Can I get a little PS2 love in here?


It's one big sausage-fest over in the GameCube forum about the Cube and how much more play people get out of it over the other systems. Now, I love my Cube, really, I really do. I own all the systems and I think each one has it's own true merit and enjoyment. However, I still think I get more playtime and variety out of the other two, especially the ps2 in terms of RPGs and Strategy titles and the like.

That, and I prefer to have more of a mature game than something colored primarily in pastels. I did a tap-dance when Resident Evil was remade for the Cube. I felt vindicated after the N64. I don't want to be harsh, because I love nintendo titles, and I've been romping on my SP with FFTacticsAdvance and Harvest Moon. It's just....I honestly don't know. I just cannot find myself ever playing my Cube more than my PS2 or Xbox, unless it's a game like Link, Metroid, or Eternal Darkness, or Crystal Chronicles. Ya know, the "big" ones.

This isn't to say I don't mind it. I love Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart like any nintendo nut. I just feel that there's a niche for each, and ever since I hit college-level age my interests and my position in a target marketing bracket has shifted. That's convenient, since Nintendo is starting cater to multiple age brackets now anyway. I'm just no longer part of their "main thrust."

Wow, this post didn't have much of a steady thesis statement. I appologize, I just hope someone gets my drift or wants to contribute a little to my sentiment.
I get what you're saying. I still love playing Dreamcast and its balance of pastel games and sports games and such. But I graduated to XBoxing and almost all the games are either 'extreme' or dark or extremely dark. Whenever I get tired of those type of games I go to my housemate's room and play some PS2 which has so many titles that it caters to almost every taste . And when he gets bored with that he comes and plays some of my extreme Xbox games. No one system dominates in my opinion.. its all balanced.. the only way to be a happy gamer is to have every system (eh well I don't like Gamecube that much but it doesn't hurt to play it every so often) as well as a good sampling of games from each.
I see your point but I play my GCN way more than my PS2 (I don't have an xbox). To me, it just seems to have more games I want to play - Monkey Ball, Metroid, Zelda, Prince of Persia, Beyond Good and Evil, Resident Evil, Mario, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS2 - I've played countless hours of Hot Shots Golf 3, GTA, MGS2, Madden, among others. For me, however, most of the "wow" moments in the past few years have come playing my GCN...
these threads are amusing, like you needed to feel like you werent the only one in the forum that still likes their ps2 more than their cube.
The only thing I think the ps2 lacks is multiplayer titles.
im not talking about net titles either.
I own all three big ones and I play my cube slightly more than my ps2.
The thing that i find odd is that i actually find myself trying not to play my xbox, I hate those controllers so much I actually try to avoid them.
Kinda silly but hey. I have some darn fine games for my box too, I need to go controller shopping and find something decent for it.
The thing I like most about my ps2 is the variety, I can find about any type of game (besides multiplayer) I can play thug then pop in kingdom hearts and then play some gt3. it has amazing variety.
The thing I miss most and the part were my cube is best for me is the fantatsic first party titles.
my xbox has the best feautres and the games pretty consistently look/sound the best.
just have to find your nitch and pick the right system, everybody dances to a different tune.
[quote name='paz9x']these threads are amusing, like you needed to feel like you werent the only one in the forum that still likes their ps2 more than their cube.[/quote]

After the cute lust-fest I did, yah. Heh. No offense to those guys, I agree with them, I just "dance to a different tune" as you say and didn't want to feel lonely! :oops: I feel like I'm the only person in the forum here who plays his GC the least.

Thats why I have all three systems, cause each has their own perk ;)
PS2 Love?
That reminds me of the scene from "Family Guy" where Peter gives the family's christmas presents to a bunch of poor hicks.

Poor Teenage Hick: " That's my sexbox... her name is Sony."
Dude........It's no sausage fest. I just personally play my Cube more, and was wondering if others did the same. I still have much love for the PS2. I would own all three systems but nothing I've seen yet on the Xbox has given me wood. They look great, just not fun. ( IMO) The fact is I'll never be playing Metroid on my PS2, or Tekken on a Cube. But if a game I want
is realeased on Multi systems, I will pick the Cube version. I also think the Cube title's will become more colectable, because let's face it, more PS2 titles are in circulation.
I don't really give 2 squirts about which console is best as I have no console loyalty. I've got a PS2 and a GC, among other systems and I simply play the games that I like best at any particular time. It always comes down to the games regardless of what system they're on.

That said, I'll probably buy an xbox when it hits $99. I don't have an interest in most xbox games but I'll pay $99 just to play KOTOR and a few choice others.
I will give you your PS2 lovin' request. I definitly find myself playing PS2 than any other console I own. I have the most games for it, and I believe it has the most variety for games. Hail Sony!

P.S. What a way to spend my 100th post!
I'm PS2-only now, I got one at launch, and got an Xbox about one year ago and bought a bunch of titles for it, played it a couple months, but kept playing PS2.. After awhile I noticed the layer of dust on my Xbox from not playing it, so I sold it, no regrets. There were some decent Xbox games, just nothing that really GRABBED me at all, where there is always something on PS2 I want to play.

I contemplated a Gamecube for Super Monkey Ball, but that (and SMB2) aren't reasons for a cube purchase, and nothing else interests me at all. More money for PS2 games! ;)
[quote name='JSweeney']PS2 Love?
That reminds me of the scene from "Family Guy" where Peter gives the family's christmas presents to a bunch of poor hicks.

Poor Teenage Hick: " That's my sexbox... her name is Sony."[/quote]

that was a good episode.

the only reason I do not have a PS2 is because they cancelled all the SNK games and Microsoft did not. I really want to play all the good SNK fighters over live
now don't get me wrong i play my GC. but not near as much as i do my ps2. i think i like it more because for the most part the games look better and I like my violent games and final fantasy RPG's so the GC just doesn't get it done for me except for playing Windwaker. Now there are some releases I am excited for coming out for GC (Resident Evil 4) and Prime 2 but 9 times out of 10 i will go with my PS2. Go sony and keep the goods comin'.
Wow, this thread came back from the dead.
Anyway, I'm PS2-only. I can't [or don't want to] afford two or three current consoles and the games that I would want to play, either in dollar amounts or time. And the PS2 offers me the most, and most affordable, games that I want to play. Which is what it's about, anyway. I'm not a GC or Xbox hater; I actually read XBox Nation just to see what's going on. But I haven't seen any 'must-have' games *for me*.
Each console has its pros and cons, and each person must weigh those pros and cons to determine which is best for him. Or ifyou have the time and money, get 'em all--with used game sales, this site, and Gamepass/Gamefly-type things, there are many ways to try out a lot of games really cheaply.
I will give you some PS2 Love, I love it more than I do the GC.

But Xbox is the system I cherish.

I will give a few reasons, not taking software into consideration.

1. The GC's Controller is horrible, and PS2's is the Best, until you play Xbox more than any other system for about a year and it really starts to feel good in your hands. The only reason we all loved the PS2 contoller is because it felt like a PS1 Controller that we were so use to.

2. Multiplayer- I do not want to have to buy a multitap to play with 3 other people. The Xbox, GC, Dreamcast and N64 all supported 4 controllers right out of the box.

3. Online- I will admit I have not played online with the PS2 or the GC but I have with the Xbox and Dreamcast. Why you ask, I do not want to drop $60 on a modem, the Xbox and Dreamcast came with one for free.

4. Memory- I hate memory cards, from the bad experiences over time with the knock off brands for the PS1 and what not and the fact that they cost $20. The Xbox has a Huge Memory card included that I do not have to delete stuff off of every couple weeks.

Yes I am an Xbox Fan Boy, but I also like (not love) the PS2, but I down right dislike the GC. I owned all 3 systems until I wised up and salvaged what cash i could from the GC.

As for software, both systems have there fair share of exclusive games that I love (GTA & Halo) but if a game comes out on all of the systems I buy the Xbox version. So software is not really a problem for me anymore, the only time it was a problem was a launch and for about 6 months to a year after Xbox was out, now that are on pretty fair ground.
Ill give PS2 some love, actually much love,
First the Onimusha series, I got 2 and 3 (bought the first one on Xbox, prolly by it for Ps2 when I get a chance).
Also, it has a lot of gun games, and the one that I think is the best is RE: Dead Aim, even though I havent busted it out in a few weeks.
Plus if any multi-system game goes on sale, its normally lower for the Ps2.
On another note, I got the Stitch 626 game, which is the main game that my wife likes to play for all of my game systems.
The PS2 has more games in more genres available than the ther consoles (especially RPGs). If you are into Japanese RPG's, PS2 is THE choice (Gamecube does have some nice looking ones now though but not nearly as many). The backwards compatibilty just increases the PS2 library even further. Now that is not to say I don't like my GC or Xbox, I just tend to play my PS2 more. I think Xbox and Gamecube has their strength in the exclusives they have. PS2 has some nice ones (Gran Turismo especially), but Gamecube always has Zelda, Mario, and Metroid to fall back on. Xbox has Halo (which will probably break all sales records), Tecmo exclusives (DOA, Ninja Gaiden). This is the only time we will ever see 3 successful consoles at one time IMO (4 if you count GBA) so we better sit back and enjoy the ride.
I think the big problem is that game cube people know thier sytem sucks, most of the games for it sucks and no one wants to buy it. So to increase either tiny egos and make up for the fact that thier game disks look more like mini-donuts than something worthy of thier time they bash on the only system that anyone sane would buy. Its sort of like a little cult of Mac geeks.
I think the big problem is that game cube people know thier sytem sucks, most of the games for it sucks and no one wants to buy it.
So to increase either tiny egos and make up for the fact that thier game disks look more like mini-donuts than something worthy of thier time they bash on the only system that anyone sane would buy. Its sort of like a little cult of Mac geeks.

This reeks of the biased opinion of someone who has no idea what the hell they are talking about, so they just spew the hype that's been drilled into thier minds.
[quote name='zionoverfire']I think the big problem is that game cube people know thier sytem sucks, most of the games for it sucks and no one wants to buy it. So to increase either tiny egos and make up for the fact that thier game disks look more like mini-donuts than something worthy of thier time they bash on the only system that anyone sane would buy. Its sort of like a little cult of Mac geeks.[/quote]

I'm not gong to argue with you, I'll just say that you're an ignorant fuck.
[quote name='zionoverfire']I think the big problem is that game cube people know thier sytem sucks, most of the games for it sucks and no one wants to buy it. So to increase either tiny egos and make up for the fact that thier game disks look more like mini-donuts than something worthy of thier time they bash on the only system that anyone sane would buy. Its sort of like a little cult of Mac geeks.[/quote]
Wow. Have you even played any Gamecube games, or do you want to bash it to look "cool"?
[quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='zionoverfire']I think the big problem is that game cube people know thier sytem sucks, most of the games for it sucks and no one wants to buy it. So to increase either tiny egos and make up for the fact that thier game disks look more like mini-donuts than something worthy of thier time they bash on the only system that anyone sane would buy. Its sort of like a little cult of Mac geeks.[/quote]
Wow. Have you even played any Gamecube games, or do you want to bash it to look "cool"?[/quote]

Yes, I want to look cool, that is my soul purpose in life. Actualy I have played gamecube games and besides Super Smash Brothers which is one of the coolest games ever, nothing else was really that great. But I suppose I did go a little overboard, ranting is just so much fun.
I see what zionoverfire is saying. As a Gamecube owner, I disagree that most games "suck", but I think that most of the American gaming community views the gamecube as a supplement rather than something that stands on it's own. So, Gamecube owners have to keep making comments like GTA sucks, Halo sucks, Ninja Gaiden sucks, Final Fantasy sucks, Fable sucks, and so forth. Then every game that comes out for the Gamecube has to be compared to a game on another system that has even the slightest similarities like, Metroid Prime is a Halo killer, Tales of Symphonia is better than *insert PS2 RPG here*, Resident Evil is better than Devil May Cry. Then once in a while, they'll say that a 3rd party game is better than an exclusive on another system like, Timesplitters 2 is better than Halo, True Crime is better than GTA, Soul Caliber 2 is better than Virtua Fighter 4: Evo... and if you don't believe me on any of these examples, check out the Gamefaqs Gamecube message board. I love my Gamecube and the games I have for it, but some of the fans of it really piss me off. I realize that every system has a group of these guys who try to rationalize why another system isn't worth owning without even trying the other system, but Gamecube seems to have a surplus.
I considered buying a Gamecube, several times actually, but never could commit to it. There are four or five games I want and that's about it. My XBox gets more love than anything really. The PS2 has a wide variety, but lately I haven't been overly interested in any of the exclusive titles. Honestly if it weren't for the PS1 compatibility and Virtua Fighter 4 I'd probably sell it. Although FF12 does look cool.
I have owned all three consoles for a while now. I can safely say PS2 is the best by far. And I truly mean by far.

The PS2 has everything I want. I love Japanese RPG games more than any other type of games, and PS2 has the most of them. My second favorite genre is music/dance games, and PS2 owns all other consoles in that genre too. My third and fourth favorites are platform and fighting games. Anyone who disagrees would have to be stupid, but the PS2 owns every console in platform games, mostly that are exclusive. Other than the DOA series, the PS2 has all of the fighters. I personally think the DOA series is very overrated, since I think Tekken is the best. PS2 also has all other genres I enjoy. Another part about PS2 I love is all my favorite publisher/developer supports it most of all. I love Square Enix, Konami, Namco, Capcom, Atlus, Koei, Sega (to some extent), and a lot of small U.S. publishers that support it who bring over Japanese niche games. My favorite 1st part publisher/developer goes to Sony Computer Entertainment by far. Nintendo was great in the past, but I feel Sony has much better selection of first party games that are original and great. I think PS2 is a good online console, since it has MMORPG games, something Xbox does not have. The only thing PS2 lacks is multi-player games, but I never play games with anyone since most of my friends hate videogames. I have 102 games for my PS2, and there are still 30 more games being released this year that I want. Plus, there's around 30 games I want that I have not picked up yet. The year 2005, my PS2 will kill all other consoles big time, with so many RPG games I love coming out along with several games by my favorite publishers/developers. I'll make this clear, I just LOVE my PS2. I even buy most multi-platform games for PS2 since I love the Dual Shock 2 controller so much. I could careless about owning any other console except for Playstation and SNES, the only two systems I think that are slightly better now, but things may change at the end of 2005. I have played my PS2 every single day since 3/20/03 and plan to play it everyday until 2007 at least.

My opinion on GC. I think the GC is a great console. Great controller, love the design, and like how it's top loading. The GC has some a great games that I love. Well, it has a few good Japanese RPG games. I mostly see the GC as a great multi-player console, the only advantage I give it over the PS2. I usually play my GC twice a week. I have 25 games for my GC. 5 of my games I just don't like too much (those five are by Nintendo). Nitendo's first party games are good, but I don't think they are the best. Most of my favorite Cube games are 3rd party. My gripes with the GC is that there's is very few games released each year that actually interest me. There's only three GC games coming out for the rest of the year I want, and there's only around 3-4 that interest me next year at the moment. The GC is my 2nd favorite console. But the reason I like GC is not really for the GC games, it's for the GB Player. I truly love 2-D gaming and I see myself playing my GB Player more than my GC games all the time. I got 41 games for GBA and I don't even have one, since I just use the GB Player. If I were to put the GC games and GBA games together, the GC would be very close to my PS2, but PS2 is still my favorite.

As for Xbox, I use to love the system when I got it at lauch, but it's gone way downhill since then. First off, I just hate most everything about the Xbox system. It's loud, ugly, the controller is huge (even the S controller IMO), my system has been repaired more than played, and that system is so freaking huge. I personally don't like the HD much because I would have to bring my Xbox over to their place if I want to use my mode. Yeah, I could buy a memory card, but there are some games that take up more space than a memory card can hold. And as for the games, I just hate FPS with passion. I think they are crap and think they are all generic and boring. I don't even like Halo very much. It seems like 30% of the games on Xbox are FPS. Also, the Xbox really lacks the Japanese games I love, esepcially by publishers/developers I love so much. The Xbox only has one Japanese turn based RPG, Metal Dungeon, and it sucks. There's not one other Japanese RPG game on Xbox, and my consoles need one for me to play it a lot. Also, the Xbox has a few platformers, fighters, and a few music dance games, but there are inferior to the ones on PS2, especially DDR (PS2 DDR's own Xbox DDR anyday). I also hate western RPG games with passion and there's no way I'm touching Fable, KOTOR, Jade Empire, etc. with a 10 ft. pole. I want Japanese RPG games, no boring western hack and slash RPG game. The only thing I like on Xbox is a bunch of racing games, like PGR2, Rallisport 2, etc. But the problem is, my Xbox has too many racing games and I've already been growing tired of them. I did have Xbox Live for a short time and it did improve my Xbox play time quite a bit when I got it, but after a month, I never cared about going on XBL, especially because of all the jerks I meant in games and playing on XBL just got boring. I also have 37 games for my Xbox, but I feel that 60% are total crap and think I'm an idiot for buying them. There's only three exclusive Xbox games that interest me the rest of the year. In 2005, there are ZERO exclusive Xbox games I want right now. All I see my Xbox right now is a total waste. I only play the thing once every two weeks, and that's because my friend is an Xbox fan so that's why I play it. But if he wasn't, I probably would not be keeping my Xbox at all. I like my PS2 so much better, even online, since Xbox has no MMORPG games. I even don't like buying multi-platform games on Xbox because I have little faith in my Xbox continuing to work. I don't expect to see Xbox Japanese support get any better because MS is trying to push Xbox 2 out the door, and Xbox is still selling only 300 consoles a week compared to Sony selling 30,000 PS2's in Japan each week. As for popular Xbox games like Ninja Gaiden, yes I did play it, and I think it's average I best. I personally liked Onimusha 3, Bujingai, and Nightshade much more.

So there, I said it. I truly love my PS2 and will continue to give it most all of my support. People can call me a PS2 fanboy all they want, but I just enjoy it more than any other console this generation. It has the games I love most. If they way the games go to platforms are similar next gen, I'm only buying a PS3, and not touching Xbox 2.
Personally I have XBOX and PS2 and I see no need to even bother with Cube. Most of the games I wanted for it have been ported over to either XBOX or PS2 recently (in fact Super Monkey Ball Deluxe was just announced for XBX/PS2). I never liked Nintendo's 3d translations of their signature games, so the last Nintendo console I owned was SNES. I also think the SNES was Nintendo's best controller design to date, they have been going progressively downhill since then.

XBOX I believe is the best system by far, and I have the most games for it. PS2 is decent, but it has some major drawbacks, such as the lack of analog triggers on controllers, dpad on controllers is lacking, lack of realtime 5.1 on most games, lack of hard drive/large capacity memory, lack of 480p on most games, etc... Still PS2 has a lot of games not on XBOX that I like so I have both.
[quote name='Ruined']XBOX I believe is the best system by far, and I have the most games for it. PS2 is decent, but it has some major drawbacks, such as the lack of analog triggers on controllers, dpad on controllers is lacking, lack of realtime 5.1 on most games, lack of hard drive/large capacity memory, lack of 480p on most games, etc... Still PS2 has a lot of games not on XBOX that I like so I have both.[/quote]What are you talking about? The PS2 has great analog triggers. I feel much more comfortable than the ones on Xbox. I personally feel that the D-pad on the PS2 is the best, because the placement of the Xbox S controller D-pad gives me cramps very quickly.

In my personal opinion, I could never see Xbox as being the better choice. PS2 has all the great RPG games, and anime style games I love. My Xbox is best used as a door stop at the moment.
There's no reason to be upset about playing one system over the other. The fact that you have more than one simply means you have the option to play what ever you're in the mood for when ever you feel like. The Cube and the PS2 are totally different systems that cater to totally different sensibilities.

I have a butt load more game for my PS2 than My GC but that dosent mean I'm not glad I bought a GC. I concider it a niche system, it has games I'm not going to have on my PS2.
I play my GC the least, but I probably like it the most because when I do play it, it is some fantastic gaming experience I can get nowhere else. Most of my time is either spent on the Xbox or the PS2, especially with its new party games that are actually good for parties.

And to whoever said the GC controller is horrible. While I do agree that in it has a bit of the problem of form over function, it is the most comfortable controller I have ever felt. The PS2 has the most useable controller, but is also the controller most likely to give me a cramp.
If I were told I would have to give up one console, I'm afraid it would have to be the Xbox.
PS2 has the largest and most varied library by far, so I couldn't give it up.

I just couldn't give up first party Nintendo software..
Say what you want about thier problems creating hardware, the gimmick use of peripherals, and other such things, but don't forget one simple fact... Nintendo still knows how to make good, compelling games.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='zionoverfire']I think the big problem is that game cube people know thier sytem sucks, most of the games for it sucks and no one wants to buy it. So to increase either tiny egos and make up for the fact that thier game disks look more like mini-donuts than something worthy of thier time they bash on the only system that anyone sane would buy. Its sort of like a little cult of Mac geeks.[/quote]
Wow. Have you even played any Gamecube games, or do you want to bash it to look "cool"?[/quote]

Yes, I want to look cool, that is my soul purpose in life. Actualy I have played gamecube games and besides Super Smash Brothers which is one of the coolest games ever, nothing else was really that great. But I suppose I did go a little overboard, ranting is just so much fun.[/quote]
Yay, you did go a little overboard. Its good to hear your not some Xbox or PS2 fanboy who has never played it and is bashing it like some of the trolls on Gamefaqs do.
[quote name='Samurai T'][quote name='Ruined']XBOX I believe is the best system by far, and I have the most games for it. PS2 is decent, but it has some major drawbacks, such as the lack of analog triggers on controllers, dpad on controllers is lacking, lack of realtime 5.1 on most games, lack of hard drive/large capacity memory, lack of 480p on most games, etc... Still PS2 has a lot of games not on XBOX that I like so I have both.[/quote]What are you talking about? The PS2 has great analog triggers. I feel much more comfortable than the ones on Xbox. I personally feel that the D-pad on the PS2 is the best, because the placement of the Xbox S controller D-pad gives me cramps very quickly.[/quote]

PS2 doesn't even have triggers, it has analog shoulder buttons, which are terrible for racing games compared to triggers that have a much wider range.

In my personal opinion, I could never see Xbox as being the better choice. PS2 has all the great RPG games, and anime style games I love. My Xbox is best used as a door stop at the moment.

XBOX is clearly the better technical choice, which makes a difference when you have a nice home theater like I do. Also XBOX destroys the competition in online gameplay. PS2 has more games, but the type of games on each is different, so thats really personal taste. Most of my PS2 games are Dreamcast ports or remakes of older games that I wanted to replace when I ditched my Dreamcast. Most of the recently made games I buy are for XBOX.
I own an Xbox and a PS2.

I own the Xbox for XBL, SNK's games (screw SCEA for rejecting SNK's titles), Mechassault 1/2, Halo 1/2, Most of Sega's better titles, and superior multiplatform games. And for its HDTV support, I can use any Xbox game on my monitor with my HD to Vga box in the highest resolution it supports, 480p at least. Looks great.

I own the PS2 for Japanese RPG's, and thats all. I love the genre enough to own a console exclusively for it. PS2 online is a joke. Memory cards are infuriating (I need to spend ANOTHER $20 to save?). Most games aren't progressive scan so I can't use it on my monitor (won't convert 480i). They break down a lot (Yes I know Xbox does, but Xbox doesn't have a design flaw which persists in every ps2 version where the drive *will* eventually fail). My launch-day Xbox with the Thompson drive is starting to show bad signs, but I'm on my 3rd ps2 in a year, DDE's.

The Gamecube is a nice console and has some nice games, but there isn't a game for it that I want enough to make me buy the console. If Skies of Arcadia 2 comes out for the Cube exclusively that would instantly change my mind.

My favorite console is my Dreamcast, and I'm not really a fan of Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo particularly.

Of the 3, I'd probably like Nintendo more.
I play alot of third patry games, and for that reason, i play xbox most. xbox doesnt have enough first party games to sell, but then again, most people end up buying alot of third party games. Top sellers like nfsu , sc2, and espn2k5/madden2005 are all out on xbox and ps2. Since xbox usually has the best graphics/sound combo, and since it has the perfect controller IMO, i buy the xbox version. Right now, for my ps2, i have ffx2, gran turismo3, atv offroad fury 2, and disgaea. lately ive been playing alot of disgaea, since i just got it, but i still play my xbox alot. By the way, if anyone could suggest some srpg games like disgaea, woud be appreciated. As for my gamecube, i bought it mainly for the new zelda coming out. It is out being repaired now. i was going to buy smb1and2 but delux is cheaper and has more features, so ill probably buy it for xbox. o yea, does anyone knw if there is a converter to convert from ps2 to xbox. Everytime i play with my ps2 controller, my hand feels all cramped. Its not as bad with the airflo controller but still bad.
By the way, if anyone could suggest some srpg games like disgaea, woud be appreciated.

La Pucelle: Tactics, Phantom Brave are from the same developer.
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits is excellent.
bread's done