CAG's Black Friday Bonanza! Win a $200 Gift Card to the Retailer of Your Choice!

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I've been wanting to pick up a second X360 and the Best Buy Xbox 360 Pro 60GB Holiday Bundle with Tony Hawk Proving Ground & NBA 2k9for $299 is too sweet to pass up.
going to Portland for black friday weekend for the no sales tax! ;]
im likin' the
Best Buys: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 $19.99
Radio Shacks: Dualshock 3 Controller $29.99
so far
If it's going to have to be one store, I'm going to have go with Target. Call of Duty World At War $49.00, Dead Space $30.00, Burnout Paradise $20.00, Brother In Arms: Hell's Highway $20.00 and many more. Oh and don't forget Diego Safari Rescue $11.00. GOTY material. ;)
I would say Brothers in Arms: Hell Highway at all stores for $20. Thats if your in that kind've game. Already have Dead Space, but I wish I would've waited for that. I'm still waiting for more video game deals for this week and next week before I buy anything else. My wallets getting tight this year.
I'm going to go try and get the Best Buy deal for the 360 pro and the two extra games for 299.99. FF:T for the PSP at 9.99 there sounds pretty sweet too.
Halo 3 for 30 bucks I might try to grab for my lil' bro who just got a 360, and I am looking hard at the Logitech remote on sale at Best Buy.
Yeah i have to say boom blox is the most interesting deal to me.THe best buy ps3 would be interesting if i didn't just buy a xbox360.
Assuming that there's still a Circuit city left...I'll go for Brothers in Arms for 360 there and Okami for Wii, over at Best Buy I'll probably pick up House of the Dead 2 and 3 and at Target, Boom Blox.

But, like many, I'm keeping it light this year...of course I haven't seen the Gamespot ad yet...
i'm going for any of the xbox 360 60gb holiday bundle offers. the first retailer i go to that has it in-stock will win my $!
I'm a little disappointed by this year's selection, but I might have to grab Assassin's Creed for $10 at BB, and if I can get there in time, an Arcade 360 from Circuit City.
I'll take advantage of the Dual Shock 3 promotions at Radio Shack, I'll finally have enough so that everyone at my house can play Little Big Planet together.
Hmm, I will be looking for the Xbox 360 Arcade Holiday Bundle + 20GB HD & Wireless Controller for $199.99 at circuit city
I'm going to be gunning for a laptop and desktop, but might pick up some cheap games like The Simpsons Game and Saint's Row
$200 for (essentially) the old Pro System at Circuit City would be pretty good. I'm definitely looking hard at a $20 Boom Blox, though. :)
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like an amazing BF for me. I'll probably pick up some older games that I never got around to playing. I'll go to Best Buy for Assassin's Creed for PC and Circuit City for Dead Rising for 360.
Because I've been taking my sweet time, I've been putting off buy Okami. I want to buy it new so I can support the series. ...Of course it's been quite a while, so what kind of support is this? $20 @ CC looks good. If I had crazy spending money, I'd buy one of the Mario DS Lites.
Dead Space for $30 at Target. I have been wanting it, but I've made myself wait 'till it's relatively cheap due to its reportedly short length and lack of any multiplayer options.

I am also looking forward to getting Boom Blox at Target since it's only 19.99$. Turok at Best Buy for 14.99$ is also something I'll be looking into (If they have any left when I get a chance to get there...)

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