California wants online retailers to collect taxes

i'm tired of paying for the ineptitude of our pols in sacramento. anyway, thanks for the heads up. looks like b&m will be making a comeback in cali.
[quote name='Spokker']Many complaints about the sales tax issue claim that the incompetent and corrupt state simply wants more tax money. I was simply pointing out one example of the local effect of sales taxes. Voters enacted them to improve things like roads, highways and public transportation, and I'm sure local commuters will appreciate some money going back into our transport networks.

But the point is that it was just one example.

The conventional wisdom is that California taxes are too high, but there is one area in which property owners really have it good.[/QUOTE]

They want more tax revenue because they are going bankrupt. Instead, through what appears to be a fundamental lack of understanding of business, they have cost the state jobs and the revenue from those.

Maybe they will be able to budget their state spending a bit better in the future, but you will have a hard time convincing me that the entire government there is roads, schools, and fire fighters.
Why didn't I vote for Meg Withman? I am sure she would understood the whole situation a lot better than Brown
[quote name='confoosious']that's all that needed to be said. What's funny about people who are easily influenced by hate mongering radio is that they're like the stormtroopers and the hosts are obiwan kenobi. The jedi mind trick only works on the weak minded.[/QUOTE]

Do not Argue with an Idiot, they will just drag you down to their class and beat you with experience. I was reading all his comment and i was keep on laughing, like all his saying is an easy fix, i mean he doesn't want to pay for the illegals but he wants them all to be deported or locked up, imagine how much that will cost the government, i mean why dont just treat the problem and give this people the papers to work so they can help the government by paying their taxes and fines.
[quote name='62t']Why didn't I vote for Meg Withman? I am sure she would understood the whole situation a lot better than Brown[/QUOTE]

i know right, LOL
[quote name='underdrifter']if the illegals want a better life then they should work to enact change in their own country, not rape my country

-signed native americans

[quote name='klew']i'm tired of paying for the ineptitude of our pols in sacramento. anyway, thanks for the heads up. looks like b&m will be making a comeback in cali.[/QUOTE]

See, this isn't such a bad thing. I love Amazon as much as the next guy (or more) but a level playing field will mean that local businesses get more revenue, which is a good thing. As long as people stop shoveling money to Arkansas and Minnesota, things will get better locally.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Looks like I'm done with Amazon.

Put in an order for Dark Souls a couple weeks ago, haven't been charged yet - will I get charged sales tax on that? If so, I'll cancel and wait for a price drop.[/QUOTE]

Don't blame Amazon.

Direct your anger at your broke ass state trying to support all of the illegals... ha ha...
this imo actually makes sense and seems fair; CA actually has offices.

now NY and other states requiring Amazon to charge sales tax because of business presence in the form of affiliate programs is absurd.
[quote name='confoosious']See, this isn't such a bad thing. I love Amazon as much as the next guy (or more) but a level playing field will mean that local businesses get more revenue, which is a good thing. As long as people stop shoveling money to Arkansas and Minnesota, things will get better locally.[/QUOTE]

it's true there are always options, but i bought a lot of my electronics from amazon. it was really convenient and i love, love, love their customer service. always bend over backwards. but what steams me most is how the pols have ruined us with irresponsible financing. now they keep raising our taxes and cutting spending, forcing local municipalities to do the same. this just adds insult to injury.
Question is, is it really Amazon's fault local retailers in CA can't compete with them?

There were days when people preferred to buy in person, and customer service was an incredibly important factor in buying locally vs. interstate. For instance, I prefer to buy my audio gear in person, so if I need support, it's nearby. But the last time I went in, I waited over an hour in-store to see if they'd adjust price on something to the price they promised me a month in advance. Will I be going back there? No. Reason? Bad customer service. AND their return policy is terrible (that is, NO returns!).

Sure, Amazon is cheaper - no tax - but I preferred talking about the products with people at the store, testing out one piece of equipment against another. But when a B&M does these things poorly, I'll go in blind with a good return policy and be glad to not have the headache of a local purchase any day.
Just saw this.... Whatttt... Well I wont be shopping at Amazon much anymore. Now the cheapest prices & shipping from any store will earn my money
[quote name='Kylearan']Question is, is it really Amazon's fault local retailers in CA can't compete with them?

There were days when people preferred to buy in person, and customer service was an incredibly important factor in buying locally vs. interstate. For instance, I prefer to buy my audio gear in person, so if I need support, it's nearby. But the last time I went in, I waited over an hour in-store to see if they'd adjust price on something to the price they promised me a month in advance. Will I be going back there? No. Reason? Bad customer service. AND their return policy is terrible (that is, NO returns!).

Sure, Amazon is cheaper - no tax - but I preferred talking about the products with people at the store, testing out one piece of equipment against another. But when a B&M does these things poorly, I'll go in blind with a good return policy and be glad to not have the headache of a local purchase any day.[/QUOTE]

If both charged tax and the consumer still wants to buy from amazon, then no it's not amazon's fault. But I do believe there should be a level playing field.
I know how you feel Californians, I've been dealing with this for a couple years now.

PRO TIP: Check the other buying options on Amazon, especially the sellers that Amazon fulfills, if that seller isn't in your state, you won't be charged sales tax. Sometimes the item price is a little higher, but no tax makes up for it.
Did anyone bother to actually read the article posted in the OP? Nowhere does it state Amazon is going to start collecting taxes in California. In fact...

Amazon won't collect sales tax; cuts off California affiliates
Amazon won't collect California taxes on Friday has terminated its relationship with approximately 10,000 Internet business partners in California after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that requires out-of-state electronic retailers to collect sales tax on purchases from Golden State customers.

The termination took effect Wednesday evening, hours after Brown took action on a bill that will produce an estimated $317 million a year in new state and local government tax revenues.

Amazon said it canceled the contracts because it does not intend to comply with the new law.

I changed the OP title to reflect reality.
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Yep - like CheapyD said. Amazon basically just said "fuck you" to the state government (and to its Cali affiliates as a result), and will not register in California thus not collect or charge any sales taxes from Cali residents.

All this does is possibly put more Californians (the Cali affiliates) out of work as a result of typical government stupidity.
[quote name='karkyco']Yep - like CheapyD said. Amazon basically just said "fuck you" to the state government (and to its Cali affiliates as a result), and will not register in California thus not collect or charge any sales taxes from Cali residents.

All this does is possibly put more Californians (the Cali affiliates) out of work as a result of typical government stupidity.[/QUOTE]

They wont be out of work. All they have to do is move to another state, and California will see none of their income tax.
[quote name='62t']They wont be out of work. All they have to do is move to another state, and California will see none of their income tax.[/QUOTE]

If CheapyD was in Cali that would be a huge huge loss of revenue I imagine. It's easy to just say pack up and leave, but that's obviously not very practical for people making a living off that money, which I imagine some of those 10K are.
hah, so just to verify, from skimming the thread heres the situation in a nut shell. Can someone confirm or deny:

California tried to get Amazon to start charging sales tax to CA residents. Amazon said no way, Californa/Jerry brown still pushed the bill through. Bill passed, Amazon said fuck you and canceled all affiliate contracts to avoid having to collect sales taxes. This screwed CA over far worse than if they had just left it alone

net result = we still dont pay taxes, CA lost a lot of businesses

do i have it right?
[quote name='ssjmichael']If CheapyD was in Cali that would be a huge huge loss of revenue I imagine. It's easy to just say pack up and leave, but that's obviously not very practical for people making a living off that money, which I imagine some of those 10K are.[/QUOTE]

Well Fatwallet just moved to Wisconsin. Seems like a lot of people are ready to move to Nevada, and the cost of living is a lot cheaper there any way.

[quote name='Kenshindono']hah, so just to verify, from skimming the thread heres the situation in a nut shell. Can someone confirm or deny:

California tried to get Amazon to start charging sales tax to CA residents. Amazon said no way, Californa/Jerry brown still pushed the bill through. Bill passed, Amazon said fuck you and canceled all affiliate contracts to avoid having to collect sales taxes. This screwed CA over far worse than if they had just left it alone

net result = we still dont pay taxes, CA lost a lot of businesses

do i have it right?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Kylearan']Question is, is it really Amazon's fault local retailers in CA can't compete with them?

There were days when people preferred to buy in person, and customer service was an incredibly important factor in buying locally vs. interstate. For instance, I prefer to buy my audio gear in person, so if I need support, it's nearby. But the last time I went in, I waited over an hour in-store to see if they'd adjust price on something to the price they promised me a month in advance. Will I be going back there? No. Reason? Bad customer service. AND their return policy is terrible (that is, NO returns!).

Sure, Amazon is cheaper - no tax - but I preferred talking about the products with people at the store, testing out one piece of equipment against another. But when a B&M does these things poorly, I'll go in blind with a good return policy and be glad to not have the headache of a local purchase any day.[/QUOTE]

Honestly B&M stores are awful. And the internet is open 24/7, even with the tax I'd still going to use amazon. The politicians in CA have no idea how the internet works, and Amazon called their bluff and just canceled all the CA affiliates. The people who run this state are morons.
Just a reminder, "the tax would bring in an estimated $xxx,xxx,xxx" is one of the dumbest statements put out from governments. They ALWAYS use static analysis and never account for the consequences, no matter how obvious. I.e. Amazon just packing up and leaving.
I just hope Amazon is ready in case more greedy states try to take this back to the SCOTUS. The internet should ALWAYS be free! Especially from tax-collectors and people representing the record companies...Long Live Amazon:cool:
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']Right now our CA sales tax is 8.75%. That doesn't apply to Amazon/Overstock. ;)[/QUOTE]

your lucky, ours is 9.76%.. ya you heard right, pretty much 10% percent. fuck California
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']Hurray!

CA = 1
NY = 0[/QUOTE]

Except if you're an Amazon affiliate like I am. To be honest when the decision was made for NY I was glad as hell they didn't drop associates. I'd lose more money than I would from having to pay sales taxes

This isn't the first time Amazon has done this. They did pretty much the same thing in Colorado
[quote name='Kenshindono']your lucky, ours is 9.76%.. ya you heard right, pretty much 10% percent. fuck California[/QUOTE]

Tax is going to go down all across the state though, the tax hikes they implemented expire today.

I never realized Amazon still kept there affiliates in NY, I wonder what kind of loophole Amazon was trying to circumvent when fighting the tax there.
[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']Still not being charged CA tax at the moment... Whats the deal? lol[/QUOTE]

You should probably learn to read
[quote name='ssjmichael']Except if you're an Amazon affiliate like I am. To be honest when the decision was made for NY I was glad as hell they didn't drop associates. I'd lose more money than I would from having to pay sales taxes

This isn't the first time Amazon has done this. They did pretty much the same thing in Colorado[/QUOTE]

I thought Amazon is still in court with New York over the decision, which is why they haven't officially dropped associates there since they still have to see if they win the case or not.

Glad they just went ahead and took the initiative with all the other states, but still, it's no picnic for the people caught in the middle of this dispute.
[quote name='Squarehard']I thought Amazon is still in court with New York over the decision, which is why they haven't officially dropped associates there since they still have to see if they win the case or not.

Glad they just went ahead and took the initiative with all the other states, but still, it's no picnic for the people caught in the middle of this dispute.[/QUOTE]

Yes apparently they're still in the appeals process though its been a few years now. I do believe if associates in NY weren't bringing in enough sales to justify the loss of sales from the 2008 tax they would have dropped them from the start. I feel like that's the reason they went ahead and dropped them in CA, and CO, among other states

Amazon no doubt goes out of their way to dodge taxes, even if it means screwing over loyal customers/associates, or states owed money (Texas for one). People not affected by this however usually give them a free pass based on their awesome deals and customer service (i.e. tons of credited money)
[quote name='ssjmichael']Yes apparently they're still in the appeals process though its been a few years now. I do believe if associates in NY weren't bringing in enough sales to justify the loss of sales from the 2008 tax they would have dropped them from the start. [/QUOTE]

Nope. Basically the NY law is asking online retailers to collection ALL sale tax from NY resident in the past, which is like several hundred millions. However they don't have to pay if they start collecting tax going forward. NY simply got better lawmakers.
[quote name='62t']Nope. Basically the NY law is asking online retailers to collection ALL sale tax from NY resident in the past, which is like several hundred millions. However they don't have to pay if they start collecting tax going forward. NY simply got better lawmakers.[/QUOTE]

Oh I had no idea they wanted back taxes too. Those greedy bastards :bomb:
[quote name='CheapyD']Did anyone bother to actually read the article posted in the OP? Nowhere does it state Amazon is going to start collecting taxes in California. In fact...

Amazon won't collect sales tax; cuts off California affiliates
Amazon won't collect California taxes on Friday[/QUOTE]

OMG I can't believe it took 7 pages for someone to point this out.

I can see the irony of the situation, and how the state of CA basically screwed itself out of additional tax revenue by causing amazon to cut off its affiliate program in CA and thereby reduce the income tax that will be paid there, but at the same time- I honestly don't have a lot of symphathy for affiliate linkers. Most of them are little more than glorified beggars and leechers who try to profit off others' purchases, who most of the time don't add or contribute to the buyer/amazon transaction to begin with.

To take CAG as an example- at least CheapyD is providing a tangible benefit to the buyer in the form of an active community based on a specific subject matter. But this is really the exception rather than the rule. Most affiliate links I come across are little more than link aggregators or websites with little to no usefulness who then try to con you into buying stuff through their amazon/etc. affiliate links (many times without even specifying it is an affiliate link).
[quote name='Ruahrc']OMG I can't believe it took 7 pages for someone to point this out.

I can see the irony of the situation, and how the state of CA basically screwed itself out of additional tax revenue by causing amazon to cut off its affiliate program in CA and thereby reduce the income tax that will be paid there, but at the same time- I honestly don't have a lot of symphathy for affiliate linkers. Most of them are little more than glorified beggars and leechers who try to profit off others' purchases, who most of the time don't add or contribute to the buyer/amazon transaction to begin with.


Uhm, what? You do realize most of these people don't go from forum to forum spamming their link right? These associates are big websites or even small blogs you might use every day. Calling just one person running a blog and occasionally throwing in an Amazon affiliate link a beggar/leecher is calling all of them that. Double standards aren't cool.

Those websites with little or no use that you're talking about aren't very effective either way. The amount the associates spend on hosting for those websites is probably as much as they get from the Amazon links. I also fail to see how you can "con" someone because they clicked a link. Who gives a shit if they threw their affiliate link into a random Amazon link? It doesn't affect you in the least bit. Get over it. And if you clicked an Amazon link through their website, then their website is doing something right because well, you were using it.
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']Right now our CA sales tax is 8.75%. That doesn't apply to Amazon/Overstock. ;)[/QUOTE]

Nope, our state tax was just rolled back from 8.5% to 7.5% yesterday (expiration of the 5 year 1% tax boost). However, there are additional county and city taxes added here and there. LA city is now 8.75%.
[quote name='Spokker']Many counties rely on sales tax reciepts to expand freeways, mass transit and rehabilitate streets. Amazon (and you) benefit from good freeways and roads to ship products to your home. I'm not sure why we are off the hook in building and maintaining this vital infrastructure.[/QUOTE]
I live in PA, where Sony apparently got strongarmed by the state into charging tax on PSN purchases as of late:roll: and I believe they're close to doing the same thing as CA on Amazon and other places.

Yet I cannot help but NOT want to help fund the road projects around here. Why, you ask? Because every time there's a major road project here it takes 2-3x longer than it should and when you drive by the people 'working' on the project there's 4-6 guys standing around bullshitting and 1-3 working. No wonder it takes so fuckin' long to get shit done in this state.

I'm not gonna pay taxes into the state so some unionized c'sucker can stand around and bullshit and pad his wallet with my tax dollars while the project languishes and I gotta waste more gas detouring around their slow/lazy asses.

To me, if the state sets a strict timeline for a project's completion and it's NOT finished by then, then everyone is FIRED. fuck you, lazy ass. Go stand around somewhere else. Get people who will get the work projects done in a timely fashion.

That's why I hope Amazon continues to fight PA to not have to collect sales tax, since I am not gonna pay for these pricks to keep the roads tied up in construction projects forever.
You know what gets me on the road work, the shit doesn't get done right the first time. I swear to god the f'n freeway I live near (I hope for the last time gets improved) has been worked on for at least 12 years. Not all in row but in different stages of improvement. These ones are for the City, I don't know why but they have worked on the same part of the road at least 3-4 times since I've lived here which has been around 5 years. A road near my parents house is heavily traveled by big rigs as it is a direct route from the rail yard and other freight hubs to the freeway. An F'N pot hole is always forming in the same damn spot, I'm really pissed about this one because it dented my rim once and the city didn't want to do shit about it. I don't know why they don't find a solution to fix it instead of just filling it.
Around here they pave the roads and six months later the utility companies all seem to decide it's time to replace pipes under that newly paved road, which puts it back into the same shape it was in BEFORE it was just frickin' repaved.:roll:
lol.... The one time I've heard around here about a city smartening up and did that was when the city didn't have to pay to repave. Some private company had to do some work so the city decided to do do some pipe work before they repaved.
It actually boils down to something very simple. California has a problem, they continue to incorporate absurd laws/regulations and taxes yet are still one of the most in-debt states. Adding more taxes/taxing more will NOT fix the problem. They need to re-assess how they are structured and make appropriate cuts to budgets. To many people steering the boat and not enough rowers.
bread's done