Capcom To Charge SF x Tekken Owners For What's ALREADY On Disc!!!!!!!

There is good DLC and there is bad DLC.

Having DLC on the disc, just doesn't sit pretty with consumers. The worse part is that this isn't the first time Capcom has done this.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Yes, they payed $60 for the content on the disc. Capcom has literally locked them out of content on the disc, the disc they've paid for, so they can charge them for it later.[/QUOTE]
What are you doing here, then? That sounds like the easiest lawsuit ever.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']It is part of the disc/game you purchased. You're just locked out of it.[/QUOTE]

But it isn't part of what you purchased, unless you hack the game.

[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']And the reason it's a big deal to us outside of the fighting game circle is because it sets a precedent for their other Capcom games or for other developers to do this shit of locking content already on the disc for resale.[/QUOTE]

But other companies already do this, it happens all the time, almost all of the big companies now develop DLC concurrently with their projects to sell to players after release. If you don't like it then don't buy the games or the DLC, almost every game company will keep doing something similar until enough people prove that it doesn't work to do it (which it does).

Which leads to the fact that I'm almost certain Capcom doesn't care about the opinions of people who were never going to buy the game anyways, and why would they? You weren't ever planing to give them any money for the game in the first place, so why would they care at all if you don't like how they are handling things for the game?
[quote name='panzerfaust']What are you doing here, then? That sounds like the easiest lawsuit ever.[/QUOTE]

Sentence right after that. The slippery slope of you don't actually buy the game, you get a license which hasn't been a problem but I guess now it is. And to be honest I haven't read the terms in the manual, but who has?

other guy: "almost all of the big companies now develop DLC concurrently with their projects to sell to players after release"

I know they do? Or are you saying they have a different group developing concept for DLC at the same time as the group developing concept for the main game.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']I know they do? Or are you saying they have a different group developing concept for DLC at the same time as the group developing concept for the main game.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure many happen concurrently (although obviously some might happen around or post release), whether or not it is the same team or a different one probably depends on how the company decides to allocate time/resources for it. For a lot of projects the artwork and design tend to scale back towards the end of the project so there is time to start working on additional content (or a different game) before the game is actually done, and it might or might not actually be ready for release, depending on how difficult it is to integrate into the current systems. Having any DLC at all implies that the company allocated time for a programmer to create a system for handling how the DLC would be packaged and handled by the game when downloaded, so having any at all implies that they planned that they were going to have some type of DLC before the game was even finished being developed.
I wish I could buy all the DLC more than just 3 times. I wish they would charge for megaman and pacman instead, too. I want to give them even more money!
[quote name='blindinglights']This is hardly the first time that people have had to pay for DLC that's already on the disk.

Where the hell have you been?[/QUOTE]

^ this.

[quote name='icebeast']I'm sure many happen concurrently (although obviously some might happen around or post release), whether or not it is the same team or a different one probably depends on how the company decides to allocate time/resources for it. For a lot of projects the artwork and design tend to scale back towards the end of the project so there is time to start working on additional content (or a different game) before the game is actually done, and it might or might not actually be ready for release, depending on how difficult it is to integrate into the current systems. Having any DLC at all implies that the company allocated time for a programmer to create a system for handling how the DLC would be packaged and handled by the game when downloaded, so having any at all implies that they planned that they were going to have some type of DLC before the game was even finished being developed.[/QUOTE]

What I'm getting from your post is that companies plan DLC at the start, or near it, for games and start working on it as soon as the "concepting" is done for the main game.

Which is fine. I'm not arguing against DLC or them planning DLC. I'm not a "DLC RUINING INDUSTRY HUR HUR" person. I'm arguing the fact that the characters on the disc of the game are completed. They work. They were put in the code before it went to the "presses" and completed. Meaning they were planned to be in the game from the start of development and were literally CUT OUT(except just "blocked" out) of the game to sold as DLC. They didn't start developing the DLC characters after they finished developing the main characters they developed them at the same time and finished them at the same time then said "fuck it, lets charge people for these instead."

It'd be a whole different thing if they finished the characters but not their story modes/arcade modes/cutscenes and sold them later, the characters themselves are completely playable.
[quote name='confoosious']^ this.


Where? Where is your proof?

Googling it tells me literally that Capcom is the only one doing it, and only with their fighting games, for now. The only other cases I see are Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 3. Though the ME3 article states that due to encryption its hard to tell how complete/incomplete it is.

Currently it isn't common practice/everybody does it like you guys are making it out to be.

Edit: Further investigation shows that every time on disc DLC is brought up people are against it, except here on fighting games where people are justifying it. Yay.
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[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Where? Where is your proof?[/QUOTE]

Any game with store exclusive content and online play where you can use said store exclusive content does it, since you wouldn't be able to see whatever special weapon/power unless your version of the game had a copy. I'm sure many single player only games with store exclusives do the exact same thing, it's just people don't seem so gung-ho to hack those games, and/or the contents on the disc are harder to extract.
I'll make sure I only complain about on-disc DLC when it's about a game I have zero plans to buy! Where's the ME3 on-disc DLC thread?!
[quote name='blindinglights']This is hardly the first time that people have had to pay for DLC that's already on the disk.

Where the hell have you been?[/QUOTE]

No need for you to go to hell. Just give examples of what you're yapping about.
I was going to buy this but since they admitted that the "DLC" is on the disk and there wouldn't be a ultimate/complete/whatevekr edition, I'm not. Of course there won't be one. This disk is the ultimate version.

I don't have a problem with a fair amount of DLC at a fair price. After a conversation with my friend on this topic last week, we agreed. Borderlands really did it right. Good timing on it. Fair to maybe more than fair pricing. And it had good pacing between releases.

I'm voting with my wallet on this one. I'll wait for it to go on sale and then buy it used.
[quote name='blindinglights']No, but it does mean we don't need an "OMG WORLD IS ENDING, DLC FOR _____ IS.... GET THIS.... ALREADY ON THE DISK!" thread in the deals forum, which is where the OP originally posted this.[/QUOTE]

Surely did. Knew your avatar looked familiar. You were supposed to be blocked, a while ago, as all you do is spew. Good luck with all that.
I'll probably be buying my copy used thanks to Capcom (Amazon Warehouse Deals for the win). But they will still get me because I want Dudley :(
[quote name='dmaul1114']Does it being on the disc really make it any worse than day 1 (or near release) DLC you have to download?[/QUOTE]

Yes. They will sell that DLC a billion(sarcasm for you flakes who don't get it) times over due to it being on disc. This is a time they're be better off releasing another disc and keeping it on the hush rather than having 12 characters and BLANKA as DLC. I was really excited for PacMan and I like Capcom and think they are the BESTTT at making fighting games... period. However, if I would have gotten this without knowing about this, I would have been PISSED!!!!!!!! Sooooo... I shall continue to wait to buy their games and pay closer attention/do research. I will have to wait on PacMan or rent the game.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']If you want it and it's worth the money to you, then buy. If not, don't buy. Anything else is just nerdrage.

Like panzer said, if it really offends you this much that companies prepare content in advance to be sold separately later, you may as well quit gaming at this point.[/QUOTE]

Good luck with thinking like that. And, don't forget that with whatever you do in life. The company is ALWAYS right to you. I hope you don't quit gaming. It's, quite, fun! :)

[quote name='ZForce915']DLC is far more simple than we make it out to be.

DLC (including Day 1 DLC) is created separately from the game, if they didn't do that the game would never come out. They have to decide what is going to be the game, finish that and then let other work on DLC

DLC that is on the disc is finished content being withheld out of greed and is just about as big a dick move as there is in gaming.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='panzerfaust']Implying other DLC isn't made out of greed, and that Capcom didn't plan their budget around the fact that DLC would be in the model.

It's rude to flaunt extra content that's already finished, I'll agree all day about that, but that was people hacking some rather embarrassingly naked code that spoiled the surprise for everyone else. Capcom's fault, but if they had kept the content on their desk and off the discs, people wouldn't even be phased by this.

Makes no difference to me, it's Fall DLC and it's not part of the game I purchased.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Salamando3000']Hell, it's simpler than that. First, we have no guarantee that day 1 DLC is created separately from the main game and isn't just content they decided to cut off the main game and make DLC.

If you think the content of DLC is worth the price they're asking, pay for it. If you don't don't. Same thing for the base game - if you don't think the content they give you isn't worth it, don't buy it.

Delivery method doesn't matter. For a lot of Day 1 dlc, a lot of assets could've been put on the disc...and this extends to post-day 1 DLC a well. Downloading a larger patch doesn't make me feel better because I know it wasn't on the just makes me wait longer.[/QUOTE]

To you.

[quote name='LostRoad']Is it shady, yes. If you already have the game and it is pissing you off just unlock the shit yourself it's not hard.[/QUOTE]

Not shocking they'd hack it.

[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Where? Where is your proof?

Googling it tells me literally that Capcom is the only one doing it, and only with their fighting games, for now. The only other cases I see are Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 3. Though the ME3 article states that due to encryption its hard to tell how complete/incomplete it is.

Currently it isn't common practice/everybody does it like you guys are making it out to be.

Edit: Further investigation shows that every time on disc DLC is brought up people are against it, except here on fighting games where people are justifying it. Yay.[/QUOTE]

This really shouldn't be that shocking, especially coming from Capcom, who has been known to release multiple versions of games with some lil tweaks to them for generations now.

Unfortunately many other publishers are following suit and releasing tons of nickel and dime DLC or complete/GOTY editions when in prior gens it would've been one and done.

That just means that gamers like the ones on CAG have to wait for price drops and the complete/GOTY editions to come out before buying these games anymore. Maybe if enough of these publishers see that people aren't buying their games day one because people know they'll try nickel and diming them to death, then maybe they'll stop doing this sort of garbage.

Unfortunately there are enough people who "MUST" have the games day one and will buy them regardless of how ripped off they might feel when that complete or GOTY edition comes out later on.
[quote name='panzerfaust']What is this obligation developers have to consumers where they can't make sound business decisions for themselves? The only reason the DLC model works is because developers still deliver on their advertised promises. This is a fighting game, you're paying for these features, you're getting these 38 characters, period. Everyone is okay with paying $60, it's worth it to them. Everyone who is cancelling their pre-orders admitted this, which why it's hilarious.

Oh but look here, someone stumbled upon Capcom's plan to expand the game in the Fall -- so give all that content to us now, and not only in March instead of November, but free of cost! It belongs to the gamers!

I can't prove to you how many other developers plan their DLC ahead and have it completed ahead of time, but it's naive to think it doesn't happen, and it sounds horribly petty to judge a developer on how they want to pay their own salaries with their own labor. What Capcom feels they deserve for the products they make in their offices is their business. If they think SFxT is worth $60 as a stand alone product with 38 characters, then it would be a huge waste of resources to just throw in the other 12 just because they're finished. It defies common sense. Release it later to bring in more revenue, release it later to keep players excited about the game. We're perfectly happy with what we got.

No one thought SFxT was missing anything until someone snooped around the game's code. No one.[/QUOTE]

I had to come back and say this...

Snooped around? Found out they have it already and have to pay for it? Are you married, work for Apple, or both???!!!!

You're saying it's ok for your boss to give you a paycheck for $3,000 with a $500 bonus in there... only to say... the $500 can't be used till they allow you to/the fall.
I have no problems spending $100 on a quality game. Being able to choose the content I want just makes it cheaper for me. On top of that I really like to see companies that make games I love succeed.

I think the DLC plan for SFxT is much better than what happened with UMvC and Arcade Edition. Games are getting more expensive to make and patching is not cheap. DLC keeps a nice steady stream of money to support the next project.

What I can't stand is when a company is not upfront about DLC plans. Not knowing if my favorite character was going to show up on console DLC was frustrating.
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[quote name='Salamando3000']Hell, it's simpler than that. First, we have no guarantee that day 1 DLC is created separately from the main game and isn't just content they decided to cut off the main game and make DLC.

If you think the content of DLC is worth the price they're asking, pay for it. If you don't don't. Same thing for the base game - if you don't think the content they give you isn't worth it, don't buy it.

Delivery method doesn't matter. For a lot of Day 1 dlc, a lot of assets could've been put on the disc...and this extends to post-day 1 DLC a well. Downloading a larger patch doesn't make me feel better because I know it wasn't on the just makes me wait longer.[/QUOTE]

I love how Salamando makes a strong, thought out post expressing his view and the only response the OP has is:

[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']
To you.


Way to get em, champ!

[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Where? Where is your proof?

Googling it tells me literally that Capcom is the only one doing it, and only with their fighting games, for now. The only other cases I see are Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 3. Though the ME3 article states that due to encryption its hard to tell how complete/incomplete it is.

Currently it isn't common practice/everybody does it like you guys are making it out to be.

Edit: Further investigation shows that every time on disc DLC is brought up people are against it, except here on fighting games where people are justifying it. Yay.[/QUOTE]

WHO CARES? Whether it's on disc or downloaded doesn't change that the company is gonna charge for it. You want to have a law that says DLC can't be on disc? Fine. The companies will laugh and say "sure!" And they'll just keep it off the disc and charge you for it anyway via download. Is it really that important to DOWNLOAD the DLC that it's worth getting all worked up about? You're not getting it for free no matter how much you complain.

Would it make you feel that much better about gaming if you had to download the content? Would that be all warm and fuzzy? "Dear Capcom, I'm angry about DLC but I'm especially angry about on disc dlc! I demand you pretend that the character that's done by launch is not completed yet so I feel better about buying this DLC via download." That's ridiculous.

IATCG and I had this same argument about Catwoman DLC on Batman. He was hopping mad and wasn't gonna buy the game out of PRINCIPLE. (Of course he did after the game went on sale for $10 so that's all you need to know about IATCG's principles. ) Anyway, the point is if the company decided to leave that bit of data off the disc and made you download it, would that make you feel better? If it does, then there's something wrong with you.

What does it really matter when they worked on the DLC? WHO CARES? If they didn't tell you it was done and then charged you via a download, that's better than having it be on the disc to begin with? WHere's the logic there?

If you don't like the policy, don't buy it,...CAUSE YOU'RE NEVER GETTING IT FOR FREE.

[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']
You're saying it's ok for your boss to give you a paycheck for $3,000 with a $500 bonus in there... only to say... the $500 can't be used till they allow you to/the fall.[/QUOTE]

What a ridiculous analogy. A more apt one would be your boss saying "here's a check you can't cash till 9/1 because that's when bonuses get paid. Do you want me to pretend I didn't tell you about it and give it to you 8/31 or should I just put it in your drawer?" And your answer is "HOW DARE YOU PUT IT IN MY DRAWER? I DEMAND YOU PRETEND THAT IT'S NOT ALREADY WRITTEN AND GIVE IT TO ME ON 8/31!!!!"

Which answer is the childish one?

I predict the OP's response is gonna be:

[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']
To you.


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I think they should extend this line of thinking to next gen systems.

Want to watch Blurays on your PS4? Pay $20.

Want to use Wifi? Pay $20.

Want to have cross game chat? Buy PSN Plus.

Hell, make everything outside of playing games offline require PSN Plus or XBL Gold. Do it.
[quote name='icebeast']I'd pay tons for this dlc:

what do you think poison is packing? I think a good 7
[quote name='GUNNM']what do you think poison is packing? I think a good 7[/QUOTE]

I'd guess probably like 2-3 inches limp, it can't be too big, since it has to be a reasonable size to tuck away, especially to wear shorts as short as hers.
[quote name='GUNNM']I find that hard to believe. The dude is like 8 feet tall.[/QUOTE]

I see you all the time in MvC3, what's it like being a god?
[quote name='distgfx']I see you all the time in MvC3, what's it like being a god?[/QUOTE]
Only pro players use Wesker -- what does that tell you? It means only good players can use him.
[quote name='GUNNM']Only pro players use Wesker -- what does that tell you? It means only good players can use him.[/QUOTE]

I don't get it.
[quote name='GUNNM']poison is a grower not a shower

can we all agree jessica nigri is the best poison cosplay?[/QUOTE]

Yes we can. *just googled jessica nigri as poison*:lol::drool:
[quote name='GUNNM']can we all agree jessica nigri is the best poison cosplay?[/QUOTE]

No I think these ones are done much better, much more androgynous looking:



[quote name='panzerfaust']I can't tell if you're serious, Chun. CAG needs a new personality on the boards though, so keep at it.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you or I will fit the bill.

...Haven't seen some of you people around. This board is like a globe.
The difference between this and the UMVC3 release is that UMVC3 made vanilla MVC3 obsolete since the old version was not compatible with the new version. It completely sucked because people had to buy the new version flat out and disregard the original. Terrible choice and the reason why I did not pick up UMVC3 until I found an extremely cheap used copy.

With SF X T they have a redicoulous amount of characters to begin with. Why cry over extra characters when they are selling a product with a ton of content to begin with? I would understand if they were missing critical features (like MVC3 ala replay channel, viewable lobbies, etc) but this is not the case with SF X T.

When you complain and blow everything out of proportion it covers up the real bullshit that is going on and that needs to be addressed.
bread's done