Call of duty 3...

Km ripper

CAG Veteran
I was about to buy CoD 3 today and was wondering if the online play is as good as 2?

Also, do very many people still play that game?
It's not a terrible game, but it's not where near as good as CoD2 or CoD4. It was made by Treyarch rather than Infinity Ward and they only have 11 months to make it. They're making the next one as well (World at War--they alternate years on the franchise with IW), but they've had 2 years for it so hopefully it will turn out better.
I would say it's better than Battlefield Bad Company. Be forewarned as you will probably only find a game during primetime hours. Haven't played it online in over a year, but interested if any CAG's want to go old school.
The online play is OK. The campaign is fun but a little repetitive like COD2. (At least for myself.)

The online play has some pros; reviving your teammates, and the online achievements are okay I suppose.

The last time I logged on to play, it took me a while to even get into a game. I was playing ranked matches and attempting to rank up, but the wait time was so long I just gave up.

I'd pick it up for the campaign, maybe play a couple rounds online, but do not expect much out of the online play.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I would say it's better than Battlefield Bad Company. Be forewarned as you will probably only find a game during primetime hours. Haven't played it online in over a year, but interested if any CAG's want to go old school.[/QUOTE]

actually, i popped it in the other day for a few rounds and while i think bad company is better overall (it has ups and downs, less downs than cod 3), the online life still seemed to be there. the room i was in had well over 10 people in it, so i am assuming it is pretty lively still.
I was just worried about not being able to get all of the online achievements because of the lack of players

i play cod 2 and there is always people online,
I loved Cod3 online. It was very arcady, but sometimes you feel like that. It was a blast running over people, and playing nurse ;)

Single player was boring.
Online multiplayer in CoD3 is much better CoD2 (the higher player limit really helps. Every CoD2 match I played turned into a snipers only match). I can't wait to see a mix of CoD3 and 4 multiplayer in World at War.
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