CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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This is the best damn contest I've ever seen in gaming. Thanks for offering something this awesome guys! Love the podcast, hope to win...something. It's practically the only way my wife will agree to bringing a PS3 in the house!
The last time I won a game was Fighting Force for the PSX. While it was great, I think this prize would be way better.
Yeah, here is my contest post. My black friday shopping this year is looking like amazon for a bunch of stuff that got price matched and Walmart for a Nintendo DS Lite and some cheap PS3 titles. CAG is one of my favorite websites ever!!!!! :D
Just amazing, so want an Xbox 360, and in need of a new PS3 with more hard drive space. My current one is all filled up. Thanks for doing this, it's great!
so about 2 years ago Wal-Mart was having a sale on the ps3. it was one of those early morning door buster deals. That’s the day both rob and i got our ps3's. So i was there at Wal-Mart, on line early in the morning. I had to work BestBuy at like 10 so i was in a hurry. It was one of those deals where tons of people line up. They had the ps3, and some laptop, and some other stuff. So i was talking with the people around me, one was this girl who worked at Perkins. she was buying a laptop. I will call her pg (Perkins girl.) so PG started getting worried cause the line was not moving, and she needed to go to work, so she got brave and asked if someone could buy it for her and deliver it to Perkins. There was a group of us talking, and it turned out i was the only one not buying the laptop, so i was the only one who could buy it for her. Since i had to rush to work myself i could not drop it off to her. There was another woman named Mary (i think) who i was also talking to. She was an IT person like myself, and was interested in finding a new job. She gave me her business card (which i think ive thrown out) and i had mentioned i worked for XYZ (and obviously BestBuy since i had my GeekSquad outfit on.) So i reluctantly bought the laptop, then gave it to Mary, to deliver to PG.
So, since then, I’ve ran into this Mary girl, once or twice in passing. A few months ago, I was leaving bby. I got into my car, then all of a sudden there was someone standing next to my car. It was Mary... I spoke to her briefly, and to be honest i don’t remember what was said. I think i said something to the effect of "I have to go."

Fast forward to Last Friday, I was in BestBuy getting my sch for this weekend, and looking at stoves. One of the guys there James, grabs me and said that some girl named Mary was looking for me. Said that she was in here, and thought i was flirting with her, and she wanted to talk to me. She gave him a business card which he did not have on him. I thought it was weird, and i was thinking who is Mary, and then it hit me. I think she’s the Girl from Wal-Mart, 2 years ago.
Later that night i get a call from Mike, who I work with at geeksquad. He says... do you know you have a stalker. I said i had heard something about it. He then told me someone else in the store (not James) was approached by Mary, looking for me, with the same story. I told Mike If it happens again to tell her I don’t work there anymore.

The interesting piece, is i have been working early mornings, on Sundays at best buy. Only my last 2 shifts have i been there with customers, and even then i have not helped any one. so this "flirting" I did, would have had to been months ago, if it is not the girl i think it is. Either way... im Scared.

so in closing id like to win these game systems, so i can stay home safely, and not have to worry about being killed.

All events in this story are true, the names have been change to protect... myself.
Thanks for the chance to win.
It is quite ridiculous that stores are open all day Thanksgiving Day now - there is no way people should be eating turkey & gravy while handling my copy of AB: Brotherhood!
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