Castlevania: Curse of Darkness $39.99 @ Best Buy


CAG Veteran
I got Castlevania: Curse of Darkness for Xbox today at Best Buy for only $39.99. I know the game is not supposed to be out officially until next week, but maybe other Best Buys got them and are ready to sell them early. For next week's circular it's listed at $49.99. Maybe I got lucky or it was a glitch or something.
Interesting...I don't know that it was to be released on the XBox...and that it would be released early. Hmm, I think that I'll wait. This game is bound to sell as poorly as Lament.
yeah reviews were aweful for this game.......... they said it was just like Lament of Innocence ( which sucked big nuts)
What can I say, I'm a sucker for anything Castlevania. Just got done playing it for a bit and I like it. Course I liked Lament of Innocence too, so yeah, feel free to rip on me. But I like 'em both. (And yeah, he did a great job on this sig)
wow so many people that hasnt play the game are already complaining? This game is actually a very good game. It easily has one of the best soundtrack on any xbox game. My only complain is that your movement is a bit slow, but for $35 it would be a very solid title.
I absolutely loved Castlevania: LoI. I played the demo to Curse of Darkness, and didn't like it anywhere near as much. I like the idea of leveling up, but replacing the whip with a sword made the game no where near as fun. I'll wait for a price drop.
Haven't played the full game yet, but while I loved LoI, the demo for CoD was pretty awful. The combat feels so mundane for some reason and the environments are far less interesting than those of LoI.
All the magazines had the official date as November 8th, so I'm pretty sure the date was bumped early. I was shocked to see it in Gamestop on Tuesday. And I was MORE shocked to see it on Xbox.

I think it was $39.99 at Gamestop, too. But I could be wrong. I think I am going to wait for it to drop to $19.99 before even considering it. I got LOI at $40 and while I liked it, it wasn't worth $40.
[quote name='the_gloaming']
I think it was $39.99 at Gamestop, too. But I could be wrong. I think I am going to wait for it to drop to $19.99 before even considering it. I got LOI at $40 and while I liked it, it wasn't worth $40.[/QUOTE]

Nope $50 bucks at GS. Still not worth 40 tho.
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