the other league, start your own, or leave. That is how this league got started, n8 didn't like how the official league was going.

Abusing the power...seriously that is your argument? Have you ever seen a corporate expense report? This is no different. Sure N8 could've had a second commish or something else but he doesn't, that was his choice. If you guys aren't fans of that, your options were listed in the first sentence of this post.[/QUOTE]

Corporate expense report? Haha....contrary to your belief I don't work at a corner store.

That is my argument and your counter is referring to an expense report and saying N8 is doing the same concept? So my argument refers to the actual discussion and you brought in an example and didn't explain?

Have you ever seen a debate? This is the same concept!

The Only difference is you probably can't state an example that has nothing to do with someone running a league for video game and then not try to explain. So ill let you reset your thought process and try to explain to me so we all can try and see your point besides you saying "it's his way or the highway....IT'S HIS WAY OR THE Highway!" On that since you wanted to bring corporate logic into this discussion, a CEO OR CFO to more closely resemble your example has CHECKS AN BALANCES (pun intended) which often times is a board lf trustees as well as low level employees who are given ghost ballots to cast their votes at shareholder mettings so they cannot fudge the books a little (see Enron and Mattel).

I don't blame n8 for starting his own league! Haha I want things my way so I'm gonna do my own which is more initiative than I have for my own agenda in a game and while I am fair most of the time when it comes to something I want I can "fudge the books?" Is that what you mean?
I don't really know what to say anymore. If everyone who has ever had an issue in the league went off and started their own, it would be a waste of time. I don't feel like 31 of us should be at the mercy of 1 just because he happened to be the first guy to say "hey guys, let's make another league". There's no reason why we can't work things out without going with "my way or the highway".
[quote name='Konfusion']It seems like the argument for why he should get special privileges is because he is the commish who works really hard and puts a ton of time into the league. I honestly can't come up with what is so hard about that job. [/QUOTE]

I have no dog in this fight, so I'll just tell you from personal experience that it is a metric fuckton of work running one of these leagues. It's not been overstated at all. There are 3 of us (well, now 2) in the other league and it's still a bit overwhelming at times. I'm not going to rattle off an itemized list of all the little tasks that go into it, but suffice to say that the stuff you see in the thread is maybe a third of the work involved.

I personally think n8 is insane to try to do it all on his own, but this is his league and that's his choice. Presumably all of you knew that when you signed up. I assume that n8's philosophy here (and I don't want to speak for him) is that a strong central authority is necessary to the smooth operation of a league like this. I happen to think he's 100% right. That doesn't mean it's the only way to run a league, but it is how this one is run, and that's up to him. That's how I see it anyway.

As for special privileges, I generally agree that the commissioner(s) should be bound by the same standards as everyone else, but I haven't been following the goings on in this league closely enough to be remotely qualified to hold an opinion on that.
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[quote name='pitfallharry219']I can't wait to have 17 JV leagues with 2 teams in each next year.[/QUOTE]

lol thats funny... but this topic has really made a turn for the worst. it gone from advancing or not advancing if u dont like it make ur own league. Theres got to be a way to find a happy medium instead of going to the extreme. and honestly nothings going to change more than likely until n8's here to talk about it with the rest of the group which more than likely will be once he returns from vacation
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I can't believe the bickering that goes on in these Madden leagues. The league is (potentially) tearing itself apart because people can't wait a few days to get things rolling.

N8, if you read this, my recommendation is to tune out the thread until your vaca is over. If online fantasy sports bullshit were to cause you to take any time away from some time off, ignore it and get back to it once time allows. Many here appreciate the work you put in for the league and will be here to get things going once you're back and ready.

Although at this rate, if we lose enough folks to drama there may not be a Season 3. And if everyone's really burnt out, maybe that's not such a bad thing.
It is honestly laughable that all of this has erupted over what essentially amounts to a 4 day delay. Although, I'm sure a lot of it can be attributed to some people's general opinion of me anyway. This may come as a shock, but I couldn't give a dangling shit about any of that.

Some of the arguments being raised in here are so inanely stupid, the "threat" of these people leaving the league does nothing to disturb me. Likening this situation to the draft is a horrible comparison. The time/date of the draft is voted on by every league member, from a selection of 4-5 potential dates/times. The time that gets the most votes is chosen. Instead of bitching and whining, come up with a more fair way to handle that.

I won't dispute BV's assertion that the commissioner should be held to the same standard as other league members. After all, fair is fair. But I would like to highlight again that my options are limited. All I really have the power to do is advance the league and essentially leave my team by the wayside. I expressed that if we were to go this route, my interest in continuing playing would likely disappear (if I can't improve my team, why bother with the final season?) This is not a "threat" or "leverage" or whatever other BS Blade wants to label it as. It's really just common sense honesty. So, I'm an "asshole" for holding up the league for myself...and I'm "childish" for not wanting to continue with a game after my team has been shorted. Seems like a no win situation.

Either way, like I said, I think some people just had a bone to pick, and that's fine. I won't miss them, and I'd rather move the league away from people of that mindset anyway. This is, after all, a video game. Sure, I take it seriously, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. I definitely wanted to give people the option of coming up with a fair compromise (though options are pretty limited) but I was really shocked at the venomous way some people responded. Again, it says a lot.

For anyone who is still here when I get home on Friday, I'll advance the league and we'll hash out the details of free agency. And however many teams we have to fill, we'll work on filling them. I'm actually pretty confident this will strengthen the league moving forward. Everybody needs to take a good shit now and again. :lol:
bread's done