Catan and Centipede/Millipede this week

whats the game speed like in catan?

i like to play catan fast. slow bots or slow animations woudl be extremely frustrating for me. same thing with that poker live arcade game. so slow.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']this is the only XBL game I can reccomend for a blind buy. I now wish XBLA had more crap like this.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. It's a nice contrast to all those frantic FPS sessions for me.

Is anyone else having trouble connecting to live games? It keeps dropping connection on me right before launch.

Anyway - feel free to add "Laser Horse" for late night or midday matches.
[quote name='amicus']whats the game speed like in catan?

i like to play catan fast. slow bots or slow animations woudl be extremely frustrating for me. same thing with that poker live arcade game. so slow.[/QUOTE]

The game offers a few options to speed things up:
-skip trading during opponents turns
-play to 7 instead of 10 points to win.
-fast start mode that lays down some houses/roads automatically

-something else I don't remember

-I like bullett points

-I mean bullet points
Wow, Centipede went all Geometry Wars on me. That's crazy. Not sure it's worth my $5, though. I'd like to see Galaga get the same "evolved" makeover.
[quote name='thrustbucket']It will keep up for a while. And it has nothing to do with Canessa being gone, it would have happened anyway.[/QUOTE]
What do you base that on? Obviously the wheels for some things were set in motion before he "left," but there's no way in hell that the constant stream of games since a month after Canessa left was all his doing.
[quote name='DCriminal']Catan is freaking awesome. I can't recommend this game enough.[/QUOTE]

I downloaded the demo this morning, was late for work, and now it's all I can think about. I'll be buying it when I get home today.
I'm loving Catan. It's one of those games that is fairly straighforward but the more you play you will begin to see how deep it is. The pacing is perfect, it's not at all too slow IMO. I agree that the slowness ruined the poker game, and also playing Worms against the computer for that matter, but the computer opponents in Catan make their moves and decisions quickly so there is very little waiting around for them. I'm very impressed with the AI in general (aside from the embarassingly simple Easy difficulty).

Everything about it is extremely well done. One of the VERY few XBLA games I have zero complaints about how much better it could have been. The interface takes a little getting used to with all the trigger combos to bring up different status screens, but once you get used to it there is a lot of really interesting info you have access to. Foe example there is a chart of all dice rolls which includes a comparison of how much each number has been rolled in relation to how often it SHOULD be rolled statisticlaly - how cool is that?

Well worth $10, I would have probably payed double that for a product of this quality.
Alright what the fuck.

Now I've never played Catan before until this. I've played through the walkthrough, and overall I understand.

Now here's what I'm pissed off about. When you get a development card and you get..(i forget what its called)..the one where it gives you 1 victory point automatically. It comes right up. Well how come with the CPU they don't show it until the very end when they need the points and all of a sudden win?!

I don't understand and that's really pissing me off!!!

fuck Cleopatra and Lincon and everyone else :(
well the rules of the game are ur allowed to keep ur victory points hidden until you wait to show them.

do you know if the extra point shows up to the other players? or maybe just to yourself.

i wonder if i should buy this. i already own the board game twice, and both expansions. and i can play onlien for free anyways.

but maybe for some achievements....
Whenever I draw that card, it gives me that 1 point automatically.

Not for the CPU, they have the cards sit there and you never know what they'll use..and all of a sudden when they reach like 8 points or so, they just start piling up them points! its really aggravating!
[quote name='lilboo']Whenever I draw that card, it gives me that 1 point automatically.

Not for the CPU, they have the cards sit there and you never know what they'll use..and all of a sudden when they reach like 8 points or so, they just start piling up them points! its really aggravating![/QUOTE]

It's not aggrivating, you just have to understand how the CPU wants to inform you.

Part of the strategy is to hide your plans and hide your points... the points you have are what you know, but if your opponent has a point card you won't know until the end. It's sort of an ace up your sleeve type of thing that makes the game exciting.
Well when WE get the card, it's shown automatically. But they get to hide their cards and surprise us with a "hahaha u lost" at the end??
I don't see how that's exciting, but hey ::shrugs::
wow centipede/millipede is so boring...and Catan...well, I'm too lazy to read the tutorial and learn how to play another board game =/
[quote name='Spades22']wow centipede/millipede is so boring...and Catan...well, I'm too lazy to read the tutorial and learn how to play another board game =/[/QUOTE]
Off your Ritalin?
[quote name='lilboo']Well when WE get the card, it's shown automatically. But they get to hide their cards and surprise us with a "hahaha u lost" at the end??
I don't see how that's exciting, but hey ::shrugs::[/quote]

It's hidden for everyone. The other players don't know what you have either if you're holding one of those cards. If you see someone holding onto a card for a while, there's a good chance it's a victory card and might as well assume they will win the game if they get 9 points. I don't see what the big deal is that you don't know what it is. It's just the way the game is played.
[quote name='delirium266']It's hidden for everyone. The other players don't know what you have either if you're holding one of those cards. If you see someone holding onto a card for a while, there's a good chance it's a victory card and might as well assume they will win the game if they get 9 points. I don't see what the big deal is that you don't know what it is. It's just the way the game is played.[/QUOTE]

When you get a development card, and it's a victory point card.. the point is automatically given to you. You don't get to hold onto it then use it later. It's what they do, and that's what I don't understand..and I don't think anyone is understanding what I mean lol
[quote name='lilboo']?
When you get a development card, and it's a victory point card.. the point is automatically given to you. You don't get to hold onto it then use it later. It's what they do, and that's what I don't understand..and I don't think anyone is understanding what I mean lol[/QUOTE]

when it gets added, look at the cards you are holding. the point card is still there, so in the game's theory, nobody else knows you got it.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']If any CAGs want to play some Catan in the near future, add me.

Also, is it pronounced Catan rhyming with 'man' or rhyming with 'baton'?[/QUOTE]

I read it like baton.
[quote name='sidochrome']While I didn't plan on picking up Catan, the generous demo is rather enticing.

Is Carcassoine very different to Catan, and as such, worth holding out for over and above Catan? I'd never played either board game, and I'm curious.[/QUOTE]

I like Caracassone a lot better, but both are good games.

The outcome in Catan is more based on luck, because of dice and card draws, which is why I don't like it as much.

Caracassone is a tile laying game. You have a big stack of face down tiles, and each person takes a turn picking and placing one. They have to match certain things on the tiles with what's laid out, and then players can place little guys on the tiles for points, and try to grow the points with more tiles.

If you have an extra $20, go buy Caracassone: Hunters and Gatherers and play it with your friends. Lots of fun.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']If any CAGs want to play some Catan in the near future, add me.

Also, is it pronounced Catan rhyming with 'man' or rhyming with 'baton'?[/quote]

I'm adding you. Not a single person on my damn friends list is playing this.
Jesus, I don't know what happened since last night but the computer went from me steamrolling them/accepting trades to kicking my ass/never trading.

I swear the dice are rigged.
[quote name='Sporadic']Jesus, I don't know what happened since last night but the computer went from me steamrolling them/accepting trades to kicking my ass/never trading.

I swear the dice are rigged.[/QUOTE]

did you raise the difficulty? the computer is ridiculously easy to trade with on easy, but on medium they will be smarter about it. if you're close to winning they will shut you down completely
I decided to buy Catan on a blind buy, overall I'm happy. Thanks to the free points from gaminglagoon I wasn't too worried, but I'm having fund with the game. Add me to your list so we can play!
Catan is a ton of fun for a lite strategy game. I'm happy with my investment, I just wish they made the dice and text easier to see.
[quote name='Sporadic']Jesus, I don't know what happened since last night but the computer went from me steamrolling them/accepting trades to kicking my ass/never trading.[/QUOTE]
They play harder the more points you have, even on the easy levels. Once you get to 8 they basically won't trade with you since you could win with one build.
[quote name='Damian']They play harder the more points you have, even on the easy levels. Once you get to 8 they basically won't trade with you since you could win with one build.[/QUOTE]

No, I mean they won't trade with me right out the gate even on Moderate. Whenever I try to make a trade offer they all say that "i'm not trading with you now" thing.
[quote name='Sporadic']No, I mean they won't trade with me right out the gate even on Moderate. Whenever I try to make a trade offer they all say that "i'm not trading with you now" thing.[/quote]

A lot of times you have to give them the trades they want. This helps your credibility with them, I've noticed.
the ranked games are boring. nobody ever talks in the microphone and really it makes a difference. i just today played a game with friends using the mic for the first time and the game flows much better when you actually communicate.
The Catan demo is awesome. as soon as I get my free points, it's mine.
The game is okay, but I'm not that much of a multiplayer player. Right now I'm on the fence but I dont think I'm going over. Is there singleplayer story mode in the full version to keep you going? or are they all essentially "skirmish" games.
Lots of fun. I've been playing pretty much nonstop for the past couple days. I was pretty awful at first, but am starting to get the hang of it.
[quote name='fathamburger']The game is okay, but I'm not that much of a multiplayer player. Right now I'm on the fence but I dont think I'm going over. Is there singleplayer story mode in the full version to keep you going? or are they all essentially "skirmish" games.[/QUOTE]

How many board games have a single player story mode?

This game was meant to be a direct replica of the board game. That's all you need to know. If you don't like playing with people, don't buy it.
You'd be surprised, doesnt have to be much but something to give you a structure to play through multiple games. It's trivial to create a sense of progression i.e. one on one, revenge fight I'm bringing in my buddy Stalin, 2 on 1 etc. IMO the game isnt taking advantage of video gaming's strengths by being exactly like the board game.

There also have been computer/video games that could have easily been executed as a board game but added things like campaign or additional multiplayer modes to take advantage of the medium. Shit I wish I could remmeber some off the top of my head, but I've definitely played a fair share to notice when this omission in Catan sticks out so much.

I'll pick it up if any of my friends decide to, but playing with random strangers? forget it.
Single player campaigns take a decent amount of work and money to create. I think you'd be hard pressed to say you're not getting $10 worth from Catan in its current state. Maybe they will release something like that down the line as additional content, but it isn't the type of game most people are going to play for that kind of thing.
[quote name='fathamburger']You'd be surprised, doesnt have to be much but something to give you a structure to play through multiple games. It's trivial to create a sense of progression i.e. one on one, revenge fight I'm bringing in my buddy Stalin, 2 on 1 etc. IMO the game isnt taking advantage of video gaming's strengths by being exactly like the board game.[/QUOTE]

That would be retarded.

Thank god they decided to focus on the multiplayer/A.I instead of something dumb like that.
I love the game, add me or send an invite and I'll play online. Didn't get the other two games but hey I don't need another live arcade game. Anyone have Pinball FX add me or send invite, love that game online too.
[quote name='Sporadic']That would be retarded.

Thank god they decided to focus on the multiplayer/A.I instead of something dumb like that.[/quote]

Thank god these things aren't mutually exclusive.
bread's done