[quote name='TheJerseyKush']lol, tool[/QUOTE]
Yep a tool is certainly one who respects someone for being a good guy. Learn the friggin meaning of the word... It may be an insult but insults can have contextual meaning, that's what makes them creative when used properly...
[quote name='chrisswiss83']Oh god, yes, the reason the PS3 is doing well now is because of the internet heroes, not because the PS3 is a good console with good games, comes with a built-in Blu-Ray player and is sold at a competitive price. And yes, how dare game creators make games for the console that most people own that is easier to program for.[/QUOTE]
The PS3 is still around with publisher support because of the people who bought it and defended it in it's first 2 years...
Something can't do well in the future if it's not supported in the present.
Doesn't change that 360 gets support due to installed base. If it had a much worse installed base it wouldn't get more games simply because it's easier to program for. It would probably get more low budget games.
[quote name='chrisswiss83']
So you're defending the PS3. And you think consoles in last place should be defended lest they die or become worthless. But the PS3 is doing great! But you're defending it. But it's not because you think it might die. Though last place consoles sometimes die and become useless. But the PS3 is doing great! Despite this, you are defending the PS3. Not because you're worried about it. Because it's doing great![/QUOTE]
Like I said I NEVER MENTIONED PS3. You assumed I did then YOU brought it into the discussion and only after you did so I replied on what you said. I said I want all systems to do well so none die out or lose support. The only defense I provided for PS3 was to point out with factual data that it is not being destroyed by 360 when someone claimed that. Hardly someone trying to get all up in a commotion about defending PS3.
I like how you can bring something into the discussion, wait for a response to what you said, and then act like the person was doing that to begin with. That's nothing but manipulation, aka a con job.
If you want to get into that discussion... 360 is not doing as well in JA relative to PS3, PS3 is not doing as well in US relative to 360. I want 360 to do better in JA & PS3 to do better in US.
[quote name='chrisswiss83']
You're so vain you probably thought that comment was about you
I was talking about the other Sony fanboy in that one.[/QUOTE]
You put that
ing comment in the same paragraph, right after the sentence clearly addressed to me! What do you expect? Are you serious... That's like talking to someone with eye contact about something they said then continuing the conversation with them about something someone else said yet acting like you're still talking only to the person in front of you.
[quote name='chrisswiss83']
Few arguments are weaker than the "slippery slope". I'm no capitalist, but I'll attempt my own version of what will happen: Company A makes Game 1. People buy it, love it, and buy the sequel. Other companies jump on board and make games similar to Game 1. Eventually everyone but a few people get sick of rehashing Game 1, and Game 1 really only survives as it is refined to perfection by the 2 or 3 companies that are competent at making it. Game 2 comes along and it happens again. And it happens and it happens and it happens. And it's been happening for decades. I've been playing games for 2 decades and no genres have died off, and (thanks to download services like XNA, Steam, PSN, and WiiWare) even small teams with big ideas can create games that no corporation would attempt without killing the idea after a few rounds of focus-testing. Trends come and go, but ultimately good taste triumphs because gamers tend to be pretty educated people when it comes to their passion. I used to think no one played Final Fantasy back in the SNES days, and now we're 13 deep in the series and Square-Enix pumps out games faster than anyone. Hell, even point-and-click adventure games, arcade beat-em-ups, and 2-D fighters are currently enjoying a second renaissance. The only complaint I have about games is there are too many that I want to play.[/QUOTE]
This response is not really addressed to what I said. Sure companies copy others, but publishers also dictate what shows up on your plate. Take one current console out of the picture and you have a drastically different field of games available for you to play. Genres have died off if we're talking about having big budget games in those genres. Just because you can play low budget XBL, PSN, WiiWare games in those genres doesn't mean the big budget ones did not die off. It's not the same.
Tell me how taste triumphs when we currently have Wii shovelware games selling millions and Ipod games selling like hot cakes. The industry can change quickly. Look at movies, most of the stuff is crap. The games industry can become that way very easily. Lowest common denominator stuff. You can already see it now. There is far more crap than stuff worth playing.
SE pumps out games faster than anyone?
[quote name='chrisswiss83']
We both want the same thing but have different approaches. You think defending a console is the only way to help it grow. I think that buying games and talking about how awesome those games are is the best way to do that. You see, when I bought any of my systems, I wasn't going on message boards and deciding what console to get by reading the best defense by some random internet paladin. I was more concerned with how much fun people were having with Mass Effect, Uncharted 2, or Wii Sports. I cared more about how much fun everyone was having because I wasn't sure if having a console was better than having money.[/QUOTE]
I think that a console should not be shit on and acted like it's on death's doorstep, which is why I pointed out that 360 is not destroying PS3 when someone said that. If I go online and I saw that a console was doing very poorly I would not want to buy it. I also like the features and reliability of a console, I don't just look for games I look for what the console offers me and whether or not I will be at risk of having to repair it. Also, I recognize that consoles get reputations just like anything else and people are easy to plan their purchases based on reputation rather than logical reasoning. Of course I also believe in buying games and talking about them, I do that too. I do both because both are part of what makes a console successful.
[quote name='chrisswiss83']
And no, I couldn't have cared less about the DC. It might have been awesome if I owned one at the time, but since I can buy Sega games on every console I own (360. PS3, Wii, DS, PSP, iPod) I don't exactly feel like we got hosed on that deal.[/QUOTE]
That's too bad because DC had better features than consoles that came after it. Gamers took a step back by choosing PS2 when it came to online play. The VMU was very useful in some games. The modem included in every system was great for the userbase. And I will say we did get hosed in the end because Sega has not been anywhere near the same as they were when they made software for their own systems. Their quality has declined ever since they went 3rd party.