Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow -- Info & General Discussion

[quote name='KrebStar']That must have happened to me, because when I tried to load my game this morning the save was just gone. Right back to 0%.

I was only on chapter 4, but still...[/QUOTE]
Yikes, sounds more prominent than I'm willing to risk until it's patched. What happens is it will try to load, get the error, and ask to overwrite your game so it sounds like that's what happened to you. Guess I'll wait on playing this then.
Yeah, I restarted and I've been backing up my save whenever I quit just to be safe.

I'm actually enjoying it more this time around, but I can't help but think this Chupacabras business is going to get old real fast.
more likely than not, you guys are quitting while its saving. it doesnt always have that little circle pop up while saving.

the game isnt glitchy. the jumping portions can be frustrating (music box) but it isnt that bad. and about what enemies you encounter, really, do you really want to fight the same end boss every single game? i dont. people think the castlevania series started with SOTN and that game is the be all end all of castlevania gaming and you arent allowed to stray away from that formula. 2d castlevania games have been a yawn fest for quite some time.

it isnt a perfect game but its def a good one. i for one enjoyed the ending quite a bit. on to the trials and paladin diff.

edit: and broly to say this is a castlevania game only by name is ridiculous. someone on joystiq posted this and its absolutely true. Belmont? Check. Castle? Check. Vampires? Check. Death? Check. Werewolves? Check. Witches? Check. Whip? Check. Subweapons? Check. Clock Tower Stage? Check...... i could go on, but the only thing this game is missing that other castlevania games had were annoying flying medusa heads.
[quote name='nbballard']just stated playing this- what's up with Tron Horse? Seems kind of out of place.[/QUOTE]
Lol, when I was watching a video review I asked the same thing: what's up with the Scottish Clydesdale?
[quote name='Supplice']
I know they explained that this game is a "reboot," but the ending felt like they were setting up an alternate version of the Demon Castle War.

I'm perfectly fine with them doing that. The old formula is boring now. Time for something new and fresh for the series and this is it.
[quote name='8bitArtist']more likely than not, you guys are quitting while its saving. it doesnt always have that little circle pop up while saving.

the game isnt glitchy. the jumping portions can be frustrating (music box) but it isnt that bad. and about what enemies you encounter, really, do you really want to fight the same end boss every single game? i dont. people think the castlevania series started with SOTN and that game is the be all end all of castlevania gaming and you arent allowed to stray away from that formula. 2d castlevania games have been a yawn fest for quite some time.

it isnt a perfect game but its def a good one. i for one enjoyed the ending quite a bit. on to the trials and paladin diff.

edit: and broly to say this is a castlevania game only by name is ridiculous. someone on joystiq posted this and its absolutely true. Belmont? Check. Castle? Check. Vampires? Check. Death? Check. Werewolves? Check. Witches? Check. Whip? Check. Subweapons? Check. Clock Tower Stage? Check...... i could go on, but the only thing this game is missing that other castlevania games had were annoying flying medusa heads.[/QUOTE]

It's missing quite a bit in my opinion. Plus, it doesn't feel like Castlevania when it tries to add those things.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm perfectly fine with them doing that. The old formula is boring now. Time for something new and fresh for the series and this is it.[/QUOTE]

For you and others maybe :p lol. There will always be a split-spectrum of players that would say the opposite. I personally thought it could have been a lot better, but meh--under delivered imo in the platforming and music. Atmosphere and tone were done well, and the story held up. I just think it takes a bit more for it to be considered "CV" even for a reboot.
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[quote name='Supplice']For you and others maybe :p lol. There will always be a split-spectrum of players that would say the opposite. I personally thought it could have been a lot better, but meh--under delivered imo in the platforming and music. Atmosphere and tone were done well, and the story held up. I just think it takes a bit more for it to be considered "CV" even for a reboot.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree that some of the platforming was annoying, but I thought the soundtrack was fantastic. Makes me wish I could have gotten the CE of the game. If there's a stand alone soundtrack I'll probably buy it.
Ok, the controls for this game f-ing suck. I just beat the 3rd Chapter
and on the Lord of the Lycans, after you take him down and have to break those stones, the f-ing camera keeps moving around and you take one stone down, then try to continue rolling in the same direction (to the next stone) and you start going the OPPOSITE WAY! Argh! I got so steaming pissed on that guy
. I really really hate that they made the L2 + Left analog stick the roll. The right analog is NEVER used, I don't get why they couldn't just go with what works!
[quote name='8bitArtist']more likely than not, you guys are quitting while its saving. it doesnt always have that little circle pop up while saving.

I'm always really careful not to quit while games are saving, so I know that wasn't my problem.

Finished this today and damn, what an awful final boss. Overall, I'd say this game is nothing special. It's not bad, just sort of average, a 7/10 or so. I definitely enjoyed it a lot more once I reached the castle area with the vampires. Also, the colossus titan battles were quite disappointing.
[quote name='KrebStar']I'm always really careful not to quit while games are saving, so I know that wasn't my problem.

Finished this today and damn, what an awful final boss. Overall, I'd say this game is nothing special. It's not bad, just sort of average, a 7/10 or so. I definitely enjoyed it a lot more once I reached the castle area with the vampires. Also, the colossus titan battles were quite disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, I can only imagine how crappy the last boss is going to be. It just makes me so mad that the controls are so shitty, and you can't customize them. The game looks gorgeous. I keep on noticing how the textures just pop out at you. I'm liking the story so far and everything else is fine. I still think it's an 8 or just shy of it. All it's lacking are good controls and a solid framerate. If the controls were where they should be, or at least customizable, I'd rate this game probably an 8.5 or 9.
[quote name='jh6269']Oh man, I can only imagine how crappy the last boss is going to be. It just makes me so mad that the controls are so shitty, and you can't customize them. The game looks gorgeous. I keep on noticing how the textures just pop out at you. I'm liking the story so far and everything else is fine. I still think it's an 8 or just shy of it. All it's lacking are good controls and a solid framerate. If the controls were where they should be, or at least customizable, I'd rate this game probably an 8.5 or 9.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the final boss is nothing to write home about, then he has something really awful, which makes the fight unfun and frustrating.
I was having a hard time with the first major boss (Cornell), until I realized that I was going to have to use the block counter. He didn't stand a chance. None of the bosses have really been an issue since then.
[quote name='nbballard']I was having a hard time with the first major boss (Cornell), until I realized that I was going to have to use the block counter. He didn't stand a chance. None of the bosses have really been an issue since then.[/QUOTE]

I've just never been able to really pull off the block counter. I don't know why.
[quote name='8bitArtist']i platted gow3 and playing on hard right now. only on chapter 2, but it isnt that hard. i figure itll get easier as you go when you power up more and get more moves. when you play the hardest difficulty, youll have maxed everything out, so it really shouldnt be that hard. platting it will def take a good 50+ hours though. doing the trials on hard or really hard just doesnt seem fun.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I'm going to plat this one... I sort of liked the game in the very beginning, then the connection was lost when crossing the swamps and throwing goblin bombs (still in chapter 1). After the Titan, I sort of like the game again. Then after the 2nd Titan, a pain... freaking hate R2 to hang on all the time and if you fall off, you got to wait till the Titan to throw you another rock (which sometimes she doesn't do, a pain!!!!)

The controls on the ledges are a pain... My biggest gripe is that sometimes you don't know where to jump! Then there are spots where you can't jump... weird as hell... You have to be in the exact spot (same as one of the crank handle thing).

I do like the story so far... I'm beginning to learn the combos :lol:
[quote name='Serpentor']I don't think I'm going to plat this one... I sort of liked the game in the very beginning, then the connection was lost when crossing the swamps and throwing goblin bombs (still in chapter 1). After the Titan, I sort of like the game again. Then after the 2nd Titan, a pain... freaking hate R2 to hang on all the time and if you fall off, you got to wait till the Titan to throw you another rock (which sometimes she doesn't do, a pain!!!!)

The controls on the ledges are a pain... My biggest gripe is that sometimes you don't know where to jump! Then there are spots where you can't jump... weird as hell... You have to be in the exact spot (same as one of the crank handle thing).

I do like the story so far... I'm beginning to learn the combos :lol:[/QUOTE]
You pretty much summed up my feelings on the game so far. I'm right there with you. I don't mind the platforming though- i think it controls really well- my only complaint is that he moves at a normal speed during those segments, but moves double time when he is just walking around the level so it feels strange when they want you to transition.

I absolutely hate the balance beam crap though- hated that in GoW. Don't know why people think that is a fun mechanic.

The book narrative thing was a really cool part of the presentation early in the game, but now it's the ONLY thing pushing the plot forward. I don't like it anymore. I think I'm at Chapter 9 (
Just finished the lens room
I have a PS3 save question. After dealing with the save error on my first attempt, I'm now back to where I was before in Chapter 3, carefully backing up my save file to a USB stick. I noticed the last time I backed it up that my total play time disappeared.

Anyone experience this? I hope it doesn't indicate there's something wrong with the save file again. If so, I'll surely wait for the patch to come out before attempting playthrough.
I've been playing the game, and loving it. Maybe it's because I played Uncharted and Shadows of Colossus, but I felt the platforming and the titan battles were well done, if nothing original.

My one complaint about the game is the lack of a controllable camera. When trying to find stuff, or keep an eye on an enemy, it would have been marvelous to be able to actually control where I look.
Finally finished today, pretty surprised about the final ending. I suspected that
Zobek was a bad guy, but I had no idea that Gabriel would turn out to be Dracula...

I finished the game and didn't get the last combo, I don't know if I should bother or not for the trophy... There's no way I could beat this game on Knight or Paladin, and some of those trials are really fricking annoying (unless you can do them on easy or something).

All in all, it was a pretty good game. I'm glad I bought it and played it. The length of the game was perfect, the puzzles were fun for the most part (some really frustrating ones), the graphics were really good. I really think the next one will be better if they fix the minor issues in this one. It's really unbelievable how some reviewers really trashed the game (like Ars Techica, the reviewer wouldn't even finish the game); it wasn't as bad as a lot of people made it out to be. I definitely give it a solid 8/10, even though it had some annoyances, the complete package was very good.
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Finished the first chapter last night on Knight difficulty and I'm digging it so far. The combat is great, very responsive like Batman was and if I die it's because I fucked up. The only thing I wish were mapped differently is how blocking and dodging work. I've just resorted to just using dodge instead of block so far, because often I'd try to turn to block and end up rolling into a pack. Otherwise, I'm enjoying Lords of Shadows of the Colossusvania so far lol.

They really did rip off a lot from other games and I think that's why reviewers got all pissy about it not being Castlevania, per se. All I know is I've been killing monsters with a whip and it's challenging. Seems like Castlevania to me. Now if only I could hold my whip out and make it jiggle. . .
Jodou, exactly what I have been thinking. I too started this last night. I am playing it on normal, whatever that difficulty is and it seems pretty hard. I died twice on the first two levels! But it was my fault not blocking or dodging properly. You can tell the developers really tried to make it cinematic.

The camera is tricky. I keep wanting to nudge it like in God of War, but it wont budge. That is the only frustrating part so far. I have to get used to it.
Playing on a mix of knight and warrior (warrior for the levels I can't seem to beat on knight). I am just starting chapter 8 now.

This game is long....very long......too long. I'm ready for it to wrap up already. It seems like they threw in annoying puzzles and pointless levels to draw the game out more. This game is the best definition of longer doesn't mean better.
[quote name='wrencrest']The camera is tricky. I keep wanting to nudge it like in God of War, but it wont budge. That is the only frustrating part so far. I have to get used to it.[/QUOTE]WTF is with the shaky cam? Have you noticed that yet? Lol, it seems so out of place and I think it's maybe a conflict of the programming at certain areas where it can't decide where it's supposed to be. But yeah, the only time I've had an issue with the camera is if something gets behind me and I can't move it to see the enemy. When that happens I just have to swing blindly in that direction, heh.
[quote name='jacobeid']This game is long....very long......too long. I'm ready for it to wrap up already. It seems like they threw in annoying puzzles and pointless levels to draw the game out more. This game is the best definition of longer doesn't mean better.[/QUOTE]
But does it stay in bite-sized chunks? I actually don't mind them so much because the first chapter is broken down like that and it keeps the pacing good IMO. This is another one of those games where I don't see myself playing at great lengths at a time, like Uncharted 2 was for me. It's just something I'll pick up and tackle a few levels then do something else. The story doesn't interest me so far, but the gameplay is good enough that it'll keep me coming back after small breaks.
[quote name='Jodou']They really did rip off a lot from other games and I think that's why reviewers got all pissy about it not being Castlevania, per se. All I know is I've been killing monsters with a whip and it's challenging. Seems like Castlevania to me. Now if only I could hold my whip out and make it jiggle. . .[/QUOTE]

you know the people complaining that it isnt a castlevania game would be the same people complaining its a castlevania rip off if it was named something else other than castlevania and didnt have a character with the last name of belmont.
[quote name='Jodou']WTF is with the shaky cam? Have you noticed that yet? Lol, it seems so out of place and I think it's maybe a conflict of the programming at certain areas where it can't decide where it's supposed to be. But yeah, the only time I've had an issue with the camera is if something gets behind me and I can't move it to see the enemy. When that happens I just have to swing blindly in that direction, heh.

But does it stay in bite-sized chunks? I actually don't mind them so much because the first chapter is broken down like that and it keeps the pacing good IMO. This is another one of those games where I don't see myself playing at great lengths at a time, like Uncharted 2 was for me. It's just something I'll pick up and tackle a few levels then do something else. The story doesn't interest me so far, but the gameplay is good enough that it'll keep me coming back after small breaks.[/QUOTE]
I know what you mean, the camera sways a bit. I try and stay at the back of the scene to make sure enemies dont get behind the camera. I dont like swinging blindly. Also, I only played a couple levels, but the first two or three are short, so I also agree that I like that for quick in and out stints. So I could play this and another game back and forth without getting lost.
So what do you guys think of the graphics? I thought they were pretty darned good. Anyway, with this and Vanquish, it's good to see some 3rd parties making good looking PS3 games these days.

I hope in the sequel they let you change the controls to suit your play style.
I just figured out that you can turn on health bars and the little damage numbers.

I really wished they would have made this more available in the options. You have to look under extras for it.
I like the detail in most of the animations, but actually, I am not as impressed with the graphics as I thought I would be. Everything seems kind of blurry with the gravel blending in with Gabriel's legs. Also, the part in the beginning where you jump the ledges after the Big Troll boss...the trees look painted on when the camera pans around. I have a hard time seeing the little goblins sometimes too.

And the twitchy camera is still strange. Either let me move it or just stay STILL. Overall I still love it, I love the music and so far the cinematic style. I just like bitching. And I see now why the game was not rated higher. Fix the camera or give us control and it would have been even better.
[quote name='jh6269']So what do you guys think of the graphics? I thought they were pretty darned good.[/QUOTE]I love the environments and the 60 FPS just breathes life into them. There have been a couple times when my jaw dropped at how realistic it looked. They seriously outdid themselves with this game and it just keeps getting better.

I've finally got blocking down to a science as well and oh my god does it make things fun as shit. This game has me giggling like a schoolgirl just bobbing and weaving between enemies and tearing shit up with some wicked combos. I love the fact that even when you start getting things down, one mistake can put you in danger so you're constantly on your toes. I honestly don't think I've had this much fun with a game since Demon's Souls.

Although, I think this game is going to run a little long on me because I'm only halfway through chapter 2 (been doing every trial and finding every gem I can so far) and it's like 'wow, 10 more chapters of this is a lot'. I think maybe I need to just ignore the trials for now because they make the game feel a bit grindy. No matter how good the combat is, after a few hours it does feel like you're just grinding trash to the chapter boss. I remember reviewers complaining about this and it's true to an extent.

Oh and at least unlocking a new combo is actually worthwhile. Many of them are useful in different situations and are super powerful if used right. In God of War, I'd just spam the same combos for pretty much the entire game and it would get so boring. Castlevania at least makes you think and button mashing will get you killed super quick.
[quote name='DrMunkee']I just figured out that you can turn on health bars and the little damage numbers.

I really wished they would have made this more available in the options. You have to look under extras for it.[/QUOTE]I turned them on for about 2 minutes and it reminded me of WoW too much, so off they went. Besides, it's too distracting when you're trying to focus on the fight.

Question for you guys late in the game: does the music ever fucking change? I could swear that it's the same damn menu music over and over so far with nothing else except combat fanfare.
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[quote name='Jodou']Although, I think this game is going to run a little long on me because I'm only halfway through chapter 2 (been doing every trial and finding every gem I can so far) and it's like 'wow, 10 more chapters of this is a lot'. I think maybe I need to just ignore the trials for now because they make the game feel a bit grindy. No matter how good the combat is, after a few hours it does feel like you're just grinding trash to the chapter boss. I remember reviewers complaining about this and it's true to an extent.[/QUOTE]

Chapter 2 is by far the most time consuming in the game. I was in the same boat as you, but after chapter 2, they seem to move much, much quicker.

I just finished chapter 11 and am calling it quits for the night. All I can say is that
the titan boss at the end of chapter 11 was awesome! I loved it...
[quote name='Jodou']I love the environments and the 60 FPS just breathes life into them. There have been a couple times when my jaw dropped at how realistic it looked. They seriously outdid themselves with this game and it just keeps getting better.

I've finally got blocking down to a science as well and oh my god does it make things fun as shit. This game has me giggling like a schoolgirl just bobbing and weaving between enemies and tearing shit up with some wicked combos. I love the fact that even when you start getting things down, one mistake can put you in danger so you're constantly on your toes. I honestly don't think I've had this much fun with a game since Demon's Souls.

Although, I think this game is going to run a little long on me because I'm only halfway through chapter 2 (been doing every trial and finding every gem I can so far) and it's like 'wow, 10 more chapters of this is a lot'. I think maybe I need to just ignore the trials for now because they make the game feel a bit grindy. No matter how good the combat is, after a few hours it does feel like you're just grinding trash to the chapter boss. I remember reviewers complaining about this and it's true to an extent.

Oh and at least unlocking a new combo is actually worthwhile. Many of them are useful in different situations and are super powerful if used right. In God of War, I'd just spam the same combos for pretty much the entire game and it would get so boring. Castlevania at least makes you think and button mashing will get you killed super quick.
I turned them on for about 2 minutes and it reminded me of WoW too much, so off they went. Besides, it's too distracting when you're trying to focus on the fight.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I didn't get the blocking until near the end. I wish I would have figured it out earlier, because it makes the game so much easier. I really liked the unlocking the combos thing too. I got all of them, and there were some pretty good ones. I really liked that the good soul power can fill up your life bar when you hit enemies. That really saved my butt a few times.

Also, the game was not anywhere near 60 FPS... it was like at 30 and it dipped quite a bit. When the camera stuttered and stuff, that's the framerate slowing down... If it were 60 FPS, it would have been like Ratchet and Clank: ACIT and be totally smooth 100% of the time. It wasn't a big deal for me though, but I wish they would have been able to lock the framerate at 30 FPS.
[quote name='Jodou']

I've finally got blocking down to a science as well and oh my god does it make things fun as shit. This game has me giggling like a schoolgirl just bobbing and weaving between enemies and tearing shit up with some wicked combos. I love the fact that even when you start getting things down, one mistake can put you in danger so you're constantly on your toes. I honestly don't think I've had this much fun with a game since Demon's Souls.

For the life of me I can't figure out when to use the block because you can't block some enemies moves (no?) but when I do manage to block by some blind luck unleashing counterattacks are soooo satisfying.
All this talk about blocking. Am I going to have to learn it to beat the game? I'm playing on the hardest difficulty it lets you play on your first playthrough, and I've gotten to the end of chapter 8 with no problem using only the dodge mechanic (although I do use it a lot, so I've pretty much mastered it, even if I do have to take a couple hits from bosses while learning their move set).
[quote name='jh6269']Also, the game was not anywhere near 60 FPS... it was like at 30 and it dipped quite a bit. When the camera stuttered and stuff, that's the framerate slowing down... If it were 60 FPS, it would have been like Ratchet and Clank: ACIT and be totally smooth 100% of the time. It wasn't a big deal for me though, but I wish they would have been able to lock the framerate at 30 FPS.[/QUOTE]Maybe I'm not far enough into the game, but I can tell when a game is running at 45 FPS or higher. Certain areas definitely run smooth as hell for sure.
[quote name='DrMunkee']All this talk about blocking. Am I going to have to learn it to beat the game? I'm playing on the hardest difficulty it lets you play on your first playthrough, and I've gotten to the end of chapter 8 with no problem using only the dodge mechanic (although I do use it a lot, so I've pretty much mastered it, even if I do have to take a couple hits from bosses while learning their move set).[/QUOTE]
Quick blocking opens them up to a string of combos and instantly fills your focus after a few hits. It really, really speeds things up and makes fights a lot easier. It's like in Demon's Souls when you parry an attack with your shield and then get a chance to one shot some enemies depending on your weapon's damage.

Although, if you see a white light as they're winding up, you must react quickly and dodge because that's unblockable. It's all a matter of learning the enemies attacks really, because once you do you can dance around them easily.
[quote name='Jodou']

Quick blocking opens them up to a string of combos and instantly fills your focus after a few hits. It really, really speeds things up and makes fights a lot easier. It's like in Demon's Souls when you parry an attack with your shield and then get a chance to one shot some enemies depending on your weapon's damage.

Although, if you see a white light as they're winding up, you must react quickly and dodge because that's unblockable. It's all a matter of learning the enemies attacks really, because once you do you can dance around them easily.[/QUOTE]

Haha. Thanks. That's probably why I use the same combos over and over again (much like I did in God of War). I'm still enjoying it, but it sounds like I'll do better with learning how to block. I've literally only filled up my focus meter about 10 times (not because I get hit a lot, but because it seems to take forever while button mashing).
While I probably enjoyed the ending more than most people, the whole game felt like it was lacking something. Maybe I just went in expecting more "Metroid-vania" and less "Dante's Inferno"...but that comparison has been done to death by now, so moving on.

The cutscenes were epic, the music was superb, but the story and (sometimes) lackluster platforming turned me off big time. I can't tell you how many times my character glitched
on that big chapter 11 titan boss. I would jump to another "bone" and my character would go into what looked like a seizure, only to fall to the ground. Boo.

Ultimately, I'd say that I enjoyed the game, but I'm glad I Gamefly'ed it instead of buying it.
[quote name='bjstucker']Yea this game is leaving a bad taste in my mouth I am really disliking it.[/QUOTE]
I am not liking it as much as I thought either. Something missing. I never thought not being able to control the camera at all would bother me as much as this is. It really kills me when enemies get off screen and I go looking for them, but they hit me instead since I cant see them. And if I wait for them they never appear. Very frustrating. I think I suck too since I keep dying on normal.
I've died quite a bit on normal myself, not just button mashing either. I try to chain combos but I always get interrupted, so I'm like fine, I'll just hit and dodge, but it takes FOREVER to kill stuff that way.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']I've died quite a bit on normal myself, not just button mashing either. I try to chain combos but I always get interrupted, so I'm like fine, I'll just hit and dodge, but it takes FOREVER to kill stuff that way.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I've noticed in packs of mobs it's nearly impossible to use combos effectively because you're constantly having to either dodge or quick block. Pisses me off because you spend the exp upgrading combos and rarely get to use some of them because you get interrupted. Against bosses I find myself just using the combo of hold square, then tap square x9 because it's easy to start and has long reach.

This game keeps getting better and better; loving the art direction and if ever there were a spiritual successor to SotC, this is it. I don't mind that it borrows a lot from other games, because it does so uniquely and well. It has its issues, but nothing that overshadows the experience. If RDR hadn't come out this year, I'd easily see Castlevania being my GOTY.
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, I've noticed in packs of mobs it's nearly impossible to use combos effectively because you're constantly having to either dodge or quick block. Pisses me off because you spend the exp upgrading combos and rarely get to use some of them because you get interrupted. Against bosses I find myself just using the combo of hold square, then tap square x9 because it's easy to start and has long reach.

This game keeps getting better and better; loving the art direction and if ever there were a spiritual successor to SotC, this is it. I don't mind that it borrows a lot from other games, because it does so uniquely and well. It has its issues, but nothing that overshadows the experience. If RDR hadn't come out this year, I'd easily see Castlevania being my GOTY.[/QUOTE]

When you have mobs of little guys to medium guys, use the R2 (I think that's it) grab on them. You'll kill them in one hit, and nobody can attack you or interrupt you.
[quote name='jh6269']When you have mobs of little guys to medium guys, use the R2 (I think that's it) grab on them. You'll kill them in one hit, and nobody can attack you or interrupt you.[/QUOTE]
I know, but it feels so cheap lol. I'd prefer to at least use some clutch dodging to just cheesing it.
bread's done