Careless heros in Movies


Hi! I was watching Die Hard the other day and got to thinking. Well, you know that one scene where John McClane takes the chair and wraps it up with C4? So, I had some time on my hands to analyze this :p (no, I was not high). He could have seriously killed some innocent hostages! He didn't know what floor that would explode on. A careless move? or did he really know what he was doing? On this topic, what hero can you think of in cinema who almost causes death to innocent people? Weird question, I know.
Every resistance fighter in The Matrix. They're suppose to be freeing people from the machines, but show no compromise in killing any opposition against them (even if they're just doing their job or just hacked by an Agent).
anyone in any movie who doesnt hold a gun properly while shooting as many bullets as possible instead of taking time to aim so said random bullets dont hit innocent people. case in point most cops who shoot like that fat kid at the arcade, holding it sideways, not looking, just hitting the trigger until its time to reload then repeating.
yep damn near everyone in the matrix.

people in zombie flicks who dont kill infected people immediately or who go back for people who fall or wait till the last minute just in case someone catches up.

all the idiots in independence day who didnt immedeatly think gigantic alien ships hovering over major cities over the world was going to end in destruction.

the terminators in the terminaor series ( if they wanted to kill john connor why not make a female terminator robot whose sexy and have her flirt with his teenage self and then kill him.

any movie where the hero/heroine could have avoided their predicament by not taking roads they dont know anything about or by picking up strangers.

i was also very annoyed by the space marines in aliens its not like they had no idea what they were getting into ripley told them everything she knew about the aliens and they could have been better prepared ( whether they were being screwed over by the corporation or not). they should have sent some kind of robot camera dealy to look into where the colonists were and instead sent people down and lost half their men. if not for carelessness and being cocky the movie would have had a diff ending which i get that it had to be that way but that sucks since they were all so cool.
bread's done