Cartoons you loved but nobody remembers

I hated eureka's castle with a passion.

anyone remember 3-south? It was on MTV and it was cancelled mid season. Here a short clip that I found but it doesn't do the show any justice. A while back I bought the complete season from some dude on imbd because I doubt that it will ever be released on DVD.

[quote name='integralsmatic']anyone remember the mutant league cartoon? i cant find it on youtube but i def remember when it used to play on WPIX here in jersey...i loved it razor kid...bones justice...kt slayer ahh the memories...


Oh man, now that was a good show. It was sports, and they would like chop off each others heads and blow each other up. Razor Kid was the best.

I still have the VHS somewhere.
Perhaps this is a good place to ask. I've apparently mixed up two cartoons from my childhood. I keep picturing the villain of a show, who was a fat bald man in a floating sphere. IIRC, he often sang the chorus of Joan Jett's "I Love Rock N' Roll." He may or may not have been an evil-doing music producer.

Now, when I picture this dude, I swear to myself that the name of the show was "Kidd Video," but many people have told me that I'm dead wrong. Any assistance?

Not that motherfuckers know shit, since none of them remember Good Humor "Colossal Fossil" popsicles. Bunch of bitches. ;)

EDIT: Motherfuckers DON'T know shit. I'm correct again!

There was also Bucky O' Hare:

And this was one of the main reasons I got out of bed at 8am on Saturday mornings:

And not many people remember, but Ralph Machio and Pat Morita (RIP) were immortalized in animated form:

The two cartoons that no one is mentioning that I can think of off the top of my head are

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice



I know a few other people that remember the King Arthur cartoon...but besides myself, no one else that I know remembers Pro-Stars. I don't see how someone can forget Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky & Bo Jackson fighting crime. I'm sure I can think of a few more given time. Actually I just did, but can find no record of it on YouTube...that old Mortal Kombat cartoon that also aired on Cartoon Express. Maybe more to come. Later.
mighty orbots

and the dragon warrior cartoon. I used to wake up at 6am just to watch that dragon warrior cartoon on saturday mornings. dont know why they aired it that early.
The two that I really remember that no one else has posted are King Arthur and the Knights of Justice and Pro-Stars. Since I don't know how to post the video links, I won't be doing that but YouTube has the opening sequence for both of these shows. I at least know a few other people that remember King Arthur, but no one that I talk to remembers Pro-Stars. There's nothing like watching Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and Bo Jackson fighting crime. I don't know how one forgets that. Also, the old Mortal Kombat cartoon that aired on the Cartoon Express on USA.
[quote name='jaykrue']
Only because I totally wanted to have a 4 way with She-ra, Teela, & the Sorceress of Greyskull. :drool: Evil Lynn was a butterface so she wasn't invited to the party. :puke:

EDIT: and yes, I know teela is the Sorceress' daughter... but I still want my 4-way.[/quote]

I should have known you would beat me to it. :D

I loved the She-Ra cartoon more than He-Man. Hordak and Shadow Weaver were cool as hell.

I also agree with whoever said Bravestarr.

Also, Thundarr the Barbarian...

French clip unfortunately...


And who can forget Hong Kong Phooey?


And Laff-a-lympics?

[quote name='Level Jumper']The two cartoons that no one is mentioning that I can think of off the top of my head are

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice


I loved that show, what a great concept. That was coupled with Prince Valiant which I liked as well.

Does anyone remember a show that was on early in the morning on USA. It was a combat cartoon and futuristic. I remember one of the vehicles was basically a big wheel. I think it was something Zone. Earths most powerful soldiers are earths last chance against the SOMETHING zone.

**Nevermind, found it, the Spiral Zone.
6 pages in and noone has mentioned Biker Mice From Mars. For shame. And Histeria, another Stephen Spielberg show, educational and it made fun of history.
Watching the Dino-riders clip, I barely remember the show, but I remember having a toy from them, those were amazing. You had dinosaurs and you strapped large guns and missles to them, sweet stuff.
[quote name='Supaman1489']6 pages in and noone has mentioned Biker Mice From Mars. For shame. And Histeria, another Stephen Spielberg show, educational and it made fun of history.[/QUOTE]

I thought about mentioning Histeria, but the constant use of Big Fat Baby always annoyed the hell out of me. But at least it was better than Time Squad.
Forgive me if someone already posted this, but back in the day, video games were such a niche market, that any other media involving games were considered a big thing. This is one of the first video game cartoons that existed.

I present to you:SATURDAY SUPERCADE!!!

I thought this cartoon broke all the "Cartoon" Boundries.... EXO SQUAD!

Lets Not forget TURBO TEEN!

Mysterious Cities of Gold!

Anyone remember an old 80s cartoon in which the characters all seemed like they were in medieval times except their armor & flags has holographic pictures that came to life & fought for/alongside them? I seem to remember one guy in particular had an owl pic in his flag that would come out whenever they need to do some recon. I used to have the action figures but (due to my mom throwing them out when I went off to college) I can't, for the life of me, remember the cartoon's name.
[quote name='mykevermin']Visionaries?[/quote]
Yeah that was it! Thanks!:applause::bouncy:

Why isn't Cartoon Network getting any of the rights to these awesome cartoons, and showing them on CN or at the very least, Boomerang?

If you go to CN's website, you'll see Boomerang shows the same shit day after day, which is like 100 Daxter's Laboratory re-runs.

CN fails, because all the keep bringing us is Japanese shit and their own cartoons (which are very hit or miss, most of them suck).

Damn it, I want to turn on CN and watch some of these shows, instead I can watch Ed Edd And Eddy or some stupid show about a monkey in gym class.
[quote name='Roufuss']Why isn't Cartoon Network getting any of the rights to these awesome cartoons, and showing them on CN or at the very least, Boomerang?

If you go to CN's website, you'll see Boomerang shows the same shit day after day, which is like 100 Daxter's Laboratory re-runs.

CN fails, because all the keep bringing us is Japanese shit and their own cartoons (which are very hit or miss, most of them suck).

Damn it, I want to turn on CN and watch some of these shows, instead I can watch Ed Edd And Eddy or some stupid show about a monkey in gym class.[/quote]

Agreed. I'd tune to watch Thundercats, Silverhawks, & Visionaries - even if it was at 1am (or at the very least tivo it). i'm guessing it's not entirely CN's fault but the copyright holders are either too lazy or too protective of their properties to allow it to free air (even if they're not putting out on disk).
[quote name='jaykrue']Agreed. I'd tune to watch Thundercats, Silverhawks, & Visionaries - even if it was at 1am (or at the very least tivo it). i'm guessing it's not entirely CN's fault but the copyright holders are either too lazy or too protective of their properties to allow it to free air (even if they're not putting out on disk).[/QUOTE]

They used to show Thundercats a long time ago, and that was good times... G.I Joe too. I imagine if they got two of the biggest shows from the 80's, at one time, how hard would it be to track down some of the lesser known ones? I really can't imagine the money to air the cartoons isn't going to break the bank

CN just seems to be the anime / original cartoon station, because they hardly show anything but. Maybe they should fund shows that were already a hit rather then waste time on the garbage they show now.
[quote name='Roufuss']Why isn't Cartoon Network getting any of the rights to these awesome cartoons, and showing them on CN or at the very least, Boomerang?

If you go to CN's website, you'll see Boomerang shows the same shit day after day, which is like 100 Daxter's Laboratory re-runs.

CN fails, because all the keep bringing us is Japanese shit and their own cartoons (which are very hit or miss, most of them suck).

Damn it, I want to turn on CN and watch some of these shows, instead I can watch Ed Edd And Eddy or some stupid show about a monkey in gym class.[/quote]

Becuase CN is run by fools who are so enamored with their own "wit" that they can't look past shit ass Mike Lazzo toons. Lazzo was good at first (SGC2C) but he jumped the shark years ago.

And the bastard prevented season 3 of Big O.

Also, a lot of these older shows are Filmation products and I think the majority of the Filmation library was bought by the Hallmark channel. That's why old-school He-Man and She-Ra haven't been aired IIRC.

CN just seems to be the anime / original cartoon station, because they hardly show anything but. Maybe they should fund shows that were already a hit rather then waste time on the garbage they show now.

The anime is one of their only strong suits right now IMO. I am a bit biased but their newer shows like Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Eureka Seven, IGPX, and S-cry-ed are very good IMO. The only CN originals worth watching are Venture Bros. and Boondocks now.






And WOAH to Pole Position. I forgot all about that show.

Speaking of car based shows, I loved Speed Buggy too.
Ok, this is going to be an odd request, but let's see if what I'm thinking of actually existed.

I swear one night I was watching tv, and some sort of strange cartoon was on. Like an artistic thing. It wasn't a cartoon series or anything, it was a one-shot piece done against some orchestrated music. I.e., something you might see on PBS or whatnot. I am pretty sure it was a foreign film/cartoon.

In any case, it had this anthropromorphic mouse running around. He was dressed kind of like an old European jester - black shoes, white tights, puffy green or purple shorts, etc.

All I remember about it is that he walked around and danced and such inside a house. It's night time, and around him on a table, slumped in a chair, is some woman with incredibly long hair. At some point, I think she falls into a deep sleep, and it's meant to convey she's died. The mouse at this point becomes incredibly sad, and he starts crying. The screen shows her silhouette on the left, and his face on the right, with tears falling down.

It seemed like it was in charcoal or possibly paint. I realize those are radically opposite but I can't be sure.

Sometimes I swear I've dreamed this, but I remember distinctly at the time I watched it, that I thought "Haven't I seen this before?"

If anyone has any idea of what I might be rambling about, let me know. I honestly am not sure if I am making it up or not.
Pole Position? I never kew that cartoon even existed.

Moving on, both of the American Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons (excluding Underground because it sucks)

[quote name='Strell']Ok, this is going to be an odd request, but let's see if what I'm thinking of actually existed.

I swear one night I was watching tv, and some sort of strange cartoon was on. Like an artistic thing. It wasn't a cartoon series or anything, it was a one-shot piece done against some orchestrated music. I.e., something you might see on PBS or whatnot. I am pretty sure it was a foreign film/cartoon.

In any case, it had this anthropromorphic mouse running around. He was dressed kind of like an old European jester - black shoes, white tights, puffy green or purple shorts, etc.

All I remember about it is that he walked around and danced and such inside a house. It's night time, and around him on a table, slumped in a chair, is some woman with incredibly long hair. At some point, I think she falls into a deep sleep, and it's meant to convey she's died. The mouse at this point becomes incredibly sad, and he starts crying. The screen shows her silhouette on the left, and his face on the right, with tears falling down.

It seemed like it was in charcoal or possibly paint. I realize those are radically opposite but I can't be sure.

Sometimes I swear I've dreamed this, but I remember distinctly at the time I watched it, that I thought "Haven't I seen this before?"

If anyone has any idea of what I might be rambling about, let me know. I honestly am not sure if I am making it up or not.[/quote]

Fantastic Planet? I don't recall the charcters much (I saw it years ago) but it is so bizarre that what you described might be in it.

Very bizarre and some parts are NSFW. Nothing overt, IIRC. Just some cartoon nudity here and there. Google vid. It's an artistic French animated film.

If you're going to do Sonic, might as well include this gem of a theme song. God, I loved this show. The one with X and Vile is still my favorite.

I don't think its been mentioned but did some of you know that Jaleel White, aka Steve Urkel, did the voice of Sonic for Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic Underground
[quote name='Strell']Ok that thing is incredibly long, so I'll watch it tonight.

Wish I could right-click save as on it....[/quote]

Whoever uploaded it said that this version has re-scored music too. So if it is the right show the music will be different.
Oh, I have no idea about the music.

This would have been over 10 years ago, easily.

However, while we're on the subject, did anyone else ever watch Animalympics? I need to pick that up one day OR find a place to download it. For some reason I recall the music being very good, and I think I can remember one of them clearly.
This is the only one I could think of that I used to watch that I don't think anyone else has mentioned yet.

EDIT: And of course...

Anybody watch WildC.A.T.S, x-menish but with a plot, character development, and villians. One of the most action packed cartoons and funniest at times out of everything i watched.
I'm showing my age here, but as I kid I always watched those Walter Lantz cartoons. While most people have probably heard of Woody Woodpecker and Chilly Willy, one of my favorites was the less popular "The Beary's". I swear Homer Simpson was modeled after the father bear on this cartoon. I probably haven't seen any of the Lantz cartoons in 20 years, but I think they'd still hold up well today.

Back in 1984, when the world was coming off of Star Wars and Return of the Jedi, there was a new movie that was considered the next big thing: Ghostbusters. The next few years, there were two cartoons that practically shared the same name. So to differentiate from the other, one Ghostbusters cartoon (which was actually based of the film) was called "The REAL Ghostbusters, which was the superior version.

This is the crappy knockoff version of "Ghostbusters" (similar in name only).


Then there's the true, badass version "Ghostbusters".


Now you tell me which one you'd rather watch....

[quote name='lockarm']Back in 1984, when the world was coming off of Star Wars and Return of the Jedi, there was a new movie that was considered the next big thing: Ghostbusters. The next few years, there were two cartoons that practically shared the same name. So to differentiate from the other, one Ghostbusters cartoon (which was actually based of the film) was called "The REAL Ghostbusters, which was the superior version.

This is the crappy knockoff version of "Ghostbusters" (similar in name only).[/quote]

so that show WASN'T just a figment of my imagination.
[quote name='sheik482']

How do you create the embedded player?[/quote]
By using the media tag. It's in the advanced post screen. It's got a blue 'M' on the button. So your stuff would look like so:


Noone remembers King Arthur and the Knights of Justice?



I remember I had to leave for school before the end of every episode. Those bastards!

Almost forgot this too

Starship tropper: Roughnecks
bread's done