Can I *use* multiple GGC on one purchase?


I have a question about the Best Buy GGC. Let's say that I buy 2 of them... can I then use the two coupons on one purhcase, or are there limitations to that? Like, say I had a 50$ game. If I has 2 of the coupons, could I bring the price down to 40$?
Whoa guys, don't get all angry at me about it! It was an innocent question... I wanted to know before I hiked over to Best Buy to pick them up, hence I didn't have it to read. I didn't see any mention of it in the FAQ post (there was mention of buying multiple but not using multiple). Sorry if I offended anyone, or something...? (confused)
most ironic avatar ever for such a question. Seriously though, its no problem, we all make mistakes from time to time.
I seriously don't understand why it's considered a dumb question... it's not answered anywhere else, and the only way to find out would be to drive all the way to a Best Buy to read the coupon if I didn't post here to ask. (And the nearest Best Buy is uncomfortably far to drive just for the purpose of information) Was it mentioned somewhere and I just missed it?

Now granted, it would seem illogical for them to allow the coupon to be used multiple times... then again, it seems illogical that they'd let you spend a dollar and get six in return as well, you know? =) I was kind of hoping that their lack of logic would continue further.
[quote name='Vthornheart']I seriously don't understand why it's considered a dumb question... it's not answered anywhere else, and the only way to find out would be to drive all the way to a Best Buy to read the coupon if I didn't post here to ask. (And the nearest Best Buy is uncomfortably far to drive just for the purpose of information) Was it mentioned somewhere and I just missed it?

Now granted, it would seem illogical for them to allow the coupon to be used multiple times... then again, it seems illogical that they'd let you spend a dollar and get six in return as well, you know? =) I was kind of hoping that their lack of logic would continue further.[/quote]I would be really suprised if it doesn't mention anywhere in the STICKY about it, that you can't use more than 1.
It's stupid because if they stacked you could get any game (well, $19.99 and over) for free.

So the question is only marginally less stupid than "can I use it at starbucks?"

Also, keep in mind that it's pointless to put less than $15 on the card, since you need to pay at least this much to use the coupon. getting a bunch of cards and putting 1 cent on each of them is exceptionally stupid, and can only serve to kill this promotion.
The only reason I put $5 on the ones I get is because I don't know how long it will be before I use it and if I lose it, then I will only be out $5.
Nay, there was no mention of it anywhere in the sticky. And yes, it would be irrational for them to allow multiple uses of the card, but I was figuring that there was a limit but perhaps it wasn't just one. You guys really need to give people a break and the benefit of the doubt once in a while.
I just stated it was a stupid question, that's all. We all say stupid stuff once in a while; I appreciate it when people tell me, so I generally don't make the same mistake again. It's all about variety. No harm intended.
i've always forgot to ask this question:

if i buy 2 games priced 19.99 or higher, can i use 2 ggc's (one for each game), so i dont have to wait in line for the cash register twice?

[quote name='swetooth9']i've always forgot to ask this question:

if i buy 2 games priced 19.99 or higher, can i use 2 ggc's (one for each game), so i dont have to wait in line for the cash register twice?

Since that is considered one have to say probably not. Most likeley the computer wont let the cashier enter 2 coupons.
I've done it before with no problems. I just brought up the two games, two coupons, and two gift cards and used them all at once. I guess YMMV.
[quote name='encendido5']I've done it before with no problems. I just brought up the two games, two coupons, and two gift cards and used them all at once. I guess YMMV.[/quote]

I did that too.
If it the computer won't do it you can always just ask them to check the two games out separately, just ask confident and they won't question it.
[quote name='Vthornheart']Nay, there was no mention of it anywhere in the sticky. And yes, it would be irrational for them to allow multiple uses of the card, but I was figuring that there was a limit but perhaps it wasn't just one. You guys really need to give people a break and the benefit of the doubt once in a while.[/quote]

While it seems illogical that BB would allow someone to "stack" coupons, i agree that it really isn't that much more illogical than the existence of the GGC in the first place!

And yes, people sure did jump on your ass in a hurry!!! Chill the F out people!!
[quote name='guardian_owl']If it the computer won't do it you can always just ask them to check the two games out separately, just ask confident and they won't question it.[/quote]

Yeah, tell them its for separate birthday gifts or some shit, and you want separate receipts. Then as they're ringing it up, go "oh, and I have this coupon to use" before paying each time.
[quote name='alongx'][quote name='guardian_owl']If it the computer won't do it you can always just ask them to check the two games out separately, just ask confident and they won't question it.[/quote]

Yeah, tell them its for separate birthday gifts or some shit, and you want separate receipts. Then as they're ringing it up, go "oh, and I have this coupon to use" before paying each time.[/quote]

They will generally let one use one coupon per qualifying item. I regularly use 2 or 3 when buying a lot of games, and once I used 4. There was one time when a new cashier didn't think it could be done twice on the same ticket, so she checked them out separately, as guardian_owl mentioned. There is no need to make up a lie about birthday gifts. If deception were necessary, it wouldn't be a deal, it would be a scam, but it is not necessary.
[quote name='swetooth9']i've always forgot to ask this question:

if i buy 2 games priced 19.99 or higher, can i use 2 ggc's (one for each game), so i dont have to wait in line for the cash register twice?


Yeah, just tell them you need to ring up the items as separate transactions - you don't need to get in line again. It's no biggie, though the people behind you in line may not be the happiest campers.
bread's done