This...looks...awesome. Too bad the chances of winning are very slim. Ah well, here's hoping!
G Galactoid CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #751 This...looks...awesome. Too bad the chances of winning are very slim. Ah well, here's hoping!
Broken Scout CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #753 Here's hoping I can guarantee myself a sweet 3DS before its release. A shiny new console is fine too.
Here's hoping I can guarantee myself a sweet 3DS before its release. A shiny new console is fine too.
R RacattackForce CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #755 Oh man, I totally want to win this. I really want to expand my gaming library!
G Gronar CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #756 Wow! Talk about a ridiculous prize! Flabberghasted, is all I can say.
1 1NintendoFan CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #759 This is an amazing contest. I would love to win I could definitely put everything to good use
sonicboom73 CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #762 Wow. This has got to be the most epic contest prize... ever.
I imkevin810 CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #771 this is a simply amazing deal. too bad i have already won my one thing in my life. i am not very lucky.
this is a simply amazing deal. too bad i have already won my one thing in my life. i am not very lucky.
Plantguy7 CAGiversary! Feedback 54 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #773 Wow, winning just one of those would be awesome!
erniemac CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #774 Good luck to everyone who enters. Personally, I think I have a chance in hell to win, but her goes nothing...
Good luck to everyone who enters. Personally, I think I have a chance in hell to win, but her goes nothing...
glemtvapen CAGiversary! Feedback 10 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #778 This is really nice (if I win). Thanks for the contest.
vulgardaclown CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #779 best. contest. ever. lets hope i win this, although good luck to anyone
V ValkyriA CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #780 one of my 360 is dead now surely i want one especially if it's gift just like this lol
A atomsk44 CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #781 This is the most insane thing I've ever seen. Wooooow (one million troops)
gamingninja CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #782 what a great contest. winning this would make my xmas
Supreme CAGiversary! Feedback 100 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #783 This has to be one of the most ridiculously good contests I've ever seen. Whoever wins this is the luckiest bastard in the world. You are the boss of all bosses, Cheapy.
This has to be one of the most ridiculously good contests I've ever seen. Whoever wins this is the luckiest bastard in the world. You are the boss of all bosses, Cheapy.
T TwanUM CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #790 I already have a 360... and I keep almost getting a new one, but can't quite justify it... but winning one. That would work.
I already have a 360... and I keep almost getting a new one, but can't quite justify it... but winning one. That would work.
NuclearPSU CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #800 Another exciting contest! How would anyone have time to play all of those systems?