This year, with the economy being in the shitter, I'm going to be scaling back like everyone else. So, it's nice to see such a contest, Cheapy!
I have to admit, Radio Shack's Dualshock3 for $30 is awesome (I still have just a plain ole' Sixaxis), and I have a free standing Radio Shack a mile from me, so I won't have to deal with the people who camp out on Thanksgiving night in front of the mall.
If it dies down enough and there are copies left, I may swing by Best Buy and get the 360 Simpsons or even Transformers for the PS2 for $9.99. Nice little stocking stuffers...
I don't even have a PSP, but I'm think of getting Final Fantasy Tactics; $9.99 is too good to pass up for this game. (I loved the PS1 version and would love to see a good translation...)