Read my list, think of the starving children I don't have.
Anexanhume CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,151 Read my list, think of the starving children I don't have.
ninju D CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,155 CAG has the best contests EVAR! Now, if only I can win one of them...
SargeSmash CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,156 Wow. This is downright insane. The chances of me ever winning all this is close to zero, but if I don't enter, it really will be, so here's hoping! Thanks for the great contest, y'all!
Wow. This is downright insane. The chances of me ever winning all this is close to zero, but if I don't enter, it really will be, so here's hoping! Thanks for the great contest, y'all!
hexatic CAG Veteran Nov 12, 2010 #5,158 But just to reconfirm that I never have won anything in my life
m0rningbreakfast CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,159 This is indeed one mother of contest
ZangetsuZero CAG Veteran Nov 12, 2010 #5,160 The level of awesome featured in this prize pack is simply mind boggling! I also like how CAG rewards loyalty by double the entries for people with older accounts.
The level of awesome featured in this prize pack is simply mind boggling! I also like how CAG rewards loyalty by double the entries for people with older accounts.
S superdarrin CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,162 Question: you said the winner will be picked out of five finalists. Will the other four finalists receive anything?
Question: you said the winner will be picked out of five finalists. Will the other four finalists receive anything?
S Santocomet CAG Veteran Nov 12, 2010 #5,164 This is gonna be one hell of a month if I win something. "for great justice"
Tdwp_do0d CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,173 the only thing i would want from this is the ps move bundle. this is an epic contest tho!!
dabebop CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,174 Well the Cagcast crew is really throwing down a lot for one person huh. Good Luck to all
W warpedsoul CAGiversary! Feedback 30 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,177 This is an awesome contest. I know my son would love it more than I would.
G Gunblader CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,179 I love staying up on midnight with CAG for Black Friday, look forward to it again this year
F Flamingwindjutsu CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,180 In the immortal words of Comic Book Guy... WORST. CONTEST. EVER. In an alternate universe where video contests and happiness are considered poison! because this actually the BEST. CONTEST. EVER.
In the immortal words of Comic Book Guy... WORST. CONTEST. EVER. In an alternate universe where video contests and happiness are considered poison! because this actually the BEST. CONTEST. EVER.
M mitchg CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,182 Usually I'm not a sucker for such contests, but this one rocks!
S switdog CAG Veteran Nov 12, 2010 #5,183 Yea this is THE best place for game deals and now this....They just keep pullin me back in, Thank You CheapAss Gamer
Yea this is THE best place for game deals and now this....They just keep pullin me back in, Thank You CheapAss Gamer
M Mockey0111 CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,184 I want to win this contest more than anyone, so please let me win.
Aku CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,185 That's an amazing haul! Even if I don't luck out it's nice to use this site again to scope out the worth while deals this year. >.> Well that and avoid the bum rush in the stores.
That's an amazing haul! Even if I don't luck out it's nice to use this site again to scope out the worth while deals this year. >.> Well that and avoid the bum rush in the stores.
B burratroll CAG Veteran Nov 12, 2010 #5,186 I've listened to cagcast for years, and finally joined the site cause of this contest. Thanks for the opportunity.
I've listened to cagcast for years, and finally joined the site cause of this contest. Thanks for the opportunity.
barieuph CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,189 wow, that's a heck of a contest. Who wouldn't enter this? Had a run of bad luck the last few months - let's turn it around with this :O)
wow, that's a heck of a contest. Who wouldn't enter this? Had a run of bad luck the last few months - let's turn it around with this :O)
Yogart CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,190 This contest is nearly as good as the apple cobbler I'm eating.
SuxoR CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,191 This is a MONSTER Cheapy very impressed :] Will there be other prizes as well?
W WickedDemon904 CAGiversary! Nov 12, 2010 #5,192 i would love to win the 360 since mine was just stolen
T TH33NICKYV CAG Veteran Nov 12, 2010 #5,193 imagine just winning one of these, let alone the whole lot! Drools on myself*
HotShotX CAGiversary! Feedback 31 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,196 CheapyD once again kicking ass through generosity. ~HotShotX
S SolGerX CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,197 jesus Cheapy, this is insane man! i'm crossing everything that i can in my body to make myself have better chance.
jesus Cheapy, this is insane man! i'm crossing everything that i can in my body to make myself have better chance.
T thetshell CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 12, 2010 #5,198 Thanks as always for another great contest!