Choose the stories to be covered in CAGcast #87

I think you should mention how Gamespot keeps giving alot of popular games low review scores. For example they just gave bioshock a 9.0. Where everywhere else it was getting perfect scores. Come to think of it they also gave Twilight Princess an 8.8 where it was getting mid 9's everywhere else.

Do you think they are doing this to just kind of shamlessly promote themselves or do you think Jeff Gerstmann(The guy giving all these low review scores) is so burned out on games that he does not see a gem when there is one.

Also I would like to mention that the only flaws in the 360 review were flaws that dieing systems are facing such is skipping and dirty disc error. (Which he took points off for both) Do you think reviewers are going out of their ways to try and find trivial things to mark games down for?
Hi-def Wars!

And michael bay is an idiot!

And about gamespot..9.0 is not really a low score.. Would them giving it a 9.5 change your opinion about the game...?

European 360s get new names and new colours?

Elite stays the same as the US. The Premium is now the "Pro" pack and is believed to have a new silver finish. Finally, the Core is to be renamed "waste of money". Oh wait, sorry, I meant "Just Play" and include a 256Mb memory card, wireless controller and 5 free arcade games.

This was apparently announced at a Belgian press presentation.
Any new circuit city info you can share?

Seriously, I bought a ps3 the week before the price cut. Why Circuit City? Because of Speedy leaked ad that confirmed the 100 dollar price cut and Circuit city policy of doing a price adjustment within 30 days if a unit falls in price you can get the difference back. Plus that was the only ad that seemed to confirm a price cut and I wanted to make sure I beat any type of rush there might be. So I wasnt going to best buy or another competitor because I knew the leaked ad would be correct. Without that ad leaking I would have bought my console from Best Buy or another competing store after the official price cut had occured. Circuit city should stand up to Sony. Sony needs the retailers way more then they need them in my opinion.
[quote name='guyver2077']Hi-def Wars!

And michael bay is an idiot!

And about gamespot..9.0 is not really a low score.. Would them giving it a 9.5 change your opinion about the game...?[/QUOTE

Its a review, a 9 out of 10 is a great store. And Michael bay is not an idiot. Paramount is stupid for accepting the 150 million dollars from HD DVD consortium. Blu rays outsell HD DVD 2 to 1, and yet paramount decides to be a total sell out company and go exclusive to HD DVD, just wait till Blu ray buy exclusivity for WB. Im at least glad I have both the HD DVD add on for 360 and the ps3, but i wish one would win out so the disc prices could fall.

I liked the transformers movie, and thanks to paramount the sequel will suck because Michael Bay will have nothing to do with the studio.
Oh wait, I thought of some more:

PSP TV (PSP Downloads)

Is it just me or does it seem like Sony isn't focusing enough on games? Ok, I understand that Sony, like many companies, wants to make that central family entertainment hub/all-in-one/one-stop-shop device (or family of devices), but does anyone think that all this additional functionality is going to pull in a larger market a la the Wii is doing with it's casual games for non-gamers/waggle novelty?

And by the way, is it starting to seem like the only remaining "game" console is really the Wii? Ironically, the system with the least amount of traditional, "core" games is the only system that's really concentrating on games.
bread's done