CAGs Most Ordered in Q1 2010 - Amazon


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[IMG-R=5838]13714[/IMG-R]The following are CAGs most ordered gaming items from (through CAG affliliate links) during Q1 2010 (Jan 1st to Mar 31st).

As usual, Xbox 360 titles and those with Amazon credit pre-order bonuses dominated the list.

  1. :360: Xbox 360 12 Month Live Gold Card
  2. :wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
  3. :360: Xbox 360 Live 4000 Points
  4. :ps3: Final Fantasy XIII
  5. :360: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited Edition
  6. :360: Mass Effect 2
  7. :360: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction
  8. :360: Halo Reach
  9. :ps3: God of War III
  10. :ps3: God of War: Collection
  11. :wii: MadWorld
  12. :ps3: Heavy Rain
  13. :360: Mass Effect 2 Collector's Edition
  14. :360: Wolfenstein
  15. :360: Bioshock 2
  16. :ps3: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited Edition
  17. :wii: House of the Dead: Overkill
  18. :360: Record of Agarest War Limited Edition
  19. :wii: Endless Ocean: Blue World
  20. :360: Xbox 360 Live 1600 Points
  21. :ps3: Tekken 6
  22. :360: Final Fantasy XIII
  23. :360: Battlefield: Bad Company
  24. :360: Xbox 360 LE Red Wireless Controller and Play & Charge Kit
  25. :wii: A Boy and His Blob
  26. :ps3: God of War III: Ultimate Edition
  27. :ps3: Bioshock 2
  28. :360: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition
  29. :wii: Tatsunoko VS Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
  30. :360: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
  31. :360: Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
  32. :360: Red Dead Redemption
  33. :360: Mass Effect
  34. :ds: Pokemon SoulSilver Version
  35. :ds: Pokemon HeartGold Version
  36. :pc: Mass Effect 2
  37. :360: Wanted: Weapons of Fate
  38. :360: Assassin's Creed II
  39. :360: Xbox 360 Wireless Controller Black
  40. :360: Alan Wake Limited Edition
  41. :ps3: Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
  42. :ps3: Dante's Inferno
  43. :360: Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen!
  44. :ps3: Super Street Fighter IV
  45. :360: Gears of War 2 - Game of the Year Edition
  46. :ps3: 3D Dot Game Heroes
  47. :ps2: Rock Band Special Edition Bundle
  48. :360: Left 4 Dead 2
  49. :360: Madden NFL 11
  50. :ds: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Top 50 Breakdown (change from last quarter in parenthesis)
:360: 27
:ps3: 12
:wii: 6
:ds: 3
:ps2: 1
:pc: 1
:psp: 0

Click to enlarge:
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Fro is right, I was going to say the same thing. I also see 2 controllers, wtf? It seems like too many places on the internet are intentionally boosting the stats for what is widely regarded (on unpaid and unbiased sites anyway) as the worst console this gen. The 360 is a heap of garbage and the sooner people learn this the better. It doesn't even sell outside the US, what can that tell you? There is nothing of value on that thing that can't be had better elsewhere and we've seen the results of 'buying the cheaper (cheaply made) console'.

Maybe M$ is trying to buy credibilty. Buying good reviews and hype. Oh, and exclusives too which, if they're truly worth playing, don't actually remain exclusive. It's quite sad.
[quote name='DPsx7']It seems like too many places on the internet are intentionally boosting the stats for what is widely regarded (on unpaid and unbiased sites anyway) as the worst console this gen. The 360 is a heap of garbage and the sooner people learn this the better.[/QUOTE]


You should see a doctor for that bad case of fanboy fever.
[quote name='Curufinwe']:roll::lol:

You should see a doctor for that bad case of fanboy fever.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!! This guy is always trying to tell people that the 360 is crap, but he's probably just bummed out about his $600 launch PS3 that YLOD'ed.

See, two can play the fanboy-game!!! (Note: I'm really not a fanboy, I just can't stand this guy!!! Love playing MW2 with my friends on the PS3!!!)
Stop with that excuse, k? I own both consoles this gen because I won't disregard the Wii and the PS3 plays everything else, plus I have a huge collection of earlier consoles from Atari, Sega, Coleco, and so on.

I'm just stating the obvious, so as usual the fankids always cry when I post negatively about their weak little toy. On this list alone there are 5 entries that don't belong. They fudge the numbers in favor of the console that would be dead last in reality. I mean I'm glad you bugtest the games for us during the 6 month exclusive window your games receive but the countless lies hidden behind the numbers need to stop.
[quote name='DPsx7']Fro is right, I was going to say the same thing. I also see 2 controllers, wtf? It seems like too many places on the internet are intentionally boosting the stats for what is widely regarded (on unpaid and unbiased sites anyway) as the worst console this gen. The 360 is a heap of garbage and the sooner people learn this the better. It doesn't even sell outside the US, what can that tell you? There is nothing of value on that thing that can't be had better elsewhere and we've seen the results of 'buying the cheaper (cheaply made) console'.

Maybe M$ is trying to buy credibilty. Buying good reviews and hype. Oh, and exclusives too which, if they're truly worth playing, don't actually remain exclusive. It's quite sad.[/QUOTE]
Cheapy, stop boosting stats! Sell your piece of shit xbox! Hell, stop playing video games and cancel the CAGcast!
I just got a big check from Microsoft. The instructions state that any further ridiculous trolling posts from DPsx7 should be deleted. If he continues, he is to be banned.

I'm off to the bank.
[quote name='oakafanforlife']Where are all the Cag affiliate links located?[/QUOTE]any link from CAG to amazon is an affiliate link
It is kinda weird that the first games on that list are a preorder Wii game and Mulitiplat PS3 game and then a Multiplat LE 360 game.
[quote name='DPsx7']Stop with that excuse, k? I own both consoles this gen because I won't disregard the Wii and the PS3 plays everything else, plus I have a huge collection of earlier consoles from Atari, Sega, Coleco, and so on.

I'm just stating the obvious, so as usual the fankids always cry when I post negatively about their weak little toy. On this list alone there are 5 entries that don't belong. They fudge the numbers in favor of the console that would be dead last in reality. I mean I'm glad you bugtest the games for us during the 6 month exclusive window your games receive but the countless lies hidden behind the numbers need to stop.[/QUOTE]

herp derp
[quote name='CheapyD']I just got a big check from Microsoft. The instructions state that any further ridiculous trolling posts from DPsx7 should be deleted. If he continues, he is to be banned.

I'm off to the bank.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget my cut!!!!!!!!!
:360: Record of Agarest War: The Really Naughty Limited Edition outsold :360: Final Fantasy XIII... What madness is this?! :hot:

(It has to be the boobie mouse pad.)
Speaking of Halo Reach, has it ever gone down from $59.99 on amazon since the $20 credit promo was offered? I'd love it if it went down to around $55 so I could benefit from the pre-order guarantee. Probably won't though because it's a major title and amazon knows it.
[quote name='DPsx7']Stop with that excuse, k? I own both consoles this gen because I won't disregard the Wii and the PS3 plays everything else, plus I have a huge collection of earlier consoles from Atari, Sega, Coleco, and so on.

I'm just stating the obvious, so as usual the fankids always cry when I post negatively about their weak little toy. On this list alone there are 5 entries that don't belong. They fudge the numbers in favor of the console that would be dead last in reality. I mean I'm glad you bugtest the games for us during the 6 month exclusive window your games receive but the countless lies hidden behind the numbers need to stop.[/QUOTE]
You can't ban me for speaking the truth and to even make such a ridiculous threat lends proof to my post. For as long as I've pointed these out, the damn kids have tried to block, ban, or complain. This is only because they have NEVER been able to prove me wrong. Between free accounts making the majority of Live users, the faulty consoles inflating the sales numbers, to buying praise. And now I see this list claiming the 360 has 27 spots when 20% of them aren't even games. Don't you see what I'm getting at?
[quote name='CheapyD']I just got a big check from Microsoft. The instructions state that any further ridiculous trolling posts from DPsx7 should be deleted. If he continues, he is to be banned.

I'm off to the bank.[/QUOTE]
Glad to see Battlefield that high. Great game.

This is a list of what people ordered. People order more than games. Not sure why people are making an issue out of this...if it bothers someone that much they can ignore the points cards/controllers/whatever.

[quote name='DPsx7']You can't ban me for speaking the truth[/QUOTE]
I've yet to see you "speak the truth," but regardless, you can be banned for anything - this isn't a democracy. Speaking of which, the fact that you're an idiot is as good a reason as any to throw your dumb ass out of here.
[quote name='DPsx7']... And now I see this list claiming the 360 has 27 spots when 20% of them aren't even games. Don't you see what I'm getting at?[/QUOTE]This list is from me! It's cut and pasted from my Amazon affiliate report and shows what video game items CAGs ordered from from Amazon during the last three months. Unless they visited CAG and purchased these items from Amazon, neither Microsoft, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, nor anyone else has any impact on this list.

Obviously Sony peripherals would appear on the list too if they were purchased as frequently.
Apparently Xbox users are either super rich or have no lives :D

Also I can see from that chart that PSP users dominate this website AHAHAHAH
The amount of winningness on this thread is highlarious.

I am a bit surprised by a few of the games on the list, the 12-month XBL does not seen out of place, seeing that it's had so many sales.
DPsx7, did you ever think maybe your just a bit too butthurt over something that should not affect your life this much? Maybe you should move your internet crusade to something more important, like solving world hunger or curing cancer, because raging over the 360 is kind of pointless.

So please, calm down, you look pathetic. Unless of course an xbox360 killed your parents, threw your grandmother down the stairs, pissed in your gas tank, shit in your shoes, and raped your dog. In that case, carry on.
This is interesting, but only as a list of games that people on CAG who click affiliate links buy. It doesn't seem to match up well with Amazon's March best sellers in video games list, which I suspect Amazon cares just a little bit more about:

The PS3 has the top two spots (GoW3 and FFXIII). The 360 doesn't have anything at all show up until spot #9 (BFBC2). Also the Wii console is at #3 and the PS3 slim 120GB is at #5. The 360 console doesn't show until spot #80 (though that is perhaps affected by the too-many-skus approach Microsoft always takes).

PS3 has 29 items in the top 100
360 has 27 items in the top 100
Wii has 25 items in the top 100
DS has 12 items in the top 100

Numbers may be slightly off as I'm doing that tally by hand. Just speaking of the top 25 it looks like this:

PS3: 8 (7 are games)
Wii: 8 (4 are games)
360: 6 (4 are games)
DS: 2 (2 are games)

In just the top 10:

Wii: 4 (2 games, 1 console, 1 accessory)
PS3: 3 (2 games, 1 console)
DS: 2 (2 games)
360: 1 (1 game)

So, basically you've got a web site headlined by a podcast that is heavily pro-360 and especially anti-Wii, and people are surprised that then the readership tends to be pro-360?

Incidentally, I have a Wii and a 360 and I like both a lot, though lately I've been playing the Wii more. It varies.

EDIT: added DS total to top 100 and corrected Wii total (missed one before)
EDIT2: it's also worth noting that sales numbers are skewed by deals, so all these numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt, though overall it gives you some idea of the popularity.
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Really...1 PC game? Come on CAG! Pull your heads out of your ass and get on the freakin' PC!!!

Valve's STEAM client is the freaking shit and is the model of what digital distribution should be!

[quote name='actripxl']Wow, the top item is something that people shouldn't have to pay for anyway and yet they do.[/QUOTE]

So says the guy with just a PS3 trophy sig. Thank you for your unbiased input!
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Really...1 PC game? Come on CAG! Pull your heads out of your ass and get on the freakin' PC![/QUOTE]

The PC does a bit better on the Amazon top 100 for March, with 5 PC games. Still trailing everything else, though.
[quote name='DPsx7']Stop with that excuse, k? I own both consoles this gen because I won't disregard the Wii and the PS3 plays everything else, plus I have a huge collection of earlier consoles from Atari, Sega, Coleco, and so on.

I'm just stating the obvious, so as usual the fankids always cry when I post negatively about their weak little toy. On this list alone there are 5 entries that don't belong. They fudge the numbers in favor of the console that would be dead last in reality. I mean I'm glad you bugtest the games for us during the 6 month exclusive window your games receive but the countless lies hidden behind the numbers need to stop.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I love my PS3 as the next guy but come on. 360 controller is up there as well as points because those things had huge discounts in March. If Sony or whoever discounted PS3 controller or PSN cards you'd see those on that list too. Take it easy man, you don't wanna get a heart attack at 30.
[quote name='crunchewy']This is interesting, but only as a list of games that people on CAG who click affiliate links buy. It doesn't seem to match up well with Amazon's March best sellers in video games list, which I suspect Amazon cares just a little bit more about:

The PS3 has the top two spots (GoW3 and FFXIII). The 360 doesn't have anything at all show up until spot #9 (BFBC2). Also the Wii console is at #3 and the PS3 slim 120GB is at #5. The 360 console doesn't show until spot #80 (though that is perhaps affected by the too-many-skus approach Microsoft always takes).

PS3 has 29 items in the top 100
360 has 27 items in the top 100
Wii has 25 items in the top 100
DS has 12 items in the top 100

Numbers may be slightly off as I'm doing that tally by hand. Just speaking of the top 25 it looks like this:

PS3: 8 (7 are games)
Wii: 8 (4 are games)
360: 6 (4 are games)
DS: 2 (2 are games)

In just the top 10:

Wii: 4 (2 games, 1 console, 1 accessory)
PS3: 3 (2 games, 1 console)
DS: 2 (2 games)
360: 1 (1 game)

So, basically you've got a web site headlined by a podcast that is heavily pro-360 and especially anti-Wii, and people are surprised that then the readership tends to be pro-360?

Incidentally, I have a Wii and a 360 and I like both a lot, though lately I've been playing the Wii more. It varies.

EDIT: added DS total to top 100 and corrected Wii total (missed one before)
EDIT2: it's also worth noting that sales numbers are skewed by deals, so all these numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt, though overall it gives you some idea of the popularity.[/QUOTE]

hehe The cat is out of the bag. Since I never listened to CAG's podcast I didn't know it was pro 360. I will take next round of numbers from CAG with a grain of salt. Great informative post :applause:
[quote name='DPsx7']Fro is right, I was going to say the same thing. I also see 2 controllers, wtf? It seems like too many places on the internet are intentionally boosting the stats for what is widely regarded (on unpaid and unbiased sites anyway) as the worst console this gen. The 360 is a heap of garbage and the sooner people learn this the better. It doesn't even sell outside the US, what can that tell you? There is nothing of value on that thing that can't be had better elsewhere and we've seen the results of 'buying the cheaper (cheaply made) console'.

Maybe M$ is trying to buy credibilty. Buying good reviews and hype. Oh, and exclusives too which, if they're truly worth playing, don't actually remain exclusive. It's quite sad.[/QUOTE]

You sir... are crazy.
I mean really people stop ordering the stuff you want from Amazon, we need our numbers to match the bestsellers. How dare you have specific spending habits that don't match the populace. I hope you all take a long look at yourselves and try to fix this mess before it is too late.
I've written several things in this box, but deleted them all before hitting "Submit Reply". Instead, I've decided to sum it up with this:

I hate people.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Really...1 PC game? Come on CAG! Pull your heads out of your ass and get on the freakin' PC!!!

Valve's STEAM client is the freaking shit and is the model of what digital distribution should be!

What are you talking about? Steam is probably the reason there is only 1 PC game on the list. This is Amazon purchases. If Steam didn't exist, there would be more bought from Amazon.
[quote name='CheapyD']I've written several things in this box, but deleted them all before hitting "Submit Reply". Instead, I've decided to sum it up with this:

I hate people.[/QUOTE]

Way to subtly work the word "box" into your post. Another $5 from Microsoft. Cha-ching! ;)
[quote name='CheapyD']I've written several things in this box, but deleted them all before hitting "Submit Reply". Instead, I've decided to sum it up with this:

I hate people.[/QUOTE]

We all do, specially Internet people
[quote name='CheapyD']I've written several things in this box, but deleted them all before hitting "Submit Reply". Instead, I've decided to sum it up with this:

I hate people.[/QUOTE]

Why are you mad? This thread is one of the funniest things I've read this year :rofl:
i call filthy shenanigans on nintendo for their pricing. people are buying smg2 via amazon bc of the gift card. that includes me of course. i'm sure we're all really interested in the game, but the problem is we know that it likely won't show up any cheaper even two years down the road. nintendo are probably still pulling their old dirty tricks of strongarming retailers into maintaining msrp on 1st party titles so they don't risk losing out on supply. why else would we cheapasses regard 50 bucks with a limited rebate as a bargain?

i honestly couldn't care less about system wars and fanboyism, but i do care about consumer advocacy, and i think nintendo are playing games again like they did in the 80s. don't even get me started on their handheld system releases.
[quote name='crunchewy']This is interesting, but only as a list of games that people on CAG who click affiliate links buy. It doesn't seem to match up well with Amazon's March best sellers in video games list, which I suspect Amazon cares just a little bit more about:

The PS3 has the top two spots (GoW3 and FFXIII). The 360 doesn't have anything at all show up until spot #9 (BFBC2). Also the Wii console is at #3 and the PS3 slim 120GB is at #5. The 360 console doesn't show until spot #80 (though that is perhaps affected by the too-many-skus approach Microsoft always takes).

PS3 has 29 items in the top 100
360 has 27 items in the top 100
Wii has 25 items in the top 100
DS has 12 items in the top 100

Numbers may be slightly off as I'm doing that tally by hand. Just speaking of the top 25 it looks like this:

PS3: 8 (7 are games)
Wii: 8 (4 are games)
360: 6 (4 are games)
DS: 2 (2 are games)

In just the top 10:

Wii: 4 (2 games, 1 console, 1 accessory)
PS3: 3 (2 games, 1 console)
DS: 2 (2 games)
360: 1 (1 game)

So, basically you've got a web site headlined by a podcast that is heavily pro-360 and especially anti-Wii, and people are surprised that then the readership tends to be pro-360?

Incidentally, I have a Wii and a 360 and I like both a lot, though lately I've been playing the Wii more. It varies.

EDIT: added DS total to top 100 and corrected Wii total (missed one before)
EDIT2: it's also worth noting that sales numbers are skewed by deals, so all these numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt, though overall it gives you some idea of the popularity.[/QUOTE]

his list is for the last 3 months. Your list is for march only. Maybe that might have something to do with the discrepancy in the numbers?
[quote name='opterasis']DPsx7, did you ever think maybe your just a bit too butthurt over something that should not affect your life this much? Maybe you should move your internet crusade to something more important, like solving world hunger or curing cancer, because raging over the 360 is kind of pointless.

So please, calm down, you look pathetic. Unless of course an xbox360 killed your parents, threw your grandmother down the stairs, pissed in your gas tank, shit in your shoes, and raped your dog. In that case, carry on.[/QUOTE]

i lol'd so damn hard
Lol, "As usual, Xbox 360 titles and those with Amazon credit pre-order bonuses dominated the list."

It did? Where are the XBox 360 titles? Every title I see on there are PC/PS3 titles. Just because there are more poor and ignorant gamers out there that bought XBox360's doesn't mean it dominated the sales. There are like 3 exclusive titles for the system, what is the damn point?

/rant off
Lol, "As usual, Xbox 360 titles and those with Amazon credit pre-order bonuses dominated the list."

It did? Where are the XBox 360 titles? Every title I see on there are PC/PS3 titles. Just because there are more poor and ignorant gamers out there that bought XBox360's doesn't mean it dominated the sales. There are like 3 exclusive titles for the system, what is the damn point? And the "winning titles" really showed the ignorance here. MS point cards/"I pay to play online for no reason" cards were the top selling titles. That simply doesn't count.

I just think it is funny how silly XBotters post up garbage like this, especially you Cheapy, just to make it look like the system is "the thing to buy". Please, it is the worst system you could buy, period. The only reason I would ever buy an XBox over a PC would be because I was poor (and I mean, broke ass poor) ... and I even had a gaming PC in college. I don't see the point in owning a console system is if has basically ZERO exclusive titles, and that is exactly what the XBox is. 2 or 3 exclusive games, that are not even "huge hits" on the system. What is the point? And if there are any Halo/GoW rule comments, just shut up, the games are nothing special, they are freaking FPS games, which are a dime a fucking dozen.

The one and only reason the XBox is still surviving is because of PC gaming. In fact, it would have never existed in the first place without PC gaming. This is a major advantage in the development sense, which scores more games for it, because they are coded basically the exact same as the PC version (but with crappy graphics and shotty controls). It is just too bad the PC versions will always be superior to anything a console can bring to the table.

/rant off
Some posters here believes what they want to believe, facts be damned. They've got a future at Fox News.
lol some ppl in this thread are really butthurt, arent they?

this list only only shows the demographic here in CAG, in which case, somewhat hardcore gamers with cheap arses

Xbox related stuffs were also dominant in previous CAG ordered Amazon ranking lists, what is the big deal?

I believe nobody here would show any interest in you sucking your PS3
bread's done