CAG's Black Friday Bonanza! Win a $200 Gift Card to the Retailer of Your Choice!

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The early bird free Super Mario Bros DS with Mario Red DS bundle at Circuit City between 5-11 looks like a really good deal.
Might jump on Brother in Arms: Hell's Highway $19.99. The Ice Blue or Mario Red DS Lite Bundle $149.99 (Purchase any Nintendo DS before 11am, and receive $25 OFF on your next Nintendo purchase) offer sounds great if I did not already have one. Most likely I will get Burnout Paradise $20.00.
Probably will pick up one of the Xbox 360 bundles (the arcade bundle at CC) and then start building my collection. Bioshock at CC and Dead Space at Target sound like the best bets.
Hmm, I think I'll go budget Black Friday with just Halo 3 and a 3-month gold card from Target, I've been meaning to grab Halo so I could play with a few buddies. Bioshock at CC seems like such a steal though, I might go for that.
Target for dead space and Cod: waw. Hopefully a 360 bundle for my neices too! After all, they have been good this year and do deserve it. :D
The 360 arcade bundle at CC with the free hdd and controller look like the best deal to me. I'm not going out this year but I want that $200 gift card to buy a 120 hdd. Thanks!
I will probably head on over to target at some point, when it's not so busy, to see if I can pick up Dead Space and Bloom Blox.
I love The radioshack deal for a dual shock 3 controller for 30 bucks??!! thats beautiful. I like the deal with best buy, 2 guitars and a game for 80, i love it.
I would keep looking but this is my Broke year since i got fired from circuit city. THATS WHY THEY ARE GOING DOWN!!! lol
I will be looking to pickup a 360 for my wife's little brother. $199 is a great deal!

Xbox 360 Arcade Holiday Bundle + 20GB HD & Wireless Controller $199.99
The Xbox 360 Arcade Holiday Bundle + 20GB HD & Wireless Controller $199.99 is a pretty sweet deal tome, hope to get one!
Best Buy
:pc:Bioshock $9.99
:ps3:NBA Live '09 $30

Definitely like both of these deals. I still have yet to play BioShock and I have a kickass Alienware PC that I just don't game on enough. Everytime I do it's a good experience and I love having a PC that can handle whatever's thrown at it. I always ask myself "Why the hell am I still buying games for consoles?"
Anyways, the DualShock 3 at RadioShack is a really good deal too but I really don't have the need for one, would rather have a headset for the PS3 which I still don't have.
Going for a 360 over at Circuit City, the $200 bundle with the hard drive thrown in, and getting Bioshock, the Orange Box and Dead Rising along with it.

$250 for the best console on the market, with the right stuff to run it and 3 great games to go with it? That's something worth knocking over the Black Friday crazies for.
From what I have seen so far, the best deal that I am looking at is Dead Space for $30 from Target. I am hoping Amazon will match that price so I don't have to deal with the crowds at the stores.
Definitely going for Circuit City's Xbox 360 Arcade Holiday Bundle + 20GB HD & Wireless Controller for $200. That deal fixes the only problem I had with the arcade bundle - no hard drive! And I'll try to snag Okami Wii for $20 while I'm there.
I'll probably pick up BiA for $20 at Target. I would get Dead Space but I already bought it in the B2 Get 1 from TRU (still haven't opened it).
I am looking to get Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway for $20 and with the new Wal Mart Ad I just looked at NFL Head Coach for $10 and maybe NCAA Football 09 for $30 as well.
I'd have to say the Sandisk 4 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo at Office Depot for $14.99 and the Special Edition red Mario DS at Circuit City for $139.99.
I'm looking at Saint's Row and The Simpsons Game at Best Buy. I don't have them yet because I don't pay more than $10 for any of my games.
Add me to the list of those hoping to secure Dead Space for $30 at Tar-j. Coincidentally Event Horizon comes out on BR the following week. Nothing says the holidays like scared and/or dead people on spaceships.
I'm sadly very poor :( So I'll probably be getting nothing, BUT I may venture over to Target and snag Boom Blox for $20. I don't have a Wii but I have a friend who has been laid up in a hospital bed for months and he could use that game.
Best 2 are definitely Dead Space for $30 at Taret and the Dual Shock 3 at Radio Shack for the same. But I'd probably get Boom Blox for $20 if I'm going to Taret for Dead Space anyway.

:360:Xbox 360 Pro 60GB Holiday Bundle with Tony Hawk Proving Ground & NBA 2k9 $299.99

That seems like a good deal...
I'll be gunning for Best Buy and picking up:

The Simpsons game for XBox 360
Bowling Pinbusters for Wii
Sonic Rivals for PSP

all for $9.99 each
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