Capcom focus group in SF Bay, $75 if chosen to participate


14 (100%)
I got this email tonight:
If you live in the San Francisco Bay area we want to talk to you!

CAPCOM® will be conducting focus group that will discuss fighting games on the evening of Wednesday, April 28 in Sunnyvale, California

If you are a male between the ages of 17 and 30, and are interested in participating we invite you to come to the facility for a discussion group.

If you qualify, the discussion will last approximately 90 minutes and participants will be paid $75.

We have hired an independent research company to conduct these discussions. Please reply by clicking on the address (or paste it into your email window) [email protected] and be sure to include your name, age, and phone number so the research company can call you with details.

Thanks for your participation!

You got that too? And I thought I was special...

I could use an extra $75. Too bad I don't live in Cali.
I've done survery's like this before for other things, (cell phones, jeans) and it's easy stuff just answer a few questions about their new product and advertisements and stuff and bam your outta there wiht $75 in your pocket. Hmmm... I guess I just make the 17 year old requirement but it's a school night and an hour's drive... looks like I'll be unable to do it, tanks for the post though guessed.
Fighting games are one of my loves and I've travelled the U.S. going to tourneys back in the day so I'd love to take part in this. I'm about 20 minutes away from S.F. so count me in. Thanks for the info. ^^x

I live in Cupertino, so this would be a good focus group for me. Thank you California.... by the way, don't be too jealous. When I get my diploma in June, I'll have Schwarzeneggar's signature on it...
[quote name='Soujirou']Fighting games are one of my loves and I've travelled the U.S. going to tourneys back in the day so I'd love to take part in this. I'm about 20 minutes away from S.F. so count me in. Thanks for the info. ^^x


tell them to make an official fighting stick for the Xbox and PS2 commerating Hyper Street Fighter (and make sure its Japanese style as well)

I hope they have some games online for both systems and that they talk about SFIV or SFIII :4th something
As a collectable, it'd be nice especially if it's made of quality parts. Personally, I still use my MAS Systems Super-Pro Stick (have it with cables for SS, PSX/PS2, Neo Geo, DC... use a converter so I can use it for my GCN and Xbox atm for Soul Calibur 2 =).

Trust me, I'm from Boston, MA initially and frequently travelled to NYC, Jersey and Philly to get competition and if anything, SFIII: 3rd Strike is insanely popular there. I'll definitely ask about any new plans for a new Street Fighter game. Personally, it'd be awesome if they put their fighters on the Xbox and had them Live! compatible w/ Live!'s OC12 servers.

[quote name='Soujirou']As a collectable, it'd be nice especially if it's made of quality parts. Personally, I still use my MAS Systems Super-Pro Stick (have it with cables for SS, PSX/PS2, Neo Geo, DC... use a converter so I can use it for my GCN and Xbox atm for Soul Calibur 2 =).

Trust me, I'm from Boston, MA initially and frequently travelled to NYC, Jersey and Philly to get competition and if anything, SFIII: 3rd Strike is insanely popular there. I'll definitely ask about any new plans for a new Street Fighter game. Personally, it'd be awesome if they put their fighters on the Xbox and had them Live! compatible w/ Live!'s OC12 servers.


agreed. I have the official stick from ASCII for Capcom vs. SNK as my only stick (I only recently got really big into fighters again) and its awesome. Whenever I go to the arcade I get really big blisters on my fingers from the joysticks so the balled ones are perfect for me as they seem much more precise and I can play for as long as I want.

My arcade recently had to bring back SFIII as there were so many complaints about the games they tried to replace it with (Capcom vs. SNK, and while its a good game, there is nothing like Third Strike)

Also this is probably the first time I have looked forward to getting some new Xbox titles. SVC Chaos(I know its not that good), XX reloaded, and KOF 2002 will hold me over if the Xbox gets no love and I may just have to buy a PS2 finally (I only got back into playing video games in 2001) to play the new Metal Gear

Alpha 3, SSFIIX, and Darkstalkers all had online games for the DC in Japan so one can only hope CAPCOM finally brings the American auidence some good online fighting games
Exactly. Now's the time to bring the games out that support OL play. I commend Sega for trying console OL play way back when, but it just wasn't the right time then. Now is the right time and Live!'s paved the way for console broadband gaming and it would be a grave injustice to not have any other quality fighters compatible w/ their Live! service. The support is there in spades especially on the Xbox so for the love of God, make these fighters Live! compatible.

I know how you feel about the Japanese-style arcade sticks (ball) vs. American (bat). Thing is, a lot of the Japanese arcades are using the baseball bat-style sticks now too. ^^; I'm comfortable w/ both, but initially liked the ball-style. I've gotten so used to the bat-style sticks because that's what they have at most arcades so I've learned to love both equally. In any event, it'd be nice if there was an option.

yea if it comes down to it they sell a modded Virtua stick on some sights for Xbox. No voice communicator, but I would rather play online with no communication and not have blisters than to play with voice communication and only be able to play every couple of days due to mangled hands.

I cancelled live last year because it disappionted me that there was only one fighting game and almost all shooters and sports. With this new crop of fighters, I think I am going to have it turned back on
As it stands now, however, they don't have the option for the ball-style stick. You could always get the part separate from a Japanese site I'm sure though.

that is a really nice stick. I am kind of wanting a themed one though. If they made the SVC Chaos stick for the Xbox I will but that probably.

The only thing holding me back is the memory card slot for voice communication
I hope I get in. I got in Capcom's previous focus group test a couple months ago in December. I got to see 2 new Capcom games and they gave me Viewitiful Joe, Resident Evil 0 and a couple other goodies for my troubles :)
[quote name='Wario64']I hope I get in. I got in Capcom's previous focus group test a couple months ago in December. I got to see 2 new Capcom games and they gave me Viewitiful Joe, Resident Evil 0 and a couple other goodies for my troubles :)[/quote]

Wow, that's really cool. While my lust for fighting games has kind of tapered off since I was young, I still play SCII with my friends a lot. Still, I would really like to see some of Capcom's games (anything is fine), like Killer 7 and what they have in store for fighting games (a genre, I think, really hurt by moving to 3D). Plus, I like free stuff. I wonder if I should tell my friends...
If you want more deals like this they are always on go to jobs and search for game tester or something. Ive done it once before and got 20 bucks an hour for playing a harry potter game. i even got it for free, but i dont have a PS so its still in my closet.
Hmm...can't make it, seeing as I live in Michigan. Darn.

If anyone here goes, though, could you possibly do me a favor? Tell Capcom that they need to produce more GBA fighting games. Alpha 3 is amazing, and I've liked what I've played of SF2.

That's just my opinion, though...and I'm usually in a minority. Oh well.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Hmm...can't make it, seeing as I live in Michigan. Darn.

If anyone here goes, though, could you possibly do me a favor? Tell Capcom that they need to produce more GBA fighting games. Alpha 3 is amazing, and I've liked what I've played of SF2.

That's just my opinion, though...and I'm usually in a minority. Oh well.[/quote]

Was not all that big on Alpha 3, but Turbo Revival is my favorite GBA game.
I wish I could join this. I love fighting games but for some reason I kinda suck at them. Example: Even though I played Marvel vs. capcom 2 to death I still can't get the hang of air combos.
Oh well.

Also is it me or is turbo revival more difficult to control on a Gba Sp?
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Is it just me or does anyone think it's funny that they want men but not women?[/quote]

Nope, just you. While I know there are women who enjoy Capcom fighting games, they are clearly marketed towards men.
[quote name='magus83']I wish I could join this. I love fighting games but for some reason I kinda suck at them. Example: Even though I played Marvel vs. capcom 2 to death I still can't get the hang of air combos.
Oh well.

Also is it me or is turbo revival more difficult to control on a Gba Sp?[/quote]

Are you talking about the ones where you jump hella high up in the air and attack or the ones you start out on the ground and juggle them in the air?

Also I think the SP has easier controls. I can play the game with the simplified controls off finally (the GBA D Pad would just never pull off any moves for me)
Also If you can go do go. I missed out on going to Red Storm to see Pandora tomorrow and still kick myself about that one (it was snowing though and they were probably closed and did not want to chance it)
[quote name='Soujirou']As it stands now, however, they don't have the option for the ball-style stick. You could always get the part separate from a Japanese site I'm sure though.


Uh well you can but, you wont be able to install it. The sanwa joysticks "those balltop japanese ones" are all surface mount. That means you either put it over wood under plastic or you mount it straight under metal like in a japanese minicabinet.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='magus83']I wish I could join this. I love fighting games but for some reason I kinda suck at them. Example: Even though I played Marvel vs. capcom 2 to death I still can't get the hang of air combos.
Oh well.

Also is it me or is turbo revival more difficult to control on a Gba Sp?[/quote]

Are you talking about the ones where you jump hella high up in the air and attack or the ones you start out on the ground and juggle them in the air?

Also I think the SP has easier controls. I can play the game with the simplified controls off finally (the GBA D Pad would just never pull off any moves for me)[/quote]

Well in marvel vs capcom 2, you can jump super high up in the air and attack, and the air combos start from the ground then the oppenent is launched and juggled in the air.
[quote name='magus83'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='magus83']I wish I could join this. I love fighting games but for some reason I kinda suck at them. Example: Even though I played Marvel vs. capcom 2 to death I still can't get the hang of air combos.
Oh well.

Also is it me or is turbo revival more difficult to control on a Gba Sp?[/quote]

Are you talking about the ones where you jump hella high up in the air and attack or the ones you start out on the ground and juggle them in the air?

Also I think the SP has easier controls. I can play the game with the simplified controls off finally (the GBA D Pad would just never pull off any moves for me)[/quote]

Well in marvel vs capcom 2, you can jump super high up in the air and attack, and the air combos start from the ground then the oppenent is launched and juggled in the air.[/quote]

basically its a combonation of weak and strong punches. I can not do them as well as I would like, but Guile and Jill are very easy to juggle with(can usually hit about 10 or so combo wise before I drop them and hit a special)
I wrote to that e-mail address the same day this topic was posted and haven't heard anything from this survey company yet. Man... it's tomorrow too...

bread's done