Capcom To Charge SF x Tekken Owners For What's ALREADY On Disc!!!!!!!

Doesn't stop them from still making a ultmate version and adding in new features to screw over everyone anyway. Wouldn't surprise me if they did.

Yeah Seth said no ultimate version down the road, but I can't trust a word Capcom says anymore.

It's too bad Capcom makes a lot of the games I love, because I really hate them. It's like going back for sex even though you despise that person.
[quote name='antlp89']The difference between this and the UMVC3 release is that UMVC3 made vanilla MVC3 obsolete since the old version was not compatible with the new version. It completely sucked because people had to buy the new version flat out and disregard the original. Terrible choice and the reason why I did not pick up UMVC3 until I found an extremely cheap used copy.

With SF X T they have a redicoulous amount of characters to begin with. Why cry over extra characters when they are selling a product with a ton of content to begin with? I would understand if they were missing critical features (like MVC3 ala replay channel, viewable lobbies, etc) but this is not the case with SF X T.

When you complain and blow everything out of proportion it covers up the real bullshit that is going on and that needs to be addressed.[/QUOTE]

When you use the word everything, that's when everything you are typing turns to bullsh*t. Personally, I couldn't care LESS if this particular game has online or not. Everyone does not play fighting games online and everyone is not hunting for trophies. Every is an absolute USELESS word in a debate.

I will say, thank goodness Capcom got to that horrible azz, MMA type, animalistic boxing looking game know as Tekken... allegedly(Kathy Griffin voice).
[quote name='Monsta Mack']

It's too bad Capcom makes a lot of the games I love, because I really hate them. It's like going back for sex even though you despise that person.[/QUOTE]
Or your rapist is your dad and you have a kid with him. You can't hate the kid but you can't kill it either you know.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Doesn't stop them from still making a ultmate version and adding in new features to screw over everyone anyway. Wouldn't surprise me if they did.

Yeah Seth said no ultimate version down the road, but I can't trust a word Capcom says anymore.

It's too bad Capcom makes a lot of the games I love, because I really hate them. It's like going back for sex even though you despise that person.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Rage sex = best sex.[/QUOTE]

Play Mahvel online, lose to x-factor lvl 4 Wesker, have sex, zero profit.
[quote name='distgfx']You were dirty to begin with, I had never seen so much brown.[/QUOTE]
I had tacos last night, gimme a break.

Sorry about your sheets BTW. I know a good dry cleaner that'll get those stains right out.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I had tacos last night, gimme a break.

Sorry about your sheets BTW. I know a good dry cleaner that'll get those stains right out.[/QUOTE]

Those were $500 sheets asshole, those stains will be there forever.
[quote name='distgfx']Those were $500 sheets asshole, those stains will be there forever.[/QUOTE]

5000 thread count Egyptian cotton >>>> Charmin

The only stains I have are mental stains. :whistle2:#
Oh god, I can't stand this asshole. He sure is angry in his non-funny videos, but when he gets a chance to ask the people that work for Capcom about any of it, all he does is lick boot.
[quote name='specialist']Oh god, I can't stand this asshole. He sure is angry in his non-funny videos, but when he gets a chance to ask the people that work for Capcom about any of it, all he does is lick boot.[/QUOTE]

Forgive him for not being tacky in public. I wouldn't refer to telling someone you were really pissed off... TO THEIR FACE... as 'licking boot'.
[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']Forgive him for not being tacky in public. I wouldn't refer to telling someone you were really pissed off... TO THEIR FACE... as 'licking boot'. [/QUOTE]

How cute, he has to hold back the "Angry" part of his persona when he talks to real people. If he has a point to make, then he should try and get it across, and not pussyfoot around it to ultimately get nothing out of the conversation.

[quote name='confoosious']Is that the dude from NSync?[/QUOTE]

He wishes he could be that masculine.
Actually, hankmecrankme, Calladuty has this apparently ahead of its time matchmaking wherein it takes into account what, if any ,DLC each player has and only matches them with people who have the same DLC. They don't even make you pick a special playlist like Halo always did. And they've been doing it since at least Calladuty 4 when I started playing it. Amazing isn't it?
Holy shit, that is amazing. Wow, that's some crazy advanced technology. Why, I remember back in the UT2004 days when people would have custom skins and levels and the game would just download them for you when you played with them. But that's old had compared to this new stuff. I am impressed!
To be honest I'm glad that Capcom is starting to use this model for DLC. The more DLC on day 1, the better; it's more game content! When you think about it, you're getting a much worse deal WITHOUT day 1 DLC; by the time most DLC comes out, you're already done with the game. Capcom is trying to give us the most, best content they have. If people keep complaining, Capcom is going to stop giving us anything. I don't understand why the gaming community has to ruin every nice thing a company does for us.
[quote name='shivan128']Capcom will no longer get my money. I will only buy used versions of the games.[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised they haven't required a online pass for their games yet. THQ and EA already have been doing it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I'm surprised they haven't required a online pass for their games yet. THQ and EA already have been doing it.[/QUOTE]
I know thats honestly shocked me. Even NG 3 needed an online pass.
bread's done