Children of Men (INCREDIBLY GOOD)

Vampire Hunter D

One of the best movies of the decade by far. From the mind-blowing cinematography and beautiful effects, costumes and set design, to the superb acting and brilliant direction, Children of Men deserves the oscar more than any other film this year (with The Departed in a close second, IMHO). Everyone here HAS to see this and tell EVERYONE else to see it aswell. I have no idea why this movie had such a rough time getting released (I think it filmed in the end of 04.) and is getting a January reject slot but dont let that fool you. Its an amazing film that let me extremely satisfied when i left the theater. And i hope that many of you feel the same way i do after you see it. When i get another chance to get to the theater and see it again im totally jumping on it.
I've been meaning to see it since Christmas, but haven't had a chance.

(Not even sure if it's in local theatres, actually.)
I saw this movie about a month ago, and I thought that it was decent. I'm definately not as enthusiastic about it as the OP, however.

It was slow at points, and a few things weren't too believable. Definately an interesting movie, but I'm not going to go out of my way to see it again.
It's playing at probably the most ghetto, trashy, POS theatre in my area. I have to drive like 30 mins. to see this. Better be good.
i saw it a few weeks ago at a private theater. it's pretty damn good especially the fight scenes between the British soldiers and people of the uprising. Hopefully our world won't be that fucked in ~24years...
The movie itself is extremely well made production wise, but I thought the script could've used a lot more work. The ending was kind of a let down to me, its been done too many times and didn't really have any "umph" to it. A ton of intense crap goes on then the end is just "oh ok.".

Anyways, I loved it for the feel/look of it.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Save me $10 and hour ride, whats the ending?[/quote]


anyways i hope to see this movie soon, it looks damn good
The movie was great. I saw it today. Very intense, kinda scary because you don't know if a character will get randomly shot and die, or if one of hte peaceful parts ends up with a person with a bullet to the head. The part where
the baby is being carried out, and al the soldiers are looking at it, that part, for some reason, almost, almost, made me cry, and I never fucking cry at movies.
Me and my friend saw it this afternoon. We both thought it was good, but could have been better. We both thought the ending could have been better also. I wouldn't say it was better than the departed, but I would definitly recommend it.
Anybody else get the whole Half-Life 2 vibe while watching this movie? Alfonso Cuaron needs to do the Half-Life movie now....
Fantastic movie. One of the best I've seen in the theater in quite a while. Everybody should go out and see it. What a great way to start the year. :D
Saw this over here in Japan about a month ago. Really had no idea what to expect. The trailer over here (Japan) really did not stress how BRUTAL the movie is, and I was blown away.

Awesome, awesome flick.

I recommended it to several people when I went back to the States for the holidays, and NO ONE had even heard of it. I was so bummed. Definitely a must see, but quite disturbing and probably not suitable for all viewers.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Snape Kills Dumbledore[/QUOTE]

noooooo you bitch! you biiiiiiitch!! (from that drive by spoiling video ;) )
Yeah! Alll the while, I just had this feeling that this was a vidoe game; an awesome video game. I felt it was like HL2 and maybe a little resistance
The trailor looks amazing. Has anyone read the book it's based on?

*What's for the "what's a book?" replies.*

And it came in second for Friday if you you go buy average at the ammount of theaters it's playing at. It's only playing at 1,200ish theaters and thats consided "wide" even through that dumb Museum movie is playing at almost 4,000 theaters.
It was... alright. I was expecting it to be better and it was kind of slow. Didn't really enjoy the ending all that much. Don't regret seeing it though.
It was good, but I enjoyed The Departed much more.

I watched Pirates 2 last weekend, that was fucking HIlarious.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']ok since you wont tell me the ending, for the $10 entrance fee do I at least see some boobies?[/QUOTE]

For about 2.5 seconds you do.
Fantastic movie.

Some people at my theater actually booed when it was over.

By the way, Idiocracy comes out this Tuesday.
[quote name='dastly75']Anybody else get the whole Half-Life 2 vibe while watching this movie? Alfonso Cuaron needs to do the Half-Life movie now....[/QUOTE]

The camera work felt more like Gears of War.
[quote name='dastly75']Anybody else get the whole Half-Life 2 vibe while watching this movie? Alfonso Cuaron needs to do the Half-Life movie now....[/quote]

No one got shot in the head with a toilet.

Although, I did like that action bit towards the end where the one camera followed him for about 5 minutes strait. That had to have been hard as hell to do in one shot.
Yeah my douche brother first thing he says after we leave the theater was" That was so lame" Oh really? Well thats Coming from someone who really liked The Covenant.
Great movie. The camera work alone makes it worth while. There is a lot of symbolism and the movie alludes to many world events (i.e. homeland security, treatment of immigrants ...etc).
[quote name='Kayden']No one got shot in the head with a toilet.

Although, I did like that action bit towards the end where the one camera followed him for about 5 minutes strait. That had to have been hard as hell to do in one shot.[/QUOTE]

You know, I would like to see a lot more movies use single shots. Actors don't really act these days, they just get spliced together.
saw this on was pretty amazing in both its storytelling and its cinematography...i would like to see a follow up
I love it..but i did not like the ending at all. I dont like cut off endings (where its just a scene then goes to black) i think thats lazy directing.

Any time of closure would have been could have still kept the ooooo whats going to happen feel. But i hate when movies just cut off like that.
I actually liked the ending. If they hadn't cut it off like that, they would have had to show what happened to
Key after she made it to the Human Project
I do think that they should have explained just why everyone was
infertile and why Key was able to have a child
. But that would have made the movie longer and requires that they do what I mentioned previously.
[quote name='LiquidNight']I actually liked the ending. If they hadn't cut it off like that, they would have had to show what happened to
Key after she made it to the Human Project
I do think that they should have explained just why everyone was
infertile and why Key was able to have a child
. But that would have made the movie longer and requires that they do what I mentioned previously.[/quote]

But the whole point was nobody knew either.
[quote name='kmartbum001']i saw it a few weeks ago at a private theater. it's pretty damn good especially the fight scenes between the British soldiers and people of the uprising. Hopefully our world won't be that fucked in ~24years...[/QUOTE]

Well I guess you didn't see how people reacted during the PS3 launch...
bread's done