Wow. Amazing contest!
pgforperil CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,559 you know, i actually have none of those items in the contest. i have to update my gear i guess
Indifference CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,561 You are reading my comment. I would like to win.
M mrplaid CAGiversary! Nov 18, 2010 #6,563 I am the voice of my own god. My mind is a swirling miasma of turgid thoughts and poignant ideas.
Arsymective CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,566 I'm excited because I'd love to get some more games for my new 360 slim. Yay for birthdays!
R ryanmcf10 CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,568 Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is to win this contest. Thank you.
R Rimas LXBYA CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,569 What an amazing pool of prizes! I hope the winner posts a thread or something. I'd bet he'd be STOKED!
What an amazing pool of prizes! I hope the winner posts a thread or something. I'd bet he'd be STOKED!
krnhorang85 CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,571 Pick me! Pick me! I promise I'll be good!
J jukebox_johnny CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,574 I'm very selfish. or is it I'm very shellfish? who knows. wait... why again am I commenting? why am I here?
I'm very selfish. or is it I'm very shellfish? who knows. wait... why again am I commenting? why am I here?
jamesc359 CAGiversary! Nov 18, 2010 #6,577 Wow! Simply wow CheapyD. I'd like to wish the best of luck to everybody.
Khamous CAGiversary! Feedback 56 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,578 Holy crap these contests' prizes are amazing, gl everyone.
GOTA CAGiversary! Nov 18, 2010 #6,579 Nice idea for a contest. It gets CAG noticed and there are lots of great prizes. Looks like a win/win for everyone.
Nice idea for a contest. It gets CAG noticed and there are lots of great prizes. Looks like a win/win for everyone.
U Unknown Kenshin CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,580 This is probably the coolest contest I've ever seen.
T TreizePlus CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,581 Very cool, though half of this I would donate back. Makes me realize how much I put into gaming when I see the cash value of that...scary.
Very cool, though half of this I would donate back. Makes me realize how much I put into gaming when I see the cash value of that...scary.
K KingofOldSchool CAGiversary! Feedback 13 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,583 Here's hoping for my Christmas miracle.
H howmuchbetter CAGiversary! Nov 18, 2010 #6,584 This would cover quite a bit of my present needs this holiday season... And a little extra for little ol' me.
This would cover quite a bit of my present needs this holiday season... And a little extra for little ol' me.
shafnitz CAGiversary! Feedback 16 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,586 Dang, Cheapy. You know how to run a sweepstakes.
VashTS CAGiversary! Nov 18, 2010 #6,588 1 Winner to rule them all!!! Whoever wins that is set until the next generation of consoles.
A another_epiphany CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,590 Holy Hell, I'm surprised you didn't throw in a 3DTV as well (sarcasm).
T talonts CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,591 I just don't know what I'd do with this - I think my head would explode trying to figure out which console to unpack and play first. But I'm willing to take that chance...
I just don't know what I'd do with this - I think my head would explode trying to figure out which console to unpack and play first. But I'm willing to take that chance...
S schemppistan CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,593 We attempt to win these contests not because it is easy...but because it is hard.
N NicholasC CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,597 I've been a lurker for a while but I had to sign up for this. Thanks CAG!
Z Zorro Leo CAG Veteran Nov 18, 2010 #6,599 Thanks CAG for the contest! i wish in the future, they will be more prizes(even if it means handing out games instead of consoles) so that more ppl will be .
Thanks CAG for the contest! i wish in the future, they will be more prizes(even if it means handing out games instead of consoles) so that more ppl will be .
tenchim86 CAGiversary! Feedback 21 (100%) Nov 18, 2010 #6,600 Sounds like fun. Looks like a lot of stuff for just one person though...