Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 pre-order $49.99 @ FS Oct 19th - 1 day only


5 (100%)
Just got my 3 Days of Web Deals e-mail announcement and this particular deal caught my eye :)


Regular price is that dreaded $69.99

....annnnnnd sold out :(


they added more stock at 2:45 pm EST.
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Not sure about you guys but I got sick of reloading the site, so I checked the thread on the website I dare not mention, and who woulda thought, it worked. For those who don't feel like waiting up all night waiting for this to go live on the site do the following:

1) Place the order for MW2 @ $69.99
2) Call FS customer support at 18006632275 and hit selections 1-1-5
3) Tell the CSR that it's not live on the site, but it's past 12:00 am where you live
4) He will manually change the price

Easy as pie, and now I don't have to stay up. Goodnight!
okay, so i went ahead and ordered it. Called the FS CS #1800663227. It took less than 3 min from start of call til finish to get the price adjusted. The guy who took the call just took my order number and said ok it's been adjusted, and i asked for the price just to be sure. Apparently it won't show up on the order screen, but it will just be credited back on the card. So, order away people, and go ahead and call.

Edit: Adamantum beat me to it! I can confirm it works though. (and it's still 20 min to midnight where i live, but they didn't even ask lol)
Did the same. Apparently the price is being adjusted midnight pacific time, but they are adjusting the price anyway (because this isn't specified on the's past noon where I am).
1:12am PST - 240 remaining
1:16am PST - 198 remaining

It comes up as 69.99 but adds to cart at 49.99... (360 version)

And thanks to you bastards I ordered the 360 version :( (I figure worst case scenario, I'll sell it locally for 50 even and pay the 2.49 in idiot tax).

Thanks CAG! (I think)

PS: Gogogogo! In the words of Seth in Superbad: "fuck thinking we need to act!"
[quote name='game_fanatic']What sort of trash?[/QUOTE]Well, with Modern Warfare 2 specifically:
- $10 price increase for PC version
- removed dedicated servers from PC version. peer to peer matchmaking only.
- as a side effect, no mods for PC version

As a company?
- 4 - 5 Guitar Hero games a year that until now didn't even work with one another
- Dropping all games that (in CEO Bobby Kotick's words) could not be exploited year over year
- This is including Brutal Legend, which after EA spent money marketing, they sued the developer over trying to say they didn't actually drop it
- "If I could make games cost more, I would" - CEO Bobby Kotick
- piece of plastic in every fucking game they make so they can make it cost more (Tony Hawk Ride, MW2 Prestige, Band Hero, DJ Hero, DJ Hero Special Edition, GH5, oh god i'm drowning)
- "I took the fun out of making video games", "I'm keeping people focused on the depression", and "Our employee incentives are purely based on profit" - CEO Bobby Kotick

Yeah. Shit company. I'll give my money to publishers who aren't looking to fuck me over. Like EA:
Wanted to mention..
EA sports still sticks to the same formula (for obvious, yet still despicable reasons) while the rest of EA has more or less cleaned up their act.
Not an entirely fair statement, FIFA and NHL series' have completely revamped themselves since about 07 and have done well to earn their current success. NHL 10 is admittedly similar to 09 but they've done well to not change for the sake of changing. And although I am a diehard PES guy, and I realize FIFA's gameplay largely has taken (stolen?) from that series over the years, the FIFA franchise has done incredibly well to come from being a joke to being one of the top-selling and top-rated sports games available.

Oh, and as for 360 MW2: "Aaaaaaaand it's gone!"

Also, Activision is just doing what EA did, it will reap great rewards financially but they'll eventually run out of steam once the industry gets saturated and bored with their products -- I think the music genre has peaked and is finally declining, for example. I could boycott Activision, like I once did for EA, but I'm just too apathetic nowadays. Gaming is becoming a sport for 'casuals' and the market trends are no longer going to be dictated by 'real' gamers (a trend that's been in place for years, but by far more prominent than ever). Perhaps that sounds elitist, but I think that your typical MW2/Halo player is not really a true 'gamer'...
Goddamn it, i fell asleep waiting for them to adjust their ad but apparently i waited too long & lo & behold, OOS :bomb: . I guess it it will be price match at Walmart (if that is even possible, i forgot if they even take preorders)
Deal was basically over when it started, woke up this morning and like telepathy, OoS... not much of a deal for the rest of us poor souls who have to sleep early. Oh well, hopefully they restock at some point today.
Lawl, so much for hoping it would be around in the morning :D Guess I'll hope for Wal-Mart to shoot a salvo in the price war again.
I kind of had a feeling that they would sell out very fast when people were buying them even before the price dropped.

I did manage to snag a copy though :)
I was going to, but then I remembered the whole SNAFU with the $99 Elite (I got one of those btw :) ) ... and I figured it would just wait to purchase when the price was actually $49.99 .. but I HAD to sleep :(
I couldn't really sleep myself, and I'm lucky enough to live in Alberta so it was only 1:00am when the deal changed here. There was about 410 copies left at 12:59, then ~250 when I went to bed at 1:05. It was pretty clear there wouldn't be any left by morning.
I did a T3 for this and $50 is about $10 too much to go through the trouble of changing it.

Nice to see some CAGs got in on it tho.
The price simply never went down for the PS3 version. I did the thing where I ordered before they were OOS and called a rep to get the price lowered, but it's still showing as $69.99 on my order summary with no sign of a credit.
Just so you know, when i called FS CS for the price adjustment, they said it would not show the lower price on the order summary and that you will just be charged the lower price on your credit card. I've heard some people say they were told it would show up on the summary after a few days, but i guess i'll wait and see.
I still think it's sad that more than likely no one outside of deal sites got ahold of this. The average joe likely didn't stand a chance on this one.
Most people just bought them, then phoned in to get the price correction. I was...lurking with the enemy at work because CAG is blocked :(
Did anyone else get an email stating that "the following item(s) from your pre-order are currently awaiting the release date."?

Does that mean they already have them in their warehouse?
[quote name='Winkels']Did anyone else get an email stating that "the following item(s) from your pre-order are currently awaiting the release date."?

Does that mean they already have them in their warehouse?[/QUOTE]

Yeah I got that email this morning. I thought it was rather odd. No idea what it means though.
I got the email as well. It just means "Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about your order. We just don't have it yet. Wait awhile longer, please."

You get those regular emails from Futureshop whenever you've ordered something x days ago and it hasn't shipped yet, for whatever reason.
Has anyone got shipment notification yet? I just checked my order and it said the price was $59.99, not sure what to make of that.
Mine and my brother's still says $59.99. I was checking my Futureshop credit card the other day and I noticed this under "Activity since last statement":

11/06/2009 MEMO POSTED DEBIT $79.09

I have to assume that's MW2, but it's at the $69.99 price.
I called Best Buy to cancel my order today, but they said it's already packed and waiting to be shipped at midnight, so I assume FS is the same. I wonder when it'll actually get here.
[quote name='TripleQ']I called Best Buy to cancel my order today, but they said it's already packed and waiting to be shipped at midnight, so I assume FS is the same. I wonder when it'll actually get here.[/QUOTE]

That is just silly. Why would they not ship it today? They know it will not arrive until at least tomorrow. Besides, it looks like other retailers broke the street date ... have a look here:

When I just checked, there were 126 players online ... and those are just the ones who registered with MGC.
My order still just shows 'Pre-Order: November 10', but it does show the correct price of $49.99 in the order summary. I don't know why they haven't started to ship them out at least by today. They're not going to make it to anyone who pre-ordered by the release date this way, and that just doesn't really make sense to me, especially since they already have them sitting there to be shipped out.
There are probably some rules that publishers force on them to not allow pre-shipping... unless they've worked out a special deal like in the US
I recieved a ship notice for my copy this afternoon at 1:34 pm, along with a CP tracking number. But, the clincher is how much my order says I'm paying for the game: $39.99 + tax! Thank you FS!
[quote name='Adamantum']I recieved a ship notice for my copy this afternoon at 1:34 pm, along with a CP tracking number.[/QUOTE]

When did you submit your order? I'm hoping I don't have to wait long... I can wait since I'm saving some dough, but my MSRP-paying friends are going to be playing all the while.

End of this week would be killer.
That must be why. All of us who didn't bother with phoning in and waited until midnight PST must be further down the line.

Ah, well. Fortune favours the bold, eh?
I suppose it's worth mentioning that if you ordered online and want to play the game tomorrow, just go out and buy it from the store. Then when your sealed online copy comes in return it at the store with the receipt for the more expensive copy.
Based on my tracking info, I should get mine today. I was thinking about doing just that though if they hadn't shipped it yesterday ;)
[quote name='WillGabriel']When did you submit your order? I'm hoping I don't have to wait long... I can wait since I'm saving some dough, but my MSRP-paying friends are going to be playing all the while.

End of this week would be killer.[/QUOTE]

According to Canada Post, estimated date of arrival is 11/13/09-- this Friday. Would be great to have in time for the weekend.
I actually received my BB pre-order on release day, I was very surprised to see it then. It was shipped on Monday afternoon.

However my FS Prestige isn't scheduled to arrive until tomorrow, even though it was shipped yesterday.

Edit: Oh yeah, Remembrance Day..
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I got mine yesterday but was charged $59.99. They still need to credit $10.

Anyone else getting charged more than $49.99? I even received an email guaranteeing the price.
bread's done