CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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[quote name='BADWOLF87']i wanna win[/QUOTE]

CONGRATS U HAVE WON!..Please send me your info and i'll ship you 2 freshly made taco's (hard tacos of course)

Shrike or another mod, please close this so it's not recycled every few weeks. :(
[quote name='nyyankee70']Great contest! Hope to win something for the kids...[/QUOTE]

Your kids are in for a big disappointment.

This thread really needs to get moved to the graveyard.
[quote name='nyyankee70']Great contest! Hope to win something for the kids...[/QUOTE]

Loving the odds... Random side note I just noticed the winners name is a "The Prisoner" reference @_@
Let's keep it at the top in hopes that some moderator will finally close it and move it to the graveyard.
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