CAG's Black Friday Bonanza! Win a $200 Gift Card to the Retailer of Your Choice!

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4gb MSpro Duo Card for $19.99 at Radio Shack and Brothers in Arms Hells Highway at Circuit City for 19.99.
I've heard good things about the Force Unleashed for the DS so might pick that up from Circuit City and maybe a dual shock from Radio Shack.
Since I am using Gamefly at the moment, that is stopping me from running around trying to grab these deals...BUT, the once exception is FF Tactics: War of the Lions on PSP for 10 bucks! I am getting that for sure!
The only things I really want is Dead Space from Target for 29.99, and The Dual Shock PS3 controller from Radio Shack for 29.99. I doubt I can get either since I don't have any stores. Unless I can price match it some where some how or order it online *which I doubt* I doubt I'll be able to get anything this black friday.
This year, with the economy being in the shitter, I'm going to be scaling back like everyone else. So, it's nice to see such a contest, Cheapy!

I have to admit, Radio Shack's Dualshock3 for $30 is awesome (I still have just a plain ole' Sixaxis), and I have a free standing Radio Shack a mile from me, so I won't have to deal with the people who camp out on Thanksgiving night in front of the mall.

If it dies down enough and there are copies left, I may swing by Best Buy and get the 360 Simpsons or even Transformers for the PS2 for $9.99. Nice little stocking stuffers...

I don't even have a PSP, but I'm think of getting Final Fantasy Tactics; $9.99 is too good to pass up for this game. (I loved the PS1 version and would love to see a good translation...)
I'll be jumping on the dual shock 3 sale at Radio Shack. My kids are mashing the heck out of the jump button on my two sixaxis controls while they play LittleBigPlanet.
Hmm...well, Boom Blox would be on my list except I'm currently borrowing it from a buddy.

I may succumb to one of the GH deals...maybe GH3 bundle at Kmart on Thursday or GH:WT at Target.
Don't see anything I'm really interested in. EndWar for under $40, maybe? I do know I will be keeping my eye out on whatever Amazon and GameStop offer online. Picked up a lot of great stuff last year.
I'll probably go for some of those wii game deals since I haven't touched my wii in a while, so Okami from circuit city. Also maybe a couple 360 games like orange box from best buy or ncaa 09 from target.
Well, I will be gunning for Dead Space at Target for 30 bucks, and also possibly Burnout Paradise for 20...depends on how I am feeling when I get there.
the house of the dead and war of the lions sales at best buy are right up my ally - the former for myself and the latter for an xmas gift to a friend.
I'm liking the Far Cry 2 deal at Best Buy for $37.99. I'd like to hit some of the other deals, but the cash flow isn't what I'd like it to be. Hope you can hook me up Cheapy!!! Thanks for the great site.
I'm not really planning on getting any games, but I might get the Toshiba 32" 720p for $449 from Circuit City. Of course, I'll be getting a ton of DVDs, too.
Absolutely Deadspace at Target for $30, and if I really feel like treating myself again, (like an asshole,) I'll add Burnout Paradise for $20.
Only thing i am really interested in on the list so far is Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP 9.99. I am still keeping my eye out for a decent cheap pc and a sub 180$ 360 arcade (already have a 20gb hd). Don't really want any of the pack-ins they have to offer or the pro, just a dirt cheap arcade.
I'm leaning toward getting either the 4GB MSPRO Duo at Radio Shak or getting the WoW Battlechest at Circuit City. I can't say that I really need either (especially the addiction that is WoW), but they are pretty darn good prices.
Well I spent a lot of money already. I got Rock Band 2, Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie, and Left 4 Dead. I really wanted Dead Space but I had to put it off, but now I can't let that $30 price is too good for any CAG to pass up.
I'd love to get that $30 Dead Space at Target. Nothing else much appeals to me right now. I'm waiting for Christmas to possibly pick up Fable 2 and Fallout 3. Watch out for those crowds!
Definitely looking at the $200 arcade w/20 GB HD & Wireless controller from Circuit City.
$15 PGA Tour '08 from CC and either Madden '09 or NCAA Football '09 from Walmart since I've been looking for a few sports titles.
I'm aiming for Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, Dead Rising, Bioshock, and Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway at Circuit City, and Call of Duty World at War at Target.
Personally, I am interested in circuit city's deal on Conan for ten bucks, and bioshock and the orange box for 20 for the 360. I still haven't latched into wow yet, so maybe the chest for 15 too.
Best buy has an awesome 360 bundle, and of course it has ninja town for 14.99.
I mean come on that game looks so adorable!
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